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This paper presents an approach based on dynamic optimal power flow (DOPF) to clear both energy and spinning reserve day-ahead markets. A competitive environment is assumed, where agents can offer active power for both demand supply and ancillary services. The DOPF jointly determines the optimal solutions for both energy dispatch and reserve allocation. A non-linear representation for the electrical network is employed, which is able to take transmission losses and power flow limits into account. An attractive feature of the proposed approach is that the final optimal solution will automatically meet physical constraints such as generating limits and ramp rate restrictions. In addition, the proposed framework allows the definition of multiple zones in the network for each time interval, in order to ensure a more adequate distribution of reserves throughout the power system.  相似文献   

Competitive bidding for ancillary services (A/S), in addition to bidding for energy, is increasingly recognized as an important part of electricity markets. In this paper, an LP-based approach is presented for solving the multi-product (i.e. energy and A/S products), multi-zone/area physical market dispatch problem. The approach can explicitly represent various constraints, such as reserve requirement constraints, network security limits, and sharing of constrained resource capacity (e.g. maximum unit generation) between energy and reserve. The joint dispatch method, which dispatches energy and reserve market concurrently, is extended to allow inter-zonal reserve trading in a multi-zone competitive pool. Numerical examples are included to demonstrate the salient characteristics of the joint dispatch solution  相似文献   

辅助服务是电力市场环境下系统稳定运行的重要保证。随着电力市场的不断发展,辅助服务的获取及其定价问题将成为一个具有实际意义的重要研究课题。针对这一领域进行了调查研究,介绍了世界各国电力市场中辅助服务的实现方式和特点,并对辅助服务市场的机制和定价等重要问题加以讨论。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new framework for the valuation of small signal stability as an ancillary service through Power System Stabilizers (PSSs). PSSs can improve small signal stability and simultaneously reduce the generation costs in a competitive market. This saving could be treated as a source to compensate the service provided by PSSs. This paper proposes an allocation approach to compensate the PSSs, proportional to their effectiveness in overall system small signal behavior. NSGA-II approach is used to solve the resulting multi objective optimization problem. A test system is used to represent the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze three formulations developed to facilitate participation of demand response resource Type-1 in the Midwest ISO's co-optimized energy and ancillary service market. While these three formulations appear similar on the surface, careful analysis will show that they can have different impacts on clearing and pricing outcomes. Based on this analysis, the formulation that can maintain reserve product priority and reserve clearing price order is selected and implemented in the Midwest ISO Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) and Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) market clearing processes. A 5-bus system is used to illustrate the features of each approach. This paper focuses on SCED formulations. The impact from the discussed formulations on SCUC should be similar.  相似文献   

张兴平    党小璐   《热力发电》2022,51(10):10-18
现有技术条件下,存量燃煤机组的合理运行不仅是新型电力系统的安全保障,也可为高比例可再生能源接入电力系统提供足够的系统灵活性。从系统角度出发,以整体经济性最优为目标,构建燃煤机组参与电能市场和调峰辅助服务市场的两阶段优化模型。考虑不同燃煤机组的技术特性,设计了多种方案对不同深度调峰方案下系统的经济效益与环境效益进行了比较分析。算例结果表明:燃煤机组深度调峰能够促进可再生能源消纳并减少发电侧的碳排放,但不同调峰深度下燃煤机组总收益差异显著,部分机组适合深度调峰且存在最优调峰区间。基于此,电力市场的机制设计应该考虑机组的技术特性,有利于优化燃煤机组运行效率并支撑高比例可再生能源电力接入电力系统。  相似文献   

电力市场环境下考虑系统可靠性的备用调度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
电力系统的可靠性与备用辅助服务紧密相关,旋转备用是备用辅助服务的重要组成部分。以旋转备用的需求为例,以系统旋转备用的社会效益最大来确定最优备用容量。在竞价出清的模型中加入了可靠性约束,使得备用容量在满足安全性要求的基础上达到了最优的经济性。文中采用启发式算法求解,给出了算例及结果,而且还分析了对可靠性水平影响的一些因素。  相似文献   

Many countries around the world have changed the economics of their electricity markets from monopolies to oligopolies in an effort to increase competition. The restructured electricity markets have introduced risk and uncertainty into a sector of the economy that was traditionally state-owned. Suppliers and customers use financial methods to manage the risk from market prices. The maximization of profit for power companies is highly associated with the bidding strategies. In order to maximize the profit, participants need suitable bidding models. In an open access electricity market, the bidding problem is a complicated task because of producer’s uncertain behaviors and demand fluctuation. Therefore, developing bidding strategy is extremely important for electricity market participants to achieve the maximum profit. This paper analyses a comprehensive literature on the state of the art research of bidding strategies in restructured electric power market.  相似文献   

提出了适用于区域电力市场的AGC需求分析方法,阐述了分析思路,介绍了基本算法.通过基于足量历史数据的实证计算,对区域电力市场条件下优化AGC调节资源配置的有功控制模式作出了基本判断.  相似文献   

电力系统的可靠性与备用辅助服务紧密相关,旋转备用是备用辅助服务的重要组成部分.以旋转备用的需求为例,以系统旋转备用的社会效益最大来确定最优备用容量.在竞价出清的模型中加入了可靠性约束,使得备用容量在满足安全性要求的基础上达到了最优的经济性.文中采用启发式算法求解,给出了算例及结果,而且还分析了对可靠性水平影响的一些因素.  相似文献   

一种微电网备用发电辅助服务市场出清模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
辅助服务市场作为电力市场的一项重要内容,对于以经济手段实现微电网内部资源优化利用起到重要作用。首先分析了微电网辅助服务市场主体和服务类型,然后借鉴在线报价机制设计了一种以用户需求为驱动的备用发电辅助服务市场出清方式。该出清模型以微电网中用户购买备用服务的总支出最小为目标,综合考虑可控分布式电源、储能和可控负荷的备用服务能力。最后,通过算例仿真验证了所提出清方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a coordinated fuzzy constrained optimal power dispatch (CFCOPD) algorithm for bilateral contract, balancing electricity, and ancillary services markets. The CFCOPD problem is decomposed into social welfare fuzzy maximization subproblem, which is solved by mixed-integer fuzzy linear programming (MIFLP), and combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss fuzzy minimization subproblem, which is solved by fuzzy linear programming (FLP). The proposed CFCOPD algorithm is tested on the modified IEEE 30-bus system and the Thai power 424-bus system. The dispatch results show that the social welfare of the fuzzy constrained competitive electricity and ancillary services price (CEASP) scheme with bilateral contract curtailment bids is higher than those of competitive electricity price (CEP) scheme and CEASP scheme with and without bilateral contract curtailment bids, leading to a lower average electricity price.  相似文献   

计及负所得电量的并网辅助服务优化激励模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于成本和电量之间的函数关系提出辅助服务管理中负所得电量的概念及其补偿方法.针对现行并网电厂辅助服务补偿不足的问题,采用激励相容理论表述发电量预期并利用负所得电量进行补偿,进一步根据补偿电量与变动成本之间变化趋势定义弹性指标,精细化评价了辅助服务供应对电厂的影响,并在此基础上通过Pareto寻优引导节能高效的安全性运营...  相似文献   

为了发挥微网电力市场的活力,实现清洁能源的优化配置,在区块链支持下,针对微网电力市场的调度优化进行了研究。基于微网市场和区块链相似的网络拓扑结构,构建了基于区块链的微网市场总体框架。通过区块链管理平台获取数据信息,结合模型预测控制(MPC)方法,对微网市场调度运行进行优化。以IEEE 33节点系统为算例进行分析,结果验证了区块链支持下的微网交易模型的有效性,表明通过区块链管理平台结合MPC进行优化调度,增强了微网市场的鲁棒性,提高了电力交易过程中负荷功率预测的准确性以及能源利用率。  相似文献   

The application of the genetic algorithm to solve the optimal power dispatch problem for a multi-node auction market is proposed in this paper. The optimal power dispatch problem is a non-linear optimisation problem with several constraints. The objective of the proposed genetic algorithm is to maximise the total participants’ benefit at all nodes in the system. The proposed algorithm is simple to implement and can easily incorporate additional constraints. The algorithm was tested on a 17-node, 26-line system. The results have shown that the proposed algorithm yields good results that are consistent with typical market behaviour.  相似文献   

我国新一轮电力体制改革稳步推进,成效显著。辅助服务市场与现货市场的协调运行方式已成为下一阶段现货市场试点建设的关键问题之一。风电、光伏等多种类型的发电资源共同参与电力市场竞争,已成为我国电力市场发展的必然趋势。为此,提出了多能源参与的电力现货与辅助服务市场的联合运行方式,构建了现货与辅助服务市场的联合优化出清模型,包含了常规火电机组、水电机组、风电、光伏等新能源机组共同参与市场竞争,考虑了机组运行与电网运行的各类安全约束条件。在此基础上,构建了算例验证所提出的联合优化模型的正确性与有效性,分析了主辅市场联合运行的出清结果与效益。  相似文献   

基于AGC辅助服务自身的特点,从电厂侧和调度侧两方面研究了AGC成本.其中电厂侧的成本包括投资成本、运行成本、维护成本、调度成本和机会成本;而调度侧的成本有设备投资及维护成本、控制成本与校正成本.给出了电厂侧投资成本的两种量化方法,考虑了变工况运行对维护成本的影响,提出了调度成本的量化公式,分析了机会成本的多种计算思路.调度侧除了考虑了调度主站及主站与电厂之间的设备固定成本,还从系统整体协调控制的角度分析了易被忽略的控制成本,给出了校正成本的计算方式.最后就降低AGC成本的途径总结了若干可行性建议.  相似文献   

新型电力系统背景下,大量的分布式新能源接入,具备自主决策能力的产消者群体成为参与调峰辅助服务市场的新型主体。首先,考虑产消者辖内的各类弹性资源特性,提出产消者参与调峰辅助服务市场的决策模型。其次,基于产消者的趋利特性与不同产消者对经济收益的差异化心理,引入对中标概率的敏感因子,提出产消者最优报价模型。最后,以系统总调度成本最低为目标提出市场出清模型。算例表明,所提出的模型不仅有利于缓解系统调峰压力,还具有减小线路负载压力、改善节点电压的效果。  相似文献   

我国的可调节负荷资源参与电力辅助服务市场正在快速推进,市场交易规则的出台是试点应用、落地推广的重要导向。立足于我国可调节负荷资源参与电力辅助服务市场规则的发展情况,从交易规则的编制思路和交易品种、市场主体定义、准入条件和技术要求、市场交易组织和竞价、典型交易模式的组织流程、资金来源和分摊等方面进行对比分析,总结大规模可调节负荷参与电力辅助服务市场面临的挑战和关键技术,为后续省份编制和出台相关规则提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

在竞争性的电力市场环境下,为了获得最大化的社会利润,提出了基于竞价机制的动态经济调度模型,该模型综合考虑了发电机组的爬坡约束、输电线路的容量约束和污染气体排放量的约束。针对该模型,提出了一种新的求解方法:粒子群优化算法(PSO)。算例的结果表明,PSO算法能够有效地得到一个高性能的优化调度结果  相似文献   

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