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利用下沉的艾维因公鸡,应用Sibbald“TME”方法,测定了湖北省内热处理程度不同的花生粕、棉籽粕和菜籽粕(饼)的氨基酸真利用率。研究结果表明:适当的加工处理对于提高饼粕类饲料的氨基酸利用率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

茵丝蛋白粉可做为新型饲料资源,通过营养成分分析,Wistar纯系大白鼠急性毒性试验和蛋鸡饲喂试验,证明了茵丝蛋白粉可做为品质优于豆饼的新型饲料。  相似文献   

本文论述提高猪对饲料养分利用率的主要营养学措施。按照理想蛋白模式,采用可消化氨基酸及有效磷等指标,设计不同性别、年龄及基因型猪的日粮,使供需达到精确平衡,并正确选用酶制剂、酸化剂、微量元素添加剂、抗生素及益生素等,可有效提高饲料利用率,大大减少排泄物对环境的污染。  相似文献   

粮食饲料资源霉菌毒素检测技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
真菌毒素(Mycotoxin)是一类由真菌产生的毒性次代谢产物,它广泛污染农作物、食品及饲料等植物性产品,并最终影响到人们的食物消费安全.真菌毒素的检测和控制在食品安全体系尤其对于谷物饲料安全具有重要的地位.本文介绍了谷物饲料中真菌毒素的分析技术,这些技术在许多标准方法中已经被采用,由此形成的分析方法从实用性角度被分为快速检测方法和确证方法,并在食品分析中得到了广泛使用.同时,本文也对真菌毒素分析领域中一些需要改进的方面和将来的需求趋势做了简要的介绍.  相似文献   

粮食类饲料资源真菌毒素防制技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真菌毒素是一类有毒次级代谢物,对人畜健康有严重的影响,粮食饲料中一旦发生真菌毒素的污染,将对畜牧产品造成极大的经济损失.本文介绍了粮食饲料中真菌毒素的危害,并给出了可能的预防和控制措施.在真菌毒素控制方法中,根据它们降解毒素的不同原理,分成物理、化学、生物方法分别做了介绍.这些预防措施已经在一些领域使用.  相似文献   

我国饲料工业应加强氨基酸有效率与氨基酸平衡的研究陕西省农科院科研处(712100)孙新平饲料中蛋白质的营养价值不仅取决于其氨基酸的含量,而目.还取决于所含氨基酸的生物学有效率以及氨基酸之间的平衡关系,国外先进的饲料厂和国内一些大型、合资饲料企业对这两...  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the methodological aspects of extrapolating the ileal losses of endogenous amino acids (AA) with linear relationships between the distal ileal outputs and dietary inputs of AA. Six barrows, average initial body weight 35 kg, were fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum and fed six diets according to a 6×6 Latin square design. Six maize starch-based diets containing six levels of crude protein (CP) and AA from soya bean meal (4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24% CP, respectively) were formulated. Chromic oxide (4 g kg-1 diet) was included as the digestibility marker. Each experimental period consisted of 8 days. Ileal digesta were collected, at 2 h intervals, for a total of 24 h during days 7 and 8. There were strong linear relationships (P<0·01) between the ileal outputs and dietary inputs of AA. Differences in ranges of graded dietary levels of AA affected the linearity and caused large differences in the extrapolated levels of ileal endogenous AA. Therefore, the design of a suitable range of graded dietary levels of AA is the most important methodological consideration for the determination of endogenous AA losses and the true ileal digestibility values of AA with the linear relationship. For CP and the essential AA, the true ileal digestibility values (%) in soya bean meal and the ileal endogenous losses (g kg-1 dry matter intake, in parentheses) were as follows: CP, 89·4 (16·4); arginine, 96·1 (0·68); histidine, 92·4 (0·24); isoleucine, 91·7 (0·45); leucine, 90·7 (0·69); lysine, 90·5 (0·48); methionine, 93·6 (0·13); phenyl-alanine, 92·5 (0·38); threonine, 86·5 (0·71) and valine, 90·3 (0·56). Furthermore, the levels of endogenous AA extrapolated with the linear relationships between the ileal outputs and dietary inputs of AA were very close to the values estimated with the linear relationships between the dietary contents of apparent ileal digestible and total AA, suggesting that both models of linear relationships can be used as the regression analysis technique for determination of ileal losses of endogenous AA and true ileal digestibility values of AA in feedstuffs for pigs. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

48只平均体重约28 kg的杜×长×大三元杂交生长猪被分为4个组(A、B、C、D组),每组设3个重复,用氨基酸微量元素螯合物分别替代各组日粮中0%、25%、50%和75%的相应的无机微量元素饲喂56 d.结果表明:B组平均日增重和料重比显著高于A组(P<0.05);A组日粮干物质消化率显著低于B组(P<0.05);各组血清中微量元素铁、锌、铜、锰含量差异不显著(P<0.05);B、C、D组粪中铁、锌、铜含量均显著低于A组(P<0.05).  相似文献   

在4个处理组日粮中分别添加0%、3%、6%鲁梅克斯K-1草粉和“6%鲁梅克斯K-1草粉 0.15%纤维素酶”的玉米-豆粕型日粮;在试验结束前的最后10 d,给猪饲喂含Cr2O3(0.25%)的日粮。结果表明,随着日粮中鲁梅克斯K-1草粉添加水平的增加,日粮中干物质消化率和钙利用率呈线性降低(P<0.05);生长猪前2周日增重呈线性降低(P<0.05),但后2周没有受到日粮中鲁梅克斯K-1草粉添加量的影响(P>0.10)。6%的鲁梅克斯K-1草粉日粮中添加0.15%的纤维素酶,能提高日粮中干物质、有机物、总能和酸性洗涤纤维的消化率(P<0.05);能提高生长猪前2周日增重(P<0.05),但对后2周的日增重、采食量均没有改善作用(P>0.10)。  相似文献   

用精确饲喂技术评价了 3个品种的中国双低油菜和 1个加拿大卡诺拉的脱脂种籽和商品饼粕的能量和氨基酸的有效性。结果表明 ,4个脱脂种籽的氮校正真代谢能和氨基酸真消化率没有差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;而 4个商品饼粕的脱脂样品的氮校正真代谢能和氨基酸真消化率有极显著或显著差异。研究结果证实 ,不适当的加工方式不仅降低了氨基酸的有效性 ,而且影响家禽对能量的利用效率。  相似文献   

Three experiments, the first with rats, the second with young pigs and the third with growing pigs, were carried out to compare the nutritional value of cv Lysimax, a newly developed high-lysine barley, to cv Lami, a conventional barley grown in Denmark. In the diets for rats and growing pigs the barleys were the sole protein source while in the experiment with young pigs the barleys made up to 649 g kg-1 of the respective diets. The lysine content of cv Lysimax was 52·6% higher than that of cv Lami; 4·99 g 16 g N-1 compared to 3·27 g 16 g N-1. The contents of threonine, tryptophane, methionine and cystine of cv Lysimax were 3·80, 1·41, 1·80 and 2·27 g 16 g N-1, respectively; being 18·4, 8·5, 9·8 and 5·1% higher than in cv Lami. Conversely, the contents of glutamic acid and proline in cv Lysimax were 15·79 and 7·40 g 16 g N-1, respectively, being 36·1 and 40·0% lower than in cv Lami. In the experiment with rats, the higher lysine content and the lower content of glutamic acid and proline in cv Lysimax resulted in a 34·8% increase (P<0·05) in biological value (BV); 0·867 for cv Lysimax compared to 0·643 for cv Lami. True protein digestibilities and energy digestibilities in rats fed cv Lysimax were 0·019 and 0·010 units lower (P<0·05) than for cv Lami. For young pigs the increased lysine content and the lower content of glutamic acid and proline of cv Lysimax increased (P<0·05) nitrogen (N) retention from 10·9 to 12·4 g day-1, respectively, and increased (P<0·05) apparent BV from 0·690 to 0·734, respectively. The digestibility of energy was 0·030 units lower (P<0·05) for the diets with cv Lysimax than for the diets with cv Lami. Likewise, with growing pigs the increased lysine content and the lower content of glutamic acid and proline increased (P<0·05) N retention from 6·4 to 10·8 g day-1 and apparent BV from 0·271 to 0·495, respectively. The apparent ileal digestibilities of lysine, threonine, tryptophane, methionine and cystine were similar (P>0·05) between the barleys. It is concluded that the development of high-lysine barley varieties could be beneficial for meeting the requirements of essential amino acids for monogastrics. Moreover, N excretion into the environment was substantially reduced due a reduction in the prolamine fraction which is rich in glutamic acid and proline. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

分别研究了鸡对两种黑麦HH91和Pluto的消化性。实验结果表明:饲喂分别添加两种黑麦日粮实验鸡的日增重有减少的趋势,增重变化率和对照组比较分别是27.41%(15%HH91)、28.96%(30%HH91)、34.75%(45%HH91)、20.85%(15%Pluto)、28.19%(30%Pluto)和42.09%(45%Pluto)。而添加了黑麦的日粮干物质、有机物、粗蛋白、粗灰分、无氮浸出物、总能的表观消化率与正常对照组相比没有明显的差异(p>0.05),但粗脂肪和粗纤维的表观消化率有明显减少的趋势(p<0.05)。其次,在两种黑麦添加量低于30%时,除粗纤维的表观消化率之外,其余营养成分的表观消化率与正常对照组几乎没有差别(p>0.05)。  相似文献   

Human milk is frequently heat‐treated in hospitals, particularly milk that is banked, to destroy contaminating bacteria and viruses, but this treatment simultaneously reduces the content of some vitamins, enzymes, and immunological and nutritional factors. This study was performed to find the optimal conditions for heat treatment. The effects of 2 pasteurization temperatures on levels of protein sulfur amino acids (methionine, cystine) and some free amino acids (taurine, glutamine, glutamic acid) in light of the oxidative instability that occurs especially during thermal treatment were examined. These substances in raw human milk and in milk treated at 56.5 °C and 62.5 °C for 30 min were compared. Samples of mature human milk from all feeds over 24 h were obtained from 13 healthy well‐nourished mothers of term infants. Each sample was divided into 3 parts: raw, treated at 56.5 °C for 30 min, treated at 62.5 °C for 30 min. The results showed that the availability of sulfur amino acids and free taurine is the same after heat treatment, whereas milk processing increased positively the levels of free glutamic acid and glutamine, but there is significance only for glutamine. The mean quantities of considered amino acids were similar in milk treated at the recommended pasteurization temperature (30 min at 62.5 °C) and at 56.5 ° for 30 min.  相似文献   

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