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本文在对自然教育内涵进行梳理的基础上,分析幼儿园作为自然教育载体的重要意义。以3所幼儿园的户外游戏场地改造设计实践为例,阐述了对幼儿园户外游戏场地进行自然化设计营造的过程及方法。从植物配置、水景营造、景观小品、空间营造等方面进行探讨,提出了将自然教育理念融入幼儿日常教育的景观设计策略。  相似文献   

城市居住小区中的户外游戏场地不仅为儿童的户外游戏提供场所,为儿童间的交流提供机会,而且还可以增加社区的活力,改善城市环境.在查阅了3方面的文献:物理环境对于儿童成长的影响、户外游戏场地的益处以及城市居住小区中室外环境重要性的基础上,以辽宁省沈阳市浑南新区"河畔新城"小区中的儿童游戏场地为例,提出了城市居住小区中户外游戏场地设计的一些建议.  相似文献   

居住小区儿童户外游戏场地设计一直处于被忽视状态,通过对儿童户外游戏场地普适性原则的总结,贵阳市各小区的现状分析,提出了贵阳市居住小区儿童户外游戏场地设计的几点建议,从而营造一个具有地域特色的儿童户外游戏场地。  相似文献   

风景园林实践在很大程度上受到政府决策的影响,以英国英格兰地区为例,劳动党政府于2008年提出的《儿童计划》和《游戏策略》,在为儿童游戏场地的更新和建设提供资金支持的同时,也间接推动了儿童场地设计导则与标准的发展。然而随着2010年政府换届,儿童户外游戏场地发展方案被移出了英国国家发展计划。将着重介绍在政策变化的背景下,于英格兰北部谢菲尔德市进行的名为“与自然共生”政府资助项目的实践经验,重点探究在政策引导的背景下,通过儿童户外游戏场地自然化改造的方式对社区户外空间进行适儿化提升的过程、方式和成果。将从多元参与协同工作的机制、儿童参与社区改造的方式以及儿童游戏场地的游戏价值提升等多个方面阐释该项目,为中国“十四五”规划背景下儿童友好型城市建设中社区环境优化提升面临的机遇与挑战提供基于英国经验的应对策略;对因地制宜地建设中国儿童友好城市及社区提供基于前沿实践的参考和建议。  相似文献   

研究者采用随机抽样的方法,使用自编量表,对湖南省郴州市C县28所农村新建幼儿园进行实地测评。结果显示,农村新建幼儿园户外游戏场地基本条件建设有待完善、环境创设有待改进、空间布局质量有待提高。为加强农村新建幼儿园户外游戏场地规划设置的合理性,研究者从基本条件、环境创设、空间布局三方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

少年儿童是未来国家发展的希望,儿童自然式体验游戏场地作为儿童游戏娱乐活动的重要场地,是国家公共活动空间营造建设中不可或缺的一部分。营建优质的儿童户外游戏活动环境,能使儿童娱乐活动中获得丰富的感官感受、健全品质,从而促进其身心的全面发展。而自然界作为人类生活的重要载体之一,对儿童的健康成长亦起到必不可少的作用,与自然结合的儿童游戏场建设逐渐成为发展的一大趋势[1]。文章旨在借助中国知网CNKI和美国ISI的Web of Science两个国内外较权威的网络学术平台,辅以文献计量学相关方法,对于相关自然式儿童游戏场的文献进行收集统计及归纳,以了解相关学科研究现状及发展趋势,并对于现有相关理论观点进行总结、归纳和批判性学习,以期探寻儿童户外游戏场地环境设计的新思路。  相似文献   

幼儿园的游戏场地是幼儿生活学习的重要场所,它的设计理念与方法关系到幼儿的心理和生理成长。在现代社会幼儿园游戏场地设计中,非常强调游戏环境的安全性、童话趣味性和游戏空间的多变性等等。好的游戏场地会使儿童充分享受到在幼儿园生活、学习的乐趣的同时,而设计不完善的场地会对幼儿生长发育产生了一系列负作用,随着环境设计人文性的快速发展,针对幼儿园游戏场地的种种弊端,思考如何为儿童提供一个良好的、安全的、人性化的游戏场地是极具现实意义的。  相似文献   

陈传荣 《四川建筑》2009,29(5):31-33,36
游戏是儿童的天性,是儿童认识世界,发展自身的重要途径,也是学习的媒介。儿童游戏先决条件是有合适的儿童游戏场地,居住区儿童户外游戏场地是儿童日常生活中接触最多的场所,为儿童间的交流提供机会,促进儿童健康成长,具有十分重要的意义。另外,居住区儿童户外游戏场地作为居住区环境的一个重要组成部分,应该是儿童在校园之外的一个重要的生活空间,它的宗旨是给儿童创造安全、舒适,寓教于乐的户外活动空间。  相似文献   

基于自然诉求的幼儿园户外游戏场地设计探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以幼儿园游戏场地基本设计要求和儿童游戏需求为前提,从地形、水环境、道路、景观小品等方面具体阐述了理想条件下儿童的游戏空间雏形,提出未来儿童游戏场地生态化、景观化的发展趋势。  相似文献   

通过对丹麦儿童游戏场地发展历史的回顾与研究,揭示了19世纪后期至今在其形成、发展和完善的不同阶段,围绕如何为儿童创造良好成长和发展环境的目标,建设和发展游戏场地的情况.其中,重点探讨了推动其发展的原因和特点,总结了丹麦儿童游戏场地设计的6种类型.即传统式、现代式、探索式、自然式、罗宾逊式和浪漫式.最后.提出了丹麦儿童游戏场地的发展经验对发展和建设具有中国特色儿童游戏场地的4点启示,即提高社会的共识、发挥政府的主导、依靠立法的制约和坚持设计的创新.  相似文献   

The effects of various factors (N/Cl ratio used to prepare monochloramine, monochloramine doses, pH and contact time) on the monochloramine demand and on the chloroform yield during chloramination of resorcinol have been investigated. Chloramination experiments were carried out at 24 ± 1 °C, at pH values ranging from 6.5 to 12 using a bicarbonate/carbonate buffer and preformed monochloramine solutions prepared at pH 8.5 with N/Cl ratios ([NH4Cl]0/[Total free Cl2]0 ranging from 1.0 to 150 mol/mol). Kinetic experiments ([Resorcinol]0 = 5 or 100 μM, [NH2Cl]0/[Resorcinol]0 = 20 mol/mol, pH = 8.5 ± 0.1) showed a slow increase of the monochloramine consumption with reaction time. The monochloramine demands after reaction times of 7 days ([Resorcinol]0 = 100 μM) and 14 days ([Resorcinol]0 = 5 μM) were equal to 8.5 mol of NH2Cl/mole of resorcinol and were higher than the chlorine demands (≈7.3 mol/mol). Chloroform yields from monochloramination of resorcinol were lower than 8% (<80 mmol of CHCl3/mole of resorcinol) and were less than the yields obtained by chlorination (0.9-0.95 mol/mol). Chloroform productions increased with increasing monochloramine dose and reaction time and decreased with increasing pH values within the pH range 6.5-10. Chloroform formation markedly decreased when the N/Cl ratio increased from 1 to 1.5 mol/mol and was suppressed at N/Cl > 100 mol/mol. The data obtained in the present work suggest that free chlorine released from monochloramine hydrolysis plays a significant role on the formation of chloroform during chloramination of resorcinol at N/Cl ratios close to unity (1.0 < N/Cl < 1.5).  相似文献   

The main objective of this research is to model the effect of biodegradation process of phenol at high initial concentrations using a well known immobilization technique of the biomass. This work focused on testing the effect of activated carbon and clay while considering the diffusive internal mass transfer limitations. Biodegradation of phenol was performed by using enriched microorganisms from a compost of agricultural wastes. The average phenol biodegradation rate (uptake) of free biomass system was 235.3 mg g−1 h−1 at initial concentration range of 212-260 mg/L. However, the values for the systems of immobilized biomass in alginate and activated carbon (1 mm), alginate, activated carbon (4 mm), alginate, activated carbon and clay (1 mm) and alginate, activated carbon and clay (4 mm) were 64.9, 27.6, 27.5, and 8 mg g−1 h−1 respectively. The effective diffusion factors in different matrix were obtained using an intra-particle diffusion-based mathematical model. Diffusion limitation was observed when the matrix contained clay in addition to activated carbon. The diffusion coefficient was decreased from 1.6 × 10−8 to 1.2 × 10−9 cm2/s when clay was added to the matrix of 1 mm of alginate and activated carbon. Also, slight differences between the diffusion factors were observed for larger beads. The combination of clay and AC contributes to better mineralization of phenol at high concentrations. This could be attributed to the synergism of both additives.  相似文献   

Bentonite-sand mixtures are widely used in engineering barrier of deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive nuclear waste and anti-seepage barrier of civil geotechnical engineering. Under the action of groundwater solution infiltration and external stress, the hydro-mechanical (HM) behaviour of bentonite-sand mixtures, i.e. the swelling characteristics and permeability, will change. Once the anti-seepage and filtration effect is weakened or lost, the pollutants will spread to the biosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to study the swelling characteristics and permeability of bentonite-sand mixtures under coupled mechano-chemical (MC) effect and to establish corresponding prediction model. For this reason, swelling tests under salt solution with different concentrations are conducted on pure bentonite and its mixtures with 30%, 70% and 90% sand contents, the compression tests are carried out on saturated samples, and the saturated permeability coefficient k of the sample under each load is calculated by Terzaghi's one-dimensional consolidation theory. The concepts of true effective stress pe, montmorillonite void ratio em and critical sand content αs are introduced to determine the em-pe relationship and finally the k-em relationship of bentonite-sand mixtures. It is found that when the sand content α ≤ αs, the em-pe relationship of the mixture is linear and independent of the salt solution concentration, and when α > αs, the em-pe relationship of bentonite-sand mixture is bi-linear with the true effective deviatoric stress pesα as the intersection. In addition, the em-k relationship also shows the linear trend when α ≤ αs, and the slope of the line increases with the increase of the salt solution concentration. When α > αs, the k-em relationship will deviate from the linear relationship. Moreover, the larger the sand content is, the farther the deviation is. On the basis of summing the regularity, a model for predicting the HM behaviour of bentonite-sand mixture under the coupled MC effect is proposed. By comparing the swelling and permeability test results with model prediction results of different types of bentonite and its sand mixtures, the predictive model is verified. The study on the HM behaviour of bentonite-sand mixtures under salt solution infiltration and the model establishment can provide experimental and theoretical basis for the design and construction of anti-seepage engineering by bentonite-sand mixtures.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate effect of various machining techniques on the surface roughness of beech (Fagus orientalis) and aspen (Populus tremula  ) lumber. Surface characteristics of sawn, planed, and sanded samples of both species were determined employing a stylus type profilometer. Average roughness (RaRa), mean peak-to-valley height (RzRz), core roughness depth (RkRk), reduced peak height (RpkRpk), and reduced valley depth (RvkRvk) roughness parameters were used to determine surface characteristics of the samples. Based on the results of statistical analysis, measurements taken from the surface in tangential and radial directions of both species did not result in significant difference at a 95% confidence level. However, significant statistical difference was found between surface characteristics of aspen and beech samples, machined with four different ways in both grain orientations. This study suggests that stylus method can be successfully used to evaluate and distinguish variations on the surface of wood, due to grain orientation and planning and sanding. Data generated in this study can be used as a quality control tool for further processes such as finishing or gluing of wood from two species.  相似文献   

In this study, surface characteristics of commercially manufactured laminated flooring were evaluated. The surface roughness of samples consisting of high-density fiberboard (HDF) base and melamine resin saturated paper overlay was investigated. Here, 10 cm×10 cm samples of two types of panels were used for the experiments. A fine stylus technique was employed for the measurements. Three roughness parameters, namely average roughness (RaRa), mean peak to valley height (RzRz), and maximum roughness (RmaxRmax) were considered to determine roughness of the flooring panels. It was found that statistically significant difference existed between two types of samples as well as values taken along and across the sandmarks of the HDF and overlaid panels. Average RaRa, RzRz, and RmaxRmax values for HDF were found as 2.73, 26.04, and 27.27 μm, respectively. Overlaid samples resulted in 15.6%, 26.0%, and 21.0% lower values of above parameters than those of HDF panels.  相似文献   

The distribution of bromine containing trihalomethanes in the water distribution system of Kuwait has been studied. Total halomethanes in the drinking water averaged 25.6 ± 9.1 μg l−1 with a maximum of 50.5 μg l−1. Average concentrations (μg l−1) of individual compounds were: CHBr3, 13.6 ± 4.6; CHBr2Cl, 8.8 ± 3.7; CHCl2Br, 3.3 ± 1.5. Water from roof top storage tanks contained significantly less halomethanes than that from underground reservoirs.  相似文献   

Determination of sorption of seventy-five pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sorption of 75 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to three different types of sludge (primary sludge, secondary sludge with short and long sludge age respectively) were investigated. To obtain the sorption isotherms batch studies with the APIs mixture were performed in four nominal concentrations to water containing 1 g of sludge. The range of APIs concentrations was between ng L−1 to μg L−1 which are found in the wastewater effluents. Isotherms were obtained for approximately 45 of the APIs, providing distribution coefficients for linear (Kd), Freundlich (Kf) and Langmuir (KL) isotherms. Kd, Kf and KL ranging between 7.1 × 104 and 3.8 × 107, 1.1 × 10−2 and 6.1 × 104 and 9.2 × 10−3 and 1.1 L kg−1, respectively. The obtained coefficients were applied to estimate the fraction of APIs in the water phase (see Abstract Graphic). For 37 of the 75 APIs, the predicted presence in the liquid phase was estimated to >80%. 24 APIs were estimated to be present in the liquid phase between 20 and 80%, and 14 APIs were found to have <20% presence in the liquid phase, i.e. high affinity towards sludge. Furthermore, the effect of pH at values 6, 7 and 8 was evaluated using one way ANOVA-test. A significant difference in Kds due to pH changes were found for 6 of the APIs (variation 10-20%).  相似文献   

This paper deals with the settlement of peat from the view point of hydraulic conductivity (k). The validity of using the oedometer tests, including the calculation method, for measuring k is carefully examined by numerical analysis as well as a test combined with an oedometer and a hydraulic conductivity test. It is found from these studies that the conventional oedometer test (JIS A 1217, 2009) can be evaluated to measure k for peat with the same accuracy as that for usual clays, provided that the incremental load ratio is unity. The significant difference in the characteristics of k for peat and usual clayey soils is their relation between the compression index (Cc) and the hydraulic conductivity change index (Ck). As a result, rather than remaining constant during consolidation, the coefficient of consolidation (cv) of peat decreases considerably with increasing consolidation pressure (p), while the cv coefficient for usual clayey soil is almost constant at the normally consolidated stage. The influence of cv dependent on p is studied by a numerical analysis for the one dimensional consolidation problem as well as for the ground improved by vertical drain. It is found that if the incremental consolidation pressure (Δp/p) is large, careful judgment is required when adopting conventional consolidation analyses, especially in case of the vertical drain.  相似文献   

Bioremediation is being considered for groundwater at an industrial site contaminated with carbon tetrachloride (CT), trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11), and chloroform (CF), at concentrations typically considered too high for biological treatment. 1,1-Dichloroethene is also present. The objective of this study was to evaluate in situ anaerobic remediation by biostimulation alone (lactate, emulsified vegetable oil, and corn syrup), biostimulation (corn syrup) supplemented with vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), and bioaugmentation in combination with catalytic levels of B12. Three cultures were evaluated for enhancing biotransformation of CT, CFC-11 and CF: two were sulfate reducing enrichments (grown on lactate and ethanol, respectively), based on a high concentration of sulfate in the groundwater; the other was a fermentative enrichment grown on corn syrup. A microcosm study with soil and groundwater (neutralized to pH 7) from the site revealed that bioaugmentation is a potentially feasible treatment approach, with complete biotransformation of 8.8 mg/L CT, 26 mg/L CFC-11, and 500 mg/L of CF in approximately 500 days. The lactate-grown sulfate reducing culture and the corn syrup-grown fermentative culture were the most effective. Subsequent bioaugmentation with a chloroethene-respiring culture yielded rapid reduction of 1,1-dichloroethene (9.1 mg/L) to ethene. Complete transformation of CT, CFC-11 and CF was also observed with corn syrup + B12, although the time required was twice as long compared to bioaugmentation. In the presence of B12, biotransformation of [14C]CT and [14C]CF yielded mainly CO, CO2, and organic acids. CT was consistently transformed first, followed by CFC-11 and then CF. Corn syrup was only partially effective for halomethane removal without B12, but was more effective than emulsified vegetable oil or lactate.  相似文献   

The bacterial community structure in bulk water and in rhizosphere fractions of giant duckweed, Spirodela polyrrhiza, was quantitatively and qualitatively investigated by PCR-based methods using 6 environmental water samples to elucidate the mechanisms underlying selective accumulation of aromatic compound-degrading bacteria in the rhizosphere of S. polyrrhiza. S. polyrrhiza selectively accumulated a diverse range of aromatic compound-degrading bacteria in its rhizosphere, regardless of the origin of water samples, despite no exposure to phenol. The relative abundances of the catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (C12O) gene (C12O DNA) and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23O) gene (C23O DNA) were calculated as the ratios of the copy numbers of these genes to the copy number of 16S rDNA and are referred to as the rhizosphere effect (RE) value. The RE values for C12O DNA and C23O DNA were 1.0 × 101–9.3 × 103 and 1.7 × 102–1.5 × 104 times as high, respectively, in rhizosphere fractions as in bulk water fractions, and these higher values were associated with a notably higher sequence diversity of C12O DNA and C23O DNA. The RE values during phenol degradation were 3.6 × 100–4.3 × 102 and 2.2 × 100–1.7 × 102, respectively, indicating the ability of S. polyrrhiza to selectively accumulate aromatic compound-degrading bacteria in its rhizosphere during phenol degradation. The bacterial communities in the rhizosphere fractions differed from those in the bulk water fractions, and those in the bulk water fractions were notably affected by the rhizosphere bacterial communities. S. polyrrhiza released more than 100 types of phenolic compound into its rhizosphere as root exudates at the considerably high specific release rate of 1520 mg TOC and 214 mg phenolic compounds/d/g root (wet weight). This ability of S. polyrrhiza might result in the selective recruitment and accumulation of a diverse range of bacteria harboring genes encoding C12O and C23O, and the subsequent accelerated degradation of phenol in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

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