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著名的网页动画制作软件"FLASH 5",采用更具弹性的操作界面,新增的Action Script是这次改版的重点,为网页设计者提供了更强大的互动网页设计工具.  相似文献   

主要讲述了用Macromedia公司发行的Flash5网络动画制作工具,制作电路仿真波形动画的技术,作者通过使用Flash 5制作网络版课件,探索出几点制作技巧,并通过一个实例,高效实现波形动画,而且该示例几乎包含了用Flash 5制作课件的主要技术。  相似文献   

张迪扬 《电声技术》2002,(10):57-58
1引言闪存(FlashMemory)是一种在EPROM与E2PROM基础上发展起来的,它与EPROM一样用单管来存储一位信息,与E2PROM相同之处是用电来擦除;不同之处是只能擦除整个区域或整个器件。闪存的工作原理是利用“热电子”注入来实现写入的,用Fowier—Nordheim隧道效应实现擦除功能,其电擦除原理见图1。在源极上加高压VPP,控制栅接地,在电场作用下,浮置栅上的电子越过氧化层进入源极区而全部消失,从而实现整体擦除或分区擦除。闪存卡自1984年开发以来,发展非常迅速,用途极为广泛,已成为现代小型信息设备不可缺少的存储…  相似文献   

美国泰克(Tektronix)公司日前宣布,其位于上海浦东金桥出口加工区的泰克科技(中国)有限公司暨上海新工厂正式揭幕。新工厂目前已经开始批量生产具有高性价比的泰克TDS1000和TDS2000系列数字存储示波器,产品不但供应中国市场,也销往世界各地。  相似文献   

基于NAND闪存的自适应闪存映射层设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳振中 《现代电子技术》2009,32(24):106-109
NAND闪存以非易失性、低功耗、抗辐射等优点,被广泛应用于嵌入式系统中.由于闪存写前需先擦写和高坏块率等硬件特性,成为其在应用中的障碍,需要通过闪存映射层进行存储管理.通过给出一种基于NAND型闪存的自适应闪存映射技术,对数据访问模式进行判断,为不同的访问模式提供不同粒度的地址映射方法,用于充分利用NAND闪存的优势克服其缺点,提高系统性能.该方法在Linux系统上予以实现,并进行了性能测试.  相似文献   

Flash ADC architecture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 4-bit, 2.5 V modified flash analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) has been designed. In this design, the new flash topology only requires 2/sup (N-2)/+2 comparators. For comparison reasons, this new ADC architecture is operated at 400 MHz, consumes a total power of 1.68 mW and generates a total noise power of 4.86/spl times/10/sup -15/. /spl Delta/f(V/sup 2/) at this frequency.  相似文献   

嵌入式Flash存储器获得的技术进步在本质上促进了微控制器(MCU)的应用,它显著地改变了微控制器市场。Flash技术结合使用了OTP存储器的成本优势和EEPROM的可再编程性能,可以使产品早日推阿市场,能够对那些难度较大的用户需求尽快作出反应。它是那些想要用最小开销来发挥EEPROM的最大灵活性的系统集成开发者的理想选择。  相似文献   

With reference to the mainstream technology, the most relevant failure mechanisms which affect yield and reliability of Flash memory are reviewed, showing the primary role played by tunnel oxide defects. The effectiveness of a good test methodology combined with a proper product design for screening at wafer sort latent defects of tunnel oxide is highlighted as a key factor for improving Flash memory reliability. The degradation of device performance induced by program/erase cycling is discussed, covering both the behaviour of a typical cell and the evolution of memory array distribution. The erratic erasure phenomenon is illustrated as the most relevant mechanism reported so far to cause single bit failures in endurance tests. Finally, reliability implications of multilevel cell concepts are briefly analysed.  相似文献   

微控制器目前已经被用于商用设备的众多嵌入式系统中,如家用电器、工业设备、汽车等。这些领域的微控制器在可靠性、性能和功耗方面不断得到改善。尤其是在最近几年,市场上对关注"生态"的低功耗技术的需求越来越多。为了满足这一市场需求,富士通半导体开发了"新闪存"(New Flash)架构技术以提高速度、降低功耗。  相似文献   

Driven by the demand for more versatile personal electronic devices such as cellular phones and handheld computers, flash memory has advanced rapidly to higher volume density and performance levels. Today, semiconductor manufacturers find a growing opportunity for more advanced flash memories delivered either as standalone flash devices; embedded as cores with logic in single-chip devices; or packaged as stacked dice with microcontrollers, logic, or static RAM. For flash manufacturers, however, success in these highly competitive markets requires tight control over the cost of test, despite rising device complexity. As flash memory grows in size, speed, and complexity, manufacturers are seeking more cost-effective, single-insertion test solutions capable of addressing resulting test challenges. With the development of new test architectures, manufacturers can more efficiently address emerging flash complexity using cost-effective, next-generation test platforms.  相似文献   

Flash memories entered the nonvolatile memory scenario only a few years ago, and now these kind of memories are battling to substitute either EEPROM or EPROM. In fact, their peculiarities are becoming quite interesting in present day applications.In system updating, low power consumption, embedded algorithm for program and erase, high density, low cost packages are some of the items which are making the Flash grow in the nonvolatile memory market share.Some words must be spent in explaining what the market is asking of Flash, which are the main applications for these memories, and how their architecture is arranged.The Flash memory cell behaviour will be described, then the fundamental operations (read, program and erase) are explained and some words are used to introduce the redundancy and device testability concept.  相似文献   

在近几年的嵌入市场中最重要的发展可能就是Flash MCU价格的下降。将Flash微控制器价格限制在1欧元以内的目标已经达到,并正在向0.50欧元的目标迈进。因此Flash微控制器越来越为需求量大但要求花费少的消费者所青睐。图1显示了嵌入式非易失性存储器的相对成本。价格并不是Flash微控制器的唯一优势。有效地整合Fla-sh存储器,它能以相同的尺寸达到更  相似文献   

国内的“胖”友们又有继续“胖”下去的理由喽!三星与Palm Source的首席联姻选择了在中国安家落脚,而闪电推出的采用Palm OS的SCHi539将成为CDMA智能手机队伍里的新成员。  相似文献   

SST 48CF系列Compact Flash Card及其与8051单片机的接口   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Compact Flash Card是一种包含了控制器和大容量闪烁存贮器的标准器件,具有容量大、体积小、高性能、携带方便等优点,可广泛应用在许多消费类电子产品如便携式计算机、数码相机、数字录音机中,本文简要介绍了Compact Flash Card的特性及其与流行的低成本单片机8051的接口方法.  相似文献   

AT29C010A是ATMEL公司推出的5V闪速电擦除存储器(EPROM),它采用ATMEL公司先进的永久性CMOS技术制造,可快速准确地实现单片机系统编程开发的需要,因此,它可广泛应用于各种单片机系统。文中介绍了它的特点、结构和基本工作原理,并给出了AT29C010A在微型心电图机中的实际应用。  相似文献   

Dipert  B. Hebert  L. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1993,30(10):48-52
The operation of the flash memory, which has matured over the last five years from a novelty product, is described. Both dual and single supply voltage devices are considered. Flash memory cycling, data reliability, program/erase algorithms, and blocking are discussed. Three approaches to flash memories are examined. The uses of these devices and some new architectures are considered  相似文献   

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