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BACKGROUND: Primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma of the leg (LBCLL) is a recently defined type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It forms a separate category in the new classification of primary cutaneous lymphomas elaborated by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. It is associated with a less favorable prognosis than the most frequently occurring types of primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma. METHODS: The authors present four patients with the typical clinicopathologic constellation of LBCLL. Three of them died during the years 1993-1996. The authors reviewed their courses. The fourth patient was staged by sentinel lymph nodectomy (SLNE), i.e., the selective surgical removal and histologic examination of the first draining lymph node associated with the cutaneous tumor. RESULTS: The courses of the three previous patients were characterized by secondary involvement of regional lymph nodes followed by systemic dissemination of the lymphoma in a third step. Although the conventional staging of the fourth patient had been negative for any extracutaneous lymphoma manifestation, the SLNE revealed initial regional lymph node involvement, which had decisive implications for the choice of therapy. CONCLUSIONS: SLNE may gain a prominent role in the staging of circumscribed cutaneous lymphomas, in addition to its already established position in melanoma management. Further positive effects of SLNE are 1) better distinction of primary cutaneous lymphomas with secondary lymph node involvement from primary lymph node lymphomas with skin manifestation, and 2) better insight into the biology of different primary cutaneous lymphoma types.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this investigation was to report on the radiographic interpretation of the hard palate and nasal fossa floor in panoramic radiographs by studying different skulls, x-ray machines, and head positions in relationship to the Frankfort plane before and after ostectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty dry human skulls were radiographed with three different panoramic x-ray machines in three different positions. Three of the skulls were submitted to different ostectomies. RESULTS: Multiple images of the hard palate and nasal fossa floor were present in 96.12% of the radiographs. Single images (3.88%) occurred only in the "chin up" position. CONCLUSIONS: The lower image represents the nasal fossa floor, especially its lateral and anterior limits. The upper images are double real images mainly formed by the junction of the nasal septum with the nasal fossa floor and possibly by posterior parts of the hard palate and nasal fossa floor. All images overlap in the "chin up" position becoming a single image. The most common shape of the anatomic landmark was wide angle "W" (58.33%). Other shapes present in positions "chin up" and "chin down" indicate patient positioning errors. The x-ray machines did not influence the results.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (low-grade B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT] type) is a distinctive type of lymphoma that usually arises in association with mucosa or other epithelial structures and has an indolent clinical course. The frequency and clinical features of MALT lymphomas in the ocular adnexa have not been well studied. METHODS: The authors examined the clinicopathologic features of ocular adnexal lymphoma, identified a subset of cases with MALT characteristics, and determined patient outcome. RESULTS: The 42 patients, 16 men and 26 women age 35-89 years (mean, 64) were followed an average of 4.8 years. Thirty-two patients had ocular adnexal involvement at presentation (primary ocular adnexal lymphoma) and 10 had a history of lymphoma that relapsed in the orbit (secondary ocular adnexal lymphoma). In the primary group, 23 patients had lymphoma confined to the ocular adnexa, 3 had a single lesion that invaded adjacent structures, and 6 had distant spread at the time of presentation. Twenty-five patients achieved a complete remission. Nine patients, including 6 patients whose disease was localized initially, had progression or relapse of disease in distant sites. At last follow-up, 21 patients were free of disease, 9 were alive with disease and 2 had died of lymphoma. In the secondary group, at last follow-up, 1 patient had died of other causes, free of lymphoma, 3 patients were alive with disease and 5 had died of lymphoma (outcome not known in 1 case). Using the recently described revised European-American lymphoma classification, we found 16 MALT lymphomas, 8 diffuse large B cell, 12 follicular center, 3 mantle cell, 1 B-small lymphocytic lymphoma, and 2 unclassifiable low-grade lymphomas. The most common type of primary lymphoma was MALT type (15 of 30 classifiable cases), and the most common secondary lymphoma was follicular center (6 of 10). No increased frequency of conjunctival or lacrimal gland involvement by MALT lymphomas was found. All 33 lymphomas with immunophenotyping were of B lineage. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular adnexal lymphomas are B-cell tumors that develop in older adults, predominantly among women. Primary orbital lymphomas have a favorable prognosis; a high proportion of them have MALT characteristics.  相似文献   

In a Danish population-based non-Hodgkin's lymphoma registry, 2687 newly diagnosed patients were registered from 1983 to 1992. 39 had testicular involvement (TL) (incidence 0.26/10(5)/year). Median age was 71 years. 24 cases had localised and 15 had disseminated disease. Histologically, all cases were diffuse (65% diffuse centroblastic type). Of the 27 tested, 11% were of T- and 89% of B-immunophenotype. In localised cases, where surgery was supplemented by combination chemotherapy (CCT), the relapse rate was 15.4%. The relapse rate for cases with localised disease treated with other regimens (orchiectomy and/or radiotherapy) was 63.6% (P < 0.05). Median relapse-free survival was 28 and 14 months, respectively. Overall 5-year survival for all cases was 17%. Adverse prognostic factors at the univariate level were stage IV, constitutional symptoms, serum lactic dehydrogenase elevation and performance score (WHO 3-4). It is suggested that the treatment of stage IE/IIE TL should include early CCT and CNS prophylaxis.  相似文献   

ESAT-6 is an important T-cell antigen recognized by protective T cells in animal models of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with overlapping peptides spanning the sequence of ESAT-6, monoclonal antibody HYB76-8 reacted with two peptides in the N-terminal region of the molecule. Assays with synthetic truncated peptides allowed a precise mapping of the epitope to the residues EQQWNFAGIEAAA at positions 3 to 15. Hydrophilicity plots revealed one hydrophilic area at the N terminus and two additional areas further along the polypeptide chain. Antipeptide antibodies were generated by immunization with synthetic 8-mer peptides corresponding to these two regions coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Prolonged immunization with a 23-mer peptide (positions 40 to 62) resulted in the formation of antibodies reacting with the peptide as well as native ESAT-6. A double-antibody ELISA was then developed with monoclonal antibody HYB76-8 as a capture antibody, antigen for testing in the second layer, and antipeptide antibody in the third layer. The assay was suitable for quantification of ESAT-6 in M. tuberculosis antigen preparations, showing no reactivity with M. bovis BCG Tokyo culture fluid, used as a negative control, or with MPT64 or antigen 85B, previously shown to cross-react with HYB76-8. This capture ELISA permitted the identification of ESAT-6 expression from vaccinia virus constructs containing the esat-6 gene; this expression could not be identified by standard immunoblotting.  相似文献   

The most common primary site of low-grade B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma) is the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the stomach. The relationship of MALT lymphomas, however, with the more commonly occurring large B-cell gastric lymphoma has not been directly discussed except in the report of Chan et al. (1990), which lacked clinical information regarding the behavior of these tumors. To elucidate the relationship between high-grade large-cell lymphoma and MALT lymphoma, we studied in detail the histopathological and clinicopathologic features with the survival date of 77 Japanese cases of primary gastric lymphoma (PGL) of B-cell type. Based on degree of morphologically recognizable low- or high-grade components of the tumor, PGL was divided into four types: 18 cases of pure MALT lymphoma (type I); 13 cases of MALT lymphoma with small area of high-grade lymphoma (type II); 22 cases of high-grade lymphoma with small areas of MALT lymphoma (type III); and 24 cases pure high-grade lymphoma (type IV). Corresponding to the differences in the histologic pictures of each type, there were differences in the gross appearance, pathologic stage (including depth of invasion) and prognosis. These data suggests that both MALT and high-grade lymphomas of the stomach belong to the same cell lineage and constitute a pathological spectrum and that the histological grouping of PGL is clinico-pathologically useful.  相似文献   

A clinico-pathologic study of lymphomas of the skin included 14 cases of mycosis fungoides, 14 of primary lymphoma and 22 of secondary lymphoma. Mycosis fungoides has clinical and histopathologic features which allow for separation from the other groups. In this study, patients with mycosis fungoides had a longer duration of history and presented with papules, plaques, erythroderma or generalized dermatitis but not with tumor nodules ab initio. A confident histologic diagnosis required the presence of the mycosis cell, which was usually present in association with a mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate. Another important histologic feature was the presence of invasion of the epidermis by the mycosis cells singly and/or in nests (Pautrier microabscesses). Primary and secondary lymphomas of the skin presented clinically as multiple tumor nodules and histologically as a monomorphic infiltrate of neoplastic cells confined to the dermis and subcutis. A feature which has not been adequately documented in a large series was the presence of an associated prominent epithelioid cell reaction in several cases from all three groups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We describe two new CT findings of congestive heart failure (CHF): enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes and hazy heterogeneous mediastinal fat. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-six patients were retrospectively identified who had major and minor clinical signs of congestive heart failure and had undergone chest CT during their symptomatic period. Two radiologists reviewed the CT studies and by consensus documented the presence or absence of imaging findings of CHF, including interstitial abnormalities, vascular redistribution, axial thickening, pleural effusions, cardiac enlargement, and mediastinal abnormalities. RESULTS: Smooth septal thickening, bilateral pleural effusions, vascular redistribution, and cardiac enlargement were the most common CT findings in patients with CHF. Enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes and hazy mediastinal fat were seen in 55% and 33% of cases, respectively. In a cohort of 17 patients with elevated pressures in the pulmonary capillary wedge documented within 24 hr of CT, CT scans revealed lymphadenopathy in 14 patients (82%) and inhomogeneous fat in 10 patients (59%). CONCLUSION: Enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes and hazy mediastinal fat occur in patients with CHF and are revealed by CT. Lymphadenopathy in patients with CHF does not necessarily indicate malignancy or an infectious process.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare mantle-cell lymphomas (MCLs) and follicle-center lymphomas (FCLs) for their features of clinical presentation, response to chemotherapy, and prognosis on the basis of a prospective randomized clinical trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with MCL and FCL who entered onto the prospective randomized comparison of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone (COP) versus prednimustine and mitoxantrone (PmM) followed by a second randomization for interferon (IFN) maintenance versus observation only. RESULTS: One hundred sixty-five of 234 patients had FCL and 45 of 234 patients had MCL. With FCL, both sexes were equally affected (men, 47%); patients with MCL were predominantly men (78%; P < .0004) and had a higher median age (64 v 53 years; P < .0001). Patients with MCL also had more widespread disease, reflected by the proportion of patients with two or greater extranodal manifestations (43% v 21%; P < .005) and nine or greater involved nodal areas (64% v 45%; nonsignificant [NS]). Response to chemotherapy was significantly lower in patients with MCL (complete remission [CR] + partial remission [PR], 69% v 88%; P < .05) and occurred at a slower pace. Patients with MCL also had a shorter event-free interval (median, 8 v 24 months; P < .0001) and overall survival (median, 28 v 77 months; P < .0001). In both subtypes, however, patients with less than two residual lymphoma manifestations in remission experienced a relatively good prognosis with an estimated 5-year survival of greater than 60% for MCL and greater than 75% for FCL. CONCLUSION: MCL and FCL differ substantially in their features of presentation, response to chemotherapy, and long-term prognosis. The extent of residual disease after completion of chemotherapy discriminates patients with different prognosis and may be used for the stratification of postremission strategies.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The factors of prognosis of the cutaneous T-cell lymphomas are less well known as those of the B-cell lymphomas and the role of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is not yet definitively evaluated. CASE REPORTS: Two male patients aged 62 and 82 years had a mycosis fungoides with a lethal outcome. The first patient had mutilating facial tumors; the RNA m of EBV and the genome of EBV were demonstrated in the diseased skin. The second patient had an erythrodermic course with enlarged peripheral lymph nodes and circulating Sézary's cells; the genome of EBV was demonstrated by PCR in the diseased skin. DISCUSSION: The role of the EBV has already been demonstrated in peripheral aggressive T-cell lymphomas. In the mycosis fungoides, the EBV is associated with the lesions in 0 to 32 p. cent according to the published series. EBV associated T-cell lymphomas have a poor survival rate and the EBV infection may be associated with the expression of the multidrug resistant gene-1 (MDR-1) and the risk of a terminal hemophagocytosis. In our both patients the presence of the EBV in the lymphocytes of the skin lesions is also an argument in favour of the pathogenic role of the virus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary tracheobronchial non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is an uncommon occurrence. The authors report a patient who presented with primary tracheal NHL, the sixth such patient described in the literature. METHODS: Using a MEDLINE search, 41 additional patients presenting with symptomatic primary or secondary tracheobronchial NHL were identified. The characteristics, management, and outcome of these patients are described. RESULTS: Patients with NHL of the upper respiratory tract present with dyspnea, wheezing, and cough, and frequently are misdiagnosed as having asthma. The majority of patients have additional sites of intrathoracic disease with tracheobronchial involvement occurring in the setting of advanced or relapsed NHL. Low grade histology is seen most commonly in patients with primary tracheal NHL. Several patients demonstrate the typical histologic features of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy have been used alone or in combination for treatment. The outcome of these patients does not appear different from that observed in patients with lymphomas of similar histology and stage that do not involve the tracheobronchial tree. CONCLUSIONS: Thoracic surgeons, pulmonologists, and oncologists should recognize that NHL can rarely be confined to the trachea or bronchi. NHL should be considered in the differential diagnosis of airway obstruction, because it represents a highly treatable malignancy.  相似文献   

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