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利用Gleeble-1500D热模拟机进行焊接热影响区热循环模拟实验,研究了在焊接热输入为65 kJ·cm-1时稀土单独处理和钛稀土复合处理对C-Mn钢粗晶热影响区组织及冲击韧性的影响,并利用扫描电镜观察和分析了实验钢中的夹杂物和冲击断口形貌,利用光镜观察了热循环模拟后实验钢中的微观组织.实验结果表明:稀土单独处理和钛稀土复合处理的试样微观组织分别主要是晶界铁素体+块状铁素体+针状铁素体和晶界铁素体+晶内针状铁素体.经稀土单独处理的试样中夹杂物为La2O2S+锰铝硅酸盐+MnS复合夹杂;钛稀土复合处理的试样中的夹杂主要是La2O2S+TiOx+锰铝硅酸盐+MnS复合夹杂.钛稀土复合处理钢中的复合夹杂更细小,有利于形成细小的晶内针状铁素体.钛稀土复合处理极大地改善了实验钢的焊接热影响区低温冲击韧性,比稀土单独处理对试样的冲击性能提升效果更好.  相似文献   

通过对X80管线钢的焊接热模拟试验(Gleeble 3500),获得了不同热输入下的粗晶热影响区(CGHAZ)试样.采用夏比冲击试验和多尺度表征相结合的方法,研究了不同显微组织特征对冲击韧性和裂纹萌生行为的影响.结果表明:随着热输入的增加,M/A组元含量增加,导致韧性下降,硬度增加.同时,更多的M/A组元倾向于聚集在原奥氏体晶界上,M/A的总体尺寸和M/A岛内部板条马氏体亚结构的宽度、体积分数也会增加.这些变化使得M/A组元边界和原始奥氏体边界之间的交叉点成为裂纹萌生的首选位置之一.此外,还发现只有大尺寸的奇形夹杂物才是裂纹萌生的直接诱因.  相似文献   

The microstructure evolution and impact-toughness variation of heat-affected zone(HAZ)in X80 highstrain pipeline steel were investigated via a welding thermal-simulation technique,Charpy impact tests,and scanning electron microscopy observations under different welding heat inputs and peak temperatures.The results indicate that when heat input was between 17 and 25kJ·cm~(-1),the coarse-grained heat-affected zone showed improved impact toughness.When the heat input was increased further,the martensite-austenite(M-A)islands transformed from fine lath into a massive block.Therefore,impact toughness was substantially reduced.When the heat input was 20kJ·cm~(-1) and the peak temperature of the first thermal cycle was between 900 and 1300°C,a higher impact toughness was obtained.When heat input was 20kJ·cm~(-1) and the peak temperature of the first thermal cycle was 1300°C,the impact toughness value at the second peak temperature of 900°C was higher than that at the second peak temperature of 800°C because of grain refining and uniformly dispersed M-A constituents in the matrix of bainite.  相似文献   

李龙飞  张阳  林腾昌  孟华栋  贺庆  姚同路 《钢铁》2022,57(3):115-123
为了探明钒添加量对X80级管线钢奥氏体化过程的影响,通过Thermo-Calc热力学计算、奥氏体化加热处理、金相分析及理论模型推导计算,研究了含钒质量分数分别为0、0.042%、0.084%、0.130%的4种试验钢在不同奥氏体化温度下的晶粒尺寸变化规律并分析计算了含钒试验钢奥氏体晶粒长大动力学行为.结果 表明,当均热...  相似文献   

X80级高强低合金管线钢组织与冲击韧性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛延龙  刘清友  贾书君  汪兵  任毅 《钢铁》2019,54(2):67-74
 为了研究准多边形铁素体/板条贝氏体/粒状贝氏体显微组织的高强低合金X80管线钢的低温韧性与冲击裂纹扩展特点,用OM、SEM、EBSD和TEM等多尺度手段进行了表征。结果表明,与针状铁素体/粒状贝氏体相比,在-60 ℃以上时,准多边形铁素体/板条贝氏体/粒状贝氏体表现出更好的阻止裂纹扩展的能力,准多边形铁素体可以分割显微组织并细化有效晶粒尺寸,增加大角度晶界比例,协调约束冲击裂纹扩展,进而提高韧性;当温度在-60 ℃以下时,这种准多边形铁素体/板条贝氏体/粒状贝氏体对裂纹扩展的协调约束作用减弱,成为显微组织的“软区”,使得材料韧性下降。  相似文献   

对钢结构而言,诸如海洋平台、船舶、桥梁、建筑和油气管线等,焊接后的性能直接决定了其服役寿命和安全性,重要性不言而喻.在针对焊接相关问题的研究中,焊接热影响区的韧性提升一直是重点和难点.焊接热影响区会经历高达1400℃的高温,从而形成粗大的奥氏体晶粒,如果焊接参数控制不当,不能通过后续冷却过程中的相变细化组织,就会造成韧性的降低.而多道次焊接的情况更为复杂,前一道次形成的粗晶区还会在后续焊接过程中经历二次热循环,从而形成链状M-A,造成韧性的急剧下降.本文旨在对一些现有焊接热影响区的相关研究结果进行总结,探讨母材的成分、第二相及焊接工艺等因素对热影响区微观组织和性能的影响,为低温环境服役的大型钢结构的焊接性能改善提供一些设计思路.  相似文献   

X80管线钢冶炼关键工艺技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐述了X80管线钢生产中氧、硫、氮和夹杂物控制的关键技术环节,X80管线钢溶解氧质量分数完全可以控制在(3~5)×10-6,钢中全氧基本上以夹杂物形式存在,可以通过钙处理、软吹、真空处理及中间包流场作用上浮去除,同时做好全流程的钢水保护;造好白渣,保持极低的钢中氧是控制钢中硫的关键,LF精炼初期一次配铝到位有助于快速脱硫;管线钢增氮关键环节为钢液面裸露和连铸保护不好增氮、转炉出钢过程增氮及LF精炼过程增氮,而真空处理过程对氮有很好的去除作用.管线钢夹杂物钙处理变性时要控制合适的铝、氧、硫、钙含量,X80管线钢溶解氧质量分数为(3~5)×10-6,1 600℃和1 650℃钢中可允许硫质量分数分别为(25.8~43.0)×10-6和(21.6~36.O)×10-6.  相似文献   

Load-controlled fatigue tests were conducted on dual-phase X80 pipeline steel to investigate the effects of stress ratio (R-ratio) on the fatigue crack growth behaviour. Dual-phase X80 pipeline steel showed a non-linear relationship between fatigue crack growth rate (da/dN) and the stress intensity factor range (ΔK) at each R-ratio. Fatigue crack propagation curves of X80 pipeline steel were evaluated using the conventional Paris equation and a new exponential equation named αβ model. In addition, the electron back-scattered diffraction technique was used to study the effects of stress ratio on the fatigue crack growth behaviour. The results indicated that the corresponding ΔK of the transition point decreased with the increase of R-ratio. That was attributed to the variation of the crack path and the fracture mode because of the changes in the size of monotonic plastic zone and cyclic plastic zone at crack tip. Compared to the overall fitting, piecewise fitting by Paris equation and αβ model, piecewise fitting was the most accurate method, and αβ model is more convenient and efficient than the conventional Paris-based equations.  相似文献   

陈玉华  王勇 《工程科学学报》2008,30(9):1002-1005
采用焊接热模拟技术、金相分析及透射电镜研究了X70管线钢在役焊接粗晶区及其经受不同峰值温度二次焊接热循环作用后热影响区各区的金相组织和精细结构.结果表明,在役焊接粗晶区的金相组织主要是板条束贝氏体和粒状贝氏体,经历不同峰值温度的二次热循环后,组织类型没有发生变化,但各种组织的形态、大小、数量以及原奥氏体晶粒大小有些差异.热影响区各区的主要形貌都是铁素体板条和分布在板条之间或板条基体上的M-A组元.在役焊接粗晶区M-A组元形态以条状为主,经历二次热循环后,再热临界粗晶区的M-A组元有所细化.再热临界粗晶区存在下贝氏体组织,且具有典型的\  相似文献   

溶解氧对X80管线钢腐蚀行为的影响及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过交流阻抗技术、动电位极化技术以及X射线衍射仪,研究了溶解氧含量对X80管线钢在库尔勒土壤模拟溶液中电化学行为的影响。结果表明:随着溶解氧含量的不断降低,腐蚀电流密度明显减小,金属腐蚀速率显著下降。这是因为溶解氧含量的不同会导致试样腐蚀产物差异,从而造成了试样在库尔勒土壤模拟溶液中腐蚀速率的变化。当溶解氧含量降到0.35mg/L时,金属电极表面生成了一层以FeCO3为主的腐蚀产物膜,FeCO3明显抑制了腐蚀反应的进行,产物膜对X80钢起到保护作用,此时试样腐蚀现象最不明显。  相似文献   

摘要:通过利用线性极化曲线,交流阻抗技术(EIS),并结合使用扫描电子显微镜观察研究了不同温度下SRB对X80管线钢在大港土壤模拟溶液中的腐蚀行为的影响,实验结果表明:SRB会加剧X80管线钢在大港土壤溶液中的腐蚀,当SRB活性受不同温度影响时,其对X80管线钢腐蚀行为产生不同影响。当外界环境温度为30℃时,SRB活性较强,生物膜中细胞密度高,其致密性增加,加速了金属的电化学腐蚀速率。当外界环境温度为50℃时,SRB的活性较低,在金属表面形成的生物膜致密性较差,此时在含SRB模拟溶液与无菌模拟溶液中,X80管线钢所呈现出的电化学腐蚀速率基本一致,且小于30℃时含SRB模拟溶液中的腐蚀速率。  相似文献   

Self-shielded flux-cored wire is a convenient and efficient consumable for pipeline field girth welding because of its self-protection characteristic and high deposition rate,especially for remote construction sites in rugged terrain. From the perspective of pipeline safety,the impact toughness of the girth welds is an important factor in pipeline integrity,which determines the crack arrest behavior in the girth welds. Therefore,improving the girth weld impact toughness is of primary importance in the field of pipeline girth welding. Three self-shielded flux-cored wires comprising different chemical composition systems have been applied to large diameter X80 UOE( U-ing-O-ingExpanding) pipeline semi-automatic girth welding,and the impact toughness of the welds has been evaluated by girth weld chemical composition analysis and microstructural analysis using scanning electron microscopy( SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry( EDS) to investigate pipeline girth weld impact toughness and find ways to improve it.This helps in determining the main factors that influence girth weld impact toughness. Pipeline girth weld impact toughness is mainly determined by the final microstructure produced in the solid-state phase transition. In the as-weld state,acicular ferrite( AF) and fine bainite( FB) are a benefit to the impact toughness. For multilayer semiautomatic self-shielded flux-cored wire welding,the normalizing and tempering function of the latter beads to the initial beads plays an important role in the transition of girth weld microstructure,which affects the impact toughness. The original AF and FB and the corresponding heat treatment microstructure of the fine and uniform block ferrite and pearlite result in very good impact toughness. The following two mechanisms are found to promote the production of AF and FB in the girth weld. First,elements promoting the broadening of the austenitic region,such as Ni,C,Cu,and Mn,induce low temperature phase transitions and restrain the opposing function of Al,which is a benefit to the production of AF and FB. Second,dispersed high-melting-point inclusions,especially Al2O3,induce the nucleated production of AF. The advantageous function of inclusions is determined by their shape,distribution,and dimension. Dispersed spherical inclusions of small dimension are a benefit to the production of AF,and result in good impact toughness.  相似文献   

X80级管线钢热影响区的局部脆化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了国产X80级管线钢热影响区的冲击韧性和组织的局部脆化.结果表明,该钢的焊接热影响区的冲击韧性较母材降低50%以上;在所研究的20~-40 ℃温度区间内,其断口的宏观形貌特征从部分脆性特征转变为完全的脆性断口;20 ℃放射区断口呈现韧性断裂和解理断裂共存的混合型断口,并且试验温度为20 ℃和0 ℃时,分别在放射区和纤维区可观察到微观裂纹;热影响区断口表层剖面组织为粒状贝氏体,显示出粗晶区的特征.裂纹扩展方向为沿晶界扩展,粒状贝氏体中M/A岛尺寸增大,并存在裂纹穿过岛状物的现象,这是晶界严重脆化的结果.  相似文献   

X80管线钢的生产实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过铁水预处理脱硫-120 t顶底复吹转炉脱磷-120 t顶底复吹转炉(脱碳)-LF-RH-板坯连铸-冷装-1500 mm热连轧宽带成材-卷取,试生产了X80管线钢热轧宽带。试验结果表明:X80管线钢铸坯中w(T(O))为81×10^-6,w(N)为58×10^-6,w(H)〈1×10^-6;该钢的屈服强度(Rel)为600-640 MPa,抗拉强度(Rm)为720-765 MPa,伸长率(A)为28.5%-31.5%,60%试样的DWTT断口的剪切面积比(SA)为40%-60%。优化生产工艺后,钢的力学性能满足该钢种产品的要求。  相似文献   

A self-developed electromagnetic induction-heating device was used to investigate the variation in the microstructure and properties of X80 pipeline steel in the rapid induction tempering process at different process parameters. The effects of the tempering condition on toughness,microstructure,size and distribution of precipitates of X80 pipeline steel were observed using a metallographic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.Compared with the samples prepared via traditional tempering techniques,results showthat the samples prepared via rapid induction tempering had improved performances. When the heating temperature is 590 ℃,at a holding time of90 s,it was found that acicular ferrite was refined,carbonite precipitation was small,and precipitates were evenly distributed in the matrix. The low-temperature impact energy,also known as the impact absorption energy,at- 40 ℃ was found to be 430. 5 J for the rapid induction tempering samples and 323. 2 J for the traditionally tempered sample. The low-temperature impact energy at- 60 ℃ was found to be 351. 3 J for the rapid induction tempered sample and 312. 1 J for the tradition tempering sample.  相似文献   

为了研究T_(8/5)时间对X80管线钢热影响区粗晶区组织和性能的影响,在Gleeble 3500热模拟试验机上对其分别进行4个焊接工艺(T_(8/5)时间分别为21、27、33和40s)的加热冷却后,对粗晶区夏比冲击性能进行测试,并对其显微组织和冲击后断口形貌进行分析。结果表明,T_(8/5)时间为21s的焊接工艺下热影响区粗晶区具有较稳定且优异的低温夏比冲击性能;随着T_(8/5)时间由21延长至40s,热影响区粗晶区的低温冲击韧性下降,断裂方式由韧性断裂向脆性断裂转变,-20℃下冲击断裂方式由部分韧性断裂转变为完全脆性断裂;延长T_(8/5)时间促进了热影响区粗晶区近熔合线侧长条大块状M/A组元的形成,使得贝氏体板条间距变大。  相似文献   

Studies show that manganese sulfide(MnS)inclusions in pipeline steel affect the lateral performance of steel in its rolling deformation,as well as the hydrogen-induced cracking and sulfide stress corrosion cracking resistance performance.To inhibit the precipitation of MnS and its effect on pipeline steel,a quenching experiment and a diffusion couple experiment,which investigated the evolution of MnS inclusions in Ti-bearing X80 pipeline steel,were conducted.The experimental results show that the transformation of the MnS inclusions during solidification is as follows:MnS→titanium sulfide(TiS)→Ti_4C_2S_2.The transition temperatures of MnS to TiS and TiS to Ti_4C_2S_2 are 1 673 and 1 273 K,respectively,and the overall size of the sulfide decreased as well.Thermodynamic calculation results confirm that the transition temperatures of MnS to TiS and TiS to Ti_4C_2S_2 are 1 623 and 1 203 K,respectively.When the sulfur content in the X80 pipeline steel is 0.001 5%,all the sulfur in the steel can be converted into Ti_4C_2S_2 with a titanium content of more than 0.02%.  相似文献   

随着长输管道输送压力的提高和对输送效率的要求,X80管线钢在天然气长输管道中的使用逐渐规模化。化学成分作为钢材的“基因”,分析其演变过程并确定合适的目标成分是解决制造、焊接等问题的关键。煤制气输送管道目前没有X80管线钢的工程应用,为了满足中石化在建新疆煤制气外输管道工程的需求,需要加强煤制气管道用X80管线钢的研究。  相似文献   

观察并研究了X80钢在800~1 200℃下氧化1 mmin的氧化膜以及氧化圆点的形成规律.结果表明:X80管线钢在1 050℃以下具有良好的抗氧化特性,从1 050℃开始整个氧化膜层明显增厚,抗氧化能力下降;在1 000℃以下氧化膜内侧区域存在明显的Si、Cr富集带,温度升高到1 050℃,基体界面开始出现氧化圆点,同时内侧元素富集氧化膜的完整性遭到破坏,此种现象主要与Cr2O2进一步氧化形成CrO3有关.通过热力学和动力学分析发现,低于1 000℃.Si、Cr的氧化物稳定性高,自扩散系数小,利于形成界面处稳定的氧化膜.同时发现,1 050℃属于X80钢氧化质点形成的临界温度,低于此温度主要形成致密的界面氧化膜,它起到明显的抗氧化作用.  相似文献   

高铌X80管线钢焊接粗晶区组织和性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦兰  刘清友  孙新军  贾书君  宋宁  林鹏 《钢铁》2011,46(3):75-78
采用焊接热模拟技术对高铌X80管线钢进行了热模拟试验,研究了在不同焊接热模拟工艺下贝氏体组织的转变及冲击韧性的变化.结果表明:在不同的焊接热循环条件下,焊接粗晶区组织主要是板条贝氏体和粒状贝氏体.冷却时间t8/5为10 s时,适量的粒状贝氏体起到了分割板条贝氏体的作用,且MA岛的数量较少,呈粒状均匀分布于奥氏体内,使得...  相似文献   

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