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以VB语言为例,研究了可视化程序设计类课程的上机考试界面题的自动评分问题,提出了关键问题的解决方法,并在实际中进行了验证。  相似文献   

为了解决BREW移动平台下应用界面(UI)开发缺乏可视化设计工具,UI开发效率低下的问题,类比其它平台的UI设计现状,开发了一款面向BREW平台的新型可视化UI设计工具.分析了软件的工作流程,针对软件实现过程中的UI保存、界面可视化设计、界面代码自动化生成等几个重点环节进行了论述.测试结果表明,该工具软件为开发人员提供了所见即所得的UI设计效果,且方便调整,代码自动生成功能也极大地减轻了程序员的编码工作量.  相似文献   

许志伟  杨雪莲 《福建电脑》2008,24(8):133-134
现有的办公自动化系统在功能需求和实现机制上有较大范围的相似性,在开发过程中,可以应用软件复用技术避免重复劳动,提高开发效率。本论文提出了以可视化定制方式生成目标系统代码的复用方案,并基于谊方案实现了原型系统。为了实现将定制信息到目标代码的转换,论文设计了一种基于XML的用于描述系统页面定制信息的语言OADL,使用JAXP构建描述页面定制信息的OADL模型,应用XSLT技术将OADL描述的定制模型转化为目标代码。  相似文献   

随着互联网上信息的爆炸式增长,如何有效提高知识获取效率变得尤为重要。文本自动摘要技术通过对信息的压缩和精炼,为知识的快速获取提供了很好的辅助手段。现有的文本自动摘要方法在处理长文本的过程中,存在准确率低的问题,无法达到令用户满意的性能效果。为此,该文提出一种新的两阶段的长文本自动摘要方法TP-AS,首先利用基于图模型的混合文本相似度计算方法进行关键句抽取,然后结合指针机制和注意力机制构建一种基于循环神经网络的编码器—解码器模型进行摘要生成。通过基于真实大规模金融领域长文本数据上的实验,验证了TP-AS方法的有效性,其自动摘要的准确性在ROUGE-1的指标下分别达到了36.6%(词)和33.9%(字符),明显优于现有其他方法。  相似文献   

知识实体的类型标注是专业文献结构化管理和知识脉络挖掘中的一个重要任务。由于专业文献的知识实体具有专业性强、类型多样、随时间变化的特点,如何在无监督的情况下对其进行类型标签抽取、实体类型标注及知识关系挖掘具有重要的意义。设计并实现了一个面向专业文献知识实体的类型标注及可视化系统,提供文献数据的实体识别、实体类型标注、知识实体关系图构建及其可视化等功能,帮助科研工作者更加便捷、直观、准确地把握知识关系和研究热点。  相似文献   

LALR(1)分析程序生成系统在编译器构造领域以外被许多普通软件开发者学习和使用.为帮助用户理解LALR(1)分析器方法,编写出正确、完整、无语法分析冲突的文法规范,严格定义了使用LALR(1)分析器生成器时用户可能遇到的几类文法问题,描述一个为帮助用户解决这些问题而开发的LALR(1)分析器可视化和断点调试系统VPGE.VPGE以多种视图显示LALR(1)分析器的数据结构,包括状态栈、符号栈、输入符号串、分析树和底层的自动机,支持LR分析动作的单步执行和断点调试.性能实验结果表明,VPGE比GNU的Bison有更快的分析器生成速度,从而提供了一个LALR(1)文法及分析器的快速交互式调试环境.  相似文献   

AdvSce是一个面向自动驾驶系统的安全关键场景生成工具,能够在给定初始场景的基础上,以添加额外交通参与者的方式,生成挑战自动驾驶系统控制车辆(主车)安全性的扰动场景,用于自动驾驶系统的仿真测试.不同于既往研究中,首先确定场景参数空间,再使用黑盒优化算法生成安全关键场景的工具或方法, AdvSce可以基于对主车行为的分析,在场景生成过程中动态地构造能够挑战主车安全性的场景参数空间,从而实现高度自动化且高效的安全关键场景生成.我们使用AdvSce在LGSVL仿真器中生成了面向Apollo 7.0自动驾驶系统的测试场景.结果表明,相比现有的安全关键场景生成工具, AdvSce具有更高的安全问题场景生成效率.  相似文献   

iPCA: An Interactive System for PCA-based Visual Analytics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is a widely used mathematical technique in many fields for factor and trend analysis, dimension reduction, etc. However, it is often considered to be a "black box" operation whose results are difficult to interpret and sometimes counter-intuitive to the user. In order to assist the user in better understanding and utilizing PCA, we have developed a system that visualizes the results of principal component analysis using multiple coordinated views and a rich set of user interactions. Our design philosophy is to support analysis of multivariate datasets through extensive interaction with the PCA output. To demonstrate the usefulness of our system, we performed a comparative user study with a known commercial system, SAS/INSIGHT's Interactive Data Exploration. Participants in our study solved a number of high-level analysis tasks with each interface and rated the systems on ease of learning and usefulness. Based on the participants' accuracy, speed, and qualitative feedback, we observe that our system helps users to better understand relationships between the data and the calculated eigenspace, which allows the participants to more accurately analyze the data. User feedback suggests that the interactivity and transparency of our system are the key strengths of our approach.  相似文献   

提出了一个新型系统,致力于解决目前汉语教材编著过程中遇到的难题.系统中使用一种基于字符串匹配与隐马尔科夫模型相结合的算法提高了自动拼音标注的正确率.为了解决课文生词词汇量过多以及复现率低的问题,系统采用了跨文本搜索和统计的方法;例子举证不合理也是导致教材质量降低的一个原因,系统采用语料库检索算法解决了该问题.实验证明,采用该系统编著的教材更加符合科学规范.  相似文献   

Bridges deteriorate over their life cycles and require continuous maintenance to ensure their structural integrity, and in turn, the safety of the public. Maintaining bridges is a multi‐faceted operation that requires both domain knowledge and analytics techniques over large data sources. Although most existing bridge management systems (BMS) are very efficient at data storage, they are not as effective at providing analytical capabilities or as flexible at supporting different inspection technologies. In this paper, we present a visual analytics system that extends the capability of current BMSs. Based on a nation‐wide survey and our interviews with bridge managers, we designed our system to be customizable so that it can provide interactive exploration, information correlation, and domain‐oriented data analysis. When tested by bridge managers of the U.S. Department of Transportation, we validated that our system provides bridge managers with the necessary features for performing in‐depth analysis of bridges from a variety of perspectives that are in accordance to their typical workflow.  相似文献   

Autonomous characters in interactive storytelling can be supported by using affective agent architectures. The configuration of most current tools for controlling agents is, however, implementation specific and not tailored to the needs of authors. Based on literature review, a questionnaire evaluation of authors’ preferences for character creation, and a case study of an author’s conceptualization of this process, we investigate the different methods of configuration available in current agent architectures, reviewing discrepancies and matches. Given these relations, promising approaches to configuration are identified, based on initial inner states, “global” parameters of characters, libraries of stock characters, and selections of backstory experiences.  相似文献   

We present a novel system for the interactive modeling of developmental climbing plants with an emphasis on efficient control and plausible physics response. A plant is represented by a set of connected anisotropic particles that respond to the surrounding environment and to their inner state. Each particle stores biological and physical attributes that drive growth and plant adaptation to the environment such as light sensitivity, wind interaction, and physical obstacles. This representation allows for the efficient modeling of external effects that can be induced at any time without prior analysis of the plant structure. In our framework we exploit this representation to provide powerful editing capabilities that allow to edit a plant with respect to its structure and its environment while maintaining a biologically plausible appearance. Moreover, we couple plants with Lagrangian fluid dynamics and model advanced effects, such as the breaking and bending of branches. The user can thus interactively drag and prune branches or seed new plants in dynamically changing environments. Our system runs in real‐time and supports up to 20 plant instances with 25k branches in parallel. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through a number of interactive experiments, including modeling and animation of different species of climbing plants on complex support structures.  相似文献   

VISMiner:一个交互式可视化数据挖掘原型系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
交互式可视化数据挖掘是利用可视化技术进行联机数据挖掘的技术。基于SOM的交互式可视化数据挖掘原型系统VISMiner的主要目的是将数据挖掘与数据可视化及OLAP进行集成,允许用户以交互的方式从SOM的标记图或距离图中选定感兴趣区域加以深入分析。  相似文献   

为了简洁高效地解决多通道视景仿真系统投影图像的几何校正问题,提高几何校正精度,提出一种针对曲面屏幕的交互式几何校正技术.利用曲面屏幕的深度特性,以十分便捷的交互方法对现场每台投影机进行直接线性定标,再结合视景仿真系统相应通道的视锥信息自动计算该通道投影图像的几何校正网格.在系统定标中不需要辅助相机,只利用显示对象作为定标参照物,使估算的投影机模型参数更为优化,同时大大降低了系统安装调试的复杂度,提高了投影图像几何校正的效率和精度.实例结果表明,文中方法在实际应用中取得了良好效果,其计算结果还可为电子或光学边缘融合提供形状因子.  相似文献   

In this paper we present our research and development experience in the context of Interactive Multimedia Documents (IMDs). We define a rich model for such documents covering the issues of interaction and spatiotemporal compositions as means of representing the functionality of an IMD. We exploit the event concept to represent interaction, while complex interactions are covered by a rich algebraic and spatiotemporal event composition scheme. Based on the model we implemented an authoring methodology. Thereafter we present a generic framework for rendering (presenting) IMDs putting emphasis to the handling of interaction and to the temporal synchronization of media objects. The rendering system is implemented as a client-server architecture using Java and accompanying technologies. The implementation is suitable for WWW enabled interactive multimedia documents.  相似文献   

Community streaming is an enhanced form of joint content viewing where a sense of community is reinforced by the addition of interactive visual overlays, controlled in real-time by viewers, on top of a shared video stream. As a concrete example, we describe a community video system called ECHO, where personalized avatars are overlaid on top of a real-time encoded video stream of an Internet game for multicast consumption. Recognizing that only the visual overlays are generated live, we propose schemes that encode and schedule the live and non-live portions of the overlaid video separately in order to exploit the difference in delay sensitivity of the two, leading to video streams that contain two sub-streams with different delay constraints. We show that, in the known channel case, a low complexity ldquoearliest deadline firstrdquo packet scheduling algorithm minimizes receiver buffer delay. We also analyze the case where multiple streams are multiplexed, which allows us to quantify the potential gains of allowing different delay constraints for different sub-streams. We show that a ldquowater fillingrdquo strategy maximizes the total number of streams that can be supported. Simulation results show that the bandwidth necessary to maintain low-latency for visual overlays is reduced by about 40% when our proposed sub-stream approach is used. For multiplexing of multiple streams, our approach can increase the number of supported streams (e.g., a 30% increase when around ten streams are multiplexed).  相似文献   

飞行模拟训练分布交互视景仿真系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创建了具有LOD(Levels of Detail)层次细节优化的三维地形模型、飞行器模型和环境物体模型,采用Vega软件的Symbology (仪表)模块、Creator建模中的DOF(Degrees Of Freedom)技术和Opengl程序设计技术,开发了精细的虚拟座舱仪表模型,并完成了基于飞行器视点和地面多视点的各视景仿真联邦成员的软件开发,构建了符合HLA标准的飞行模拟训练分布交互视景仿真系统,为飞行员和地面工作人员协同配合训练提供了先进的环境仿真实验平台.  相似文献   

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