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对于液压缸缸筒内壁的激光熔覆再制造,在加工环境和扫描路径等方面与常规激光熔覆有着较大的区别。尤其是激光熔覆的工作环境位于缸筒内腔,在激光熔覆过程中一些没有被完全利用的粉末不能及时排出到工作环境之外,在缸筒内壁积累的粉末会直接影响到内壁熔覆效果。为此采用非均匀有理B样条(NURBS)曲线的路径规划。结果表明,在激光功率为1600 W、扫描速度为6 mm/s、送粉速率为12 g/min及NURBS曲线规划的路径下制备的熔覆层组织结构致密、无缺陷,证明NURBS曲线等弧长插补方法是一种可行的轨迹规划方法。 相似文献
激光熔覆与激光-感应复合熔覆WC-Ni60A涂层的结构与性能特征 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
对单纯激光熔覆与激光-感应复合熔覆Ni60A+35%WC涂层的几何外形、稀释率、WC颗粒分布、显微组织与抗干滑动磨损性能进行对比分析。结果表明,单纯激光熔覆的最大激光扫描速度与最大送粉量仅为600 mm.min–1与25 g.min–1,当激光-感应复合熔覆采用相同的工艺参数时,复合熔覆层的宽度、热影响区、稀释率均大于单纯激光熔覆层,厚度却小于单纯激光熔覆层,WC颗粒与析出的碳化物不均匀地分布于复合熔覆层内,复合熔覆层的抗干滑动磨损性能比单纯激光熔覆层的差。但是,激光-感应复合熔覆的最大激光扫描速度可以提高到2 200 mm.min–1,最大送粉量可以提高到75.6 g.min–1,加工效率是单纯激光熔覆的3倍多,复合熔覆层内WC颗粒分布均匀,经检测无裂纹且稀释率仅为5.2%,抗干滑动磨损性能约是单纯激光熔覆层的1.42倍。 相似文献
激光熔覆层的熔覆参量与磨损性能的试验分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
探讨了激光熔覆参量、熔覆合金粉末配方及涂层处理工艺对试样的接触疲劳寿命的影响,得到了一些可供使用、参考的资料与数据。 相似文献
利用管道清管器(pipeline cleaner,PIG)搭载捷联惯导(strap down intertial navigation system,SINS)器件实现管道地理坐标的定期测量.SINS计算的结果发散是测量系统实用化的瓶颈,为此将PIG里程校正的卡尔曼(Kalman)滤波方法应用于管道地理坐标测量中.根据管道内检测环境的需要选择霍尔式里程轮和采用微机电系统(micro-electromechanical systems,MEMS)的惯性测量单元(inertial measurement unit,IMU);针对MEMS器件精度较低的问题,利用分离滤波方法减小信号的零偏噪声,使惯性信号满足Kalman滤波的需要;建立了9维状态误差的数学模型,将里程轮的速度与SINS计算的速度之差作为观测量,通过Kalman滤波对管道定位的状态误差进行估计和补偿;搭建实验装置进行实验验证.结果表明,校正算法解决了计算结果发散的问题,检测160 m长度的管道精度达到3.8%,具有一定的实用性. 相似文献
Guan Zhang Wenlei Sun Dongmei Zhao Pengfei Fan Feng Guo Yong Huang Pengfei Li 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2020,34(4):1531-1537
The change of angle θ between laser cladding powder plane and substrate plane will lead to changes in cladding layer's geometric morphology. Therefore, we established a quantitative numerical prediction model for cladding layer geometry. In this model, we consider the variation of θ, the laser energy attenuation rate and the temperature rise of the powder particles. At the same time, the simulation results were verified by experiments. The results show that when θ is in the range of 50°~90°, the initial temperature is 298 K, the scanning speed is 3.75 mm/s, and the laser spot diameter is 4.5 mm, the Fe#1 powder cladding can achieve better forming effect on Q235. In general, with the decrease of θ, the height of the cladding layer decreases and the width of the layer increases. However, when θ is less than 50°, the quality of the formed morphology significantly deteriorated. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results, which verifies the validity and reliability of the model. This work provides a theoretical reference for further understanding the relationship between the laser cladding morphology and the incident angle. 相似文献
激光熔覆成形预热基板设计及试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了降低激光熔覆成形过程中熔覆层热应力和减少裂纹的产生,以热传导理论和激光快速成形理论为依据,进行了预热基板的结构和控制设计;并进行了不同预热温度下单道熔覆和平面熔覆的试验研究.结果表明,通过智能PID控制器可对预热温度进行良好控制,通过热电偶温度采集模块可以实现对基板预热温度的连续、实时检测;在基板预热条件下进行激光熔覆成形可以显著改善试样的成形质量,并有效降低成形过程的热应力,减少了熔覆层裂纹的产生. 相似文献
Shuang Liu Fanrong Kong Shihong Shi Radovan Kovacevic 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2014,73(1-4):147-159
Laser cladding, as a promising manufacturing technology, has been widely used in industry for component recovery and surface modification. In this paper, a hollow laser beam was proposed to optimize the laser intensity distribution. A three-dimensional (3-D) finite element (FE) model was developed using ANSYS to investigate the thermal field in the clad deposited by a hollow laser beam. The thermal results, such as the temperature distribution and the cooling rate, were investigated. The effect of the hollow ratio between the inner and outer radius of the hollow beam on the molten pool shape was also studied. The temperature at the boundary of the molten pool was higher than at the center. A clad with a flat metallurgical bonding was formed. The microstructure in the clad was mainly consisted of fine dendrites except the large columnar structures along the bonding. The hardness distribution of the clad was associated with the grain size distribution and the dilution by the substrate. The molten pool was not able to be generated with a high hollow ratio, while overheated at the center with a low hollow ratio. Based on the comparison with the Gaussian laser beam, the hollow laser beam could effectively alleviate the overheating at the center of the clad. 相似文献
基于剪切波变换的复杂海面红外目标检测算法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对复杂海面红外目标检测问题,利用剪切波变换优良的各向异性能力和系数的几何特性,提出了一种基于剪切波变换的复杂海面红外目标检测算法.该算法利用剪切波变换得到边缘图像,同时提供边缘的方向信息,极大提高了海天线的检测和识别概率;然后根据海天线位置进行边缘加权,抑制海杂波,保留目标信息;经过减行均值滤波,对加权边缘图像进行分割;最后,进行数学形态学处理,检测出舰船目标.实验结果表明,该算法可以在单帧图像中检出目标,并且对存在阳光亮带、海杂波等干扰的复杂海面背景取得较好的检测效果. 相似文献
针对目前图像处理及3D扫描方法难以快速定量比对剪切类线性痕迹的问题,提出了一种线性痕迹激光检测信号自适应匹配算法。该算法首先利用局部加权回归散点平滑法对激光位移传感器拾取的线性痕迹表面信号进行降噪,接着进行信号数据中"粗大连贯"趋势特征的识别,并通过余弦向量曲线拟合的方法量化特征向量,逐个计算样本空间距离。最后利用动态规划算法批量进行相似度比对,匹配各自最大相似样本。实际剪切痕迹多样本数据相似度比对试验证明了该算法的准确性和有效性。 相似文献
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering - In accordance with the requirement of manufacturing dies quickly and economically, a hybrid forming method of stamping dies for automobile panels is proposed.... 相似文献