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介绍了小通道、微通道内流动沸腾换热机理的最新进展,其中包括国内外学者对各种形状的单通道小通道内流动沸腾现象的解释及其对换热系数影响的各种不同看法,以及微通道内流动沸腾换热现象研究的概况;还介绍了小通道和微通道内流型转变的研究现状,指出了各研究者研究结果的差异,并提出要进一步探索小通道微通道内流动沸腾换热现象,必须借助更先进的观测手段等。  相似文献   

对国内外微通道流动和换热的研究实验作了总结,阐述了影响微通道换热系数的因素,如热流密度、过热度和干度等.对去离子水在内径为0.65 mm、长为102 mm的圆形管道内流动沸腾换热进行了实验研究,得到了局部换热系数随干度的变化关系,进而根据换热系数的变化趋势讨论了饱和流动沸腾区微通道内主导的换热机制.结果表明:从换热系数随干度的变化关系很难判定主导的换热机制;将实验数据与已发表的预测关联式进行了比较,发现大多关联式都失效,说明基于常规理论的模型不再适用于微通道.  相似文献   

窄通道具有结构紧凑、传热效率高等优点。随着科技发展,窄通道已经成为强化换热的常用结构形式之一,被广泛应用于各种换热设备。由于窄通道内间隙内气泡的尺寸受限,气泡在发展过程中会受到挤压而发生变形,带走大量的潜热,引起汽液界面的扰动,换热性能较常规通道有很大区别。本文综述了窄通道内的主要流型及转变准则;介绍了几何与工况参数变化对窄通道内换热效果影响的传热实验研究;分析了窄通道中传热机理以及两相摩擦压降机理,并对关联式进行了总结与评述;对窄通道内强化换热的机理与进一步强化换热的方法进行归纳总结;结合目前实验与理论研究总结了现存问题,为窄通道内流动沸腾强化换热的进一步研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

对R290制冷剂在微细通道内的流动沸腾换热特性进行了实验研究。研究管径分别为1和2 mm,热流密度为20~65 k W/m~2,质量流率为100~200 kg/m~2·s,饱和温度为15和25℃,干度范围为0.1~0.9。通过实验数据分析管径、热流密度、质量流率、饱和温度对流动沸腾换热的影响。结果表明:随着管径的下降,换热系数呈现出大幅上升的趋势,其平均增幅为31%;随着热流密度的上升,换热系数呈现出大幅上升的趋势,其平均增幅达到了131%;随着质量流率的上升,换热系数呈现出小幅上升的趋势,其平均增幅为14%;随着饱和温度的上升,大部分换热系数呈现出小幅上升的趋势,其平均增幅为12.6%。  相似文献   

微尺度通道内流动沸腾研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了微尺度通道内传热问题出现的工程背景——高密度微电子器件的冷却。对当前国内外微尺度通道内流动沸腾换热特性的研究现状进行了归纳。突出分析了工质种类、微尺度通道的几何参数和工质的工况参数等对微尺度通道内流动沸腾换热特性的影响。同时分析了微尺度通道内流动沸腾换热的强化机理、流动阻力特性、压降关联式和沸腾换热关联式的理论和实验研究。最后根据分析对今后的工作提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

流动沸腾换热是典型的两相流问题。窄通道与常规通道相比较,其流动沸腾换热系数有较大提高,换热机理也更加复杂。针对截面为250 mm×5 mm的竖直矩形窄缝通道,在低压、入口温度过冷、不同质量流速及加热功率密度的条件下,对水流动沸腾换热特性进行实验研究。通过实验分析可知:入口温度27~60℃、质量流速2.22~3.49 kg/(m2.s)及加热功率密度0~12 kW/m2对饱和沸腾起始点和过冷段长度有重要影响;高的空泡份额和通道结构的限制使汽液两相流动不稳定而影响换热系数,换热系数随着功率的增大而减小,流体进入完全对流沸腾阶段;由于实验段通道顶部结构的限制,干度的增加不会出现干涸点,换热不会得到恶化,换热系数随着功率的增大基本不变。  相似文献   

微/小通道紧凑式蒸发器的应用越来越广泛,对其换热特性的深刻认识和进一步研究已成为当前亟待解决的课题,而目前涉及微/小尺度通道内沸腾换热特性和流动方面的研究尚处于起步阶段:本文介绍了近年来国内外微/小通道内沸腾换热方面的研究状况,并指出了该研究领域有待于深入开展研究的内容。  相似文献   

用CO2作为制冷剂,对内径为0.6和1.5 mm的细微通道内的低温流体流动沸腾换热特性进行了实验研究,定量分析了实验测试工况下低温流体流经管路时不同工况参数对换热系数的影响。研究表明:参考文献[7]中提出的流动沸腾换热模型具有较高的预测精度,且将误差控制在30%的范围时,流体发生干涸前的换热系数理论预测精度比(实验数据与模型数据之比)可达79.8%,平均偏差可达21.8%;流体发生干涸后的换热系数理论预测精度比为18.4%,平均偏差为59.9%。  相似文献   

为了明确竖直矩形窄通道内各阶段流动沸腾的换热特性,优化换热器性能,以去离子水为工质,对尺寸为720 mm×250 mm×3.5 mm的单面电加热竖直矩形窄通道内的流动沸腾换热进行实验研究,分析了质流密度、进口温度、热流密度对流动沸腾局部换热特性的影响。并在已有流动沸腾传热关联式的基础上,对实验数据进行非线性回归分析,得到适用于实验工况下的新流动沸腾传热关联式。结果表明:质流密度增大对流动沸腾段换热特性有强化作用,对核态沸腾段换热特性有削弱作用;热流密度对核态沸腾影响剧烈,但对流动沸腾的影响不明显;入口温度越高,流体会越早进入过冷沸腾阶段,但对局部传热系数的影响不明显;新流动沸腾传热关联式与实验值的平均相对误差为23.87%,其中74.19%的预测值在±25%内,83.87%的预测值在±50%以内,能很好地预测本实验工况下矩形窄通道内流动沸腾的局部传热系数。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解近年来微通道研究的发展状况,基于微通道两个不同的尺度级别(微米级、纳米级),对国内外相关研究成果进行了综述。通过对比分析发现,学者们对影响微通道流动与换热的因素,如工质侧的工质种类、微通道侧的通道结构、制作材料以及微尺度效应等进行了研究,但有些结论仍存在争议,甚至部分结果之间相互矛盾。在纳米通道的研究中,由于无法进行实验研究,数值模拟方法得到了广泛的应用;并且在大部分研究中主要采用分子动力学方法;在纳米通道内原子势能对换热性能产生了较大影响。  相似文献   

The effect of flow instabilities on flow boiling heat transfer in microchannels is investigated using water as the working fluid. The experimental test section has six parallel rectangular microchannels, each having a cross-sectional area of 1054 × 197 microns. Flow restrictors are introduced at the inlet of each microchannel to stabilize the flow boiling process and avoid the backflow phenomena. The mass flow rate, inlet temperature of water, and the electric current supplied to the resistive cartridge heater are controlled to provide quantitative heat transfer information. The results are compared with the unrestricted flow configuration.  相似文献   

多孔表面管沸腾传热试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对烧制成多孔表面管,进行了传热性能研究,试验表明:多孔管可以显著地强化多孔侧沸腾传热,民同规格光滑管传热性能试验对比,其沸腾给热系数比光滑管提高5-6倍。  相似文献   

Flow boiling in microchannels is characterized by the considerable influence of capillary forces and constraint effects on the flow pattern and heat transfer. In this article we utilize the features of gas–liquid flow patterns in rectangular microchannels under adiabatic conditions to explain the regularities of refrigerants flow boiling heat transfer. The flow-pattern maps for the upward and horizontal nitrogen–water flow in a microchannel with the size of 1500 × 720 μm were determined via dual-laser flow scanning and compared with corrected Mishima and Ishii prediction. Flow boiling heat transfer was studied for vertical and horizontal microchannel heat sink with similar channels using refrigerants R-21 and R-134a. The data on local heat transfer coefficients were obtained in the range of mass flux from 33 to 190 kg/m2-s, pressure from 1.5 to 11 bar, and heat flux from 10 to 160 kW/m2. The nucleate and convective flow boiling modes were observed for both refrigerants. It was found that heat transfer deterioration occurred for annular flow when the film thickness became small to suppress nucleate boiling. The mechanism of heat transfer deterioration was discussed and a model of heat transfer deterioration was applied to predict the experimental data.  相似文献   

Flow boiling in microchannels promises high heat transfer due to the combined effect of latent heat of vaporization and forced convection in confined spaces. However, flow boiling based miniaturized thermal management devices are limited due to instability induced dryout. While several efforts have been made to delay instabilities via advanced surface modification techniques, there is a need to expand the scope of applications by developing low-cost and scalable fabrication technologies for commonly used heat exchanger materials. In this paper, we use a facile and self-limiting chemical oxidation technique for fabricating sharp needle-like superhydrophilic CuO nanostructures within six parallel 500 × 250 µm2 microchannels spread uniformly over a 1 × 1 cm2 area in a copper heat sink. We demonstrate heat transfer enhancement with nanostructured microchannels (NSM) without any appreciable change either in the average pressure drop or the fluctuations in comparison to baseline plain wall microchannels (PWM). Analysis of the high-speed images was performed to attribute the enhancement with NSM to the presence of a capillarity-fed thin-film evaporation regime, which otherwise was absent in PWM. We believe that these results are encouraging and suggest that the heat sink geometry can be optimized to investigate the true potential of nanostructured microchannels.  相似文献   

Significant efforts have recently been made to investigate flow boiling in microchannels, which is considered an effective cooling method for high-power microelectronic devices. However, a fundamental understanding of the bubble motion and flow reversal observed during flow boiling in parallel microchannels is lacking in the literature. In this study, complete numerical simulations are performed to further clarify the boiling process by using the level-set method for tracking the liquid–vapor interface which is modified to treat an immersed solid surface. The effects of contact angle, wall superheat, and the number of channels on the bubble growth, reverse flow, and heat transfer are analyzed.  相似文献   

为了研究带有交错内肋微通道的流动和传热特性,采用数值模拟的方法分析了肋片的形状对微通道热力性能的影响,对比了矩形肋、菱形肋、三角形肋和圆形肋4种不同形状内肋结构的微通道和光滑矩形微通道的热力性能。结果表明:矩形肋、菱形肋、三角形肋和圆形肋微通道的努塞尔数Nu都大于光滑矩形微通道的努塞尔数Nu,最大值分别为光滑矩形微通道的2.59,2.71,2.90和2.48倍;肋片对微通道的传热特性具有显著的强化作用,这是由于流体在交错内肋的后方产生涡流,实现整个流场的全局强化传热,极大提升微通道传热特性;交错内肋的应用也增大了通道的摩擦系数,矩形肋、菱形肋、三角形肋和圆形肋微通道摩擦系数的最大值分别为光滑矩形微通道的8.66,7.96,17.50和5.96倍。  相似文献   

An experimental investigation has been performed on the laminar flow and heat transfer of water in trapezoidal silicon microchannels. Two three-dimensional (3D) heat transfer models have been developed to simulate the heat transfer performance under the same experimental conditions. Due to the sudden contraction, the velocity develops a little faster, which makes the pressure drop slightly lower than that of the neglected entrance and exit plenum regions. Due to the heat conduction in the lateral parts of wafer, the maximum temperature appears near the outlet of microchannel and the temperature is slightly different among the microchannels. Nearer to the lateral parts of wafer, the the temperature reaches the maximum for the sidewall later. With a given pumping power, the thermal resistance decreases as increase of the heating power at the substrate. However, the subthermal resistance proportion is nearly unchanged. With an increase of pumping power, the subthermal resistance proportion of convection increases rapidly at first, then gradually approaches an asymptote.  相似文献   

为分析单层石墨烯纳米片对核态池沸腾换热的影响机理,对基液为R141b、分散相为单层石墨烯纳米片的纳米制冷剂的核态池沸腾换热特征进行了测定,采用Hot Disk热物性分析仪和铂金板法分别测定了石墨烯纳米制冷剂的热导率和表面张力,采用接触角测量仪和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观测了沸腾后加热表面的润湿性和形貌特征。实验中,单层石墨烯纳米片的质量百分含量(ω)为0.02%~0.50%,实验压力为一个标准大气压,热流密度为20~200 kW/m2。实验结果表明:单层石墨烯纳米片的加入,使制冷剂R141b的核态池沸腾换热得到强化;当ω=0.2%时,换热系数提高比例出现峰值,为57.7%。伴随ω的增加,石墨烯纳米制冷剂的热导率增大、表面张力减小,沸腾表面润湿性增强且微腔数先增后减,综合作用的结果导致存在一个最佳的单层石墨烯纳米片浓度(即ω=0.2%)使换热系数最高。  相似文献   

Jet impingement boiling has been widely used in industrial facilities as its higher heat transfer coefficient(HTC) and critical heat flux(CHF) can be achieved in comparison with the pool boiling. By covering beads packed porous layer on the heated wall surface, the enlarged heat transfer area and rise of nucleation sites for boiling occur, thus, the heat transfer performance of boiling can be enhanced. For the jet impingement boiling with brass bead packed porous layers, the heat transfer perfor...  相似文献   

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