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煤炭作为我国的主体能源和重要原料,煤炭工业作为关系国计民生的重要基础产业,研究《能源法》对煤炭领域调整的主要内容,对明确《能源法》和《煤炭法》之问的关系,增强《能源法》制定的科学性,具有重要的意义和作用。  相似文献   

节约能源法实施8年来,我国的能源形势、管理体制和社会环境发生了很大变化,现行法律已经不能适应实践需要。全国人大常委会检查组建议应尽快进行修订。全国人大常委会副委员长李铁映在十届全国人大常委会第二十三次会议上作全国人大常务会执法检查组关于检查节约能源法实施情况的报告时说.现行的节约能源法存在的主要问题有:调整范围比较窄.条文设计主要针对工业领域.对建筑、交通、民用等领域涉及较少或没有规定:一些制度已不适应市场经济体制要求;许多规定过于原则:倡导性条款多,惩戒性条款少,缺乏强制力和可操作性。  相似文献   

美国《2005国家能源政策法案》是美国政府在现代国际能源市场与格局发生重大变化等背景下,审时度势,对国内能源政策进行完善.以保障国家安全和可持续发展。对美国《2005国家能源政策法案》的内容、特点及新规定加以分析,结合我国能源情况及立法现状。从立法原则内容、实施等方面对我国《能源法》的出台提出一些建议。  相似文献   

可再生能源电价附加标准提高 11月18日,国家发改委下发了《国家发展改革委关于调整华北电网电价的通知》、《国家发展改革委关于调整西北电网电价的通知》等系列通知。通知均提到,根据可再生能源发展需要,按照《可再生能源法》和《可再生能源发电价格和费用分摊管理试行办法》(发改价格[2006]7号)有关规定,将可再生能源电价附加标准提高到0.4分/kWh。  相似文献   

本文回顾薪柴能源时代、煤炭能源时代、石油能源时代的人类能源史,分析当下世界范围内能源第四次革命及与之一致的第三次工业革命的特征。阐述了中国能源战略已经发生根本性的变化。能源治理须以法治作为治理良器,通过健全和完善相关的能源法律规范、法律制度、法律程序和法律实施机制,形成以科学、完备法制为基础的能源法制体系。《电力法》及《煤炭法》的修订,《节约能源法》、《可再生能源法》、《石油天然气管道保护法》配套条例的制定,《石油天然气法》、《原子能法》、《核安全法》等法的制定以及能源基本法的制定是中国能源法治建构的重要内容。  相似文献   

德国《可再生能源法》的沿革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舟丹 《中外能源》2014,(9):55-55
<正>德国《可再生能源法》对支持可再生能源电力的发展有着全面、深入、细致的考虑和设计,经过十多年的发展,已成为世界可再生能源立法领域的典范。2000年初,德国联邦众议院和参议院通过了《可再生能源法》(EEG-2000),该法案替代了1991年开始实施的《电力上网法》(StrEG),成为推动德国可再生能源电力发展的重要法律基础。在此后的十几年时间,根据可再生能源发展的实际情况,德国又对《可再生能源法》进行了数次修改和完善。2004年通过了《可再生能源法》  相似文献   

《能源法》起草是能源法律制度“体系化”的过程,既要使能源法律与其他法律形成协调链接,又要使能源法律与其他正式和非正式制度实现协调链接,以追求能源法律绩效最大化;既要对现行单行能源法律制度改善做出指导,也要对未制定的单行能源法律提供制定依据,以保证能源法内部结构的协调统一与完整。因此,《能源法》是中国能源法律制度结构形成的基础。  相似文献   

刘苗 《上海节能》2023,(2):121-126
能源法律革命是整个能源行业革命的重点,因此作为能源领域基础性与综合性法律的《能源法》一直被广泛关注。其近30年立法过程的困难间接反映出了能源革命背后因素的盘根错节。一直以来,能源交易大多被国有企业所垄断,能源市场十分狭小,导致能源利用效率低下,创新能力弱。因此,能源市场必须从垄断转为竞争才可以打破能源领域一直以来面临的桎梏。同时,《能源法》也必须借助其他正式制度上位,通过抽象的制度转型将能源市场化确定为具体的法律规定,从而消除绝对的行政垄断,激发能源市场活力。  相似文献   

舟丹 《中外能源》2014,(9):25-25
<正>针对我国可再生能源产业快速发展,法律法规不相适合的问题,全国人大常委会在2009年12月对仅出台4年的《可再生能源法》进行首次修正,并于当年年底就审议通过新的修正案,2010年4月1日,新的修正案就开始正式实施。《可再生能源法》的修正案提出要统筹规划,要发挥规划在可再生能源发展中的引领作用。真正完成《可再生能源法》提出的一系列要求,需要整个产业链长期的努力。虽然《可再生能源法》刚刚调整,但很多问题并没有从根本上解决。现在  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》的实施回顾及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年1月1日国务院颁布实施了《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》,它不仅成为推动我国可再生能源发展的重要法律保障,而且在国际上也产生了积极影响。《可再生能源法》建立了总量目标、强制上网、分类电价、费用分摊和专项资金5项基本法律制度,围绕这5项基本法律制度,形成了支持可再生能源发展,特别是支持可再生能源发电的比较完整的法律和政策体系。同时,重要法律制度和一些规定、规章的实施取得了一定进展,促进了可再生能源的开发利用,对缓解资源瓶颈性约束、应对气候变化做出了巨大贡献。然而《可再生能源法》在实施中也暴露出一些突出问题,如可再生能源开发利用规划同能源规划以及电力、电网规划脱节,可再生能源发电强制上网和全额收购制度难以落实,可再生能源电价附加调配方式不合理等。为此,在法律后评估工作的基础上,全国人大环资委提出了修改《可再生能源法》的相关立法建议,内容包括实行统筹规划,市场配置与政府宏观调控相结合,保证国家扶持资金集中统一使用,形成政府统一调控的可再生能源发展基金。全额保障性收购制度是此次法律修改的最大亮点。2009年12月26日,十一届全国人大常委会第十二次会议表决通过了对修改《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》的决定。  相似文献   

This paper presents the prospects for the development of the Polish hard coal sector from the perspective of the power sector. The most important issues determining the mid- and long-term future for domestic coal production are: (1) the development of the economy, hence the demand for electricity, (2) regulations (mostly environmental) affecting the power sector, (3) the competitiveness of coal-based technologies, and (4) the costs of domestic coal production. Since the range of issues and relations being considered is very broad, a specific method needs to be employed for the quantitative analysis. The tool applied in this study is the partial equilibrium model POWER-POL, in which both the coal and the power sectors are incorporated. The model focuses on energy–economy–environmental issues without capturing detailed macroeconomic links. The model was run under six scenario assumptions. The results show that the domestic coal sector should maintain its position as a key supplier of primary energy for the Polish power sector. However, the environmental regulations to which the domestic power sector has to conform will decrease the share of coal in the fuel-mix. Since the investment processes in this sector are usually long-term, the effects of changes will be noticeable from 2015 onwards.  相似文献   

界定能源法的基本原则是能源法制定工作的关键问题之一。我国能源法的基本原则主要应有四项:能源安全原则、能源可持续利用原则、节能与能源效率原则、能源与环保协调原则。这四项基本原则不是孤立存在的,它们之间的联系非常紧密。能源安全是关系到国家安全的重大战略问题,它必然是我国能源法的首要指导原则。能源可持续利用是可持续发展观在能源领域的具体体现,即能源可持续利用是一种可持续发展的能源观,正在制定中的能源基本法应成为我国能源可持续利用的重要保障。节能与能源效率的内涵并无差别,要解决我国的能源问题,根本出路在于坚持开发与节约并举、节约优先的方针,大力推进节能降耗,提高能源利用效率,节能与提高能效理应成为能源法的一项基本原则。能源生产与利用对生态环境的损害是我国环境问题的核心,同时环境保护也是能源可持续发展的动力,促进能源开发利用与生态环境保护的协调发展,是能源法的一项重要任务,也是能源法的一项基本原则。  相似文献   

Turkey's Energy Efficiency Law (EEL) came into force in May 2007. The EEL will transform energy policies implemented in the government and private sectors. The law and upcoming regulations will offer opportunities for the impending Energy Service Company (ESCO) market in Turkey. In this work, we briefly review the ESCO literature and its financing mechanisms in the world, and present our views with regard to the funding and related risks that are likely to be associated with the forthcoming Turkish ESCO market. These views are backed up with Turkish credit and banking market performance and the lessons learned from implementation of some EU-related projects involving the banking sector and small-and-medium-sized firms. We conclude that in order to create a promising competitive ESCO market, Turkey's policy must be to sustain its average 5% growth rate achieved lately for the coming decade, finish the structural reforms which will invite necessary capital inflows to ensure an economic stability and financing.  相似文献   

The article examines the potential effectiveness of the renewable energy policy in China and its regulatory Law framework. It frames the option of renewable energy technology within the background of the long-lasting electricity problems that China has faced including serious supply shortages, reliance on coal, and severe environmental contamination. Its dual administrative and ownership system based on state and privately owned industry is discussed together with the market reform measures adopted in the sector. Current renewable energy policy is analysed, and the scope of the 2005 Renewable Energy Promotion Law is investigated. This is conducted within the context of the electricity sector reform that China adopted, and its effects upon the prospects of encouraging as well as expanding the development of renewable energy. This study draws upon primary information collected from interviews with stakeholders on the policy adequacy, and identifies three main types of shortcomings that have interfered with a more successful expansion of renewable energy in China.  相似文献   

This paper aims to evaluate the development of small hydropower (SHP) in Turkey and discusses the current situation of SHP plants in terms of government policy, economical aspects and environmental impacts taking EU policy into account. The laws published in recent years in Turkey succeeded in promoting the utilization of renewable energy for electricity generation, but it is considered that those laws are not fully compatible with EU policy. After the publication of Renewable Energy Law (Law No. 5346) there occurred a boost in SHP project along with hydropower development. Thus, the hydropower potential of Turkey increased 15% and the construction of hydropower plants also increased by a factor of four in 2007 as compared to 2006. Investment and operating costs are in favor of SHP development in Turkey as having the lowest costs among European countries (300–1000 €/kW as investment cost and 1 €cent/kWh as operating cost). Turkish governments have taken precautions for environmental issues resulted from renewable energy utilization but these are obviously not adequate. It is concluded that more attention must be paid on environmental issues and monitoring of the facilities must be enabled with further laws or regulations.  相似文献   

能源问题是实现全球温升2℃目标的重要方面,引导和推进相关技术发展有助于实现零碳社会.能源转型是目前全球的热点问题之一.本文回顾并总结在能源转型方面的相关政策及趋势预测,并对一些主要国家在能源领域特别是煤炭发电领域的政策和发展趋势进行了回顾和总结,详细讨论了各国为实现零碳目标所采取的重要政策支持和技术方法;能源转型推进过...  相似文献   

Application of energy system models for designing a low-carbon society   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rising concern about the effect of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on climate change is pushing national governments and the international community to achieve sustainable development in an economy that is less dependent on carbon emitting activities - a vision that is usually termed a “low-carbon society” (LCS). Since the utilization of energy resources is the main source of GHG emissions, restructuring current energy systems in order to incorporate low-carbon energy technologies is essential for the realization of the LCS vision. Energy policies promoting the penetration of these technologies must view the role of energy in society as a system, composed of several energy resources, conversion technologies and energy demand sectors. The feasibility of the LCS in the future can be better understood by means of energy models. Energy models are valuable mathematical tools based on the systems approach. They have been applied to aid decision-making in energy planning, to analyze energy policies and to analyze the implications arising from the introduction of technologies. The design of the LCS requires innovative energy systems considering a trans-disciplinary approach that integrates multi-dimensional elements, related to social, economic, and environmental aspects. This paper reviews the application of energy models considering scenarios towards an LCS under the energy systems approach. The models reviewed consider the utilization of waste for energy, the penetration of clean coal technologies, transportation sector models as a sample of sectoral approaches, and models related to energy-for-development issues in rural areas of developing countries.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》2003,74(3-4):261-269
This paper describes the low-sulphur coals market in Poland. It is a crucial issue question because these types of coals will be particularly in demand after the year 2005, when the Polish environmental standards will be more restrictive. This is applicable especially to the energy sector, which is the main consumer of coal in Poland. The purpose of this work is the evaluation of abilities to balance the quantity and quality of low-sulphur coal supplies to the basic consumers, which are domestic heat-and-power plant's and others. The article focuses on three key issues. The first one includes an analysis of the supply side of the coal market in Poland. The second concern is an overview of present and future emissions-standards for the energy sector. The third problem applies to the demand side of the coal market and describes the consequences of putting into operation related emissions standards. The analysis ends with conclusions and recommendations for applying an appropriate strategy to meet the new environmental regulations. Conditions under which the burning of low-sulphur coals can be sufficient to meet emissions standards are also described.  相似文献   

Energy demand of India is continuously increasing. Coal is the major fossil fuel in India and continues to play a pivotal role in the energy sector. India has relatively large reserves of coal (253 billion tonnes) compared to crude oil (728 million tonnes) and natural gas (686 billion cubic meters). Coal meets about 60% of the commercial energy needs and about 70% of the electricity produced in India comes from coal, and therefore there is a need for technologies for utilization of coals efficiently and cleanly. UCG offers many advantages over the conventional mining and gasification process. UCG is a well proven technology. Due to the site-specific nature of the process, possibility of land subsidence and surrounding aquifer water contamination, this technology is still in a developing stage in India. Potential for UCG in India is studied by comparing the properties of Indian coals with the properties of coal that are utilized by various UCG trials. The essential issues are elaborated for starting UCG in India based on the reported information from the successful field trials conducted all over the world. Indian industries are in the process of initiating pilot studies of UCG at various sites. This study will help to motivate both applied and theoretical research work on UCG sites in India and after detailed analysis it will provide basic data to interested industries.  相似文献   

Based on the China Energy and Environmental Policy Analysis model which takes into account the current characters and potential reforms of energy markets in China, and from the perspective of economy-wide cost-effectiveness, this study aims to analyze how carbon mitigation burdens should be shared among key emission sectors in China, as well as how these sectors would behave to meet their burdens. This study finds that in general, allocating mitigation burdens based on historical emissions could realize the national target in a cost-effective way. However, some adjustments should be made to the coal, electricity, and transportation sectors. The mitigation targets for all sectors, especially for the coal sector, should not be set too high in the short-term. And the burden shared by the electricity sector should increase if electricity pricing is deregulated; meanwhile, energy efficiency and the energy input structure should be improved in the electricity sector.  相似文献   

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