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Plugs, i.e. droplets formed in a microchannel, may revolutionize microfluidic cell-based assays. This study describes a microdevice that handles nanolitre-scale liquid plugs for the preparation of various culture setups and subsequent cellular assays. An important feature of this mode of liquid operation is that the recirculation flow generated inside the plug promotes the rapid mixing of different solutions after plugs are merged, and it keeps cell suspensions homogeneous. Thus, serial dilutions of reagents and cell suspensions with different cell densities and cell types were rapidly performed using nanolitres of solution. Cells seeded through the plug processing grew well in the microdevice, and subsequent plug processing was used to detect the glucose consumption of cells and cellular responses to anticancer agents. The plug-based microdevice may provide a useful platform for cell-based assay systems in various fields, including fundamental cell biology and drug screening applications.  相似文献   


Plugs, i.e. droplets formed in a microchannel, may revolutionize microfluidic cell-based assays. This study describes a microdevice that handles nanolitre-scale liquid plugs for the preparation of various culture setups and subsequent cellular assays. An important feature of this mode of liquid operation is that the recirculation flow generated inside the plug promotes the rapid mixing of different solutions after plugs are merged, and it keeps cell suspensions homogeneous. Thus, serial dilutions of reagents and cell suspensions with different cell densities and cell types were rapidly performed using nanolitres of solution. Cells seeded through the plug processing grew well in the microdevice, and subsequent plug processing was used to detect the glucose consumption of cells and cellular responses to anticancer agents. The plug-based microdevice may provide a useful platform for cell-based assay systems in various fields, including fundamental cell biology and drug screening applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple procedure for the fabrication of thermoset polyester (TPE) microfluidic systems and discusses the properties of the final devices. TPE chips are fabricated in less than 3 h by casting TPE resin directly on a lithographically patterned (SU-8) silicon master. Thorough curing of the devices is obtained through the combined use of ultraviolet light and heat, as both an ultraviolet and a thermal initiator are employed in the resin mixture. Features on the order of micrometers and greater are routinely reproduced using the presented procedure, including complex designs and multilayer features. The surface of TPE was characterized using contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Following oxygen plasma treatment, the hydrophilicity of the surface of TPE increases (determined by contact angle measurements) and the proportion of oxygen-containing functional groups also increases (determined by XPS), which indicates a correlated increase in the charge density on the surface. Native TPE microchannels support electroosmotic flow (EOF) toward the cathode, with an average electroosmotic mobility of 1.3 x 10(-4) cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) for a 50-microm square channel (20 mM borate at pH 9); following plasma treatment (5 min at 30 W and 0.3 mbar), EOF is enhanced by a factor of 2. This enhancement of the EOF from plasma treatment is stable for days, with no significant decrease noted during the 5-day period that we monitored. Using plasma-treated TPE microchannels, we demonstrate the separation of a mixture of fluorescein-tagged amino acids (glycine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid). TPE devices are up to 90% transparent (for approximately 2-mm-thick sample) to visible light (400-800 nm). The compatibility of TPE with a wide range of solvents was tested over a 24-h period, and the material performed well with acids, bases, alcohols, cyclohexane, n-heptane, and toluene but not with chlorinated solvents (dichloromethane, chloroform).  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare a quantitative cell-based assay measuring the intracellular Ca2+ response to the agonist uridine 5'-triphosphate in Chinese hamster ovary cells, in both microfluidic and microtiter formats. The study demonstrates that, under appropriate hydrodynamic conditions, there is an excellent agreement between traditional well-plate assays and those obtained on-chip for both suspended immobilized cells and cultured adherent cells. We also demonstrate that the on-chip assay, using adherent cells, provides the possibility of faster screening protocols with the potential for resolving subcellular information about local Ca2+ flux.  相似文献   

This paper describes a procedure for making topologically complex three-dimensional microfluidic channel systems in poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). This procedure is called the "membrane sandwich" method to suggest the structure of the final system: a thin membrane having channel structures molded on each face (and with connections between the faces) sandwiched between two thicker, flat slabs that provide structural support. Two "masters" are fabricated by rapid prototyping using two-level photolithography and replica molding. They are aligned face to face, under pressure, with PDMS prepolymer between them. The PDMS is cured thermally. The masters have complementary alignment tracks, so registration is straightforward. The resulting, thin PDMS membrane can be transferred and sealed to another membrane or slab of PDMS by a sequence of steps in which the two masters are removed one at a time; these steps take place without distortion of the features. This method can fabricate a membrane containing a channel that crosses over and under itself, but does not intersect itself and, therefore, can be fabricated in the form of any knot. It follows that this method can generate topologically complex microfluidic systems; this capability is demonstrated by the fabrication of a "basketweave" structure. By filling the channels and removing the membrane, complex microstructures can be made. Stacking and sealing more than one membrane allows even more complicated geometries than are possible in one membrane. A square coiled channel that surrounds, but does not connect to, a straight channel illustrates this type of complexity.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the importance of the hydrodynamic environment in microfluidic systems in quantitative cellular assays using live cells. Commonly applied flow conditions used in microfluidics were evaluated using the quantitative intracellular Ca2+ analysis of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells as a model system. Above certain thresholds of shear stress, hydrodynamically induced intracellular Ca2+ fluxes were observed which mimic the responses induced by chemical stimuli, such as the agonist uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt (UTP). This effect is of significance given the increasing application of microfluidic devices in high-throughput cellular analysis for biophysical applications and pharmacological screening.  相似文献   

Biomolecular transport in nanofluidic confinement offers various means to investigate the behavior of biomolecules in their native aqueous environments, and to develop tools for diverse single-molecule manipulations. Recently, a number of simple nanofluidic fabrication techniques has been demonstrated that utilize electrospun nanofibers as a backbone structure. These techniques are limited by the arbitrary dimension of the resulting nanochannels due to the random nature of electrospinning. Here, a new method for fabricating nanofluidic systems from size-reduced electrospun nanofibers is reported and demonstrated. As it is demonstrated, this method uses the scanned electrospinning technique for generation of oriented sacrificial nanofibers and exposes these nanofibers to harsh, but isotropic etching/heating environments to reduce their cross-sectional dimension. The creation of various nanofluidic systems as small as 20 nm is demonstrated, and practical examples of single biomolecular handling, such as DNA elongation in nanochannels and fluorescence correlation spectroscopic analysis of biomolecules passing through nanochannels, are provided.  相似文献   

Current strategies for cell-based screening generally focus on the development of highly specific assays, which require an understanding of the nature of the signaling molecules and cellular pathways involved. In contrast, changes in temperature of cells provides a measure of altered cellular metabolism that is not stimulus specific and hence could have widespread applications in cell-based screening of receptor agonists and antagonists, as well as in the assessment of toxicity of new lead compounds. Consequently, we have developed a micromachined nanocalorimetric biological sensor using a small number of isolated living cells integrated within a subnanoliter format, which is capable of detecting 13 nW of generated power from the cells, upon exposure to a chemical or pharmaceutical stimulus. The sensor comprises a 10-junction gold and nickel thermopile, integrated on a silicon chip which was back-etched to span a 800-nm-thick membrane of silicon nitride. The thin-film membrane, which supported the sensing junctions of the thermoelectric transducer, gave the system a temperature resolution of 0.125 mK, a low heat capacity of 1.2 nJ mK(-1), and a rapid (unfiltered) response time of 12 ms. The application of the system in ultra-low-volume cell-based assays could provide a rapid endogenous screen. It offers important additional advantages over existing methods in that it is generic in nature, it does not require the use of recombinant cell lines or of detailed assay development, and finally, it can enable the use of primary cell lines or tissue biopsies.  相似文献   

Development of quantitative cell-based enzyme assays in microdroplets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe the development of an enzyme assay inside picoliter microdroplets. The enzyme alkaline phosphatase is expressed in Escherichia coli cells and presented in the periplasm. Droplets act as discrete reactors which retain and localize any reaction product. The catalytic turnover of the substrate is measured in individual droplets by monitoring the fluorescence at several time points within the device and exhibits kinetic behavior similar to that observed in bulk solution. Studies on wild type and a mutant enzyme successfully demonstrated the feasibility of using microfluidic droplets to provide time-resolved kinetic measurements.  相似文献   

Liu J  Sun X  Lee ML 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(5):1926-1931
A poly(ethylene glycol)-functionalized acrylic copolymer was developed for fabrication of microfluidic devices that are resistant to protein and peptide adsorption. Planar microcapillary electrophoresis (microCE) devices were fabricated from this copolymer with the typical cross pattern to facilitate sample introduction. In contrast to most methods used to fabricate polymeric microchips, the photopolymerization-based method used with the copolymer reported in this work was of the soft lithography type, and both patterning and bonding could be completed within 10 min. In a finished microdevice, the cover plate and patterned substrate were bonded together through strong covalent bonds. Additionally, because of the resistance of the copolymer to adsorption, fabricated microfluidic devices could be used without surface modification to separate proteins and peptides. Separations of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled protein and peptide samples were accomplished using these new polymeric microCE microchips. Separation efficiencies as high as 4.7 x 10(4) plates were obtained in less than 40 s with a 3.5-cm separation channel, yielding peptide and protein peaks that were symmetrical.  相似文献   

Development of the dielectrophoretic (DEP) live cell trapping technology and its interfacing with the environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) is described. DEP microelectrode arrays were fabricated on glass substrate using photolithography and lift-off. Chip-based arrays were applied for ESEM analysis of DEP-trapped human leukemic cells. This work provides proof-of-concept interfacing of the DEP cell retention and trapping technology with ESEM to provide a high-resolution analysis of individual nonadherent cells.  相似文献   

Accuracy and rapid response are critical to the detection of an acute infectious disease, not only because the detection results can affect the medical treatment, but also can prevent disease outbreaks. Since the current culture-based technology is time consuming and experience dependent, academia and industrial researchers are using microfluidics and nucleic acids as the fundamental ideas to build pioneering tools against infectious disease. While many point-of-care microfluidic systems have been realized to execute nucleic acid applications, high-throughput microfluidic systems are under development for various nucleic acid applications because of high efficiency and demand from the market. Building a high-throughput system is an interdisciplinary challenge because of the design concerns from science and the manufacturing concerns from engineering, but its realization will be a milestone. This article is aimed to review three essential steps of the nucleic acid-based detection realized in high-throughput formats, including polymerase chain reaction, capillary electrophoresis, and nucleic acid purification.  相似文献   

Microfabricated filters for microfluidic analytical systems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
He B  Tan L  Regnier F 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(7):1464-1468
Solvent and reagent filters were micromachined into quartz wafers using deep reactive ion etching to create a network of intersecting 1.5 x 10 microns channels. When placed at the bottom of reservoirs with a side exit, this channel network behaved as a lateral percolation filter composed of an array of cubelike structures one layer deep. Flow through these filters was driven by electroosmotic flow (EOF). Silanol groups at the walls of channels in the network provided the requisite charge to trigger EOF when voltage was applied laterally to the filter. Adsorption of cationic proteins in this silanol-rich matrix was controlled by the application of a polyacrylamide coating prepared by bonding N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)-activated poly(acrylic acid) to (gamma-aminopropyl)silane-derivatized filters. Subsequent reaction of residual NHS groups in the coating with 2-(2-aminoethoxy)ethanol provided channels of low charge density and adsorptivity. These lateral percolation filters were shown to be efficacious in filtering solvents containing a variety of particulate materials, ranging from dust to cells.  相似文献   

Sperm chemotaxis is an area of significant interest to scientists involved in reproductive science. Understanding how and when sperm cells are attracted to the egg could have profound effects on reproduction and contraception. In an effort to systematically study this problem, we have fabricated and evaluated a microfluidic device to measure sperm chemotaxis. The device was designed with a flow-through configuration using a spatially and temporally stable chemical gradient. Mouse sperm cells were introduced into the chemotaxis chamber between confluent flows of mouse ovary extract and buffer. The sperm experiencing chemotaxis swam toward the extract and were counted relative to those that swam toward the buffer. The ovary extracts were diluted from 10(2) to 10(7) times, and each extract dilution was screened for chemotaxis. Four out of six ovaries showed a strong chemotactic response at extract dilutions of 10(-3) to 10(-5). This device provided a convenient, disposable platform on which to conduct chemotaxis assays, and the flow-through design overcomes difficulties associated with distinguishing chemotaxis from trapping.  相似文献   

A novel flow injection-renewable surface (FI-RS) technique is introduced for the execution of automated pharmacology-based assays on living cells. Cells are attached to microcarrier beads, which serve as the disposable and renewable surface with which the assay is performed. The feasibility of this FI-RS technique is demonstrated by performing a functional assay using Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with the rat muscarinic receptor (M1). The intracellular calcium elevation resulting from the agonist-receptor interaction is measured via a calcium-sensitive fluorescent probe (fura-2) and a fluorescence microscope photometry system. The FI apparatus allows reproducible and precise control of the concentration gradient of chosen muscarinic receptor agonists (carbachol, acetylcholine, pilocarpine) delivered to cells attached to microcarrier beads. The RS methodology eliminates problems associated with diminishing biological response vis-à-vis traditional functional assays that are performed repetitively on the same group of cells. Using this technique, reproducible responses are measured and pharmacologic parameters quantified that compare favorably to literature values. In addition, the use of the FI-RS functional assay as an analytical method for discrimination of agonists based on kinetic parameters is proposed.  相似文献   

Nanorobotic handling of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using microgrippers is one of the most promising approaches for the rapid characterization of the CNTs and also for the assembly of prototypic nanotube-based devices. In this paper, we present pick-and-place nanomanipulation of multi-walled CNTs in a rapid and a reproducible manner. We placed CNTs on copper TEM grids for structural analysis and on AFM probes for the assembly of AFM super-tips. We used electrothermally actuated polysilicon microgrippers designed using topology optimization in the experiments. The microgrippers are able to open as well as close. Topology optimization leads to a 10-100 times improvement of the gripping force compared to conventional designs of similar size. Furthermore, we improved our nanorobotic system to offer more degrees of freedom. TEM investigation of the CNTs shows that the multi-walled tubes are coated with an amorphous carbon layer, which is locally removed at the contact points with the microgripper. The assembled AFM super-tips are used for AFM measurements of microstructures with high aspect ratios.  相似文献   

Mixing confluent liquid streams is an important, but difficult operation in microfluidic systems. This paper reports the construction and characterization of a 100-pL mixer for liquids transported by electroosmotic flow. Mixing was achieved in a microfabricated device with multiple intersecting channels of varying lengths and a bimodal width distribution. All channels running parallel to the direction of flow were 5 microm in width whereas larger 27-microm-width channels ran back and forth through the parallel channel network at a 45 degrees angle. The channel network composing the mixer was approximately 10 microm deep. It was observed that little mixing of the confluent solvent streams occurred in the 100-microm-wide, 300-microm-long mixer inlet channel where mixing would be achieved almost exclusively by diffusion. In contrast, after passage through the channel network in the approximately 200-microm-length static mixer bed, mixing was complete as determined by confocal microscopy and CCD detection. Theoretical simulations were also performed in an attempt to describe the extent of mixing in microfabricated systems.  相似文献   

The fundamentals and latest developments of Rapid Prototyping (RP) and Rapid Manufacturing (RM) technologies and the application of most common biomaterials such as titanium and titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) are discussed in this paper. The issues while fabricating pre-surgical models, scaffolds for cell growth and tissue engineering and concerning fabrication of medical implants and dental prostheses are addressed. Major resources related to RP/RM technology, biocompatible materials and RP/RM applications in medicine and dentistry are reviewed. A large number of papers published in leading journals are searched.

Besides the titanium and titanium alloys which were established as bio-compatible materials over five decades ago, other biocompatible materials such as cobalt-chromium and PEEK have also been increasingly used in medical implants and dental prosthesis fabrication. For over a decade RP technologies such as Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) along with the Fused Depositing Modelling (FDM) are predominantly employed in the fabrication of implants, prostheses and scaffolds. Recently Electron Beam Melting (EBM) has been successfully employed for fabrication of medical implants and dental prostheses with complex features. In dentistry crown restoration, the use of thin copings of Ti6Al4V made by the EBM process is an emerging trend. This review is based upon the findings published in highly cited papers during the last two decades. However the major breakthrough in the field of RP/RM for medical implants and dental prostheses took place in the last decade. The fabrication of medical implants and prostheses and biological models have three distinct characteristics: low volume, complex shapes and they are highly customised. These characteristics make them suitable to be made by RM technologies even on a commercial scale. Finally, current status and methodology and their limitations as well as future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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