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Demand Response is increasingly viewed as an important tool for use by the electric utility industry in meeting the growing demand for electricity. There are two basic categories of demand response options: time varying retail tariffs and incentive Demand Response Programs. Electricity Saudi Company (ESC) is applying the time varying retail tariffs program, which is not suitable according to the studied load curves captured from the industrial and commercial sectors. Different statistical studies on daily load curves for consumers connected to 22 kV lines are classified. The load curve criteria used for classification is based on peak ratio and night ratio. The data considered here is a set of 120 annual load curves corresponding to the electric power consumption (the western area in the King Saudi Arabia (KSA)) of many clients in winter and some months in the summer (peak period). The study is based on real data from several Saudi customer sectors in many geographical areas with larger commercial and industrial customers. The study proved that the suitable Demand Response for the ESC is the incentive program.  相似文献   

To the extent that demand response represents an intentional electricity usage adjustment to price changes or incentive payments, consumers who exhibit more-variable load patterns on normal days may be capable of altering their loads more significantly in response to dynamic pricing plans. This study investigates the variation in the pre-enrollment load patterns of Korean commercial and industrial electricity customers and their impact on event-day loads during a critical peak pricing experiment in the winter of 2013. Contrary to conventional approaches to profiling electricity loads, this study proposes a new clustering technique based on variability indices that collectively represent the potential demand–response resource that these customers would supply. Our analysis reveals that variability in pre-enrollment load patterns does indeed have great predictive power for estimating their impact on demand–response loads. Customers in relatively low-variability clusters provided limited or no response, whereas customers in relatively high-variability clusters consistently presented large load impacts, accounting for most of the program-level peak reductions. This study suggests that dynamic pricing programs themselves may not offer adequate motivation for meaningful adjustments in load patterns, particularly for customers in low-variability clusters.  相似文献   

孙德刚 《节能》2010,29(6):65-66
分析我国燃煤锅炉现状的基础上,阐述燃煤工业锅炉节能减排的主要途径,通过加强技术改造、运行管理、水质监督等措施的应用,可提高锅炉的运行效率,实现节能减排的目的。  相似文献   

The choice of fuels for a commercial open-cycle MHD generator is not as simple as for a conventional plant. After the commissioning operations and the power runs of the Indian pilot MHD plant, the question of early commercialization is being debated. In this context, this paper looks at the spectrum of fossil fuels available in India and evaluates their relative suitability for commercial MHD generators. The attainable plasma temperature, electrical conductivity and the available fuel energy at the combustor outlet are taken as the comparison yardsticks. Standard operating parameters for commercial installations have been assumed. The comparison, which in the Indian context has been limited to coal-based fuels and natural gas, indicates the latter as the fuel of choice followed by gasified coal.  相似文献   

The amount of energy consumed relative to a given amount of output (the energy consumption/GDP ratio) varies substantially among selected industrial countries and over time within the same country. Associated with these differences are differences in energy supply systems, composition of output, energy prices, physical characteristics and tastes. Past experience suggests that if energy consumption is to be moderated in line with stated conservation aims, stronger energy pricing and conservation policies will be needed.  相似文献   

Catalyst pretreatment and reaction conditions (reaction temperature, H2O/CO molar ratio and space velocity) for the Water Gas Shift reaction were studied in a bench scale set-up, using a commercial catalyst and an industrial coal-derived syngas feed. Catalytic activity showed an important dependence on reaction temperature and space velocity although it remained almost constant with varying H2O/CO molar ratio. The effect of reduction with H2 or sulfide activation with H2S or carbonyl sulfide (COS) was also studied, giving good catalytic results for 94 ppm S provided by either H2S or COS as sulfide agents. Selectivity to hydrogen was close to 100% in all catalytic reaction tests.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the feasibility of a platinum leasing program for future fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs) in the United States. By internalizing the residual value of platinum in the vehicle's upfront cost, a platinum lease may offer cost savings to the consumer. Several leasing scenarios were evaluated to estimate potential cash savings.  相似文献   

This paper begins by examining the most energy-intensive industries and methods by which fuel efficiency can be improved. Next the author analyses the economics of energy conservation using specific case studies drawn from India. It is shown that investing in energy efficiency is more economical Btu per Btu than investing in the enhancement of domestic energy resources. The author also assesses changes in the economics of conservation for private firms when there are government incentives. Finally government policies that can overcome economic and non-economic disincentives for investing in energy conservation are examined.  相似文献   

In the assessment and review of regulatory reforms in the electric power market, price elasticity is one of the most important parameters that characterize the market. However, price elasticity has seldom been estimated in Japan; instead, it has been assumed to be as small as 0.1 or 0 without proper examination of the empirical validity of such a priori assumptions. We estimated the regional power demand functions for nine regions, in order to quantify the elasticity, and found the short-run price elasticity to be 0.09–0.30 and the long-run price elasticity to be 0.12–0.56. Inter-regional comparison of our estimation results suggests that price elasticity in rural regions is larger than that in urban regions. Popular assumptions of small elasticity of 0.1, for example, could be suitable for examining Japan's aggregate power demand but not power demand functions that focus on respective regions. Furthermore, assumptions about smaller elasticity values such as 0.01 and 0 could not be supported statistically by this study.  相似文献   

Federal law and state regulation promote the installation of energy-saving equipment by commercial and industrial firms. We estimate the reduction in energy consumption that a sample of firms obtained from such installations and compare the value of these savings, both privately and socially, with the cost of the installations. With correction for self-selection bias, the investments are found to offer favorable rates of return to the firms and, for social values of energy savings exceeding 1 c̵kWhr, to be socially beneficial.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1980, Davis (CA) undertook a program to encourage residents to reduce peak electricity use. The program was initiated by the local utility company and carried a collective financial incentive: for every 1% reduction in peak electricity use, the utility would reward the city $10,000 up to a maximum of $100,000. This paper discusses the program and evaluates its effects during the first experimental summer of operation.Most of the strategies developed in Davis to reduce peak load also indirectly encouraged conservation during off-peak hours, and the program evolved, in effect, as a conservation program. Total electricity use for the Davis residential sector, adjusted for weather and prices, was reduced by about 7%, and the reduction of peak load was somewhat greater. The program was economically rewarding to residents, the city, and the utility. In addition, the program had other, intangible impacts on general energy consciousness and community spirit.  相似文献   

The development of reliable hydrogen sensors is crucial for the safe use of hydrogen. One of the main concerns of end users is sensor reliability in the presence of species other than the target gas, which can lead to false alarms or undetected harmful situations. To assess the selectivity of commercial-off-the-shelf hydrogen sensors, a number of sensors of different technology types were exposed to various interferent gas species. Cross-sensitivity tests were performed in accordance with the recommendations of ISO 26142:2010, using the hydrogen sensor testing facilities of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Joint Research Centre – Institute for Energy and Transport. Most of the sensor platform tested are unaffected by the exposure to the interferents. The metal-oxide and the thermal conductivity platform show a remarkable sensitivity to CH4. None of the platforms tested were permanently affected by the exposure to the cross-sensitive species.  相似文献   

This study provides a detailed case study assessment of two business sites in the UK, to understand the policy drivers of increases to their energy costs and energy bills, considering all current UK energy and climate change policies. We compare our findings to more generalised, theoretical calculations of the policy cost impact on energy costs and bills – we have found no other studies as comprehensive as ours in terms of policy coverage.We find that for one site the government has over-estimated the likely energy savings due to energy efficiency options. Such differences in estimates should be taken into account when considering the efficacy of climate change policies on future energy savings. The overall impact of energy and climate change policies on costs will be of the order 0.4% of total business costs by 2020. This provides an important metric for the near-term cost of mitigation to meet longer-term climate change goals.  相似文献   

Wind power potential by itself is not a good indicator of the suitability of a region for wind power generation for different purposes. Economic attractiveness is a better indicator in this regard as it stimulates the involvement of private businesses in this sector. Naturally, the shorter is the payback period or the time required to reach profitability, the more attractive will be the project. Considering the high wind energy potential of some regions of Iran, this study evaluates the wind energy available for generating electricity as well as hydrogen by industrial and agricultural sectors in four cities of Ardebil province, namely Ardebil, Khalkhal, Namin, and Meshkinshahr, and then conducts an econometric analysis accordingly. Wind power potentials are evaluated using the energy pattern factor and Weibull distribution function based on 5-year meteorological data of the studied regions. Economic evaluations are performed based on the present worth of incomes and costs, which are estimated for two models of wind turbines with 3.5 and 100 KW rated power. Results indicate that the cities of Namin and Ardebil with wind power densities of respectively 261.68 and 258.99 W/m2 have the best condition. The economic analysis conducted for turbines shows that for Ardebil, installation of the 3.5 KW and 100 KW turbines will have a payback period of 13 and 5 years, respectively. For Khalkhal, Namin, and Meshkinshahr, the only feasible option is installation of the 100 KW turbine, which would result in a payback period of respectively 10.2, 6.1 and 8.7 years. Then it is investigated how much hydrogen can be gained if these private sectors invest in producing hydrogen using nominated wind turbines.  相似文献   

龙恩深  张川 《节能》2003,(1):17-20
介绍一个有效治理锅炉房噪音、同时具有更佳系统节能和环境效益的设计新方案 ,并对该方案提出了传热计算简化模型。利用此模型分析了该方案节能及环保效益的各种影响因素 ,提出设计中应采取的措施及该方案的技术性限制 ,可供广大设计人员及能源环保工作者参考。  相似文献   

The most extensive action targeting the adoption of energy efficiency measures in small- and medium-sized manufacturing industries in Sweden over the past 15 years was project Highland. This paper presents an evaluation of the first part of this local industrial energy programme, which shows an adoption rate of more than 40% when both measures that have already been implemented and measures that are planned to be implemented are included. A comparison between this programme and another major ongoing programme for the Swedish energy-intensive industry indicates that the approach used in project Highland aimed at small- and medium-sized industries is an effective way to increase energy efficiency in the Swedish industry. The major barriers to energy efficiency among the firms were related to the low priority of the energy efficiency issue.  相似文献   

Energy conservation in drying and processing operations is essential in order to improve the reliability of low and moderate temperature renewable energy systems, and to reduce operating costs and energy consumption in systems using high-energy content fossil fuels in farms and processing plants especially in industrialized economies. An experimental evaluation of energy conservation potential by recirculating exhaust air in a commercial heated-air batch hay dryer is presented. The design of the exhaust recirculation unit is such that only about 30% of the total exhaust air is recirculated through the heater inlet. Experimental tests were conducted on the dryer with and without exhaust air recirculation. Maximum energy savings of 27% and 17% were achieved with exhaust air recirculation during fall and summer dryer operation, respectively.  相似文献   

Energy conservation in the commercial sector is impeded by the lack of simple yet reliable measures of building energy efficiency. A simple Energy Utilization Index is preferable, but it lacks reliability if it remains unadjusted for significant sources of variation. Linear regression analysis represents a straightforward method for introducing necessary sophistication, but care must be exercised in model specification and sample selection. A model incorporating climate, occupancy patterns, HVAC design, and building type explains 42% of the EUI variance in a sample of Texas school and university buildings.  相似文献   

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