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R. Colao 《Wear》2009,267(11):1772-1776
A nanoscale study of the abrasive wear behaviour of a ductile monophasic metallic alloy (the stainless steel AISI 316L) is presented. By using atomic force microscopy (AFM) based techniques, particularly a diamond tip mounted on a stiff steel cantilever, the contact of a single abrasive asperity was simulated, and it was possible to determine accurately the load threshold below which no measurable wear occurs. It was observed that, once this nanoscale threshold for wear is overcome, the worn volume increases linearly with the load, as predicted by the Rabinowicz model. However, it was found that, although this critical threshold for measurable wear is most certainly related with the yield-onset of plastic deformation, it cannot be predicted by using directly a criterion based on the bulk microhardness. Hence, the results presented in this paper strongly indicate that indentation size effects play a crucial role on the response to abrasive wear at the asperity contact level.  相似文献   

A simple physically-based model for the abrasive wear of composite materials is presented based on the mechanics and mechanisms associated with sliding wear in soft (ductile)- matrix composites containing hard (brittle) reinforcement particles. The model is based on the assumption that any portion of the reinforcement that is removed as wear debris cannot contribute to the wear resistance of the matrix material. The size of this non-contributing portion (NCP) of reinforcement is estimated by modeling three primary wear mechanisms, specifically, plowing, cracking at the matrix/reinforcement interface or in the reinforcement, and particle removal. Critical variables describing the role of the reinforcement, such as relative size, fracture toughness and the nature of the matrix/reinforcement interface, are characterized by a single contribution coefficient, C. Predictions are compared with the results of experimental two-body (pin-on-drum) abrasive wear tests performed on a model aluminum particulate-reinforced epoxy-matrix composite material.  相似文献   

P. Kenny  S.N. Johnson 《Wear》1976,36(3):337-361
The paper describes an investigation of wear of tools in cutting abrasive rock and is relevant to the problems encountered in the coal mining industry. The emphasis of the paper is on tribological aspects rather than tool performance aspects and the treatment is at a macroscopic level. A range of tool geometries and materials were included in the investigation and the effects of length of cut and depth bf cut studied.It is concluded that the wear of a cutting tool differs from the wear observed in conventional sliding contact situations with respect to the relationship between wear and applied load. This is attributed to the displacement control, rather than load control, of the cutting process and the consequent degradation of the abrasive under high contact pressures. The rate of removal of material by wear at the cutting edge of the tool, within the range of variables examined, (a) is independent of the rake and clearance angles of the tool and the width of the wear flat, (b) is proportional to the distance cut (excluding an initial high rate) and the width of the tool, and (c) decreases with increasing depth of cut and tip hardness.  相似文献   

High temperature abrasive wear performance of Inconel 617, Stellite 6 alloys and X32CrMoV33 hot work tool steel was investigated. The wear resistance of the latter is degraded at 750 °C due to its inferior oxidation resistance. Extensive oxidation co-occuring with abrasive wear at 750 °C leads to substantial material loss due to the lack of a protective oxide scale, sufficiently ductile to sustain the abrasion without extensive spalling. The wear resistance of the Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys, on the other hand, improves at 750 °C owing to protective oxides that sustain the abrasion without spalling.  相似文献   

R. Veinthal  P. Kulu  H. Käerdi 《Wear》2009,267(12):2216-7592
Composite materials produced by powder metallurgy provide a solution in many engineering applications where materials with high abrasion and erosion resistance are required. The actual wear behaviour of the material is associated with many external factors (particle size, velocity, angularity, etc.) and intrinsic material properties (hardness, toughness, Young modulus, etc.). Hardness and toughness properties of such tribomaterials are highly dependent from the content of reinforcing phase, its size and from the mechanical properties of the constituent phases. In this study an attempt is made to model the erosion wear behaviour of composite materials, to calculate the wear rate and to correlate erosion rates with experimental results and material parameters. Powder composites cermets and metal-matrix composite materials reinforced with different content of hard phase were used as examples in this research. Wear mechanisms of materials were investigated. Following from the main mechanisms of erosion wear the models of plastic deformation and brittle fracture are developed for prediction of erosion of powder composite materials. It was demonstrated, that the erosion rate of hardmetal-type materials can be predicted using the results obtained by microindentation methods. The use of hardness distribution parameters is justified with materials with low binder content.  相似文献   

M.M. Khruschov 《Wear》1974,28(1):69-88
The mechanisms of abrasive wear are reviewed and laboratory test methods assessed. The results of abrasive wear tests on technically pure metals, heat treated steels, cold work hardened materials, hard wear resistant materials and minerals against fixed abrasive grains are discussed. The correlation between abrasive wear resistance and the physical properties of materials is established; the effect of the relative hardness of the abrasive and impact loading is considered. The basic principles of abrasive wear derived are outlined.  相似文献   

A rig has been developed to study the abrasive wear of materials in sliding contact with solid particles. The equipment has a wide pressure and velocity range and can be used to simulate the tribological conditions inside pulverizers. Using the rig, a number of different materials have been tested and classified according to their resistance to abrasive wear in rubbing contact with particulate coal. The investigation was divided into two parts, in each part a different shape of grinding blade (test material) was used in order to focus attention on the different wear phenomena. Tests with triangular blades can provide useful information about the wear properties of various materials. Apart from the maximum wear resistance, the initial drop in wear resistance IDWR can be determined. The value of IDWR gives information about the contribution of the brittle fracture of the sharp edges and asperities to the total wear of the blade.  相似文献   

Wear characteristics of silicate glass and sapphire at abrasive machining have been studied. The data obtained and the analysis of images of worn surfaces have allowed the authors to conclude that two modes of material damage run simultaneously; these are the local melting of the glass followed by its squeezing towards the contact exit and periodical fatigue fracture (growth of microcracks). Under a short-term effect of high thermal stresses the glass was found to undergo thermal cracking even outside the contact site. The crystalline material (sapphire) demonstrated anisotropy of fatigue strength under abrasive wear, when its wear rate in two perpendicular directions differed almost by an order of magnitude. The possibility of sapphire damage outside the contact site is explained by the position of the maximal surface temperature region being some distance ahead of the zone of the abrasive tool-blank contact.  相似文献   

Laser confocal microscopy reveals fatigue cracking under the surface of silicate glass upon friction and abrasive machining. Surface cracking is also registered and its maximum depth is determined, indicating that its longitudinal cross section has an irregular profile. The stage of fatigue wear of the glass corresponding to debris nucleation shouldbe visualized. It is established that the mass wear rate and the maximum surface cracking depth are correlated: once a definite sliding velocity is reached, the cracking becomes deeper and the wear rate intensifies in both types of tests. The obtained results prove that several wear mechanism can occur simultaneously during abrasive machining of brittle inorganic materials, namely, brittle chipping, low-cycle fatigue, thermomechanical fracture, and local melting (under critical loading conditions).  相似文献   

R. Manu  N. Ramesh Babu 《Wear》2009,266(11-12):1091-1097
This paper presents an attempt to model the abrasive waterjet (AWJ) turning process considering material removal from the circumference of a rotating cylindrical specimen. The methodology involves the use of Finnie's theory of erosion to estimate the volume of material removed by the impacting abrasive particles. The proposed model considers the impact of jet at an angle to the workpiece surface to account for the curvature of the workpiece. Unlike earlier works, this model considers the continuous change in local impact angle caused by the change in workpiece diameter. The flow stress of the workpiece material is determined using a novel experiment involving the same abrasive and workpiece materials. The adequacy of the proposed model is examined through AWJ turning tests under various process parameter combinations. The final diameters predicted by the model are found to be in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

M.A. Moore 《Wear》1974,28(1):59-68
The relationship between the abrasive wear resistance and bulk hardness of ferritic materials in the pearlitic and martensitic conditions has been investigated. For pearlitic materials the abrasive wear resistance and bulk hardness are dependent on the pearlite content and for martensitic materials the abrasive wear resistance and bulk hardness are dependent on the square root of the carbon content. Thus for each structure there is a linear relationship between abrasive wear resistance and bulk hardness, but it is suggested that the material microstructure has a greater influence on wear resistance than the bulk hardness.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the results of an experimental study of the influence of high hydrostatic pressure on the abrasive wear of hard-alloy materials based on tungsten carbide (~90% WC ± 10% Co), as well as alloys based on iron with high contents of chromium. A specially developed setup has been described in the paper that makes it possible to test materials under the hydrostatic pressure of up to 250 MPa at different friction speeds. An investigation of the surfaces of samples using the Scanning Electron Microscopy method has revealed that the main damage of alloy surface occurs due to the delamination and spalling of hard particles. It has been revealed that the hydrostatic pressure significantly influences the wear rate of the investigated materials. When the pressure increases to 200 MPa, the wear of materials with high contents of chromium increases seven times, while for the material based on tungsten carbide, it increases twice.  相似文献   

H. Miki  S. Kobayashi 《Wear》1980,65(1):47-53
An analysis was made to determine the magnitude of the surface roughness of a material abraded with an abrasive paper. The theory used in the analysis includes a simple theory of plasticity based on wedge penetration into a soft material. Experimental abrasion test results show that the analysis is useful for the derivation of the centre-line average roughness of material slid against abrasive papers.  相似文献   

R.T. Spurr 《Wear》1981,65(3):315-324
A quite general relationship exists between abrasive wear and the ploughing contribution to friction. Tensile stresses are developed in the material displaced by the ploughing indenter and these give rise to wear particles.  相似文献   

An investigation on three-body abrasive wear test at elevated temperature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wen-Zhong Wu  Jian-Dong Xing  Jun-Yi Su 《Wear》1997,210(1-2):299-303
A high temperature three-body abrasive wear tester has been designed and made. In order to exhibit the effect of oxidation on the wear amount of specimen and to simulate various service conditions, the oxygen content in atmosphere, the time of exposing specimen in atmosphere and the intensity of abrasion can be controlled in the tester. In the temperature range 20–900 °C, both the discriminability of wear resistances of materials and the data reproducibility of the tester are quite satisfactory. Moreover, an intermittent oxidation-abrasion test procedure has been established for investigating the interaction of oxidation and abrasion at elevated temperature. By comparing the result of test performed in argon atmosphere with that in ambient atmosphere, the respective effects of oxidation and abrasion on volume loss of specimen can be clearly distinguished.  相似文献   

G.K. Lal  M.C. Shaw 《Wear》1973,25(2):255-269
The overcut fly milling operation that closely simulates fine grinding has been used extensively to study the performance of several grain types at moderate and low wheel speeds. Results indicate that the wear of abrasive grains for a particular grain-work-piece combination is a function of chip thickness, chip length and wheel speed. For a constant chip length, the wear rate increases exponentially with increasing chip thickness. There is, however, an optimum value of chip length which gives minimum wear at any particular chip thickness.  相似文献   

R.F. Scrutton  G.K. Lal  T. Matsuo  M.C. Shaw 《Wear》1973,24(3):295-307
In earlier wear studies1 single abrasive grains were rubbed against the surfaces of metal disks under light loads. These studies have now been extended to include an examination of wear behaviour when using diamond-impregnated surfaces at lower sliding speeds and when using more accurately controlled test conditions. These wear tests provided values of wear resistance in the absence of chemical effects (i.e. at sufficiently low surface temperatures). The results are in excellent agreement with the conventional wear theory pertaining to lightly loaded sliders. The wear volumes are, however, two orders of magnitude greater than those obtained when rubbing tough grains against steel disks and three orders of magnitude greater than the results obtained when rubbing friable grains against similar metallic surfaces.  相似文献   

A.A. Torrance 《Wear》1980,63(2):359-370
Previous attempts to correlate theoretically the results obtained from some simple abrasive wear tests are reviewed briefly. While these theories all predict the behaviour of pure metals quite well, they fail with heat-treated alloys. It has been suggested that elastic deflections in these alloys may change significantly the shapes and depths of the scratches formed when they are abraded, but surprisingly no attempt has yet been made to include them in a model of abrasion. In this paper a simple plastic model of abrasion is modified to allow for elastic effects. An expression is deduced relating the abrasion resistance of a metal to its hardness and Young's modulus, and the values it predicts are found to agree well with a wide range of published experimental results.  相似文献   

Abrasive wear has long been recognised as one of the most potentially serious tribological problems facing the operators of many types of plant and machinery; several industrial surveys have indicated that wear by abrasion can be responsible for more than 50% of unscheduled machine and plant stoppages. Locating the operating point of a tribological contact in an appropriate operational ‚map’︁ can provide a useful guide to the likely nature and origins of the surface degradation experienced in use, though care must be exercised in choosing the most suitable parameters for the axes of the plot. Laboratory testing of materials and simulations of machine contacts are carried out for a number of purposes; at one level for the very practical aims of ranking candidate materials or surface hardening treatments in order of their wear resistance, or in an attempt to predict wear lives under field conditions. More fundamentally, tests may be aimed at elucidating the essential physical mechanisms of surface damage and loss, with the longer term aim of building an analytical and predictive model of the wear process itself. In many cases, component surface damage is brought about by the ingress of hard, particulate matter into machine bearing or sealing clearances. These may be running dry although, more usually, a lubricant or service fluid is present at the interface. A number of standardised wear test geometries and procedures have been established for both two- and three-body wear situations, and these are briefly described. Although abrasive wear is often modelled as following an ‚Archard’︁ equation (i.e. a linear increase in material loss with both load and time, and an inverse dependence on specimen hardness) both industrial experience and laboratory tests of particularly lubricated contacts show that this is not always the case: increasing the hardness differential in an abrasively contaminated lubricated pair may not always reduce the rate of damage to the harder surface.  相似文献   

J. Pirso  M. Viljus  K. Juhani  S. Letunovitš 《Wear》2009,266(1-2):21-29
The present paper concerns the two-body dry abrasive wear phenomenon of a series of cermets on the base of titanium and chromium carbides with different composition, using a “block on abrasive grinding wheel” test machine. WC–Co hardmetals were used as reference material. Abrasive wear resistance of WC-base hardmetals is superior to that of TiC- and Cr3C2-base cermets. The wear coefficient of the cermets reduces with the increase of carbide content in the composites. The volume wear decreases with the increase in bulk hardness. At the first period volume wear of cermets increases linearly with the sliding distance up to the first 100 m; after that the alumina grits become blunt. Scanning electron microscopy examination of the wear tracks in the worn blocks suggests that abrasive wear mechanisms of different cermets are similar and occur through surface elastic-plastic and plastic deformation (grooving). The fracturing of bigger carbide grains and carbide framework the formation of sub-surface cracks by a fatigue process under repeated abrasion is followed by loss of small volumes of the material.  相似文献   

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