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The aim of this study was to estimate soil moisture from RADARSAT-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired over agricultural fields. The adopted approach is based on the combination of semi-empirical backscattering models, four RADARSAT-2 images and coincident ground measurements (soil moisture, soil surface roughness and vegetation characteristics) obtained near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada during the summer of 2008. The depolarization ratio (χv), the co-polarized correlation coefficient (ρvvhh) and the ratio of the absolute value of cross polarization to crop height (Λvh) derived from RADARSAT-2 data were analyzed with respect to changes in soil surface roughness, crop height, soil moisture and vegetation water content. This sensitivity analysis allowed us to develop empirical relationships for soil surface roughness, crop height and crop water content estimation regardless of crop type. The latter were then used to correct the semi-empirical Water-Cloud model for soil surface roughness and vegetation effects in order to retrieve soil moisture data. The soil moisture retrieved algorithm is evaluated over mature crop fields (wheat, pea, lentil, and canola) using ground measurements. Results show average relative errors of 19%, 10%, 25.5% and 32% respectively for the retrieval of crop height, soil surface roughness, crop water content and soil moisture.  相似文献   

Soil moisture retrieval is often confounded by the influence of vegetation and surface roughness on the backscattered radar signal in vegetated areas. In this study, a semi-empirical methodology is proposed to retrieve soil moisture in prairie areas. The effect of vegetation is eliminated by the ratio vegetation method and water cloud model (WCM), respectively. The conditions of vegetation are characterized by leaf area index (LAI), vegetation water content (VWC), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and enhanced vegetation index (EVI), respectively. To remove the dependence on surface roughness, the dielectric constant is explicitly expressed as the function of co-polarization backscattering coefficients and sensor parameters based on the Dubois model. The ground measurements and satellite data collected from the Ruoergai and Wutumeiren prairies of China allow for validating the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methodology. From the perspective of soil moisture retrieval accuracy, the ratio vegetation method performs better than WCM. In the Ruoergai prairie, the best soil moisture retrieval result is obtained when EVI is used, with correlation coefficient (r) and root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.87 and 3.50 vol.%, respectively. While in the Wutumeiren prairie, the lowest retrieval error is obtained when LAI is used, with r and RMSE values of 0.79 and 5.73 vol.%, respectively. These results demonstrate that the Dubois model has a potential for enhancing soil moisture retrieval in prairie areas using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical data.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of TerraSAR-X radar signals to surface soil parameters has been examined over agricultural fields, using HH polarization and various incidence angles (26°, 28°, 50°, 52°). The results show that the radar signal is slightly more sensitive to surface roughness at high incidence (50°–52°) than at low incidence (26°–28°). The difference observed in the X-band, between radar signals reflected by the roughest and smoothest areas, reaches a maximum of the order of 5.5 dB at 50°–52°, and 4 dB at 26°–28°. This sensitivity increases in the L-band with PALSAR/ALOS data, for which the dynamics of the return radar signal as a function of soil roughness reach 8 dB at HH38°. In the C-band, ASAR/ENVISAT data (HH and VV polarizations at an incidence angle of 23°) are characterised by a difference of about 4 dB between the signals backscattered by smooth and rough areas.Our results also show that the sensitivity of TerraSAR-X signal to surface roughness decreases in very wet and frozen soil conditions. Moreover, the difference in backscattered signal between smooth and rough fields is greater at high incidence angles. The low-to-high incidence signal ratio (Δσ° = σ26°–28°/σ50°–52°) decreases with surface roughness, and has a dynamic range, as a function of surface roughness, smaller than that of the backscattering coefficients at low and high incidences alone. Under very wet soil conditions (for soil moistures between 32% and 41%), the radar signal decreases by about 4 dB. This decrease appears to be independent of incidence angle, and the ratio Δσ° is found to be independent of soil moisture.  相似文献   

Calibration and validation activities on Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS)-derived soil moisture products have been conducted worldwide since the data became available, but this has not been the case over tropical regions. This study focuses on the setting up of a soil moisture data collection network over an agricultural site in a tropical region in Peninsular Malaysia and on the validation of SMOS soil moisture products. The in-situ data over a one-and-a-half-year period was analysed and the validation of the SMOS soil moisture products with this in-situ data was conducted. Bias and root mean square error (RMSE) were computed between the SMOS soil moisture products and the in-situ surface soil moisture collected at the satellite passing times (6 am and 6 pm local time). Due to the known limitations of SMOS soil moisture retrieval over vegetated areas with a vegetation water content higher than 5 kg m?2, an overestimation of SMOS soil moisture products to in-situ data was noticed in this study. The bias ranged from 0.064 to 0.119 m3 m?3 and the RMSE was from 0.090 to 0.158 m3 m?3, when both ascending and descending mode data were measured. This RMSE was found to be similar to those of a number of studies conducted previously at different regions. However, a wet bias was found during the validation, while previous validation activities at other locations showed dry biases. The result of this study is useful to support the continuous development and improvement of the SMOS soil moisture retrieval model, aiming to produce soil moisture products with higher accuracy, especially in tropical regions.  相似文献   


Results of radiometric measurements over bare soil obtained with horizontally polarized microwave radiometers at 1·55 and 19·1 GHz are presented. The observed normalized brightness temperatures were used to estimate the soil moisture content using the radiative transfer model. It is found that the r.m.s. difference between observed and estimated soil moisture content is comparable to the standard deviation found in ground measurement of soil moisture content.  相似文献   


Most attempts at predicting soil moisture from C-band microwave backscattering coefficients for bare soil are made by fitting experimental calibration relations obtained for limited ranges of incidence angle and soil surface roughness. In this paper, a more general approach is discussed using an inversion procedure to extend the use of a single experimental calibration relation to a wider range of incidence angle and surface roughness. A correcting function is proposed to normalize the backscattering coefficients to the conditions (incidence angle and surface roughness) of the calibration relation. This correcting function was derived from simulated data using the physical optics or KirchhofTs scatter model using the scalar approximation. Before discussing the inversion procedure, the backscattering coefficients calculated by the model have been compared with experimental data measured in the C-band, HH polarization and three incidence angles (Θ= 15°, 23°, 50°) under a wide range of surface soil moisture conditions (0.02Hv  0.35cm3 cm-3) and for a single quite smooth soil surface roughness (0–011 s  OOI4/n)m. The model was found to be experimentally validated from 15° to 23° of incidence and for surface soil moistures higher than 0-I0cm3cm-3. For the inversion procedure, it is assumed to have a wider range of validity (15°  Θ 35° ) for ihc incidence angle. A sensitivity analysis of the model to errors on roughness parameter and incidence angle was performed in order to assess the feasability and suitability of the described inversion procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper we present first results of bare surface soil moisture retrieval using data from the European Multisensor Airborne Campaign/ Experimental Synthetic Aperture Radar (EMAC/ESAR) collected on 9 April 1994 in the Zwalm catchment, Belgium. Data from EMAC Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer (ROSIS) collected on 12 July 1994 over the same catchment were used to develop land use maps. Concurrent to the EMAC/ESAR overflights field data were collected in two subcatchments of the Zwalm catchment. The paper first presents the data processing procedures used for the radar images. Then we apply a theoretical backscattering model to investigate the sensitivity of EMAC/ESAR backscattering coefficients to surface parameters (topography, surface roughness, vegetation and soil moisture). By comparing the predicted backscattering coefficients to the observed ones, we can conclude that classical measurement techniques for surface roughness parameters in remote sensing campaigns are not accurate enough for retrieving soil moisture using theoretical models. A method based on simultaneous retrieval of surface roughness parameters and soil moisture using multiple ESAR measurements is hence proposed. Promising results for retrieved soil moisture confirm the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Soil moisture plays a critical role in the energy exchange and water redistribution of the land-atmosphere system. Knowledge of the temporal variations in soil moisture is vital in agricultural applications. Microwave indices are often used to characterize the temporal variations in soil moisture. In this study, we evaluate the temporal variations in soil moisture based on the microwave polarization difference index (MPDI) using ground-based measurements in China. In situ soil moisture at six test sites during the crop-growing season from 2009 to 2011 is obtained. The consistency of the temporal variations between the MPDI values and the in situ soil moisture is analysed in terms of (1) microwave frequencies, (2) satellite overpass times, and (3) measurement depths of soil moisture. The results show that the accuracies of the consistency vary from approximately 40% to 90%. Compared with the in situ soil moisture at 0–10 cm, the temporal variations in soil moisture are best characterized by the 6.9 GHz MPDI values from the ascending overpasses (MPDI_06A). Furthermore, the accuracies of the consistency between MPDI_06A and the in situ soil moisture at 0–10 cm are greater than those between MPDI_06A and the in situ soil moisture at 10–20 cm.  相似文献   


Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) provides a remote sensing tool to estimate soil moisture. Mapping surface soil moisture from the grey level of SAR images is a demonstrated procedure, but several factors can interfere with the interpretation and must be taken into account. The most important factors are surface roughness and the radar configuration (frequency, polarization and incidence angle). This Letter evaluates the influence of these variables for estimation of bare soil moisture using RADARSAT-1 SAR data. First, the parameters of two linear backscatter models, the Ji and Champion models (Ji et al . 1995, Champion 1996), were tested and the constants recalculated. rms error based on the backscattering coefficient was reduced from 6.12 and 6.48 dB to 4.28 and 1.68 dB for the Ji and Champion models respectively. Secondly, a new model is proposed which had an rms error of only 1.21 dB. The results showed a marked increase in accuracy compared with the previous models.  相似文献   

Soils play a key role in shaping the environment and in risk assessment. We characterized the soils of bare agricultural plots using TerraSAR-X (9.5 GHz) data acquired in 2009 and 2010. We analyzed the behavior of the TerraSAR-X signal for two configurations, HH-25° and HH-50°, with regard to several soil conditions: moisture content, surface roughness, soil composition and soil-surface structure (slaking crust).The TerraSAR-X signal was more sensitive to soil moisture at a low (25°) incidence angle than at a high incidence angle (50°). For high soil moisture (> 25%), the TerraSAR-X signal was more sensitive to soil roughness at a high incidence angle (50°) than at a low incidence angle (25°).The high spatial resolution of the TerraSAR-X data (1 m) enabled the soil composition and slaking crust to be analyzed at the within-plot scale based on the radar signal. The two loamy-soil categories that composed our training plots did not differ sufficiently in their percentages of sand and clay to be discriminated by the X-band radar signal.However, the spatial distribution of slaking crust could be detected when soil moisture variation is observed between soil crusted and soil without crust. Indeed, areas covered by slaking crust could have greater soil moisture and consequently a greater backscattering signal than soils without crust.  相似文献   

The potential of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in monitoring soil and vegetation parameters is being evaluated in extensive investigations, worldwide. A significant experiment on this subject, the Multi-sensor Airborne Campaign (MAC 91), was carried out in the summer of 1991 on several sites in Europe, based on the NASA/JPL polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (AIR-SAR). The site of Montespertoli (Italy) was imaged three times during this campaign at P-, L-, and C-band and at different incidence angles between 20° and 50°. Calibrated full polarimetric data collected over the agricultural area of this site have been analysed and a critical analysis of the information contained in linear and circular co-polar and cross-polar data has also been carried out. Here a guideline for the formulation of crop discrimination algorithms is suggested. It has been found that P-band data are rather effective only in discriminating broad classes of agricultural landscape, while finer detail can be obtained by integrating data at L- and C-bands. Indeed at L-band well developed ‘broad leaf’ crops can be separated from the others, whereas at C-band discrimination seems feasible in the case of moderate growth as well. Finally the sensitivity of backscattering coefficient to soil moiture and vegetation biomass is discussed.  相似文献   

This research investigates the appropriate scale for watershed averaged and site specific soil moisture retrieval from high resolution radar imagery. The first approach involved filtering backscatter for input to a retrieval model that was compared against field measures of soil moisture. The second approach involved spatially averaging raw and filtered imagery in an image-based statistical technique to determine the best scale for site-specific soil moisture retrieval. Field soil moisture was measured at 1225 m2 sites in three watersheds commensurate with 7 m resolution Radarsat image acquisition. Analysis of speckle reducing block median filters indicated that 5 × 5 filter level was the optimum for watershed averaged estimates of soil moisture. However, median filtering alone did not provide acceptable accuracy for soil moisture retrieval on a site-specific basis. Therefore, spatial averaging of unfiltered and median filtered power values was used to generate backscatter estimates with known confidence for soil moisture retrieval. This combined approach of filtering and averaging was demonstrated at watersheds located in Arizona (AZ), Oklahoma (OK) and Georgia (GA). The optimum ground resolution for AZ, OK and GA study areas was 162 m, 310 m, and 1131 m respectively obtained with unfiltered imagery. This statistical approach does not rely on ground verification of soil moisture for validation and only requires a satellite image and average roughness parameters of the site. When applied at other locations, the resulting optimum ground resolution will depend on the spatial distribution of land surface features that affect radar backscatter. This work offers insight into the accuracy of soil moisture retrieval, and an operational approach to determine the optimal spatial resolution for the required application accuracy.  相似文献   

Land surface soil moisture (SSM) is a fundamental variable in the hydrological cycle and is an important parameter in investigations on water and energy balances at the Earth's surface. Many efforts have been made to derive SSM from remotely sensed thermal infrared data. Using the Noah land surface model (LSM) and the Gaussian emulation machine for sensitivity analysis (GEM-SA) software, a sensitivity study was conducted for bare soil to investigate the interrelationship between the evolution of land surface temperature (LST) and SSM. Based on the diurnal cycles of LST and net surface shortwave radiation, eight parameters intuitively related to SSM were defined, and a sensitivity analysis (SA) was performed in the presence and absence of atmospheric variation. The results provided insight into the relationships between the eight parameters and various environmental factors such as soil physical parameters, soil moisture, albedo, and atmospheric parameters. For instance, the results suggested that the surface air temperature had a significant effect on the LST, especially the maximum, minimum, and average daytime temperatures. For a given atmospheric forcing data set, the LST rising rate normalized by the difference in the net surface shortwave radiation during the mid-morning (T N) was the parameter most sensitive to the SSM, contributing 80.72% to the total variance. In addition, the time at which the daily maximum temperature occurred (t d), the daily minimum temperature, and the LST nocturnal decay coefficient were strongly related to the soil type. Using a linear combination of T N and t d, a method was proposed to retrieve the SSM, and the coefficients of the linear model were found to be independent of the soil type for a given atmospheric condition. Compared with the actual SSM values used in the Noah LSM simulation, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the SSM retrieved from our proposed method was within 0.04 m3 m?3 for all the 20 clear days evaluated in the present study.  相似文献   

In this article, we report on the assessment of the spatial variability of soil moisture using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. The imagery was acquired during five different periods over the Roseau River watershed in southern Manitoba, Canada. For validation purposes, ground measurements were carried out at 62 locations simultaneous with the satellite data acquisitions. The first step in this analysis was to assess the performance of the Integral Equation Model (IEM) in simulating backscatter coefficients for selected bare soils. In order to reduce the surface roughness effect on radar backscatter, a semi-empirical calibration technique was implemented. This calibrated model was then implemented in a simplex inversion routine in order to estimate and map soil moisture. Derived spatial patterns of near-surface moisture content were then examined using scale analyses. It has been confirmed that the variance of radar-based soil moisture images follows power law decay versus the observation scale. Also, more explicit analysis of the same soil moisture maps shows a ln–ln linear spatial scale with statistical moments. Concave shape dependency of the corresponding slopes with the moment order was observed during all radar acquisition periods. The latter indicates the presence of multifractal effects.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is an important hydrologic variable of great consequence in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to accurately assess the spatial and temporal variability of surface soil moisture using conventional, point measurement techniques. Remote sensing has the potential to provide areal estimates of soil moisture at a variety of spatial scales. This investigation evaluates the use of European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-2) C-band, VV polarization, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for regional estimates of surface soil moisture. Radar data were acquired for three contiguous ERS-2 scenes in the Southern Great Plains (SGP) region of central Oklahoma from June 1999 to October 2000. Twelve test sites (each approximately 800?m×800?m) were sampled during the ERS-2 satellite overpasses in order to monitor changes in soil moisture and vegetation on the ground. An average radar backscattering coefficient was calculated for each test site. Landsat-5 and -7 Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes of the experimental sites close in time to the ERS-2 acquisition dates were also analysed. The TM scenes were used to monitor land cover changes and to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Land cover and ground data were used to interpret the radar-derived soil moisture data. Linear relationships between soil moisture and the backscattering coefficient were established. Using these equations, soil moisture maps of the Little Washita and the El Reno test areas were produced.  相似文献   

Spatial averaging schemes have often been used to improve empirical models that relate radar backscatter coefficient to soil moisture. However, reducing the noise in backscatter response not related to soil moisture often results in signal losses that are related to soil moisture. In this study we tested whether a spatial averaging scheme based on topographic features improved regressions relating backscatter coefficient and soil moisture on the low relief landscape of the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada. Soil moisture data were collected along hillslope transects within pothole drainage basins at intervals coincident with RADARSAT-1 satellite overpass. Spatial averaging schemes were designed at four scales: pixel, topographic feature (uplands, sideslopes, and lowlands), pothole drainage basin, and landscape (0.8 km × 1.6 km). The relationship between soil moisture and backscatter coefficient improved with increasing area of spatial averaging from a pixel (R2 = 0.18, P < 0.005), to the pothole drainage basin (R2 = 0.36, P < 0.005), to the landscape (R2 = 0.66, P < 0.005). However, the strongest relationship (R2 = 0.72, P < 0.005) was obtained by spatially averaging radar images based on topographic features. These findings indicate that topographically based spatial averaging of RADARSAT-1 imagery improves empirical models that are created to map the complex patterns of soil moisture in prairie pothole landscapes.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation is to analyze the sensitivity of ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar) data to soil surface parameters (surface roughness and soil moisture) over bare fields, at various polarizations (HH, HV, and VV) and incidence angles (20°-43°). The relationships between backscattering coefficients and soil parameters were examined by means of 16 ASAR images and several field campaigns. We have found that HH and HV polarizations are more sensitive than VV polarization to surface roughness. The results also show that the radar signal is more sensitive to surface roughness at high incidence angle (43°). However, the dynamics of the radar signal as a function of soil roughness are weak for root mean square (rms) surface heights between 0.5 cm and 3.56 cm (only 3 dB for HH polarization and 43° incidence angle). The estimation of soil moisture is optimal at low and medium incidence angles (20°-37°). The backscattering coefficient is more sensitive to volumetric soil moisture in HH polarization than in HV polarization. In fact, the results show that the depolarization ratio σHH0HV0 is weakly dependent on the roughness condition, whatever the radar incidence. On the other hand, we observe a linear relationship between the ratio σHH0HV0 and the soil moisture. The backscattering coefficient ratio between a low and a high incidence angle decreases with the rms surface height, and minimizes the effect of the soil moisture.  相似文献   

Radarsat-2 imagery from extreme dry versus wet conditions are compared in an effort to determine the value of using polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for improving estimation of fuel moisture in a chronosequence of Alaskan boreal black spruce ecosystems (recent burns, regenerating forests dominated by shrubs, open canopied forests, moderately dense forest cover). Results show strong distinction between wet and dry conditions for C-HH and C-LR polarized backscatter, and Freeman–Durden and van Zyl surface bounce decomposition parameters (35–65% change for all but the dense spruce site). These four SAR variables have high potential for evaluation of within site surface soil moisture, as well as for relative distinction between wet and dry conditions across sites for lower biomass and sparse canopy forested sites. However, for any given test site except the shrubby regrowth site, van Zyl volume, surface, and double bounce scattering all result in similar percentage increases from dry to wet soil condition. This indicates that for most of these test sites/cases moisture enhances the magnitude of the return for all scattering mechanisms evaluated. Thus, differences in scattering from the interaction of biomass, surface roughness, and moisture condition across sites remains an issue and backscatter due to surface roughness or biomass cannot be uniquely estimated. In contrast, the Cloude–Pottier C-band decomposition variables appear invariant to soil moisture, but may instead account for variations in ecosystem structure and biomass. Further investigation is needed, as results warrant future research focused on evaluation of multiple polarimetric parameters in algorithm development.  相似文献   

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