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介绍了体异质结聚合物太阳电池的基本原理,并分析了限制体异质结有机太阳电池转化效率的因素。从提高激子的产生效率及其解离效率、电极对电荷的引出效率、电池的稳定性以及电池的光谱吸收范围四个方面,综述了提高体异质结聚合物太阳电池能量转化效率的方法。  相似文献   

The performance of all‐polymer solar cells (all‐PSCs) is often limited by the poor exciton dissociation process. Here, the design of a series of polymer donors ( P1 – P3 ) with different numbers of fluorine atoms on their backbone is presented and the influence of fluorination on charge generation in all‐PSCs is investigated. Sequential fluorination of the polymer backbones increases the dipole moment difference between the ground and excited states (Δµge) from P1 (18.40 D) to P2 (25.11 D) and to P3 (28.47 D). The large Δµge of P3 leads to efficient exciton dissociation with greatly suppressed charge recombination in P3 ‐based all‐PSCs. Additionally, the fluorination lowers the highest occupied molecular orbital energy level of P3 and P2 , leading to higher open‐circuit voltage (VOC). The power conversion efficiency of the P3 ‐based all‐PSCs (6.42%) outperforms those of the P2 and P1 (5.00% and 2.65%)‐based devices. The reduced charge recombination and the enhanced polymer exciton lifetime in P3 ‐based all‐PSCs are confirmed by the measurements of light‐intensity dependent short‐circuit current density (JSC) and VOC, and time‐resolved photoluminescence. The results provide reciprocal understanding of the charge generation process associated with Δµge in all‐PSCs and suggest an effective strategy for designing π‐conjugated polymers for high performance all‐PSCs.  相似文献   

Photogenerated charge carriers for blend films of poly[2‐methoxy‐5‐(3,7‐dimethyloctyloxy)‐1,4‐phenylenevinylene] (MDMO‐PPV) and [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) have been investigated by transient absorption spectroscopy. The blend film with a low PCBM fraction (<10 wt %) exhibits a wide absorption that ranges from 900 to 1000 nm, which is characteristic of the MDMO‐PPV hole polaron and PCBM radical anion. On the other hand, the blend film with a higher PCBM fraction (> 30 wt %) exhibits a major absorption band at ∼900 nm, which is characteristic of the PCBM radical cation. For identification of charge carriers, the absorption spectrum and molar absorption coefficient of each charged species have been evaluated separately using various combinations of electron donor and acceptor materials. Consequently, the MDMO‐PPV hole polaron has been found to have a broad absorption at ∼950 nm and the PCBM radical anion and cation show a distinct absorption at 1020 and 890 nm, respectively. On the basis of these absorption spectra, the transient spectra observed for the blend films have been simulated. The spectrum for a low PCBM fraction is well reproduced by superposition of the absorption spectra of the MDMO‐PPV hole polaron and PCBM radical anion. On the other hand, the spectrum for a high PCBM fraction is well reproduced by superposition of the absorption spectra of the MDMO‐PPV hole polaron, PCBM radical anion, and PCBM radical cation, which indicates that the PCBM radical cation is formed in the blend films with PCBM at a high concentration. Possible mechanisms for the formation of the PCBM radical cation in the blend are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this study the charge dissociation at the donor/acceptor heterointerface of thermally evaporated planar heterojunction merocyanine/C60 organic solar cells is investigated. Deposition of the donor material on a heated substrate as well as post‐annealing of the complete devices at temperatures above the glass transition temperature of the donor material results in a twofold increase of the fill factor. An analytical model employing an electric‐field‐dependent exciton dissociation mechanism reveals that geminate recombination is limiting the performance of as‐deposited cells. Fourier‐transform infrared ellipsometry shows that, at temperatures above the glass transition temperature of the donor material, the orientation of the dye molecules in the donor films undergoes changes upon annealing. Based on this finding, the influence of the dye molecules’ orientations on the charge‐transfer state energies is calculated by quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics methods. The results of these detailed studies provide new insight into the exciton dissociation process in organic photovoltaic devices, and thus valuable guidelines for designing new donor materials.  相似文献   

Currently, morphology optimization methods for the fused-ring nonfullerene acceptor-based polymer solar cells (PSCs) empirically follow the treatments originally developed in fullerene-based systems, being unable to meet the diverse molecular structures and strong crystallinity of the nonfullerene acceptors. Herein, a new and universal morphology controlling method is developed by applying volatilizable anthracene as solid additive. The strong crystallinity of anthracene offers the possibility to restrict the over aggregation of fused-ring nonfullerene acceptor in the process of film formation. During the kinetic process of anthracene removal in the blend under thermal annealing, donor can imbed into the remaining space of anthracene in the acceptor matrix to form well-developed nanoscale phase separation with bi-continuous interpenetrating networks. Consequently, the treatment of anthracene additive enables the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of PM6:Y6-based devices to 17.02%, which is a significant improvement with regard to the PCE of 15.60% for the reference device using conventional treatments. Moreover, this morphology controlling method exhibits general application in various active layer systems to achieve better photovoltaic performance. Particularly, a remarkable PCE of 17.51% is achieved in the ternary PTQ10:Y6:PC71BM-based PSCs processed by anthracene additive. The morphology optimization strategy established in this work can offer unprecedented opportunities to build state-of-the-art PSCs.  相似文献   

Small amounts of impurity, even one part in one thousand, in polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells can alter the electronic properties of the device, including reducing the open circuit voltage, the short circuit current and the fill factor. Steady state studies show a dramatic increase in the trap‐assisted recombination rate when [6,6]‐phenyl C84 butyric acid methyl ester (PC84BM) is introduced as a trap site in polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells made of a blend of the copolymer poly[N‐9″‐hepta‐decanyl‐2,7‐carbazole‐alt‐5,5‐(4′,7′‐di‐2‐thienyl‐2′,1′,3′‐benzothiadiazole) (PCDTBT) and the fullerene derivative [6,6]‐phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PC60BM). The trap density dependent recombination studied here can be described as a combination of bimolecular and Shockley–Read–Hall recombination; the latter is dramatically enhanced by the addition of the PC84BM traps. This study reveals the importance of impurities in limiting the efficiency of organic solar cell devices and gives insight into the mechanism of the trap‐induced recombination loss.  相似文献   

This study has proposed to use a well‐defined oligomer F4TBT4 to replace its analogue polymer as electron acceptor toward tuning the phase separation behavior and enhancing the photovoltaic performance of all‐polymer solar cells. It has been disclosed that the oligomer acceptor favors to construct pure and large‐scale phase separation in the polymer:oligomer blend film in contrast to the polymer:polymer blend film. This gets benefit from the well‐defined structure and short rigid conformation of the oligomer that endows it aggregation capability and avoids possible entanglement with the polymer donor chains. The charge recombination is to some extent suppressed and charge extraction is also improved. Finally, the P3HT:F4TBT4 solar cells not only output a high VOC above 1.2 V, but also achieve a power conversion efficiency of 4.12%, which is two times higher than the P3HT:PFTBT solar cells and is comparable to the P3HT:PCBM solar cells. The strategy of constructing optimum phase separation with oligomer to replace polymer opens up new prospect for the further improvement of the all‐polymer solar cells.  相似文献   

Polymer‐based photovoltaic cells, with periodic sub‐micrometer structures as an efficient light‐trapping scheme, are investigated to improve the performance of organic solar cells based on poly(3‐hexylthiophene) and 1‐(3‐methoxycarbonyl)propyl‐1‐phenyl‐(6,6)C61. A soft lithographic approach that uses photoresponsive azo polymer films as masters and poly(dimethylsiloxane) as stamps is used to form surface relief gratings (SRGs) on the active layers. The effect of periodic gratings on solar cell performance is precisely investigated according to various grating conditions such as period, depth, and dimension. The solar cells with 1D and 2D SRGs present improved incident‐photon‐to‐current conversion efficiencies and an overall increase in power conversion efficiencies, primarily resulting from the enhancement of short‐circuit current density, indicating that periodic structures induce further photon absorption in the active film.  相似文献   

Morphological control over the bulk heterojunction (BHJ) microstructure of a high‐efficiency small molecule photovoltaic system is demonstrated using both thermal treatment and solvent additive processing. Single crystal X‐ray diffraction is utilized to understand molecular interactions in the solid state and the BHJ morphology is examined using bright field, high‐resolution, and cross‐section transmission electron microscopy techniques. Controlling the domain size, while maintaining good molecular order within the semiconducting donor material, is found to be crucial in achieving high performance and over 90% internal quantum efficiency exhibited under the optimized conditions.  相似文献   

Developing organic solar cells (OSCs) based on a ternary active layer is one of the most effective approaches to maximize light harvesting and improve their photovoltaic performance. However, this strategy meets very limited success in all-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs) due to the scarcity of narrow bandgap polymer acceptors and the challenge of morphology optimization. In fact, the power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of ternary all-PSCs even lag behind binary all-PSCs. Herein, highly efficient ternary all-PSCs are realized based on an ultranarrow bandgap (ultra-NBG) polymer acceptor DCNBT-TPC, a medium bandgap polymer donor PTB7-Th, and a wide bandgap polymer donor PBDB-T. The optimized ternary all-PSCs yield an excellent PCE of 12.1% with a remarkable short-circuit current density of 21.9 mA cm−2. In fact, this PCE is the highest value reported for ternary all-PSCs and is much higher than those of the corresponding binary all-PSCs. Moreover, the optimized ternary all-PSCs show a photostability with ≈ 68% of the initial PCE retained after 400 h illumination, which is more stable than the binary all-PSCs. This work demonstrates that the utilization of a ternary all-polymer system based on ultra-NBG polymer acceptor blended with compatible polymer donors is an effective strategy to advance the field of all-PSCs.  相似文献   

Crystallizable, high‐mobility conjugated polymers have been employed as secondary donor materials in ternary polymer solar cells in order to improve device efficiency by broadening their spectral response range and enhancing charge dissociation and transport. Here, contrasting effects of two crystallizable polymers, namely, PffBT4T‐2OD and PDPP2TBT, in determining the efficiency improvements in PTB7‐Th:PC71BM host blends are demonstrated. A notable power conversion efficiency of 11% can be obtained by introducing 10% PffBT4T‐2OD (relative to PTB7‐Th), while the efficiency of PDPP2TBT‐incorporated ternary devices decreases dramatically despite an enhancement in hole mobility and light absorption. Blend morphology studies suggest that both PffBT4T‐2OD and PDPP2TBT are well dissolved within the host PTB7‐Th phase and facilitate an increased degree of phase separation between polymer and fullerene domains. While negligible charge transfer is determined in binary blends of each polymer mixture, effective energy transfer is identified from PffBT4T‐2OD to PTB7‐Th that contributes to an improvement in ternary blend device efficiency. In contrast, energy transfer from PTB7‐Th to PDPP2TBT worsens the efficiency of the ternary device due to inefficient charge dissociation between PDPP2TBT and PC71BM.  相似文献   

The charge transport in organic solar cells is investigated by surface potential measurements via scanning Kelvin probe microscopy. Access to the solar cell's cross‐section is gained by milling holes with a focused ion beam which enables the direct scan along the charge transport path. In a study of poly(3‐hexylthiophene):1‐(3‐methoxycarbonyl)propyl‐1‐phenyl[6,6]C61 (P3HT:PCBM) bulk heterojunction solar cells, the open circuit voltage is built up at the top contact. A comparison of the potential distribution within normal and inverted solar cells under operation exhibits strongly different behaviors, which can be assigned to a difference in interface properties.  相似文献   

通过制备四种不同结构的器件,详细分析研究了活性层/阴极界面修饰对P3HT:PCBM聚合物体异质结太阳能电池性能的影响。当在P3HT:PCBM薄膜上旋涂一层PCBM,并蒸镀0.5 nm LiF时所制备的器件的填充因子和光电转换效率都得到较大的提高。对器件的光电性能和薄膜的形貌进行深入分析,阐明界面修饰的作用机理。  相似文献   

The role of excess photon energy on charge generation efficiency in bulk heterojunction solar cells is still an open issue for the organic photovoltaic community. Here, the spectral dependence of the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) for a poly[2,6‐(4,4‐bis‐(2‐ethylhexyl)‐4H‐cyclopenta[2,1‐b;3,4‐b]­dithiophene)‐alt‐4,7‐(2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole)]:6,6‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCPDTBT:PC60BM)‐based solar cell is derived combining accurate optoelectronic characterization and comprehensive optical modeling. This joint approach is shown to be essential to get reliable values of the IQE. Photons with energy higher than the bandgap of the donor material can effectively contribute to enhance the IQE of the solar cell. This holds true independently of the device architecture, reflecting an intrinsic property of the active material. Moreover, the nanomorphology of the bulk heterojunction plays a crucial role in determining the IQE spectral dependence: the coarser and more crystalline, the lesser the gain in IQE upon high energy excitation.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical discussion of the various physical processes occurring in organic bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells based on recent experimental results. The investigations span from photoexcitation to charge separation, recombination, and sweep‐out to the electrodes. Exciton formation and relaxation in poly[N‐9″‐hepta‐decanyl‐2,7‐carbazole‐alt‐5,5‐(4′,7′‐di‐2‐thienyl‐2′,1′,3′‐benzothiadiazole) (PCDTBT) and poly‐3(hexylthiophene) (P3HT) are discussed based on a fluorescence up‐conversion study. The commonly accepted paradigm describing the conversion of incident photons into charge carriers in the BHJ material is re‐examined in light of these femtosecond time‐resolved measurements. Transient photoconductivity, time‐delayed collection field, and time‐delayed dual pulse experiments carried out on BHJ solar cells demonstrate the competition between carrier sweep‐out by the internal field and the loss of photogenerated carriers by recombination. Finally, an emerging hypothesis is discussed: that bimolecular recombination accounts for the majority of recombination from short circuit to open circuit in optimized solar cells, and that bimolecular recombination is bias‐ and charge‐density‐dependent. The study of recombination loss processes in organic solar cells leads to insights into what must be accomplished to achieve the “ideal” solar cell.  相似文献   

The collection efficiency of photogenerated charges in polymer solar cells (PSCs) is strongly influenced by the built‐in field (Ein) that develops across the photoactive materials. Here, by investigating the Ein‐development regimes in PSCs by introducing two types of interlayers, electric dipole layers (EDLs) and charge transport layers (CTLs), the device architecture is optimized to result in a larger Ein. By incorporating a pair of EDLs on both sides of the photoactive layer, the Ein is modulated by shifting the vacuum energy at each metal–semiconductor interface, providing a larger Ein than that in conventional PSCs using typical CTLs, such as metal oxides and/or conducting polymers. These devices using paired EDLs exhibit an average PCE of 9.8%, which far surpasses the average PCE of ≈8.5% for paired CTLs.  相似文献   

All-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs) possess distinguished advantages of excellent morphology stability, thermal stability, and mechanical flexibility. Tandem solar cells, by stacking two sub-cells, can absorb more photons in a wider wavelength range and can reduce thermal losses. However, limitation of polymer acceptors with suitable bandgaps hinders the development of tandem all-PSCs. Herein, highly efficient tandem all-PSCs are fabricated by employing two polymerized small molecular acceptors (PSMAs) of wide bandgap PIDT (1.66 eV) in the front cell and narrow bandgap PY-IT (1.4 eV) in the rear cell. The two sub-cells with the polymer donors of PM7 in front cell and PM6 in rear cell show high open circuit voltage (Voc) of 1.10 V for the front cell and 0.94 V for the rear cell. By rational device optimizations, the best power conversion efficiency of 17.87% is achieved for the tandem all-PSCs with high Voc of 2.00 V. 17.87% is one of the highest efficiency for the all-PSCs, and 2.00 V is one of the highest Voc for all the tandem organic solar cells. Moreover, the tandem all-PSCs show excellent thermal and light-soaking stability compared with their small-molecule counterparts. The results provide insight to the potential of bandgap tuning in PSMAs, and indicate that the tandem architecture is an effective strategy to boost performance of the all-PSCs.  相似文献   

We utilize transient techniques to directly compare the operation of polymer/fullerene, polymer/nanocrystal, and polymer/polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells. For all devices, poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT) is used as the electron donating polymer, in combination with either the fullerene derivative phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) in polymer/fullerene cells, CdSe nanoparticles in polymer/nanocrystal cells, or the polyfluorene copolymer poly((9,9‐dioctylfluorene)‐2,7‐diyl‐alt‐[4,7‐bis(3‐hexylthien‐5‐yl)‐2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole]‐2,2‐diyl) (F8TBT) in polymer/polymer cells. Transient photocurrent and photovoltage measurements are used to probe the dynamics of charge‐separated carriers, with vastly different dynamic behavior observed for polymer/fullerene, polymer/polymer, and polymer/nanocrystal devices on the microsecond to millisecond timescale. Furthermore, by employing transient photocurrent analysis with different applied voltages we are also able to probe the dynamics behavior of these cells from short circuit to open circuit. P3HT/F8TBT and P3HT/CdSe devices are characterized by poor charge extraction of the long‐lived carriers attributed to charge trapping. P3HT/PCBM devices, in contrast, show relatively trap‐free operation with the variation in the photocurrent decay kinetics with applied bias at low intensity, consistent with the drift of free charges under a uniform electric field. Under solar conditions at the maximum power point, we see direct evidence of bimolecular recombination in the P3HT/PCBM device competing with charge extraction. Transient photovoltage measurements reveal that, at open circuit, photogenerated charges have similar lifetimes in all device types, and hence, the extraction of these long‐lived charges is a limiting process in polymer/nanocrystal and polymer/polymer devices.  相似文献   

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