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Smart Grid is a power grid that improves flexibility, reliability, and efficiency through smart meters. Due to extensive data exchange over the Internet, the smart grid faces many security challenges that have led to data loss, data compromise, and high power consumption. Moreover, the lack of hardware protection and physical attacks reduce the overall performance of the smart grid network. We proposed the BLIDSE model (Blockchain-based secure quantum key distribution and Intrusion Detection System in Edge Enables Smart Grid Network) to address these issues. The proposed model includes five phases: The first phase is blockchain-based secure user authentication, where all smart meters are first registered in the blockchain, and then the blockchain generates a secret key. The blockchain verifies the user ID and the secret key during authentication matches the one authorized to access the network. The secret key is shared during transmission through secure quantum key distribution (SQKD). The second phase is the lightweight data encryption, for which we use a lightweight symmetric encryption algorithm, named Camellia. The third phase is the multi-constraint-based edge selection; the data are transmitted to the control center through the edge server, which is also authenticated by blockchain to enhance the security during the data transmission. We proposed a perfect matching algorithm for selecting the optimal edge. The fourth phase is a dual intrusion detection system which acts as a firewall used to drop irrelevant packets, and data packets are classified into normal, physical errors and attacks, which is done by Double Deep Q Network (DDQN). The last phase is optimal user privacy management. In this phase, smart meter updates and revocations are done, for which we proposed Forensic based Investigation Optimization (FBI), which improves the security of the smart grid network. The simulation is performed using network simulator NS3.26, which evaluates the performance in terms of computational complexity, accuracy, false detection, and false alarm rate. The proposed BLIDSE model effectively mitigates cyber-attacks, thereby contributing to improved security in the network.  相似文献   


Quantum cryptography has been shown to be an effective technology for the secure distribution of keys on point-to-point optical links. We show how the existing techniques can be extended to allow multi-user secure key distribution on optical networks. We demonstrate that using network configurations typical of those found in passive optical network architectures any of the current quantum key distribution protocols can be adapted to implement secure key distribution from any user to any other user. An important feature of these adapted protocols is that the broadcaster, or service provider on the network, does not have to be trusted by the two users who wish to establish a key.  相似文献   

Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) can transmit secret messages directly from one user to another without first establishing a shared secret key, which is different from quantum key distribution. In this paper, we propose a novel quantum secure direct communication protocol based on signal photons and Bell states. Before the execution of the proposed protocol, two participants Alice and Bob exchange their corresponding identity IDA and IDB through quantum key distribution and keep them secret, respectively. Then the message sender, Alice, encodes each secret message bit into two single photons (| 01〉or|10〉) or a Bell state , and composes an ordered secret message sequence. To insure the security of communication, Alice also prepares the decoy photons and inserts them into secret message sequence on the basis of the values of IDA and IDB. By the secret identity IDA and IDB, both sides of the communication can check eavesdropping and identify each other. The proposed protocol not only completes secure direct communication, but also realizes the mutual authentication. The security analysis of the proposed protocol is presented in the paper. The analysis results show that this protocol is secure against some common attacks, and no secret message leaks even if the messages are broken. Compared with the two-way QSDC protocols, the presented protocol is a one-way quantum communication protocol which has the immunity to Trojan horse attack. Furthermore, our proposed protocol can be realized without quantum memory.  相似文献   

The interferometry of single-photon pulses has been used to implement quantum technology systems, like quantum key distribution, interaction-free measurement and some other quantum communication protocols. In most of these implementations, Mach–Zehnder, Michelson and Fabry–Pérot interferometers are the most used. In this work we present optical setups for interaction-free measurement, quantum key distribution, quantum secret sharing and secure classical prisoners' dilemma game using the Sagnac interferometer. The proposed setups are described and as well the quantum protocols using them are explained.  相似文献   

The memory-assisted measurement device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD), which requires less stringent conditions on the memory modules than that of quantum repeaters scheme, offers a practical mid-term solution to long-distance quantum key distribution. In this paper, considering the high cost and the high multi-photon probability, respectively, of single-photon source (SPS) and weak coherent source (WCS), we present schemes on implementing the parametric down-conversion sources, including the heralded single-photon source (HSPS) and single-photon-added coherent source (SPACS), in the memory-assisted MDI-QKD. By numerical simulations, we show that HSPS and SPACS scheme have apparent superiorities both in the key generation rate and the required minimal coherence time of quantum memory compared to WCS scheme. Moreover, we find that the robustness of SPACS against intensity fluctuations is better than WCS, but still worse than HSPS.  相似文献   

Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) is immune to all the detection attacks, thus when it is combined with the decoy-state method, the final key rate can be obtained by estimating the gain and quantum bit error rate for various input photon numbers. In this paper, we propose to perform MDI-QKD with odd coherent state (OCS) and compare the results with weak coherent source scenario. Our simulation indicates that both the secure key rate and transmission distance can be improved evidently with OCS owing to the lower probability of multi-photon events of the OCS. Furthermore, we apply the finite key analysis to the decoy-state MDI-QKD with OCS and obtain a practical key rate.  相似文献   

In recent years, the models combining traditional machine learning with the deep learning are applied in many commodity recommendation practices. It has been proved better performance by the means of the neural network. Feature engineering has been the key to the success of many click rate estimation model. As we know, neural networks are able to extract high-order features automatically, and traditional linear models are able to extract low-order features. However, they are not necessarily efficient in learning all types of features. In traditional machine learning, gradient boosting decision tree is a typical representative of the tree model, which can construct new features related before and after tree. Convolutional neural networks have a better perception of local features. In this paper, we take advantage of convolutional networks to capture the local features. The features are constructed by the node leaf of gradient boosting decision tree. This paper employs the tree leaf node to mine the user behavior path features, and uses the deep model to extract the user abstract features. Based on a Kaggle competition, our model performs better in the test data than any other model.  相似文献   


Low-noise, efficient, phase-sensitive time-domain optical detection is essential for foundational tests of quantum physics based on optical quantum states and the realization of numerous applications ranging from quantum key distribution to coherent classical telecommunications. Stability, bandwidth, efficiency, and signal-to-noise ratio are crucial performance parameters for effective detector operation. Here we present a high-bandwidth, low-noise, ultra-stable time-domain coherent measurement scheme based on balanced homodyne detection ideally suited to characterization of quantum and classical light fields in well-defined ultrashort optical pulse modes.  相似文献   

We assess the overall performance of our quantum key distribution (QKD) system implementing the measurement-device-independent (MDI) protocol using components with varying capabilities such as different single-photon detectors and qubit preparation hardware. We experimentally show that superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors allow QKD over a channel featuring 60 dB loss, and QKD with more than 600 bits of secret key per second (not considering finite key effects) over a 16 dB loss channel. This corresponds to 300 and 80 km of standard telecommunication fiber, respectively. We also demonstrate that the integration of our QKD system into FPGA-based hardware (instead of state-of-the-art arbitrary waveform generators) does not impact on its performance. Our investigation allows us to acquire an improved understanding of the trade-offs between complexity, cost and system performance, which is required for future customization of MDI-QKD. Given that our system can be operated outside the laboratory over deployed fiber, we conclude that MDI-QKD is a promising approach to information-theoretic secure key distribution.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches toward modeling the availability of a system often do not formally take into account uncertainty over the parameter values of the model. Such models are then frequently criticized because the observed reliability of a system does not match that predicted by the model. This paper extends a recently published segregated failures model so that, rather than providing a single figure for the availability of a system, uncertainty over model parameter values is incorporated and a predictive probability distribution is given. This predictive distribution is generated in a practical way by displaying the uncertainties and dependencies of the parameters of the model through a Bayesian network (BN). Permitting uncertainty in the reliability model then allows the user to determine whether the predicted reliability was incorrect due to inherent variability in the system under study, or due to the use of an inappropriate model. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how the predictive distribution can be used when reliability predictions are employed within a formal decision‐theoretic framework. Use of the model is illustrated with the example of a high‐availability computer system with multiple recovery procedures. An BN is produced to display the relations between parameters of the model in this case and to generate a predictive probability distribution of the system's availability. This predictive distribution is then used to make two decisions under uncertainty concerning the offered warranty policies on the system: a qualitative decision and an optimization over a continuous decision space. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Detector control attacks on quantum key distribution systems exploit the linear mode of avalanche photodiode in single photon detectors. So far, the protocols under consideration have been the BB84 protocol and its derivatives. Here we present how bright tailored illumination exploiting the linear mode of detectors can be used to eavesdrop on distributed-phase-reference protocols, such as differential-phase-shift and coherent-one-way.  相似文献   

In this paper, a phase-encoded measurement device independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) protocol without a shared reference frame is presented, which can generate secure keys between two parties while the quantum channel or interferometer introduces an unknown and slowly time-varying phase. The corresponding secret key rate and single photons bit error rate is analysed, respectively, with single photons source (SPS) and weak coherent source (WCS), taking finite-key analysis into account. The numerical simulations show that the modified phase-encoded MDI-QKD protocol has apparent superiority both in maximal secure transmission distance and key generation rate while possessing the improved robustness and practical security in the high-speed case. Moreover, the rejection of the frame-calibrating part will intrinsically reduce the consumption of resources as well as the potential security flaws of practical MDI-QKD systems.  相似文献   

Establishing entanglement is an essential task of quantum communication technology. Beyond entanglement, quantum discord, as a measure of quantum correlation, is a necessary prerequisite to the success of entanglement distribution. To realize efficient quantum communication based on quantum discord, in this paper, we consider the practical advantages of continuous variables and propose a feasible continuous-variable quantum network coding scheme based on quantum discord. By means of entanglement distribution by separable states, it can achieve quantum entanglement distribution from sources to targets in a butterfly network. Compared with the representative discrete-variable quantum network coding schemes, the proposed continuous-variable quantum network coding scheme has a higher probability of entanglement distribution and defends against eavesdropping and forgery attacks. Particularly, the deduced relationship indicates that the increase in entanglement is less than or equal to quantum discord.  相似文献   

Quantum machine learning (QML) is a rapidly rising research field that incorporates ideas from quantum computing and machine learning to develop emerging tools for scientific research and improving data processing. How to efficiently control or manipulate the quantum system is a fundamental and vexing problem in quantum computing. It can be described as learning or approximating a unitary operator. Since the success of the hybrid-based quantum machine learning model proposed in recent years, we investigate to apply the techniques from QML to tackle this problem. Based on the Choi–Jamiołkowski isomorphism in quantum computing, we transfer the original problem of learning a unitary operator to a min–max optimization problem which can also be viewed as a quantum generative adversarial network. Besides, we select the spectral norm between the target and generated unitary operators as the regularization term in the loss function. Inspired by the hybrid quantum-classical framework widely used in quantum machine learning, we employ the variational quantum circuit and gradient descent based optimizers to solve the min-max optimization problem. In our numerical experiments, the results imply that our proposed method can successfully approximate the desired unitary operator and dramatically reduce the number of quantum gates of the traditional approach. The average fidelity between the states that are produced by applying target and generated unitary on random input states is around 0.997.  相似文献   

The effect of the external charge trap on the photoluminescence blinking dynamics of individual colloidal quantum dots is investigated with a series of colloidal quantum dot–bridge–fullerene dimers with varying bridge lengths, where the fullerene moiety acts as a well‐defined, well‐positioned external charge trap. It is found that charge transfer followed by charge recombination is an important mechanism in determining the blinking behavior of quantum dots when the external trap is properly coupled with the excited state of the quantum dot, leading to a quasi‐continuous distribution of ‘on' states and an early fall‐off from a power‐law distribution for both ‘on' and ‘off' times associated with quantum dot photoluminescence blinking.  相似文献   

To launch quantum key distribution (QKD) into the commercial market, it is important to develop a system that is simpler and more reliable using current technology. This report proposes quantum encoders and decoders using a passive planar lightwave circuit (PLC) that is useful for implementing optical-fiber-based QKD systems. Our encoders and decoders are based on an asymmetric Mach–Zehnder interferometer and allow us to prepare and analyze various photonic time-bin qubits reliably. The system can be stable and polarization-insensitive merely by stabilizing and controlling the device temperature. Our PLC-based devices enables us to simplify the QKD system and increase its reliability.  相似文献   

Quantum correlation shows a fascinating nature of quantum mechanics and plays an important role in some physics topics, especially in the field of quantum information. Quantum correlations of the composite system can be quantified by resorting to geometric or entropy methods, and all these quantification methods exhibit the peculiar freezing phenomenon. The challenge is to find the characteristics of the quantum states that generate the freezing phenomenon, rather than only study the conditions which generate this phenomenon under a certain quantum system. In essence, this is a classification problem. Machine learning has become an effective method for researchers to study classification and feature generation. In this work, we prove that the machine learning can solve the problem of X form quantum states, which is a problem of physical significance. Subsequently, we apply the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm and the decision tree to divide quantum states into two different groups. Our goal is to classify the quantum correlations of quantum states into two classes: one is the quantum correlation with freezing phenomenon for both Rènyi discord (  相似文献   

We compare two approaches to open quantum systems, namely, the non-Hermitian dynamics and the Lindblad master equation. In order to deal with more general dissipative phenomena, we propose the unified master equation that combines the characteristics of both of these approaches. This allows us to assess the differences between them as well as to clarify which observed features come from the Lindblad or the non-Hermitian part, when it comes to experiment. Using a generic two-mode single-atom laser system as a practical example, we analytically solve the dynamics of the normalized density matrix operator. We study the two-level model in a number of cases (depending on parameters and types of dynamics), compute different observables and study their physical properties. It turns out that one can not only able to describe the different types of damping in dissipative quantum optical systems but also mimic the undamped anharmonic oscillatory phenomena which happen in quantum systems with more than two levels (while staying within the framework of the analytically simple two-mode approximation).  相似文献   

We propose an experimentally feasible scheme for generating a two 2?×?4?×?4 dimensional photon hyperentangled state, entangled in polarization, frequency and spatial mode. This scheme is mainly based on a parametric down-conversion source and cross-Kerr nonlinearities, which avoids the complicated uncertain post-selection. Our method can be easily expanded to the production of hyperentangled states with more photons in multidimensions. Hence the expectation for vast quantities of information in quantum information processing will possibly come true. Finally, we put forward a realizable quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol based on the high dimensional hyperentangled state.  相似文献   

High-dimensional quantum cryptography through optical fibres with several spatial modes requires an efficient quantum key distribution (QKD). However, optical modes acquire different phases and lags due to modal dispersion and random fluctuations, and a modal crosstalk appears under propagation. At present, special optical fibres for spatial multiplexing are being proposed in order to reduce notably the modal crosstalk, however, arbitrary relative phases and lags between modes are always present, which prevents getting an efficient phase encoding QKD. In this work, we take advantage of elliptical-core few-mode optical fibres presenting a very low modal crosstalk and propose an exact phase auto-compensating method by making photons travel several times the path between Alice and Bob (rounds) and by using appropriate modal inversions in each round trip. In order to make clear the proposed phase auto-compensating method, we study in detail a four-dimensional BB84 QKD case with single photon states excited in both polarization and spatial LP modes.  相似文献   

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