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The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) offers an infrastructure made of smart medical equipment and software applications for healthcare services. Through the internet, the IoMT is capable of providing remote medical diagnosis and timely health services. The patients can use their smart devices to create, store and share their electronic health records (EHR) with a variety of medical personnel including medical doctors and nurses. However, unless the underlying commination within IoMT is secured, malicious users can intercept, modify and even delete the sensitive EHR data of patients. Patients also lose full control of their EHR since most healthcare services within IoMT are constructed under a centralized platform outsourced in the cloud. Therefore, it is appealing to design a decentralized, auditable and secure EHR system that guarantees absolute access control for the patients while ensuring privacy and security. Using the features of blockchain including decentralization, auditability and immutability, we propose a secure EHR framework which is mainly maintained by the medical centers. In this framework, the patients’ EHR data are encrypted and stored in the servers of medical institutions while the corresponding hash values are kept on the blockchain. We make use of security primitives to offer authentication, integrity and confidentiality of EHR data while access control and immutability is guaranteed by the blockchain technology. The security analysis and performance evaluation of the proposed framework confirms its efficiency.  相似文献   


When the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is combined with the Internet of Things (IoT), it can be employed in a wide range of applications, such as agriculture, industry 4.0, health care, smart homes, among others. Accessing the big data generated by these applications in Cloud Servers (CSs), requires higher levels of authenticity and confidentiality during communication conducted through the Internet. Signcryption is one of the most promising approaches nowadays for overcoming such obstacles, due to its combined nature, i.e., signature and encryption. A number of researchers have developed schemes to address issues related to access control in the IoT literature, however, the majority of these schemes are based on homogeneous nature. This will be neither adequate nor practical for heterogeneous IoT environments. In addition, these schemes are based on bilinear pairing and elliptic curve cryptography, which further requires additional processing time and more communication overheads that is inappropriate for real-time communication. Consequently, this paper aims to solve the above-discussed issues, we proposed an access control scheme for IoT environments using heterogeneous signcryption scheme with the efficiency and security hardiness of hyperelliptic curve. Besides the security services such as replay attack prevention, confidentiality, integrity, unforgeability, non-repudiations, and forward secrecy, the proposed scheme has very low computational and communication costs, when it is compared to existing schemes. This is primarily because of hyperelliptic curve lighter nature of key and other parameters. The AVISPA tool is used to simulate the security requirements of our proposed scheme and the results were under two backbends (Constraint Logic-based Attack Searcher (CL-b-AtSER) and On-the-Fly Model Checker (ON-t-FL-MCR)) proved to be SAFE when the presented scheme is coded in HLPSL language. This scheme was proven to be capable of preventing a variety of attacks, including confidentiality, integrity, unforgeability, non-repudiation, forward secrecy, and replay attacks.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the current operating environment of pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC) has rapidly changed and faced increasing risks of disruption. The Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain not only help enhance the efficiency of PSC operations in the information technology domain but also address complex related issues and improve the visibility, flexibility, and transparency of these operations. Although IoT and blockchain have been widely examined in the areas of supply chain and logistics management, further work on PSC is expected by the public to enhance its resilience. To respond to this call, this paper combines a literature review with semi-structured interviews to investigate the characteristics of PSC, the key aspects affecting PSC, and the challenges faced by PSC in the post-pandemic era. An IoT–blockchain-integrated hospital-side oriented PSC management model is also developed. This paper highlights how IoT and blockchain technology can enhance supply chain resilience and provides a reference on how PSC members can cope with the associated risks.  相似文献   

Under intense environmental pressure, the global energy sector is promoting the integration of renewable energy into interconnected energy systems. The demand-side management (DSM) of energy systems has drawn considerable industrial and academic attention in attempts to form new flexibilities to respond to variations in renewable energy inputs to the system. However, many DSM concepts are still in the experimental demonstration phase. One of the obstacles to DSM usage is that the current information infrastructure was mainly designed for centralized systems, and does not meet DSM requirements. To overcome this barrier, this paper proposes a novel information infrastructure named the Internet of Energy Things (IoET) in order to make DSM practicable by basing it on the latest wireless communication technology: the low-power wide-area network (LPWAN). The primary advantage of LPWAN over general packet radio service (GPRS) and area Internet of Things (IoT) is its wide-area coverage, which comes with minimum power consumption and maintenance costs. Against this background, this paper briefly reviews the representative LPWAN technologies of narrow-band Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and Long Range (LoRa) technology, and compares them with GPRS and area IoT technology. Next, a wireless-to-cloud architecture is proposed for the IoET, based on the main technical features of LPWAN. Finally, this paper looks forward to the potential of IoET in various DSM application scenarios.  相似文献   

本文通过对我国水产养殖物联网技术应用现状和存在问题的分析,提出了发展水产养殖物联网应用的关键技术和政策建议。我国水产养殖物联网技术目前主要应用于养殖水环境监控、养殖区域管理监控、养殖动物生长状况监控以及养殖产品储运、加工环节监控等方面。面临的主要问题有:水产养殖业相当程度上还处于粗放型的生产阶段,不能适应现代化水产养殖生产的要求;物联网设备技术还不太可靠,行业标准尚不统一;资金投入大,成本高等问题。发展水产养殖物联网应解决的关键技术有:精准养殖环境感知技术,精准养殖模拟技术,精准养殖设备智能控制技术,精准养殖管理技术,精准养殖规模化生产集成技术等。建议政府有关部门要制定我国水产养殖物联网发展规划,全面布局;提升水产养殖信息化水平,优化水产养殖物联网应用环境;设立精准水产养殖环境感知技术研发项目;加强水产养殖物联网示范项目建设;加大政府推动水产养殖物联网产业化发展的作用。  相似文献   

The present trends in smart world reflects the extensive use of limited resources through information and communication technology. The limited resources like space, mobility, energy, etc., have been consumed rigorously towards creating optimized but smart instances. Thus, a new concept of IoT integrated smart city vision is yet to be proposed which includes a combination of systems like noise and air loss monitoring, web monitoring and fire detection systems, smart waste bin systems, etc., that have not been clearly addressed in the previous researches. This paper focuses on developing an effective system for possible monitoring of losses, traffic management, thus innovating smart city at large with digitalized and integrated systems and software for fast and effective implementations. In our proposed system, a real time data analysis is performed. These data are collected by various sensors to analyze different factors that are responsible for such losses. The proposed work is validated on a real case study.  相似文献   

With the advent and advancements in the wireless technologies, Wi-Fi fingerprinting-based Indoor Positioning System (IPS) has become one of the most promising solutions for localization in indoor environments. Unlike the outdoor environment, the lack of line-of-sight propagation in an indoor environment keeps the interest of the researchers to develop efficient and precise positioning systems that can later be incorporated in numerous applications involving Internet of Things (IoTs) and green computing. In this paper, we have proposed a technique that combines the capabilities of multiple algorithms to overcome the complexities experienced indoors. Initially, in the database development phase, Motley Kennan propagation model is used with Hough transformation to classify, detect, and assign different attenuation factors related to the types of walls. Furthermore, important parameters for system accuracy, such as, placement and geometry of Access Points (APs) in the coverage area are also considered. New algorithm for deployment of an additional AP to an already existing infrastructure is proposed by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) coupled with Enhanced Dilution of Precision (EDOP). Moreover, classification algorithm based on k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) is used to find the position of a stationary or mobile user inside the given coverage area. For k-NN to provide low localization error and reduced space dimensionality, three APs are required to be selected optimally. In this paper, we have suggested an idea to select APs based on Position Vectors (PV) as an input to the localization algorithm. Deducing from our comprehensive investigations, it is revealed that the accuracy of indoor positioning system using the proposed technique unblemished the existing solutions with significant improvements.  相似文献   

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is essential for effective identification of vulnerable units in the transport network and its stable operation. Also, it is necessary to establish an urban transport network vulnerability assessment model with solutions based on Internet of Things (IoT). Previous research on vulnerability has no congestion effect on the peak time of urban road network. The cascading failure of links or nodes is presented by IoT monitoring system, which can collect data from a wireless sensor network in the transport environment. The IoT monitoring system collects wireless data via Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) channels to simulate key segments and their failure probability. Finally, the topological structure vulnerability index and the traffic function vulnerability index of road network are extracted from the vulnerability factors. The two indices are standardized by calculating the relative change rate, and the comprehensive index of the consequence after road network unit is in a failure state. Therefore, by calculating the failure probability of road network unit and comprehensive index of road network unit in failure state, the comprehensive vulnerability of road network can be evaluated by a risk calculation formula. In short, the IoT-based solutions to the new vulnerability assessment can help road network planning and traffic management departments to achieve the ITS goals.  相似文献   

近年来,随着物联网技术在农业生产中的广泛应用,农业物联网技术的标准问题已引起了社会的普遍关注。为了保证此项技术在天津市农业生产中运用得当,开展农业物联网标准化工作势在必行。本文针对目前这种情况,构建了一整套科学完整的农业物联网标准体系,用于强化标准实施监督,夯实标准化技术基础,促进农业物联网有序发展,为天津在农业现代化产业发展方面提供重要的标准技术支撑。  相似文献   

A production logistics system is often subject to high operational dynamics due to large working areas, frequent resource interactions, long operation periods and intensive human involvement. Researchers have applied system dynamics to design the structure of statistically robust systems which accommodate common dynamics. Yet this approach begins to lose its feasibility because dynamics anticipation and statistics are becoming more difficult in ever more competitive markets and adjustments to system structure typically incur high costs. In response, this study explores how a robust information structure can be designed and real-time control schemes for controlling the dynamics inherent to real-life systems applied. Motivated by the wide application of industrial Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems, this paper investigates the typical production logistic execution processes and adopts system dynamics to design cost-effective IoT solutions. The internal and external production logistic processes are first investigated separately. Using sensitivity analysis, the optimal IoT solutions are evaluated and analysed to provide guidance on IoT implementation. Internal and external production logistic processes are then combined into an integrated structure to offer a generic system dynamics approach. This research does not only enhance the use of system dynamics, but also presents a quantitative IoT system analysis approach.  相似文献   

物联网技术在物流包装应用中的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夏文汇  蒋文娟  夏乾尹 《包装工程》2017,38(11):214-217
目的研究物联网技术在物流包装中的应用进展,提出待解决问题的对策。方法运用物联网和包装管理的基本原理,采用探究性、描述性和因果性研究方法系统阐释其工作机理。结果应提高芯片技术研发和生产能力,创建可视化智能管理系统,加强物流包装EDI技术的开发和应用,提高包装信息响应,加强电子产品代码(EPC)网络管理,提高网络安全技术水平,从而加强物联网技术在物流包装领域中的推广和应用。结论物流包装领域可通过实施物联网技术实现持续改进的目标。  相似文献   

The heterogeneous nodes in the Internet of Things (IoT) are relatively weak in the computing power and storage capacity. Therefore, traditional algorithms of network security are not suitable for the IoT. Once these nodes alternate between normal behavior and anomaly behavior, it is difficult to identify and isolate them by the network system in a short time, thus the data transmission accuracy and the integrity of the network function will be affected negatively. Based on the characteristics of IoT, a lightweight local outlier factor detection method is used for node detection. In order to further determine whether the nodes are an anomaly or not, the varying behavior of those nodes in terms of time is considered in this research, and a time series method is used to make the system respond to the randomness and selectiveness of anomaly behavior nodes effectively in a short period of time. Simulation results show that the proposed method can improve the accuracy of the data transmitted by the network and achieve better performance.  相似文献   

This review aims to gain insight into the current research and application of operational management in the area of intelligent agriculture based on the Internet of Things (IoT), and consequently, identify existing shortcomings and potential issues. First, we use the Java application CiteSpace to analyze co-citation networks in the literature related to the operational management of IoT-based intelligent agriculture. From the literature analysis results, we identify three major fields: (1) the development of agricultural IoT (Agri-IoT) technology, (2) the precision management of agricultural production, and (3) the traceability management of agricultural products. Second, we review research in the three fields separately in detail. Third, on the basis of the research gaps identified in the review and from the perspective of integrating and upgrading the entire agricultural industry chain, additional research directions are recommended from the following aspects: The operational management of agricultural production, product processing, and product sale and after-sale service based on Agri-IoT. The theoretical research and practical application of combining operational management theories and IoT-based intelligent agriculture will provide informed decision support for stakeholders and drive the further development of the entire agriculture industry chain.  相似文献   

Internet of Things (IoT), which provides the solution of connecting things and devices, has increasingly developed as vital tools to realize intelligent life. Generally, source-limited IoT sensors outsource their data to the cloud, which arises the concerns that the transmission of IoT data is happening without appropriate consideration of the profound security challenges involved. Though encryption technology can guarantee the confidentiality of private data, it hinders the usability of data. Searchable encryption (SE) has been proposed to achieve secure data sharing and searching. However, most of existing SE schemes are designed under conventional hardness assumptions and may be vulnerable to the adversary with quantum computers. Moreover, the untrusted cloud server may perform an unfaithful search execution. To address these problems, in this paper, we propose the first verifiable identity-based keyword search (VIBKS) scheme from lattice. In particular, a lattice-based delegation algorithm is adopted to help the data user to verify both the correctness and the integrity of the search results. Besides, in order to reduce the communication overhead, we refer to the identity-based mechanism. We conduct rigorous proof to demonstrate that the proposed VIBKS scheme is ciphertext indistinguishable secure against the semi-honest-but-curious adversary. In addition, we give the detailed computation and communication complexity of our VIBKS and conduct a series of experiments to validate its efficiency performance.  相似文献   

李兰英  蒋维成  何勇 《材料导报》2013,27(17):84-86
生物液晶材料具有高分子生物材料和液晶的双重特性,可望研制出一批新颖的用于物联网中的传感器。分析了物联网和生物液晶材料的特性,对液晶分子作为"敏感元件"的检测方法和可行性进行了讨论。生物液晶材料在发展快速、简单的生物传感器,以及进一步应用于物联网方面有可预见的良好前景。  相似文献   

Nowadays, healthcare has become an important area for the Internet of Things (IoT) to automate healthcare facilities to share and use patient data anytime and anywhere with Internet services. At present, the host-based Internet paradigm is used for sharing and accessing healthcare-related data. However, due to the location-dependent nature, it suffers from latency, mobility, and security. For this purpose, Named Data Networking (NDN) has been recommended as the future Internet paradigm to cover the shortcomings of the traditional host-based Internet paradigm. Unfortunately, the novel breed lacks a secure framework for healthcare. This article constructs an NDN-Based Internet of Medical Things (NDN-IoMT) framework using a lightweight certificateless (CLC) signature. We adopt the Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystem (HCC) to reduce cost, which provides strong security using a smaller key size compared to Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC). Furthermore, we validate the safety of the proposed scheme through AVISPA. For cost-efficiency, we compare the designed scheme with relevant certificateless signature schemes. The final result shows that our proposed scheme uses minimal network resources. Lastly, we deploy the given framework on NDN-IoMT.  相似文献   

Wearable devices are becoming more popular in our daily life. They are usually used to monitor health status, track fitness data, or even do medical tests, etc. Since the wearable devices can obtain a lot of personal data, their security issues are very important. Motivated by the consideration that the current pairing mechanisms of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are commonly impractical or insecure for many BLE based wearable devices nowadays, we design and implement a security framework in order to protect the communication between these devices. The security framework is a supplement to the Bluetooth pairing mechanisms and is compatible with all BLE based wearable devices. The framework is a module between the application layer and the GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) layer in the BLE architecture stack. When the framework starts, a client and a server can automatically and securely establish shared fresh keys following a designed protocol; the services of encrypting and decrypting messages are provided to the applications conveniently by two functions; application data are securely transmitted following another protocol using the generated keys. Prudential principles are followed by the design of the framework for security purposes. It can protect BLE based wearable devices from replay attacks, Man-in-The-Middle attacks, data tampering, and passive eavesdropping. We conduct experiments to show that the framework can be conveniently deployed with practical operational cost of power consumption. The protocols in this framework have been formally verified that the designed security goals are satisfied.  相似文献   

Supply Chain Finance (SCF) is important for improving the effectiveness of supply chain capital operations and reducing the overall management cost of a supply chain. In recent years, with the deep integration of supply chain and Internet, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Blockchain, etc., the efficiency of supply chain financial services can be greatly promoted through building more customized risk pricing models and conducting more rigorous investment decision-making processes. However, with the rapid development of new technologies, the SCF data has been massively increased and new financial fraud behaviors or patterns are becoming more covertly scattered among normal ones. The lack of enough capability to handle the big data volumes and mitigate the financial frauds may lead to huge losses in supply chains. In this article, a distributed approach of big data mining is proposed for financial fraud detection in a supply chain, which implements the distributed deep learning model of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on big data infrastructure of Apache Spark and Hadoop to speed up the processing of the large dataset in parallel and reduce the processing time significantly. By training and testing on the continually updated SCF dataset, the approach can intelligently and automatically classify the massive data samples and discover the fraudulent financing behaviors, so as to enhance the financial fraud detection with high precision and recall rates, and reduce the losses of frauds in a supply chain.  相似文献   

Self-powered sensors running on small differences of temperature are considered promising candidates to cover the increasing demand of sustainable and maintenance-free wireless sensor networks for the Internet of Things (IoT). Under this context, a cost-effective and self-powered hydrogen thermoelectric sensor is presented here as a proof of concept for battery-less IoT nodes. The device is based on low-density paper-like fabrics made of functionalized thermoelectric silicon nanotubes able to harvest energy from the heat released by exothermic reactions, such as the hydrogen catalytic oxidation. This gives an accurate value of the reacting gas concentration without any external power requirement. Experimental results confirm that this self-powered sensor can autonomously measure concentrations as low as 250 ppm of hydrogen in air while generating power densities up to 0.5 μW cm−2 for 3% H2 at room temperature that can be eventually used to store or send the reading. Due to the universality of the concept, this new class of devices will positively contribute toward the development of other advanced self-powered sensor nodes in the advent of the Internet of things to be used in different safety scenarios.  相似文献   

The emergence of flexible organic electronics that span the fields of physics and biomimetics creates the possibility for increasingly simple and intelligent products for use in everyday life. Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), with their inherent flexibility, light weight, and biocompatibility, have shown great promise in the field of biomimicry. By applying such biomimetic OFETs for the internet of things (IoT) makes it possible to imagine novel products and use cases for the future. Recent advances in flexible OFETs and their applications in biomimetic systems are reviewed. Strategies to achieve flexible OFETs are individually discussed and recent progress in biomimetic sensory systems and nervous systems is reviewed in detail. OFETs are revealed to be one of the best systems for mimicking sensory and nervous systems. Additionally, a brief discussion of information storage based on OFETs is presented. Finally, a personal view of the utilization of biomimetic OFETs in the IoT and future challenges in this research area are provided.  相似文献   

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