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为了分析参数对忆阻器忆阻值的影响,通过搭建忆阻器的Matlab仿真模型,运用控制变量法,分别设置外加激励幅值为1,2V,电压频率为1,2Hz,忆阻器横截面积为10,25 μm2,忆阻器长度为10,20 nm,对不同条件不同参数的忆阻器模型进行了大量仿真分析.计算各伏安特性曲线和忆阻值的具体变化范围,通过对仿真数据的统一比较分析得出了不同情况下忆阻值的变化规律.  相似文献   

杨彪  潘炼 《工矿自动化》2013,39(6):66-69
针对传统的忆阻器模型存在不能很好地与HP实验室提出的忆阻器物理模型中忆阻器的阻值变化特点相符的问题,提出了一种改进的带有阈值电压的忆阻器模型,该模型能很好地模拟忆阻器的"激活"现象,其特性与HP实验室的忆阻器物理模型相符;基于该改进模型设计了一种高通滤波器电路,该电路通过改变忆阻器阻值控制电路的输出信号来改变忆阻器的阻值,从而实现了滤波器截止频率的调节。SPICE仿真结果验证了设计的正确性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a large dynamic range floating memristor emulator(LDRFME) with equal port current restriction is proposed to be achieved by a large dynamic range floating voltage-controlled linear resistor(VCLR). Since real memristors have not been largely commercialized until now, the application of a LDRFME to memristive systems is reasonable. Motivated by this need, this paper proposes an achievement of a LDRFME based on a feasible transistor model. A first circuit extends the voltage range of the triode region of an ordinary junction field effect transistor(JFET). The idea is to use this JFET transistor as a tunable linear resistor. A second memristive non-linear circuit is used to drive the resistance of the first JFET transistor. Then those two circuits are connected together and, under certain conditions, the obtained "resistor" presents a hysteretic behavior,which is considered as a memristive effect. The electrical characteristics of a LDRFME are validated by software simulation and real measurement, respectively.  相似文献   

现有的忆阻算术逻辑多采用单个忆阻器作为存储单元,在忆阻交叉阵列中易受到漏电流以及设计逻辑电路时逻辑综合复杂度高的影响,导致当前乘法器设计中串行化加法操作的延时和面积开销增加。互补电阻开关具有可重构逻辑电路的运算速度和抑制忆阻交叉阵列中漏电流的性能,是实现忆阻算术逻辑的关键器件。提出一种弱进位依赖的忆阻乘法器。为提升忆阻器的逻辑性能,基于互补电阻开关电路结构,设计两种加法器的优化方案,简化操作步骤。在此基础上,通过改进传统的乘法实现方式,并对进位数据进行拆解,降低运算过程中进位数据之间的依赖性,实现并行化的加法运算。将设计的乘法器映射到混合CMOS/crossbar结构中,乘法计算性能得到大幅提高。在Spice仿真环境下验证所提乘法器的可行性。仿真实验结果表明,与现有的乘法器相比,所提乘法器的延时开销从O(n2)降低为线性级别,同时面积开销降低约70%。  相似文献   

鉴于双光路通道差动测量方法能够有效去除共模干扰,本文将新型电路元件—忆阻器与传统的光纤式结冰传感器相结合,提出了纳米级尺寸具有放大效应的忆阻桥网络结构,分析了忆阻桥的放大效应原理,实现了光电二极管光电流信号的放大,以桥臂忆阻阻值和感知忆阻两端电压作为传感输出,对冰层厚度进行探测。仿真实验结果表明:该双测量通道忆阻桥网络结构能够同时有效消除光路扰动和扩大结冰厚度的测量范围。  相似文献   

针对基于Hopfield神经网络的最大频繁项集挖掘(HNNMFI)算法存在的挖掘结果不准确的问题,提出基于电流阈值自适应忆阻器(TEAM)模型的Hopfield神经网络的改进关联规则挖掘算法。首先,使用TEAM模型设计实现突触,利用阈值忆阻器的忆阻值随方波电压连续变化的能力来设定和更新突触权值,自适应关联规则挖掘算法的输入。其次,改进原算法的能量函数以对齐标准能量函数,并用忆阻值表示权值,放大权值和偏置。最后,设计由最大频繁项集生成关联规则的算法。使用10组大小在30以内的随机事务集进行1000次仿真实验,实验结果表明,与HNNMFI算法相比,所提算法在关联挖掘结果准确率上提高33.9个百分点以上,说明忆阻器能够有效提高Hopfield神经网络在关联规则挖掘中的结果准确率。  相似文献   

将磁控忆阻器耦合于LC振荡电路中,得到了一种新的忆阻混沌电路.随后通过理论上的动力学分析、数值仿真、电路实验等验证了该电路的混沌特性.为了实现电路的混沌控制,设计了一种新型模拟时滞控制器.利用该控制器将混沌电路状态变量加以延时并反馈至原电路中.数值仿真和电路实验结果均表明,所设计的时滞控制器可实现混沌电路的镇定控制.进一步研究时滞控制下电路的分岔行为,发现时滞控制下的电路又可通过倍周期分岔进入超混沌.  相似文献   

As a paradigm of computation, reservoir computing has gained an enormous momentum. In principle, any sufficiently complex dynamical system equipped with a readout layer can be used for any computation. This can be achieved by only adjusting the readout layer. Owning to this inherent flexibility of implementation, new applications of reservoir computing are being reported at a constant rate. However, relatively few studies focus on sensing, and in the ones that do, the reservoir is often exploited in a somewhat passive manner. The reservoir is used to post-process the signal from sensing elements that are placed separately, and the reservoir could be replaced by other information processing system without loss of functionality of the sensor (‘reservoir computing and sensing’). An entirely different novel class of sensing approaches is being suggested, to be referred to as ‘reservoir computing for sensing’, where the reservoir plays a central role. In the State Weaving Environment Echo Tracker (SWEET) sensing approach, the reservoir functions as the sensing element if the dynamical states of the reservoir and the environment one wishes to analyze are strongly interwoven. Some distinct characteristics of reservoir computing (in particular the separability and the echo state properties) are carefully exploited to achieve sensing functionality. The SWEET approach is formulated both as a generic device setup, and as an abstract mathematical algorithm. This algorithmic template could be used to develop a theory (or a class of theories) of ‘reservoir computing for sensing’, which could provide guidelines for engineering novel sensing applications. It could also provide ideas for a creative recycling of the existing sensing solutions. For example, the Horizon 2020 project RECORD-IT (Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT) exploits the SWEET sensing algorithm for ion detection. Accordingly, the terms SWEET sensing algorithm and the RECORD-IT sensing algorithm can be used interchangeably.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of passivity analysis and passification for a class of stochastic impulsive memristor‐based piecewise linear (PWL) systems with mixed delays and nonlinearity disturbances. Based on the PWL memristor, a PWL system is set up. And some novel sufficient conditions are derived to ensure the passivity/passification performance, such that, for all admissible stochastic disturbances and nonlinearity, the closed‐loop stochastic impulsive memristor‐based PWL system is passive in the sense of expectation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

忆阻器可以将信息存储和逻辑运算整合到一个电子器件上,这将打破传统的冯·诺依曼计算机架构,其应用前景不可估量.首先简述了忆阻器的发展历程及其基本概念;其次综述了忆阻器的阻变机制及其材料的选择,将目前已知的阻变机制主要概括为3类,即阴离子阻变机制、阳离子阻变机制和纯电子机制,同时详细叙述了不同类型材料在忆阻器应用中的特点;...  相似文献   

忆阻器交叉阵列及在图像处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
忆阻器是一种有记忆功能的非线性电阻,其阻值的变化依赖于流过它的电荷数量或磁通量.忆阻器作为第4个基本的电路元件,在众多领域中有巨大的应用潜力,有望推动整个电路理论的变革.文中利用数值仿真和电路建模,分析了忆阻器的理论基础和特性,提出了一种用于图像存储的忆阻器交叉阵列,可以实现黑白、灰度和彩色图像的存储和输出,一系列的计...  相似文献   

作为电阻、电容、电感之外的第4种基本电路元件,忆阻器自2008年被发现以来受到学术界和产业界的广泛关注.忆阻器的阻值记忆效应和纳米工艺制造方式使其被认为可用于构建未来更大容量和密度的存储器,逐渐替代FLASH等现有存储器件.除存储功能外,HP公司在2010年《Nature》上发表的文章表明,忆阻器还可以通过以蕴含为基础的状态逻辑实现任意逻辑运算.研究了忆阻器状态逻辑的另一种操作——与操作,提出了一种更加高效的与操作实现方法,该方法不需要增加额外的忆阻器,降低了激励电压的复杂性,减小了误差,使运算更加简便高效.最后通过SPICE模拟仿真对提出的方法进行了验证.  相似文献   

基于忆阻桥效应的光纤式双光路结冰探测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着防冰、除冰需求的增加,结冰探测技术受到了广泛关注,但传统的结冰传感器量程受限,且后续信号处理电路部分体积较大,难以满足应用需求.基于双光路差动测量的方法,提出一种正方形光纤束探测头分布模式和具有放大效应的忆阻桥网络结构,该网络结构通过对光电探测器的输出光电流信号进行放大,并以网络中感知忆阻器的端电压作为传感输出,从而实现冰层厚度的测量.试验仿真结果表明,该方法探测头端面的安装面积较常用圆形端面光纤束可减小约12.6%,且能够有效消除光路扰动和扩大结冰厚度的测量范围,结冰厚度的测量范围可达到38mm.  相似文献   

为了增大曝光量传感器的测量范围,提出了一种基于忆阻器的新型曝光量传感器设计方案.该传感器主要由光敏电阻、限流电阻和忆阻器组成.光敏电阻的阻值随着光照度的变化而变化,引起回路电流的变化,然后以变化的回路电流激励忆阻器.依据记忆特性,传感器以忆阻器的阻值来表征物体被辐照时光照度在一段时间内的积分值,从而实现对曝光量的测量.实验结果表明,曝光量传感器实现了对曝光量的测量,且具有大的测量范围.光照度为100 lx时,测量范围为0~500 lx·s;光照度以80 lx/s的稳定速率增大时,测量范围为0~1 000 lx·s.另外,限流电阻为0.2 MΩ时的测量上限值比10 kΩ时大780 lx·s,而灵敏度降低了87 Ω/(lx·s).增大限流电阻尽管可以增大传感器的测量范围,但是却降低了灵敏度.  相似文献   

忆阻器存储研究与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着信息呈现爆炸式增长,而CMOS的工艺尺寸逐步接近其理论极限尺寸,新型纳米级存储器件的需求日趋迫切.忆阻器被认为具有替代动态随机存储器,适应海量存储的巨大潜力.在综述忆阻器与忆阻系统概念的产生与发展的基础上,讨论忆阻器作为存储单元的特性,综述了忆阻器的阻变存储结构以及相对应的读写方法.在总结分析目前研究存在问题的基础上,探讨了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

A memristor is a kind of nonlinear resistor with memory capacity.Its resistance changes with the amount of charge or flux passing through it.As the fourth fundamental circuit element,it has huge potential applications in many fields,and has been expected to drive a revolution in circuit theory.Through numerical simulations and circuitry modeling,the basic theory and properties of memristors are analyzed,and a memristor-based crossbar array is then proposed.The array can realize storage and output for binary,grayscale and color images.A series of computer simulations demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.Owing to the advantage of the memristive crossbar array in parallel information processing,the proposed method is expected to be used in high-speed image processing.  相似文献   

在真实的环境中实现复杂忆阻振荡系统的同步时, 因为信息干扰及通信问题, 驱动和响应系统之间总是存在信息传输时滞, 即时滞问题具有普遍性; 另外, 脉冲控制信号的输入总是存在输入误差, 并不能实现精确地输入.本文考虑到上述实际存在的信息传输时滞和脉冲输入误差, 设计了一种比较接近真实情况的、灵活的可以带有不同时间窗口和不同控制增益的双脉冲切换控制器, 并且利用该控制器实现了两个复杂忆阻振荡系统的滞同步.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论、矩阵不等式以及脉冲控制等相关理论, 本文找出了实现一类五阶复杂忆阻振荡系统同步的条件.最后的仿真实验进一步验证了本控制方法的可行性.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of drive-response synchronisation of complex-valued fractional-order memristor-based delayed neural networks is discussed via linear feedback control method. By separating complex-valued system into two equivalent real-valued systems, and using the comparison theorem, algebraic criteria are given to ascertain the synchronisation of the considered system with single delay. Meanwhile, for the case of model with multiple delays, the corresponding sufficient conditions are also presented. Because complex-valued system can reduce to real-valued ones when the imaginary part is ignored, the proposed results of this paper generalise existing works on relevant real-valued system. Finally, the effectiveness of the obtained theoretical results is testified by two numerical examples.  相似文献   

In the literatures, to design state feedback controllers to make the response Boolean network synchronise with the drive Boolean network is rarely considered. Motivated by this, feedback control design for the complete synchronisation of two coupled Boolean networks is investigated in this paper. A necessary condition for the existence of a state feedback controller achieving the complete synchronisation is established first. Then, based on the necessary condition, the feedback control law is proposed. Finally, an example is worked out to illustrate the proposed design procedure.  相似文献   

SPARK-Ⅱ转鼓及控制棒的驱动机构需要高可靠的驱动控制,实现该驱动控制功能的设备定义为转鼓及控制棒驱动机构驱动控制器,是指把堆控计算机的指令转化为驱动机构的驱动信号,并能通过对驱动机构的状态采集实现对多套转鼓及控制棒驱动机构的精确控制的控制系统。驱动控制器开展具备双冗余控制器对多台双冗余机构的交叉冗余伺服驱动控制设备的设计,控制器由两组备份的逻辑控制单元、电机交叉冗余切换单元、旋变测量信号切换单元、模拟量调理与切换单元、电磁驱动控制单元及9组电机驱动单元等组成,并通过1553B与堆控计算机通信。通过采用工业器件对设计的控制器的性能进行了检验,设备具备良好的控制性能,能够满足对转鼓及控制棒驱动机构的控制。系统接口满足航天相关规范要求。  相似文献   

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