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The mobile Internet introduces new opportunities to gain insight in the user’s environment, behavior, and activity. This contextual information can be used as an additional information source to improve traditional recommendation algorithms. This paper describes a framework to detect the current context and activity of the user by analyzing data retrieved from different sensors available on mobile devices. The framework can easily be extended to detect custom activities and is built in a generic way to ensure easy integration with other applications. On top of this framework, a recommender system is built to provide users a personalized content offer, consisting of relevant information such as points-of-interest, train schedules, and touristic info, based on the user’s current context. An evaluation of the recommender system and the underlying context recognition framework shows that power consumption and data traffic is still within an acceptable range. Users who tested the recommender system via the mobile application confirmed the usability and liked to use it. The recommendations are assessed as effective and help them to discover new places and interesting information.  相似文献   

Traditional recommender systems provide personal suggestions based on the user’s preferences, without taking into account any additional contextual information, such as time or device type. The added value of contextual information for the recommendation process is highly dependent on the application domain, the type of contextual information, and variations in users’ usage behavior in different contextual situations. This paper investigates whether users utilize a mobile news service in different contextual situations and whether the context has an influence on their consumption behavior. Furthermore, the importance of context for the recommendation process is investigated by comparing the user satisfaction with recommendations based on an explicit static profile, content-based recommendations using the actual user behavior but ignoring the context, and context-aware content-based recommendations incorporating user behavior as well as context. Considering the recommendations based on the static profile as a reference condition, the results indicate a significant improvement for recommendations that are based on the actual user behavior. This improvement is due to the discrepancy between explicitly stated preferences (initial profile) and the actual consumption behavior of the user. The context-aware content-based recommendations did not significantly outperform the content-based recommendations in our user study. Context-aware content-based recommendations may induce a higher user satisfaction after a longer period of service operation, enabling the recommender to overcome the cold-start problem and distinguish user preferences in various contextual situations.  相似文献   

Context relevance assessment and exploitation in mobile recommender systems   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In order to generate relevant recommendations, a context-aware recommender system (CARS) not only makes use of user preferences, but also exploits information about the specific contextual situation in which the recommended item will be consumed. For instance, when recommending a holiday destination, a CARS could take into account whether the trip will happen in summer or winter. It is unclear, however, which contextual factors are important and to which degree they influence user ratings. A large amount of data and complex context-aware predictive models must be exploited to understand these relationships. In this paper, we take a new approach for assessing and modeling the relationship between contextual factors and item ratings. Rather than using the traditional approach to data collection, where recommendations are rated with respect to real situations as participants go about their lives as normal, we simulate contextual situations to more easily capture data regarding how the context influences user ratings. To this end, we have designed a methodology whereby users are asked to judge whether a contextual factor (e.g., season) influences the rating given a certain contextual condition (e.g., season is summer). Based on the analyses of these data, we built a context-aware mobile recommender system that utilizes the contextual factors shown to be important. In a subsequent user evaluation, this system was preferred to a similar variant that did not exploit contextual information.  相似文献   

Context-aware recommender systems improve context-free recommenders by exploiting the knowledge of the contextual situation under which a user experienced and rated an item. They use data sets of contextually-tagged ratings to predict how the target user would evaluate (rate) an item in a given contextual situation, with the ultimate goal to recommend the items with the best estimated ratings. This paper describes and evaluates a pre-filtering approach to context-aware recommendation, called distributional-semantics pre-filtering (DSPF), which exploits in a novel way the distributional semantics of contextual conditions to build more precise context-aware rating prediction models. In DSPF, given a target contextual situation (of a target user), a matrix-factorization predictive model is built by using the ratings tagged with the contextual situations most similar to the target one. Then, this model is used to compute rating predictions and identify recommendations for that specific target contextual situation. In the proposed approach, the definition of the similarity of contextual situations is based on the distributional semantics of their composing conditions: situations are similar if they influence the user’s ratings in a similar way. This notion of similarity has the advantage of being directly derived from the rating data; hence it does not require a context taxonomy. We analyze the effectiveness of DSPF varying the specific method used to compute the situation-to-situation similarity. We also show how DSPF can be further improved by using clustering techniques. Finally, we evaluate DSPF on several contextually-tagged data sets and demonstrate that it outperforms state-of-the-art context-aware approaches.  相似文献   

As users may have different needs in different situations and contexts, it is increasingly important to consider user context data when filtering information. In the field of web personalization and recommender systems, most of the studies have focused on the process of modelling user profiles and the personalization process in order to provide personalized services to the user, but not on contextualized services. Rather limited attention has been paid to investigate how to discover, model, exploit and integrate context information in personalization systems in a generic way. In this paper, we aim at providing a novel model to build, exploit and integrate context information with a web personalization system. A context-aware personalization system (CAPS) is developed which is able to model and build contextual and personalized ontological user profiles based on the user’s interests and context information. These profiles are then exploited in order to infer and provide contextual recommendations to users. The methods and system developed are evaluated through a user study which shows that considering context information in web personalization systems can provide more effective personalization services and offer better recommendations to users.  相似文献   

李琳  朱阁  解庆  苏畅  杨征路 《软件学报》2019,30(11):3382-3396
根据用户的历史评分数据为用户提供推荐的商品列表,是目前推荐系统研究的主流.研究者发现,随着用户参与度的不断提高,将反映用户偏好的评论文本与评分数据结合,可以进一步提高推荐的质量.提出了基于潜在特征同步学习和偏好引导的商品推荐方法,将评论文本的主题与用户的"打分偏好"进行关联,同步学习用户评论文本的潜在主题、评分矩阵的用户潜在因子和商品潜在因子,并将潜在主题作为用户个人偏好引导来约束推荐方法对商品的预测打分.该方法对推荐质量的优化主要体现在两个方面:一是在评论文本的潜在主题和评分数据的两种潜在因子之间建立映射关系,同步求解主题模型和矩阵分解模型;二是将从评论文本中学习得到的潜在主题作为用户对商品的个性偏好引入到矩阵分解中,进一步优化推荐方法.在来自Amazon网站的28组真实数据集上进行实验,以均方误差为评价指标,与已有的模型进行了对比分析.实验结果表明,该方法有效减少了推荐误差,与已有的TopicMF方法相比,均方误差在数据子集上最大减少了3.32%,平均减少了0.92%.  相似文献   

矩阵分解是推荐系统中应用最为广泛的方法之一,但其对物品隐因子及其相似性学习不够充分.社会网络分析中认为相互连接的个体有一定共性,受此启发提出一个能够借助近邻关系有效学习物品隐因子及其相似性的矩阵分解推荐模型.首先基于评分矩阵对物品相似性计算进行改良,综合同一用户和相似用户的评分共现信息对物品信息建模;然后通过构建相似性优化和流形局部保持正则化项,使物品相似性作用在矩阵分解中,从而充分学习物品隐因子特征及其相似性;最后根据用户和物品隐因子矩阵计算推荐指数.在公开数据集上的实验结果表明,通过流形正则化技术将改良的物品相似性作用在矩阵分解中,可以有效提升推荐效果.  相似文献   


Explainable recommendations have drawn more attention from both academia and industry recently, because they can help users better understand recommendations (i.e., why some particular items are recommended), therefore improving the persuasiveness of the recommender system and users’ satisfaction. However, little work has been done to provide explanations from the angle of a user’s contextual situations (e.g., companion, season, and destination if the recommendation is a hotel). To fill this research gap, we propose a new context-aware recommendation algorithm based on supervised attention mechanism (CAESAR), which particularly matches latent features to explicit contextual features as mined from user-generated reviews for producing context-aware explanations. Experimental results on two large datasets in hotel and restaurant service domains demonstrate that our model improves recommendation performance against the state-of-the-art methods and furthermore is able to return feature-level explanations that can adapt to the target user’s current contexts.


Zheng  Yong 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(9):10008-10021

Context plays an important role in the process of decision making. A user’s preferences on the items may vary from contexts to contexts, e.g., a user may prefer to watch a different type of the movies, if he or she is going to enjoy the movie with partner rather than with children. Context-aware recommender systems, therefore, were developed to adapt the recommendations to different contextual situations, such as time, location, companion, etc. Differential context modeling is a series of recommendation models which incorporate contextual hybrid filtering into the neighborhood based collaborative filtering approaches. In this paper, we propose to enhance differential context modeling by utilizing a non-dominated user neighborhood. The notion of dominance relation was originally proposed in multi-objective optimization, and it was reused to definite non-dominated user neighborhood in collaborative filtering recently. These non-dominated user neighbors refer to the neighbors that dominate others from different perspectives of the user similarities, such as the user-user similarities based on ratings, demographic information, social relationships, and so forth. In this paper, we propose to identify the non-dominated user neighborhood by exploiting user-user similarities over multiple contextual preferences. Our experimental results can demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in comparison with popular context-aware collaborative filtering models over five real-world contextual rating data sets.


A recommender system is used in various fields to recommend items of interest to the users. Most recommender approaches focus only on the users and items to make the recommendations. However, in many applications, it is also important to incorporate contextual information into the recommendation process. Although the use of contextual information has received great focus in recent years, there is a lack of automatic methods to obtain such information for context-aware recommender systems. Some works address this problem by proposing supervised methods, which require greater human effort and whose results are not so satisfactory. In this scenario, we propose an unsupervised method to extract contextual information from web page content. Our method builds topic hierarchies from page textual content considering, besides the traditional bag-of-words, valuable information of texts as named entities and domain terms (privileged information). The topics extracted from the hierarchies are used as contextual information in context-aware recommender systems. We conducted experiments by using two data sets and two baselines: the first baseline is a recommendation system that does not use contextual information and the second baseline is a method proposed in literature to extract contextual information. The results are, in general, very good and present significant gains. In conclusion, our method has advantages and innovations:(i) it is unsupervised; (ii) it considers the context of the item (Web page), instead of the context of the user as in most of the few existing methods, which is an innovation; (iii) it uses privileged information in addition to the existing technical information from pages; and (iv) it presented good and promising empirical results. This work represents an advance in the state-of-the-art in context extraction, which means an important contribution to context-aware recommender systems, a kind of specialized and intelligent system.  相似文献   

Increasing amount of online music content has opened new opportunities for implementing new effective information access services–commonly known as music recommender systems–that support music navigation, discovery, sharing, and formation of user communities. In the recent years a new research area of contextual (or situational) music recommendation and retrieval has emerged. The basic idea is to retrieve and suggest music depending on the user’s actual situation, for instance emotional state, or any other contextual conditions that might influence the user’s perception of music. Despite the high potential of such idea, the development of real-world applications that retrieve or recommend music depending on the user’s context is still in its early stages. This survey illustrates various tools and techniques that can be used for addressing the research challenges posed by context-aware music retrieval and recommendation. This survey covers a broad range of topics, starting from classical music information retrieval (MIR) and recommender system (RS) techniques, and then focusing on context-aware music applications as well as the newer trends of affective and social computing applied to the music domain.  相似文献   

With the widespread usage of mobile terminals, the mobile recommender system is proposed to improve recommendation performance, using positioning technologies. However, due to restrictions of existing positioning technologies, mobile recommender systems are still not being applied to indoor shopping, which continues to be the main shopping mode. In this paper, we develop a mobile recommender system for stores under the circumstance of indoor shopping, based on the proposed novel indoor mobile positioning approach by using received signal patterns of mobile phones, which can overcome the disadvantages of existing positioning technologies. Especially, the mobile recommender system can implicitly capture users’ preferences by analyzing users’ positions, without requiring users’ explicit inputting, and take the contextual information into consideration when making recommendations. A comprehensive experimental evaluation shows the new proposed mobile recommender system achieves much better user satisfaction than the benchmark method, without losing obvious recommendation performances.  相似文献   

Generally, predicting whether an item will be liked or disliked by active users, and how much an item will be liked, is a main task of collaborative filtering systems or recommender systems. Recently, predicting most likely bought items for a target user, which is a subproblem of the rank problem of collaborative filtering, became an important task in collaborative filtering. Traditionally, the prediction uses the user item co-occurrence data based on users’ buying behaviors. However, it is challenging to achieve good prediction performance using traditional methods based on single domain information due to the extreme sparsity of the buying matrix. In this paper, we propose a novel method called the preference transfer model for effective cross-domain collaborative filtering. Based on the preference transfer model, a common basis item-factor matrix and different user-factor matrices are factorized. Each user-factor matrix can be viewed as user preference in terms of browsing behavior or buying behavior. Then, two factor-user matrices can be used to construct a so-called ‘preference dictionary’ that can discover in advance the consistent preference of users, from their browsing behaviors to their buying behaviors. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed preference transfer model outperforms the other methods on the Alibaba Tmall data set provided by the Alibaba Group.  相似文献   

史艳翠  孟祥武  张玉洁  王立才 《软件学报》2012,23(10):2533-2549
针对移动网络对个性化移动网络服务系统的性能提出了更高的要求,但现有研究难以自适应地修改上下文移动用户偏好以为移动用户提供实时、准确的个性化移动网络服务的问题,提出了一种上下文移动用户偏好自适应学习方法,在保证精确度的基础上缩短了学习的响应时间.首先,通过分析移动用户行为日志来判断移动用户行为是否受上下文影响,并在此基础上判断移动用户行为是否发生变化.然后,根据判断结果对上下文移动用户偏好进行修正.在对发生变化的上下文移动用户偏好进行学习时,将上下文引入到最小二乘支持向量机中,进一步提出了基于上下文最小二乘支持向量机(C-LSSVM)的上下文移动用户偏好学习方法.最后,实验结果表明,当综合考虑精确度和响应时间两方面因素时,所提出的方法优于其他学习方法,并且可应用于个性化移动网络服务系统中.  相似文献   

MIMOSA: context-aware adaptation for ubiquitous web access   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The ubiquitous computing scenario is characterized by heterogeneity of devices used to access services, and by frequent changes in the user’s context. Hence, adaptation according to the user’s context and the used devices is necessary to allow mobile users to efficiently exploit Internet-based services. In this paper, we present a distributed framework, named MIMOSA, that couples a middleware for context-awareness with an intermediary-based architecture for content adaptation. MIMOSA provides an effective and efficient solution for the adaptation of Internet services on the basis of a comprehensive notion of context, by means of techniques for aggregating context data from distributed sources, deriving complex contextual situations from raw sensor data, evaluating adaptation policies, and solving possible conflicts. The middleware allows programmers to modularly build complex adaptive services starting from simple ones, and includes tools for assisting the user in declaring her preferences, as well as mechanisms for detecting incorrect system behaviors due to a wrong choice of adaptation policies. The effectiveness and efficiency of MIMOSA are shown through the development of a prototype adaptive service, and by extensive experimental evaluations.  相似文献   

People like variety and often prefer to choose from large item sets. However, large sets can cause a phenomenon called “choice overload”: they are more difficult to choose from, and as a result decision makers are less satisfied with their choices. It has been argued that choice overload occurs because large sets contain more similar items. To overcome this effect, the present paper proposes that increasing the diversity of item sets might make them more attractive and satisfactory, without making them much more difficult to choose from. To this purpose, by using structural equation model methodology, we study diversification based on the latent features of a matrix factorization recommender model. Study 1 diversifies a set of recommended items while controlling for the overall quality of the set, and tests it in two online user experiments with a movie recommender system. Study 1a tests the effectiveness of the latent feature diversification, and shows that diversification increases the perceived diversity and attractiveness of the item set, while at the same time reducing the perceived difficulty of choosing from the set. Study 1b subsequently shows that diversification can increase users’ satisfaction with the chosen option, especially when they are choosing from small, diverse item sets. Study 2 extends these results by testing our diversification algorithm against traditional Top-N recommendations, and finds that diverse, small item sets are just as satisfying and less effortful to choose from than Top-N recommendations. Our results suggest that, at least for the movie domain, diverse small sets may be the best thing one could offer a user of a recommender system.  相似文献   

一种融合项目特征和移动用户信任关系的推荐算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡勋  孟祥武  张玉洁  史艳翠 《软件学报》2014,25(8):1817-1830
协同过滤推荐系统中普遍存在评分数据稀疏问题.传统的协同过滤推荐系统中的余弦、Pearson 等方法都是基于共同评分项目来计算用户间的相似度;而在稀疏的评分数据中,用户间共同评分的项目所占比重较小,不能准确地找到偏好相似的用户,从而影响协同过滤推荐的准确度.为了改变基于共同评分项目的用户相似度计算,使用推土机距离(earth mover's distance,简称EMD)实现跨项目的移动用户相似度计算,提出了一种融合项目特征和移动用户信任关系的协同过滤推荐算法.实验结果表明:与余弦、Pearson 方法相比,融合项目特征的用户相似度计算方法能够缓解评分数据稀疏对协同过滤算法的影响.所提出的推荐算法能够提高移动推荐的准确度.  相似文献   

Recommender systems have become indispensable for services in the era of big data. To improve accuracy and satisfaction, context-aware recommender systems (CARSs) attempt to incorporate contextual information into recommendations. Typically, valid and influential contexts are determined in advance by domain experts or feature selection approaches. Most studies have focused on utilizing the unitary context due to the differences between various contexts. Meanwhile, multi-dimensional contexts will aggravate the sparsity problem, which means that the user preference matrix would become extremely sparse. Consequently, there are not enough or even no preferences in most multi-dimensional conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to alleviate the sparsity issue for CARSs, especially when multi-dimensional contextual variables are adopted. Motivated by the intuition that the overall preferences tend to show similarities among specific groups of users and conditions, we first explore to construct one contextual profile for each contextual condition. In order to further identify those user and context subgroups automatically and simultaneously, we apply a co-clustering algorithm. Furthermore, we expand user preferences in a given contextual condition with the identified user and context clusters. Finally, we perform recommendations based on expanded preferences. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

文俊浩  孙光辉  李顺 《计算机科学》2018,45(4):215-219, 251
随着移动互联网技术的快速发展,越来越多的用户通过移动设备获取移动信息和服务,导致信息过载问题日益凸出。针对目前上下文感知推荐算法中存在的数据稀疏性差、上下文信息融入不够、用户相似性度量被忽略等问题,提出一种基于用户聚类和移动上下文的矩阵分解推荐算法。该算法通过利用k-means对用户聚类找到偏好相似的用户簇,求出每簇中并对 用户所处上下文之间的相似度并对其进行排序,由此找出与目标用户偏好和上下文均相似的用户集合,借助该集合改进传统矩阵分解模型损失函数,并以此为基准进行评分预测和推荐。仿真实验结果表明,所提算法可有效提高预测评分的准确度。  相似文献   

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