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In this paper, we analyse the consequences of two flexibility dimensions proposed in a previous approach—adjustment capability and responsiveness—on the bullwhip effect in a supply-chain model when a stochastic AR(1) demand process is considered. First modelling the manager's belief on forecasting in pull, push and hybrid ordering methods, it is revealed that high adjustment capability induces a robust reduction of the bullwhip effect. Secondly, it is found that maximal responsiveness is not always a necessary management strategy. Indeed, we show that these dimensions may be organised in a trade-off, always keeping amplification to acceptable values in the whole supply chain.  相似文献   

The amplification of demand variation in a supply chain network (SCN) is a well-known phenomenon called the bullwhip effect, which creates inefficiencies due to high variation in the order quantities placed between companies, leading to a flow of a larger number of units than the actual need, increasing stock and generating stock-outs. Since this phenomenon has been recognised as one of the main obstacles for improving SCN performance, recently it has received a lot of attention by SCN managers and researchers. One of the most common simplifying assumptions in the literature is to assume that the SCN adopts a serial structure. The present work addresses a comparative analysis of the bullwhip effect between a serial SCN and a more complex divergent SCN. To do so, we analyse the response of both SCNs under two different input demands: a stationary demand and an impulse demand. The results reveal that there are not significant differences in terms of bullwhip effect between both SCNs for a stationary demand. Nevertheless, we show how for a violent disturbance in customer demand there is a great different between the two SCNs.  相似文献   

As prices fluctuate over time, a strategic consumer may buy more in advance to reduce his or her future needs in anticipation of higher prices in the future, or may choose to postpone a purchase in anticipation of lower prices in the future. We investigate the bullwhip effect from a consumer price forecasting behavioural perspective in the context of a simple two-level supply chain composed of a supplier and a retailer. We consider two different forms for the demand function – linear and iso-elastic demand functions, both depending on the prices in multiple periods. Assuming that the retailer employs an order-up-to inventory policy with exponential smoothing forecasting technology, we derive analytical expressions for the bullwhip effect under the two demand functions, and extend the results to the multiple-retailer case. We find that consumer forecasting behaviour can reduce the bullwhip effect, most significantly when the consumer sensitivity to price changes is medium (approximately 0.5) for both the demand forms. In addition, for iso-elastic demand, the mitigation of the bullwhip effect induced by consumer price forecasting behaviour becomes more significant as the product price sensitivity coefficient and standard deviation of the price decrease. These findings are applicable to the development of managerial strategies by supply chain members that are conducive to bullwhip effect reduction through customer behaviour.  相似文献   

The ripple effect refers to structural dynamics and describes a downstream propagation of the downscaling in demand fulfilment in the supply chain (SC) as a result of a severe disruption. The bullwhip effect refers to operational dynamics and amplifies in the upstream direction as ordering oscillations. Being interested in uncovering if the ripple effect can be a driver of the bullwhip effect, we performed a simulation-based study to investigate the interrelations of the structural and operational dynamics in the SC. The results advance our knowledge about both ripple and bullwhip effects and reveal, for the first time, that the ripple effect can be a bullwhip-effect driver, while the latter can be launched by a severe disruption even in the downstream direction. The findings show that the ripple effect influences the bullwhip effect through backlog accumulation over the disruption time as a consequence of non-coordinated ordering and production planning policies. To cope with this effect, a contingent production-inventory control policy is proposed that provides results in favour of information coordination in SC disruption management to mitigate both ripple and bullwhip effects. The SC managers need to take into account the risk of bullwhip effect during the capacity disruption and recovery periods.  相似文献   

Demand forecasting is one of the key causes of the bullwhip effect on product orders. Although this aspect of order oscillation is not ignored, the current study focuses on another critical aspect of oscillation: the bullwhip effect on inventory, i.e. the net inventory variance amplification. In particular, this paper studies a two-level supply chain in which the demand is price sensitive, while the price follows a first-order autoregressive pricing process. We derive the analytical expressions of the bullwhip effect on product orders and inventory using minimum mean-squared error, moving average and exponential smoothing forecasting techniques. We also propose the conditions under which the three forecasting techniques would be chosen by the retailer to minimise the sum of the bullwhip effect on product orders and inventory under different weightings. These observations are used to develop managerial insights regarding choosing an appropriate forecasting technique after considering certain distinct characteristics of the product.  相似文献   

The bullwhip effect (BWE) is a phenomenon, which is caused by ineffective inventory decisions made by supply chain members. In addition to known inefficiencies caused by the bullwhip effect within a supply chain product flow, such as excessive inventory, it can also lead to inefficiencies in cash flow such as the cash flow bullwhip (CFB). The CFB reduces the efficiency of the supply chain (SC) through heterogeneous distribution of cash among supply chain members. This paper aims to decrease both the BWE and the CFB across a SC through applying a simulation-based optimisation approach, which integrates system dynamics (SD) simulation and genetic algorithms. For this purpose, cash flow modelling is incorporated into the SD structure of the beer distribution game (BG) to develop the CFB function. A multi objective optimisation model is then integrated with the SD-BG simulation model. Finally, a genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to determine the optimal values for the inventory, supply line, and financial decision parameters. Results show that the proposed integrated framework leads to efficient liquidity management in the SC in addition to cost management.  相似文献   

The bullwhip effect (BWE) describes a phenomenon that involves the increasing amplification of demand variability along a supply chain (SC). The BWE has been a subject that has received continuous attention from researchers over the past 15 years and is a concern for SC managers because it is a major cause of efficiency and effectiveness loss in SCs. Information sharing between actors in an SC is usually considered to be one of the primary means to minimise the BWE. Approximately 50 articles published in major journals on these topics are studied in this article. An analytical framework is used to highlight the contingent character of the conclusions proposed by the authors. In this review, we identify the existence of significant gaps in the literature, especially concerning the BWE when it occurs in the productive part of the SC.  相似文献   

We investigate the assumption of decomposability as it pertains to modelling the bullwhip effect in multi-stage supply chains. Decomposing a multi-stage supply chain into a set of node pairs, each of which can be efficiently represented with a two-stage model, is a common modelling technique when analysing the bullwhip effect in supply chains. This approach depends on the validity of the decomposability assumption since most supply chains are coupled systems that are a logical fit for singular, or ‘monolithic’, multi-stage models. We utilise a simulation study to compare decomposition-based supply-chain models with monolithic models and determine if decomposition modelling significantly alters the predicted severity of the bullwhip effect. We find decomposition-based models exhibit a significantly lower level of bullwhip effect than monolithic models of the same supply chain. The systematic underestimation of the bullwhip effect by decomposition-based models indicates that the assumption of decomposability is flawed. Our study also confirms previous work showing the significant benefit of using actual, instead of approximate, lead-time demand information. We discuss implications for supply-chain modelling, supply-chain design, and data collection.  相似文献   

Information sharing has been shown previously in the literature to be effective in reducing the magnitude of the bullwhip effect. Most of these studies have focused on a particular information-sharing setting that assumes demand follows an autoregressive process. In this paper, we contribute to the literature by presenting a price-sensitive demand model and a first-order autoregressive pricing process that is coupled to the optimal order-up-to inventory policy and the optimal minimum mean-squared error forecasting technique. We compare a no information-sharing setting – in which only the first stage of the supply chain observes end-customer demands and market prices, and upstream echelons must base their forecasts on downstream incoming orders – with two information-sharing settings, end-demand and order information and end-demand information. In the case of end-demand and order information, upstream echelons develop their forecasts and plan their inventories based on the end-customer demand, price information, and downstream orders. With end-demand information, upstream echelons use only end-customer demands and market prices to conduct their forecasting and planning. We derive the analytical expressions of the bullwhip effect with and without information sharing, quantify the impact of information sharing on the reduction of the bullwhip effect associated with end-demand and order information and end-demand information, and explore the optimal information setting that could most significantly restrain the bullwhip effect. Our analysis suggests that the value of these two information-sharing settings can be high, especially when the pricing process is highly correlated over time or when the product price sensitivity coefficient is small. Moreover, we find that the value of adopting end-demand and order information is always greater than that of end-demand information.  相似文献   

We study the material requirements planning (MRP) system nervousness problem from a dynamic, stochastic and economic perspective in a two-echelon supply chain under first-order auto-regressive demand. MRP nervousness is an effect where the future order forecasts, given to suppliers so that they may plan production and organise their affairs, exhibits extreme period-to-period variability. We develop a measure of nervousness that weights future forecast errors geometrically over time. Near-term forecast errors are weighted higher than distant forecast errors. Focusing on replenishment policies for high volume items, we investigate two methods of generating order call-offs and two methods of creating order forecasts. For order call-offs, we consider the traditional order-up-to (OUT) policy and the proportional OUT policy (POUT). For order forecasts, we study both minimum mean square error (MMSE) forecasts of the demand process and MMSE forecasts coupled with a procedure that accounts for the known future influence of the POUT policy. We show that when retailers use the POUT policy and account for its predictable future behaviour, they can reduce the bullwhip effect, supply chain inventory costs and the manufacturer’s MRP nervousness.  相似文献   

The impact of digitalisation and Industry 4.0 on the ripple effect and disruption risk control analytics in the supply chain (SC) is studied. The research framework combines the results from two isolated areas, i.e. the impact of digitalisation on SC management (SCM) and the impact of SCM on the ripple effect control. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that connects business, information, engineering and analytics perspectives on digitalisation and SC risks. This paper does not pretend to be encyclopedic, but rather analyses recent literature and case-studies seeking to bring the discussion further with the help of a conceptual framework for researching the relationships between digitalisation and SC disruptions risks. In addition, it emerges with an SC risk analytics framework. It analyses perspectives and future transformations that can be expected in transition towards cyber-physical SCs. With these two frameworks, this study contributes to the literature by answering the questions of (1) what relations exist between big data analytics, Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, advanced trace & tracking systems and SC disruption risks; (2) how digitalisation can contribute to enhancing ripple effect control; and (3) what digital technology-based extensions can trigger the developments towards SC risk analytics.  相似文献   

With large volume of product flows and complex supply chain processes, more data than ever before is being generated and collected in supply chains through various tracking and sensory technologies. The purpose of this study is to show a potential scenario of using a prototype tracking tool that facilitate the utilisation of sensor data, which is often unstructured and enormous in nature, to support supply chain decisions. The research investigates the potential benefits of the chilled food chain management innovation through sensor data driven pricing decisions. Data generated and recorded through the sensor network are used to predict the remaining shelf-life of perishable foods. Numerical analysis is conducted to examine the benefit of proposed approach under various operational situations and product features. The research findings demonstrate a way of modelling pricing and potential of performance improvement in chilled food chains to provide a vision of smooth transfer and implementation of the sensor data driven supply chain management. The research finding would encourage firms in the food industry to explore innovation opportunities from big data and develop proper data driven strategies to improve their competitiveness.  相似文献   

随着信息技术和经济社会的融合发展,数据已成为国家基础性战略资源,大数据对推动创新创业、转型升级,提升国家治理能力的作用日益显著.本文结合大数据研究现状,分析了国内外各标准组织开展的大数据标准化工作的情况和进展,在对比分析基础上剖析了我国大数据标准化研究工作所存在的主要问题.结合上述问题从大数据产业发展的角度,提出了未来我国大数据标准化发展的思路和建议.  相似文献   

Even though research has suggested that supply chain agility and supply chain adaptability are distinct capabilities, little is known about their performance effects and about the contextual conditions under which they are effective. Based on a sample of 143 German firms, we empirically investigate the effects of supply chain agility and supply chain adaptability on cost performance and operational performance using hierarchical regression analysis. We ground our investigation in the dynamic capabilities view and contingency theory. We find that supply chain agility and supply chain adaptability positively affect both cost performance and operational performance. We further find evidence for a mediating role of supply chain agility in the links between supply chain adaptability and performance. Product complexity positively moderates the links between supply chain adaptability and cost performance, and supply chain adaptability and operational performance. The results contribute to the literature by offering a more nuanced understanding of the performance implications of supply chain agility and supply chain adaptability, thereby addressing the crucial question of why their benefits may or may not materialise under varying levels of product complexity.  相似文献   

Reporting forecast data is a common method used to improve the functioning of supply chains (SCs) and to reduce supply shortages. Customers tend to report the maximum possible demand as a forecast if restrictions are missing. Such a forecast is useless for suppliers. Hence, special contracts are needed to enhance the value of forecast data and therefore the cooperation between SC partners. In this paper, such a contract is presented. It encourages the customer to report a more realistic forecast. Deviations from the reported forecast are punished in different ways: If the customer reported too much and wants to release less than what was reported, he has to pay a penalty. On the other hand, the customer has the flexibility to purchase more than reported to meet the demand on his outlet but at the cost of an additional fee. This paper analyses how different contract parameters affect the performance of the SC, in particular when the bargaining power of customer and supplier is not equally distributed. Results show that the supplier and therefore the SC is better off if the supplier leaves the contractual cost parameters untouched but hides the true value of flexibility, especially when the customer is less powerful than the supplier.  相似文献   

This study seeks to better understand the role of supply chain analytics (SCA) on supply chain planning satisfaction and operational performance. We define the architecture of SCA as the integration of three sets of resources, data management resources (DMR), IT-enabled planning resources and performance management resources (PMR), from the perspective of a resource-based view. Based on the data collected from 537 manufacturing plants, we test hypotheses exploring the relationships among these resources, supply chain planning satisfaction, and operational performance. Our analysis supports that DMR should be considered a key building block of manufacturers’ business analytics initiatives for supply chains. The value of data is transmitted to outcome values through increasing supply chain planning and performance capabilities. Additionally, the deployment of advanced IT-enabled planning resources occurs after acquisition of DMR. Manufacturers with sophisticated planning technologies are likely to take advantage of data-driven processes and quality control practices. DMR are found to be a stronger predictor of PMR than IT planning resources. All three sets of resources are related to supply chain planning satisfaction and operational performance. The paper concludes by reviewing research limitations and suggesting further SCA research issues.  相似文献   

A risk, when it occurs, causes negative effects on outputs. Typically risks are not independent, as multiple risks occur simultaneously. These risks have links, creating a ‘push’ effect, thus increasing the severity of each and all risk(s) on outputs. This paper aims to verify the mechanism of the push effect that is a new approach in the supply chain risk management literature. In this study, two models were compared: (1) only exists in direct effects of risks on supply chain performance, i.e. the competitive model. The other, (2), contains relationships among risks that show the mechanism of the push effect, i.e. the hypothesised model. Empirical evidence found in the Vietnam construction sector proved that the hypothesised model is better suited and has greater effect on supply chain performance in terms of each and all risk(s). Comparing 55% variance of the competitive model, the hypothesised one can explain up to 73% variance of supply chain performance. These results confirm our hypotheses of the push effect. Furthermore, findings achieved from this research can be used as ‘a guideline’ for reducing the impact of this mechanism.  相似文献   

We developed a decision support framework for a global manufacturer of specialty chemicals to study the relative impact of demand, supply and lead-time uncertainties on cost and customer service performance. Our approach combines optimisation and simulation methodologies as follows: mathematical models provide optimal plans via a novel approach to the supply chain planning mechanism of the Company. Simulation models execute the supply chain plans so as to allow the examination of the outcomes under the various sources of uncertainty. The iterative use of optimisation and simulation methodologies allows the user the benefit of obtaining optimal solutions while revealing the impact of uncertainties on system performance. Our results indicate that demand uncertainty has the greatest negative impact on performance for the supply chain that we modelled in this study, emphasising the importance of effective forecasting. The relative importance of supply and lead-time uncertainties varies according to the performance measures. While our results are valid for the specific supply chain and the operating environment we modelled, our study emphasises the importance of the ability to model supply chains realistically to obtain valid and useful results.  相似文献   

国内外农业大数据应用研究分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对农业领域数据规模大、数据结构复杂、空间数据挖掘能力不足等问题,研究了大数据开源技术在农业领域的数据分析体系中的应用。借鉴国内外学者在农业大数据的研究成果,基于农业数据时空属性的特征,结合农业数据的特点分析了Hadoop、Storm和Spark开源大数据挖掘技术,归纳性阐述了如何开发适合农业需求的大数据系统。最后,简要分析了农业大数据技术所面临的挑战和研究难题,指出需要加大力度进一步深入理论和应用研究,从而推动和实现基于数据的科学决策,为国家粮食提供安全保障。  相似文献   

The use of digital technologies such as ‘internet of things’ and ‘big data analytics’ have transformed the traditional retail supply chains into data-driven retail supply chains referred to as ‘Retail 4.0.’ These big data-driven retail supply chains have the advantage of providing superior products and services and enhance the customers shopping experience. The retailing industry in India is highly competitive and eager to transform into the environment of retail 4.0. The literature on big data in the supply chain has mainly focused on the applications in manufacturing industries and therefore needs to be further investigated on how the big data-driven retail supply chains influence the supply chain performance. Therefore, this study investigates how the retailing 4.0 context in India is influencing the existing supply chain performance measures and what effect it has on the organisational performance. The findings of the study provide valuable insights for retail supply chain practitioners on planning BDA investments. Based on a survey of 380 respondents selected from retail organisations in India, this study uses governance structure as the moderating variable. Implications for managers and future research possibilities are presented.  相似文献   

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