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Implicit (unconscious) gender stereotyping in fame judgments was tested with an adaptation of a procedure developed by L. L. Jacoby, C. M. Kelley, J. Brown, and J. Jasechko (1989). In Experiments 1–4, participants pronounced 72 names of famous and nonfamous men and women, and 24 or 48 hr later made fame judgments in response to the 72 familiar and 72 unfamiliar famous and nonfamous names. These first experiments, in which signal detection analysis was used to assess implicit stereotypes, demonstrate that the gender bias (greater assignment of fame to male than female names) was located in the use of a lower criterion (B) for judging fame of familiar male than female names. Experiments 3 and 4 also showed that explicit expressions of sexism or stereotypes were uncorrelated with the observed implicit gender bias in fame judgments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Categorical and contextual bases of person memory and stereotyping.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 3 studies, a total of 207 White university summer school students observed slide and type portrayals of interacting small groups that were of mixed sex or mixed race. Hypotheses were that (a) social perceivers encode person information by race and sex; (b) this fact leads to minimizing within-group and exaggerating between-group differences; (c) perceivers stereotype accordingly; (d) within-group attributes, both stereotyped and nonstereotyped, are exaggerated in inverse proportion to the size of the minority subgroup; (e) better discriminations are made within smaller subgroups; (f) imputations of attributes to groups as a whole are also sensitive to the makeup of the group; and (g) all these behaviors are attenuated when the perceiver is a member of the subgroup evaluated. All but the last hypothesis received at least partial support. Results are discussed in terms of categorization processes and suggest that normal cognitive processes explain the process of stereotyping quite well. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although people simultaneously belong to multiple social categories, any one of these competing representations can dominate the categorization process. It is surprising therefore to learn that only a few studies have considered the question of how people are categorized when multiple categorizations are available. In addition, relatively little is known about the cognitive mechanisms through which these categorization effects are realized. In the reported research, we attempted to extend recent ideas from work on selective attention to shed some light on these fundamental issues in social perception. Our basic contention was that following the initial identification of a person's applicable categories, the categorization process is driven by the interplay of both excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms. The results of 3 studies supported this contention. We discuss our findings in the wider context of contemporary issues in social stereotyping. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This clinical judgment study found an overshadowing bias that existed in the treatment of major depression in AIDS patients. Two clinician individual differences—cognitive complexity about AIDS issues and attitudes toward AIDS victims—were investigated for possible moderating effects of the treatment overshadowing bias. Cognitive complexity about AIDS issues had a significant moderating effect, as more complex clinical and counseling psychologists were more likely to recommend antidepressant medication. Attitudes toward AIDS victims, measured by the Attitudes Towards AIDS Victims scale (Larsen, Serra, & Long, 1990), did not moderate clinician's treatment judgments. Results from a second set of exploratory analyses suggest that the diagnostic overshadowing occurred, but as a function of the presence of a terminal illness (AIDS or cancer) and not as a bias unique to AIDS issues. Implications for research and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

People attempting to generate random sequences usually produce more alternations than expected by chance. They also judge overalternating sequences as maximally random. In this article, the authors review findings, implications, and explanatory mechanisms concerning subjective randomness. The authors next present the general approach of the mathematical theory of complexity, which identifies the length of the shortest program for reproducing a sequence with its degree of randomness. They describe 3 experiments, based on mean group responses, indicating that the perceived randomness of a sequence is better predicted by various measures of its encoding difficulty than by its objective randomness. These results seem to imply that in accordance with the complexity view, judging the extent of a sequence's randomness is based on an attempt to mentally encode it. The experience of randomness may result when this attempt fails. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper develops the concept of implicit trait policy (ITP), which is a variant of the accentuation effect described by Tajfel (1957). ITPs are implicit beliefs about causal relations between personality traits and behavioral effectiveness. Studies reported here tested the hypotheses (a) that personality traits affect ITPs so that agreeable people, for instance, believe the relation between agreeableness and effectiveness is more strongly positive than disagreeable people do and (b) that ITPs can predict behavior that expresses associated personality traits. Two studies with undergraduate research participants supported the first hypothesis for traits of agreeableness and extraversion (the average correlation between traits and associated ITPs was .31 for agreeableness and .37 for extraversion) but not for conscientiousness. A 3rd study with student participants found that individual differences in ITPs for agreeableness predicted agreeable behavior (the average correlation was .33) in simulated work settings. These results suggest that ITPs may be useful for predicting work behavior that expresses personality traits even though ITPs may not be strongly correlated with the personality traits themselves. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research documents that mental health professionals' attitudes reflect the general public's stereotype of women as hyperemotional. This article reports the results of 6 studies exploring the existence of a complementary stereotype of men as hypoemotional. As predicted, counselors and college students consistently stereotyped men as hypoemotional (all ps?p?  相似文献   

Connectionist models contrast in many ways with the symbolic models that have traditionally been applied within social psychology. In this article the authors apply an autoassociative connectionist model originally developed by J. L. McClelland and D. E. Rumelhart (1986) to reproduce several well-replicated and theoretically important phenomena related to person perception and stereotyping. These phenomena are exemplar-based inference, group-based stereotyping, the simultaneous application of several stereotypes to generate emergent characteristics, and the effects of recency and frequency of prior exposures on accessibility (the probability of a representation's use). Though many of these phenomena are explained by current theories in social psychology, the simulation contributes to parsimony and theoretical integration by showing that a single, very simple mechanism can generate them all. The model also predicts a new phenomenon—rapid recovery of accessibility after it has declined to zero. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted an observational analysis of the male and female role models presented on 10 popular commercially produced children's TV programs. Striking sex differences (p  相似文献   

Much research emphasizes heuristic use of stereotypes, though stereotypes have long been considered as capable of influencing more thoughtful processing of social information. Direct comparisons between thoughtful and nonthoughtful stereotyping are lacking in the literature. Recent research in attitude change emphasizes the different consequences of judgments arising from relatively thoughtful versus nonthoughtful processes. Therefore, increased thought could not only fail to decrease stereotyping but might also create stereotypic perceptions that are more likely to have lasting impact. The current studies demonstrate thoughtful and nonthoughtful stereotyping within the same setting. More thoughtful stereotyping is more resistant to future attempts at change and to warnings of possible bias. Implications are discussed for the typical research questions asked after observing stereotypic judgments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The goals of these two studies were (a) to develop a measure of cultural sex stereotypes and individual differences in sex stereotyping and (b) to determine the accuracy of cultural sex stereotypes. Stereotype measures were based on ratio scores. For a given attribute, the strength of a stereotype was indexed by the ratio of perceivers' estimates of the percentage of women versus men with that attribute. In Study 1, one group of subjects estimated the prevalence in men and women of 30 socially desirable traits. A second group of subjects rated themselves on the same traits, thus providing group norms that were used as criteria for accuracy. Ratio measures were found to be useful in identifying the content of cultural sex stereotypes and in assessing individual differences in stereotyping. Individual differences in stereotyping were found to generalize across a wide variety of traits. To assess accuracy, stereotypes were compared with group norms. Group norms showed only a few large sex differences on traits, although there were many small sex differences. Stereotypes were much more extreme; that is, large sex differences were assumed to exist for virtually every trait. Study 2 replicated the results of Study 1 and extended the findings to socially undesirable sex stereotypes. Implications of these results are discussed for the "kernel of truth" debate and for schema theories of stereotyping. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of age stereotyping on subjects' ratings of interviewee potential were investigated using a simulated auditory interview. Male and female participants (N?=?156) listened to a 12-min interview of a supervisory candidate applying for a temporary position in industry and then rated the interviewee's qualifications for the supervisory position. Participants gave higher overall interview ratings to a younger interviewee even though he had the same qualifications as an older interviewee. Ratings given to the older interviewee, however, were not significantly different from those given to an interviewee whose age was not designated. The findings are discussed in terms of the influence of both positive and negative age stereotypes on ratings of applicant potential. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The absolute judgment of a stimulus is often affected by the particular order of presentation of the preceding stimuli. The scale of judgment is anchored by the 2 extreme stimuli, dampening these sequential effects except when the range is extended or when conditions favor shifts in the remembered values of the extreme stimuli. An experimental situation was developed to create the latter conditions. Successive identifications were required for long, randomized sequences of the same 2 stimuli. The sequential effects obtained in this situation were used to evaluate alternative adaptation-level (AL) models, involving the simplest interpretations of the theory and also special assumptions about anchoring by extreme stimuli. This work illustrates a direction for further development of the AL theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Just-world theory provides a possible explanation of physical attractiveness stereotyping, in that believing in a just world should lead to a positive bias toward "winners," such as the physically attractive. Several hypotheses derived from this premise were tested by having adults complete the Just World Scale and rate the personality traits and expected life outcomes of an attractive or unattractive stimulus person. Predictions for the personality trait ratings were borne out for male but not for female stimulus persons: (a) Believers in a just world perceived the personalities of attractive, male stimulus persons as more socially desirable than nonbelievers and also attributed more socially desirable personalities to male stimulus persons who were attractive rather than unattractive; and (b) no effects were found for female stimulus persons. Predictions for the life-outcome ratings and differences in correlations between personality and life-outcome ratings as a function of belief in a just world were clearly supported. Implications for just-world theory, status-characteristics theory, and physical attractiveness stereotyping are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Notes that the influence of the experimenter (E) has been neglected in sex role stereotypy research. Thus, it was predicted that male and female Ss' stereotyping would vary as the sex roles modeled by male and female Es varied from traditional to liberated. 100 high school students rated the concepts of adult male and female on standard stereotypic items and rated the Es' behavior and personality. The general hypothesis of E influence was supported by several significant interaction effects. Results show that the male concept was rated more competent and less warm-expressive than the female concept, thus replicating the basic finding in the literature, but traditional stereotypical differences were most accentuated when male and female Ss were crossed with task-oriented Es of the opposite sex. The reconceptualization of sex-role stereotypes as situationally influenced expectancies, in accord with a social learning theory interpretation of stereotyping, is discussed. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the article by S. T. Fiske et al (see record 1992-07509-001) praising the American Psychological Association's (APA's) amicus brief intended to inform the Supreme Court of current scientific thinking regarding gender stereotyping. A balanced perspective, it is argued, should include both research supporting an argument and findings that are inconsistent with that argument. The APA brief gave no indication of contradictory findings. Moreover, review of the research cited indicates that more than half of the studies do not support the argument for which they were cited. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Implicit learning.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Implicit learning (IL) is nonepisodic learning of complex information in an incidental manner, without awareness of what has been learned. IL experiments use 3 different stimulus structures (visual, sequence, and function) and 3 different dependent measures of response modalities (conceptual fluency, efficiency, and prediction and control). IL may require a certain minimal amount of attention and may depend on attentional and working memory mechanisms. The result of IL is implicit knowledge in the form of abstract (but possibly instantiated) representations rather than verbatim or aggregate representations. IL shows biases and dissociations in learning different stimulus structures. The dependence of IL on particular areas is discussed, some conclusions are drawn for modeling IL, and the interaction of implicit and explicit learning is considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

418 clinical psychologists (aged 28–77 yrs) were mailed a clinical judgment survey containing a standard case history that varied according to age (46 or 72 yrs), class (working or middle), and gender of client. Clients were rated along Likert scales on dependent variables tapping attitudinal (e.g., "usefulness of intervention"), symptomatological (e.g, "disorientation"), and diagnostic dimensions. MANOVA analyses demonstrated that the 72-yr-old client elicited significantly more negative perceptions, including more "psychotic" diagnoses than the 46-yr-old client. Results provide evidence for ageism in the psychotherapy setting and treatment. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two recent articles challenge cognitive developmental interpretations given to moral judgment research using preference data. One article, by J. J. Moran et al (see record 1979-28407-001), suggests that preference data may reflect preference for language sophistication rather than for levels of moral reasoning. The other article, by R. M. Martin (see record 1978-11439-001), suggests that preference for statements of moral reasoning may reflect a prior commitment to an action choice rather than an evaluation of moral reasoning. The evidence in both articles is critiqued, subsequent research dealing with the problems raised is cited, and a reconceptualization of the issues is recommended. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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