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This review is in support of the development of selective, reproducible and validated capillary electrophoretis (CE) methods. Focusing on pharmaceutical and biological applications, the successful use of CE is demonstrated by more than 800 references, mainly from 1994 until 1998. Approximately 80 recent reviews have been catalogued. These articles sum up the existing strategies for method development in CE, especially in the search for generally accepted concepts, but also looking for new, promising reagents and ideas. General strategies for method development were derived not only with regard to selectivity and efficiency, but also with regard to precision, short analysis time, limit of detection, sample pretreatment requirements and validation. Standard buffer recipes, surfactants used in micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC), chiral selectors, useful buffer additives, polymeric separation media, electroosmotic flow (EOF) modifiers, dynamic and permanent coatings, actions to deal with complex matrices and aspects of validation are collected in 20 tables. Detailed schemes for the development of MEKC methods and chiral separations, for optimizing separation efficiency, means of troubleshooting, and other important information for key decisions during method development are given in 19 diagrams. Method development for peptide and protein separations, possibilities to influence the EOF and how to stabilize it, as well as indirect detection are considered in special sections.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional separations provide extremely high peak capacities. Coupling capillary zone electrophoresis with ultrathin channel gel electrophoresis offers a convenient and efficient way to perform such two-dimensional microseparations. By means of in situ polymerization, high-concentration (up to 50%T) polyacrylamide gels are prepared in 75 mm long, 25 mm wide, and 40 microns thick rectangular channels. By moving the outlet end of the capillary electrophoresis capillary across the entrance of the channel, both separations are completely preserved. Mixtures of peptides labeled by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) are well resolved in less than 15 min, with theoretical plate numbers in the range of 20,000-50,000 for each independent separation. Significant enhancement in separation efficiency and peak capacity over one-dimensional separations are demonstrated by this combination. The two-dimensional separations of a model mixture of peptides, a tryptic digest of trypsinogen, and < 0.05% of an individual B2 neuron from the marine mollusk Aplysia californica are presented.  相似文献   

Trace metals determination in aqueous samples can be readily accomplished by capillary electrophoresis (CE) via indirect absorbance detection. A method for the separation of metal ions is presented and applied to the determination of seven metals in algal solution samples. 2-Hydroxyisobutyric acid background electrolyte (BGE) containing UV CAT-1 (an ultraviolet-absorbing amine) is used to perform capillary ion analysis. Acetic acid is used to adjust the pH value of BGE to 4.4. All ions can be separated in less than 15 min. All peaks are well separated and baseline resolved (i.e., no peaks overlapped). This work presents the applicability of CE to the quantitative analysis of algal solution samples and shows the adsorption process of seven metals in solution (Mn, Cd, Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cu) to Chlorella vulgaris. The innovation of the application of CE in the determination of metals bound by Chlorella vulgaris is shown to be an improvement of the pH over what has been published previously. The detection limit is in the range of 13 (Mn) to 102 (Pb) ppb with electrokinetic injection mode (15 kV, 7 s). Reproducibility was 1.4% for the migration time, better than 5% for peak area for four of the metal ions (Cr, Mn, Cd, and Cu), and lower than 5% for the other three (Ni, Zn, and Pb). Calibration curves are linear for most ions in the 10(-7)-10(-5)M range (correlation coefficient r2 = 0.9933-0.9986) using electrokinetic injection mode.  相似文献   

The feasibility of combining nonaqueous capillary zone electrophoresis with indirect fluorescence detection was studied for the efficient separation and sensitive detection of ionizable hydrophobic substances which do not possess practically suitable detection properties. Medium- and long-chain free fatty acids, C6-C24, were selected as test compounds. The results showed that such a wide range of medium- and long-chain free fatty acids could be separated between any two consecutive homologs in one run and be detected at a level of about 0.01-0.02 mM in highly basic methanol/acetonitrile media containing fluorescein as coion of background electrolyte for indirect fluorescence detection.  相似文献   

A review of column technology in capillary electrophoresis (CE) including wall modification processes and open tubular as well as packed column formats in capillary electrochromatography (CEC) are presented. There are many approaches which can be used to solve separation problems which provide higher efficiency and/or shorter analysis times in comparison to other chromatographic techniques. However, both CE and CEC are still relatively undeveloped in comparison to a more mature method such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and improvement in column technology is changing rapidly.  相似文献   

The molecular karyotype of a series of Giardia lamblia isolates representing the two major genotypes (Groups 1 and 3) was generated by assigning 13 genetic markers to chromosomes separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The co-localization identified five linked groups of genetic markers in Group 1 isolates. For each of the five linkage groups, there were up to four size variants that hybridized with the same genetic markers. Long range physical maps of the regions flanking the low copy number genetic markers indicated that these size variants were homologous chromosomes. The linkage groups were similar in Group 1 and 3 isolates. The core of each chromosome was stable while the subtelomeres were variable. The location of the ribosomal DNA repeats was variable among the different isolates and they were found in the subtelomeric regions of any of the five linkage groups. The data suggest a functional ploidy of at least four. Hypervariable subtelomeric regions of homologous chromosomes provide the structural basis of the chromosome size heterogeneity that is characteristic of G. lamblia.  相似文献   

本文通过CaCO3,MgO,FeNH4(SO4)2.12H2O、锌粒、铜粒、铅粒、铋粒等7种物质在不同条件下对EDTA标准滴定溶液的标定对比试验,研究了酸效应、水解效应、温度、光照、空气浮力、基准物质溶液的配制和酸度的初调、缓冲溶液、指示剂的种类和用量等多种因素对标定误差的影响及其消除办法。实验结果表明,只要选择和控制好测定条件,标定方法之间的误差是可以减小或消除的。在本实验条件下,用上述7种物质标定0.020015mol/LEDTA标准滴定溶液,相对误差均小于0.20%。  相似文献   

Chemiluminescence (CL) detection based on the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) catalyzed reaction of luminol with peroxide was investigated as a post-separation detection scheme for microchip-based capillary electrophoresis. An integrated injector, separator and post-separation reactor was fabricated on planar glass wafers. The fluorescein conjugate of HRP (HRP-F1) was used as a sample for optimization of the CL detector response. In devices etched 10 microm deep, with an aluminum mirror integrated onto the backside of the detection zone to enhance collection efficiency, the detection limit, estimated at 3 standard deviations (SD) above background noise, for 1 nL injected sample plugs was 35 nM in HRP-F1. In devices etched 40 microm deep, 8 nL plugs gave a detection limit of 7 nM. Separation and CL detection of the products of an immunological reaction of a F(ab')2 fragment of the HRP conjugate of goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) with mouse IgG was performed on-chip. A linear calibration curve was obtained for the decrease in peak height of the HRP conjugate (53 microg/mL) with increasing mouse IgG (0-60 microg/mL). When microperoxidase was used as an internal standard, the R2 value of a linear least-squares fit was 0.9867, and the relative errors in the slope and intercept were +/- 5.8 and +/- 1.3 %, respectively.  相似文献   

Instrumental developments and applications of post-column derivatization for fluorescence and chemiluminescence detection in capillary electrophoresis (CE) are reviewed. Various systems to merge the reagent solution with the separation medium have been developed, including coaxial capillary reactors, gap reactors and free solution or end-column systems. For all reactor types the geometry of the system, as well as the method to propel the reaction mixture (by pressure or by voltage) appeared to be critical to preserve the separation efficiency. Plate numbers of over 100,000 could be realised with different reactors. The strict requirements on the rate of post-column derivatization reactions to be applied in CE limit the number of different reagents that have been used. For fluorescence detection, with laser or lamps as the excitation source, so far mainly o-phthalaldehyde and its naphthalene analogue have been used as reagent. Derivatization systems that are based on complexation reactions also showed good promise for application in CE. Detection limits could be obtained that were comparable to those obtained after pre-column derivatization. Various reagents for chemiluminescence detection (e.g. the luminol and peroxyoxalate systems) have been studied. The often complicated chemistry involved made application of these reagents in CE even more difficult. Results obtained so far, in terms of sensitivity, have not been up to expectation, with detection limits usually in the order of micromol l(-1).  相似文献   

Proteins, by their very diverse nature, provide a wide variety of options for generating selectivity in capillary electrophoresis (CE). Their use in different modes of CE will be considered in this review. Proteins added in solution to the background electrolyte allow separations to be made in a similar fashion to other electrokinetic chromatography methods, e.g., micellar separations. Alternatively, different immobilization schemes can be used to secure proteins within the capillary; these have included capillary electrochromatography with the protein grafted onto a silica support, or immobilization of the protein within a gel structure. Compounds varying in size from small inorganic ions to biopolymers may be bound by proteins. There is the potential for any sort of intermolecular interaction to play a role in the binding process (e.g., hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic interactions, etc.). Very specific high-affinity binding often occurs, but also there is often weaker, non-selective binding. Frequently the interactions of chiral compounds with proteins are stereoselective. Obtaining chiral selectivity has been one of the main applications of protein selectors in CE, and this use will be emphasized here in a discussion structured by type of protein. As well as utilizing the selectivity of proteins to develop separations, the role of CE in investigating ligand-protein interactions will be emphasized.  相似文献   

The use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) for the separation of small organic molecules such as pharmaceutical agents and drug/xenobiotic metabolites has become increasingly popular. This has arisen, at least in part, from the complimentary mode of separation afforded by CE when compared to the more mature technique of HPLC. Other qualities of CE include relative ease of method of development, rapid analysis, and low solvent consumption. The recent introduction of a variety of detector systems (including UV diode array, laser-induced fluorescence, conductivity) and the demonstrated coupling of CE to MS have also aided acceptance of this technology. In the present report, we review the role of CE coupled to various detector systems including a mass spectrometer for the characterization of both in vitro and in vivo derived drug metabolite mixtures. Attributes of CE for this application are demonstrated by discussion of metabolism studies of the neuroleptic agent haloperidol. Various aspects of the development and use of CE and CE-MS for the characterization of haloperidol metabolites, including criteria for selection of parameters such as pH, ionic strength, extent of organic modification, and the use of nonaqueous capillary zone electrophoresis are discussed. We also consider potential limitations of CE and CE-MS for drug metabolism research and describe the introduction of membrane preconcentration-CE (mPC-CE) and mPC-CE-MS as a solution that overcomes the rather poor concentration limits of detection of CE methods without compromising the resolution of analytes or separation efficiency of this technique.  相似文献   

The adsorption of proteins with net positive charges (pI > pH) on the walls of fused-silica capillaries is a common problem in the analysis of proteins by capillary electrophoresis. This paper explores the use of polycationic polymers as noncovalent coatings to limit this problem. The behavior of three sets of proteins was compared using uncoated and coated capillaries: (i) a protein charge ladder obtained by acetylation of lysozyme (EC; (ii) a protein charge ladder obtained by acetylation of carbonic anhydrase II (EC; (iii) a test panel of proteins with a range of values of molecular weight and pI. Four polycationic polymers were examined: polyethylenimine (PEI; MWav = 15000), Polybrene (MWav = 25000), poly(methoxyethoxyethyl)ethylenimine (MWav = 64000), and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (MWav = 10000). Detection of proteins with high pI was readily achieved using the first three of these polycationic polymer coatings but not with the poly(diallyldimethyl-ammonium chloride). Examination of the stability of these coatings indicates that they are robust: the change in electroosmotic flow was less than 10% for 25 replications of the same separations, using capillaries coated with PEI or Polybrene. This study demonstrates that the charge ladder obtained by acetylation of lysozyme is a good model with which to test the efficiency of polycationic coatings. A study of the electrophoretic mobilities of the members of this charge ladder at pH 8.3 determined the effective charge of lysozyme (Zp(0) = +7.6 +/- 0.1) and established the acidity of the alpha-ammonium group of lysozyme (pKa = 7.8 +/- 0.1). Results from the test panel of proteins suggest that protein adsorption is mainly driven by electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

Microdialysis sampling has become an important method for the continuous monitoring from an in vivo environment. This technique has been used to monitor many endogenous molecules, such as neurotransmitters, as well as exogenous species such as drug substances. Microdialysis samples have traditionally been analyzed by liquid chromatographic (LC) methods to gain resolution and quantification of the molecules of interest. However, LC separations have a relatively large injection volume requirement which, as a consequence, increases microdialysis sampling times. Capillary electrophoresis (CE), with its very small sample volume requirements and high resolving power, has therefore gained popularity as an alternative to LC. Reviewed here are many of the technologies currently available for CE and examples of how this technique has been effectively applied to the analysis of microdialysis samples.  相似文献   

This survey gives a short overview of the various reagents and procedures that can be used for pre-, post- and on-column derivatization in capillary electrophoresis. First there is an introduction about capillary electrophoresis as an analytical technique; this is followed by a discussion of the pros and cons of the various modes of derivatization and a comparison with liquid chromatography. In the following paragraphs the reagents for a number of functional groups are discussed. The emphasis is on derivatization of the amino group. Most of the information on the reagents and derivatization procedures is listed in tables together with information on the detection mode, analytes, sensitivity and samples. In addition to the amino group, information is given on labeling of aldehyde, keto, carboxyl, hydroxyl and sulfhydryl groups.  相似文献   

A wavelength-resolved fluorescence detector for laser-induced fluorescence detection in capillary electrophoresis (CE) is described that uses a charge injection device (CID) array detector Post-column fluorescence detection occurs using a sheath flow cell. The limit of detection for fluorescein is 4.8 x 10(-11) M (29,000 molecules), the spectral resolution is 0.56 nm/pixel, and the spectrograph/CID monitors a 250 nm spectrum throughout the 250-875 nm range. Custom array readout, data manipulation and data processing methods are described to convert wavelength/spatial CID images into electropherograms. The application of the system to characterizing bilirubins in human serum is described, demonstrating the ability to match electrophoretic peaks to standards using spectral information.  相似文献   

The most commonly used measure of resolution for chromatographic and electrophoretic separations does not take into account the possibility of there being different amounts of each of the molecular species. A modification of a measure of resolution recently suggested by Aldroubi and Garner (BioTechniques 1992, 13, 620-624) can incorporate this effect explicitly. Their criterion for resolution is based on the time to observe a valley of specified magnitude separating two peaks. We examine how this measure depends on different physically relevant parameters that characterize the system.  相似文献   

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