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Inverse log polar transformation algorithm based on sub-pixel interpolation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The retino-cortical mapping is one of physiologicalfoundations of voluntary biologic vision.This mappingmakes human eyes maintain not only high resolution,but also a great field of viewin an interested area[1 ,2].Therefore,a kind of effective system of da…  相似文献   

Edge detectionis ani mportant step for i mage analy-sis . Although most edge detection algorithms can per-form well for clear i mages ,they often produce missingedges andextra edgesin noisyi mages caused bythe dis-continuitiesin graylevel due to noises .H…  相似文献   

this paper, a new optimal time-frequency atom search method based on a modified ant colony algorithm is proposed to improve the precision of the traditional methods. First, the discretization formula of finite length time-frequency atom is inferred at length. Second; a modified ant colony algorithm in continuous space is proposed. Finally, the optimal time- frequency atom search algorithm based on the modified ant colony algorithm is described in detail and the simulation experiment is carried on. The result indicates that the developed algorithm is valid and stable, and the precision of the method is higher than that of the traditional method.  相似文献   

A method for gazing-detection of human eyes using Support Vector Machine (SVM) based on statistic leaming theory (SLT) is proposed. According to the criteria of structural risk minimization of SVM,the errors between sample-data and model-data are minimized and the upper bound of predicting error of the model is also reduced. As a result,the generalization ability of the model is much improved. The simulation results show that, when limited training samples are used, the correct recognition rate of the tested samples can be as high as 100% ,which is much better than some previous results obtained by other methods. The higher processing speed enables the system to distinguish gazing or not-gazing in real-time.  相似文献   

Mechanical vibration of target structures will modulate the phase function of radar backscattering, and will induce the frequency modulation of returned signals from the target. It generates a side bands of the target body Doppler frequency shift, which is helpful for target recognition. Based on this, a micro-Doppler atomic storehouse is built for the target recognition, and four kinds of common classifiers are used separately to perform the classified recognition. The simulation experimental results show that this method has high recognition rate above 90%.  相似文献   

Since actual cardiac and arterial motion is non-rigidand non-uniformbothin space andinti me[1],the quan-tification of dynamic 3-Dcurves with 2-D projections isinaccurate and sensitive to view angles . Ruan[2]andPuentes[3]reconstructed 3-D arterial centerl…  相似文献   

The precise determination of the ZOPDfor the whitelight interferometryis essential toits applicationsinthefield of measurements of surface profile,height ,anddepth,and quality control[1-5].The ZOPDis a positionininterferogram with the highest envelope pea…  相似文献   

Recently,there has been a growing awareness to theobservation that wavelets may not be the best choiceforrepresenting natural i mages .This observation is due tothe fact that wavelets are blindtothe smoothness alongthe edges commonly found in i mages .In …  相似文献   

A new algorithm for iterative reconstruction is suggested. It is named simple self-correlative algebraic reconstruction technique (SSART). With numerical simulation experiments, SSART was applied in reconstructing a non-ideal-bordered field in order to test its reconstructive effect, For contrast, three current representative algebraic reconstruction(ARTs) including basic ART, simultaneous ART (SART) and modified SART (MSART) were simulated simultaneously. The calculated results and reconstructive accuracy are discussed with three kinds of error indexes, namely mean-square error (MSE), absolute value error (AVE) and peak error (PE). As the results, the indexes of reconstructive accuracy are much improved by the proposed SSART. The MSE and PE have been decreased by 63.6% on the order of magnitude 10-4 and 88.9% on the order of magnitude 0-2,respectively,compared to that of ART. It is concluded that SSART is one of the most super iterative reconstructing techniques.  相似文献   

Quantum cryptography combines quantum theorywithclassical cryptography,which provides uncondition-ally secure information exchange by using quantumeffects .Many advances have been made in quantumcryptography in recent years ,including quantum keydistribut…  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a three dimensional multiplierless discrete cosine transform(DOT) with lifting scheme called 3D-binDCT. Based on 3D-binDCT, a novel video coding algorithm without motion estimation/compensation is proposed. It uses the 3D-binDCT to exploit spatial or temporal redundancy. The computation of binDOT only needs shift and addition operations, thus the computational complexity is minimized. DO coefficient prediction, modified scan mode and arithmetic coding techniques are also adopted. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed coding scheme provides higher coding efficiency and improves visual aualitv, and it is easy to be realized by software and hardware.  相似文献   

Recently,a few researchers coupled the eigenfacemethod[1]with wavelet transform or other methods toovercome the li mitations of eigenface method[2-5].All ofthe above methods are based on performing wavelettransformof thei mage database before the training…  相似文献   

In recent years ,chaos control and synchronizationhave been received more attention for their potentiallyapplied foreground.Many control and synchronizationmethods have been proposed since the pioneering workof Ott ,Grebogi and Yorke[1].Such as linear and…  相似文献   

Although muchresearch has been devotedto embed agray i mage and binary watermark information into agray cover-i mage or a color cover-i mage[1 ,2],little re-search has been done on inserting a color i mage into acolor cover-i mage.Color i mage is characte…  相似文献   

Nowadays digital holography (DH) is applied to thethree di mensional surface contouring,duetoits non-con-tact advantage[1-5].Moreover ,when a lensless Fouriertransform arrangement with the short-coherence lightsourceis employed in a DHrecording system,not…  相似文献   

Listless zerotree image compression algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent years ,wavelet transformhas been widely usedin i mage compression because of its outstanding ti me-frequency localization ability and de-correlation ability.Among all the i mage compression algorithms ,EZW[1]and SPIHT[2]are two of the most influent…  相似文献   

Iris i mage recognition is a biometric feature recogni-tiontechnology developedin 1990s .Compared with oth-er biometric feature recognition,iris recognition hasmany advantages suchas uniqueness ,highstability,non-invasive,high peculiarity,anti-false and l…  相似文献   

China has started the lunar exploration project inclu-ding alunar satelliteto belaunchedin2007 .Inthe nextstep alunar rover will be requiredto move onthe lunarsurfacein alarge range for scientific goals . Vision sys-temis a crucial part of alunar rover sinceit isin chargeof building quantitative models of terrain geometry andmaking the spatial layout of the environment explicit .Many direct terrain-mapping techniques ,such as laserranging,have been developed for mobile robots on theearth andso…  相似文献   

Infraredfocal plane array(IRFPA) is a kind of infra-red detector array whichis sensitive toinfraredradiationandintegrated with signal processing circuits .The IRF-PAi maging systemhas advantages of si mple configura-tion,high reliability,high sensitivity …  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in cone-beamtomo-graphy in medical and industrial i maging fields due tothe advantage of lower radiation dosage and faster i ma-gingti me.Numerous exact and approxi mate reconstruc-tion algorithms have beensuggested and app…  相似文献   

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