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The results of a study to investigate the effectiveness of a propolis-containing mouthrinse in the inhibition of de novo plaque formation are presented. Subjects used a propolis-containing rinse, a negative control and a positive control in a double-blind, parallel, de novo plaque formation study design. The chlorhexidine mouthrinse was significantly better than the others in plaque inhibition. The propolis-containing rinse was marginally better than the negative control, but this difference was not significant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of some snack foods on plaque pH in children. In vivo dental plaque pH changes after consumption of cola, diet cola, milk, sweet biscuits, milk chocolate, banana, cheddar cheese, potato chips, boiled potato, bread and positive control of 10 percent sucrose solution were measured by using MEPH 2 pH-microelectrode. Six males and four females, ages eight to twelve years (dft: 1.3 and DMFT: 0.4) participated in this study. The measurements of plaque pH were made on forty-eight-hour accumulated plaque, at baseline to determine the resting plaque pH of the fasted plaque and at time intervals of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. The plaque pH curves, delta pH values and time spent below pH 6.00 for each test product were determined. The test products were ranked according to maximum pH drop (delta pH) in ascending order as follows: cheddar cheese < diet cola < milk < banana < potato < potato chips < biscuits < cola < bread < milk chocolate < 10 percent sucrose solution.  相似文献   

The acidogenic response in dental plaque after rinsing with sodium bicarbonate/fluoride dentifrice slurries was studied using three intra-oral models. In the first model, resting plaque pH was monitored in mesiobuccal plaque on upper molars and premolars in six healthy subjects after abstinence from normal oral hygiene for three days. These measurements were followed by a three-minute rinse with 10% sucrose and, following a two-minute interval, a three-minute rinse with a test dentifrice slurry. After the test dentifrice rinse, pH was monitored at regular intervals up to 60 minutes. Flow rate, pH and buffer capacity of stimulated saliva were also determined. Changes in resting pH, plaque pH minima, and maximum pH drop were calculated. A clear elevation in the resting pH was observed after bicarbonate/fluoride dentifrice rinses, and a significant increase was obtained in the pH minima. The smallest pH drop also was found after treatment with the bicarbonate/fluoride dentifrice rinse treatment (p < 0.02). A second model using telemetric partial dentures with interproximally placed micro-antimony pH electrodes was used to study the effects of rinsing with increasing concentrations of sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate solutions, and with a fluoride dentifrice containing sodium bicarbonate. The response to these treatments was found to be rapid, dose-dependent, and was the greatest from the sodium bicarbonate. A third model used 24 subjects to assess the effects of sodium bicarbonate/fluoride dentifrice on plaque pH before and after a glucose challenge. The use of the bicarbonate/fluoride dentifrice resulted in significantly less measurable plaque acid than the fluoride dentifrice treatment. Collectively, these results indicate bicarbonate in dentifrice to be an effective buffering agent for stabilizing the pH and neutralizing plaque acids in dental plaque.  相似文献   

Home-use studies on dentine hypersensitivity have most commonly involved toothpastes and rarely have mouthrinses been employed. Potassium and/or fluoride toothpastes have been shown effective in the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a total formulation, containing potassium citrate, sodium fluoride, cetylpyridinium chloride mouthrinse compared to the base rinse minus actives in the reduction of dentine hypersensitivity. The study was a randomised placebo controlled, double blind parallel design. At a screening visit, 90 adult subjects were recruited who were suffering from dentine hypersensitivity from at least 1 tooth responding to tactile stimulation (45gm pressure) and had at least 2 teeth responding to evaporative stimulation (air blast). During a washout period of 28 days and throughout the 56-day study period, subjects used a soft filament toothbrush and standard fluoride toothpaste. At baseline (day 1), threshold sensitivities to incremental tactile (10 g to 70 g) and evaporative stimuli were determined. Gingival health was assessed by recording bleeding on probing at 25 g pressure at mesiobuccal and lingual sites. Plaque scores from buccal and lingual surfaces of disclosed teeth were also measured. Subjects then used the prescribed rinse, 10 ml for at least 30 s after brushing 2x per day returning on days 28 and 56 for rescoring of sensitivity, gingivitis and plaque. Data from 88 subjects were used with the intent to treat analyses and 83 in the completely evaluable analyses. Groups were well balanced for demographic data and product returns suggested good compliance. Both groups showed highly significant improvements in tooth sensitivity. The pattern was for greater improvement in the test compared to the control group (statistically significant for the plaque score), whereas bleeding scores, already low, showed no change in either group. By definition, the placebo rinse could not have exerted any therapeutic action; the study therefore provides clear direct evidence as to the magnitude (30%-40%) of the little studied, but assumed, placebo response in dentine hypersensitivity trials.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of a 0.2% hexetidine spray, used as a supplement to regular oral hygiene measures, on dental plaque and gingival condition following periodontal surgery. This study was carried out on 38 patients who required 2 episodes of periodontal surgery. Examinations regarding dental plaque were performed at 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days, while the condition of the gingiva were examined at 0 and 28 days. Dental plaque was assessed by the Turesky modification of Quigley-Hein index; the gingival condition was evaluated using the gingival index of L?e-Silness and the papilla bleeding index. In a double-blind cross-over study of 28 days duration, significant reduction in plaque accumulation and an improvement in wound healing were demonstrated for the test spray compared to the placebo.  相似文献   

This study describes an in vivo inhibition of dental plaque growth after peroxidase-generated hypoiodite (OI-) mouth-washes. After giving up all other usual hygiene procedures nine healthy volunteers washed their mouth using 10 ml of the mouth-wash [H2O2 (0.005%), KI (50 mM) and lactoperoxidase (0.04%)] three times a day for 1 minute for 3 days. The initial oxidation power of this mixture represented 430 +/- 11 microM oxidised cysteine (n = 6), dropping down to 87 +/- 6 microM after the solution was spat out (n = 5). A saline solution served as a negative control, and a 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution as a positive control. Proximal dental plaque between mandibular canine and lateral incisor (left and right) was collected after 3 days using standardized sterile toothpicks, then analysed for ATP and protein content. ATP concentrations dropped to 49% of the control values after OI- rinsing, and to 9% after chlorhexidine rinsing while the protein content dropped to 48% for OI- versus 31% for chlorhexidine. However, when considering the ATP content per protein micrograms, only the decrease to 6% of the initial value in the chlorhexidine testing was significant while the drop to 81% for the OI- testings was not significant. This study points out a negative effect of OI- on plaque growth in vivo.  相似文献   

Bacterial adhesion to intra-oral, hard surfaces is firmly influenced by the surface roughness to these structures. Previous studies showed a remarkable higher subgingival bacterial load on rough surfaces when compared to smooth sites. More recently, the additional effect of a further smoothening of intra-oral hard surfaces on clinical and microbiological parameters was examined in a short-term experiment. The results indicated that a reduction in surface roughness below R(a) = 0.2 microns, the so-called "thresholds R(a)", had no further effect on the quantitative/qualitative microbiological adhesion or colonisation, neither supra- nor subgingivally. This study aims to examine the long-term effects of smoothening intra-oral hard transgingival surfaces. In 6 patients expecting an overdenture in the lower jaw, supported by endosseus titanium implants, 2 different abutments (transmucosal part of the implant): a standard machined titanium (R(a) = 0.2 microns) and one highly polished and made of a ceramic material (R(a) = 0.06 microns) were randomly installed. After 3 months of intra-oral exposure, supra- and subgingival plaque samples from both abutments were compared with each other by means of differential phase-contrast microscopy (DPCM). Clinical periodontal parameters (probing depth, gingival recession, bleeding upon probing and Periotest-value) were recorded around each abutment. After 12 months, the supra- and subgingival samples were additionally cultured in aerobic, CO2-enriched and anaerobic conditions. The same clinical parameters as at the 3-month interval were recorded after 12 months. At 3 months, spirochetes and motile organisms were only detected subgingivally around the titanium abutments. After 12 months, however, both abutment-types harboured equal proportions of spirochetes and motile organisms, both supra- and subgingivally. The microbial culturing (month 12) failed to detect large inter-abutment differences. The differences in number of colony- forming units (aerobic and anaerobic) were within one division of a logarithmic scale. The aerobic culture data showed a higher proportion of Gram-negative organisms in the subgingival flora of the rougher abutments. From the group of potentially "pathogenic" bacteria, only Prevotella intermedia and Fusobacterium nucleatum were detected for anaerobic culturing and again the inter-abutment differences were negligible. Clinically, the smoothest abutment showed a slightly higher increase in probing depth between months 3 and 12, and more bleeding on probing. The present results confirm the findings of our previous short-term study, indicating that a further reduction of the surface roughness, below a certain "threshold R(a)" (0.2 microns), has no major impact on the supra- and subgingival microbial composition.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the relationships between reserpine-induced supersensitivity and electrolyte levels in isolated rabbit atria. Atria from reserpine-treated (1, 3 or 4 mg/kg 24 hr before) and untreated rabbits were placed in an isolated organ bath for determination of dose-response relationships for norepinephrine, or were used for electrolyte assay. Reserpine-treated atria had greater resting and maximum rates of beat than did untreated atria. However, the ED50 concentrations of norepinephrine producing a rate response were similar. Atria pretreated with 1 or 3 mg/kg reserpine were supersensitive to the inotropic effect of norepinephrine. 4 mg/kg reserpine did not induce inotropic supersensitivity. Atrial sodium contents were significantly increased by 3 mg/kg reserpine. Potassium contents were increased by 1 and 4 mg/kg reserpine. Calcium contents were significantly decreased by 4 mg/kg reserpine, while magnesium contents were increased by 1 and 4 mg/kg. Reserpine induced supersensitivity to the inotropic effects of norepinephrine but did not alter the sensitivity to the chronotropic effect of the drug. This supersensitivity may be linked to alterations in the tissue's homeostatic mechanisms for calcium.  相似文献   

Damage to posterior parietal cortex in humans is known to cause hemineglect, and specifically difficulty in disengaging attention in tests of covert orienting. Aspirative lesions of a region of cortex in rats which is thought to be homologous to primate posterior parietal cortex has also been reported to cause what appears to be multimodal neglect. In order to make an assessment of the nature of this disorder, a variety of tests were employed: (1) a test of somatosensory neglect after Schallert et al. (Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 16 (1982) 455-462); (2) a skilled paw-reaching test after Whishaw et al. (Brain 109 (1986) 805-843); (3) a visual reaction time task with peripheral cues analogous to Posner's test of covert orienting (Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 32 (1980) 3-25). Following the posterior parietal lesion there was a global increase in reaction time of responses made contralateral to the lesion in the reaction time task, but there was no evidence of a deficit in covert orienting. There was also no evidence of somatosensory neglect. There was a decrease in the number of attempted reaches which the contralateral paw and a tendency to spend a smaller proportion of time in the contralateral half of the reaching cage.  相似文献   

The influence of PaO2, pH and SaO2 on maximal oxygen uptake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Influence of arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2) and pH on haemoglobin saturation (SaO2) and in turn on O2 uptake (VO2) was evaluated during ergometer rowing (156, 276 and 376 W; VO2max, 5.0 L min-1; n = 11). During low intensity exercise, neither pH nor SaO2 were affected significantly. In response to the higher work intensities, ventilations (VE) of 129 +/- 10 and 155 +/- 8 L min-1 enhanced the end tidal PO2 (PETO2) to the same extent (117 +/- 2 mmHg), but PaO2 became reduced (from 102 +/- 2 to 78 +/- 2 and 81 +/- 3 mmHg, respectively). As pH decreased during maximal exercise (7.14 +/- 0.02 vs. 7.30 +/- 0.02), SaO2 also became lower (92.9 +/- 0.7 vs. 95.1 +/- 0.1%) and arterial O2 content (CaO2) was 202 +/- 3 mL L-1. An inspired O2 fraction (F1O2) of 0.30 (n = 8) did not affect VE, but increased PETO2 and PaO2 to 175 +/- 4 and 164 +/- 5 mmHg and the PETO2-PaO2 difference was reduced (21 +/- 4 vs. 36 +/- 4 mmHg). pH did not change when compared with normoxia and SaO2 remained within 1% of the level at rest in hyperoxia (99 +/- 0.1%). Thus, CaO2 and VO2max increased to 212 +/- 3 mL L-1 and 5.7 +/- 0.2 L min-1, respectively. The reduced PaO2 became of importance for SaO2 when a low pH inhibited the affinity of O2 to haemoglobin. An increased F1O2 reduced the gradient over the alveolar-arterial membrane, maintained haemoglobin saturation despite the reduction in pH and resulted in increases of the arterial oxygen content and uptake.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the familial occurrence of hemangioblastoma of the central nervous system and to search for an effective way to diagnose and manage the disease. METHODS: From 1974 to 1993, six patients with hemangioblastoma with family history underwent surgical treatment at our hospital. Computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique was used for the diagnoses before operation. RESULTS: Each patient had more than two relatives with hemangioblastoma. Multiple lesions were found in two of the six familial hemangioblastoma cases. All the patients recovered well after operation. So far, no victims have been discovered in the third generation. CONCLUSIONS: The high occurrence rate of familial hemangioblastoma cases suggests an involvement of hereditary factors. We need a long follow-up study on the descendants of familial hemangioblastoma patients. MRI is of diagnostic value in determining the location and nature of hemangioblastoma in both brain and spinal cord. A thorough examination is necessary for hemangioblastoma patients, and microsurgery is important in removing the tumor.  相似文献   

矿泥对氰化浸出影响的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
孙晓  汪景岐 《黄金》1999,20(1):35-38
矿泥中的粘土矿物易絮凝成网状多孔结构物,能够吸附已溶金,影响金的氰化浸出。为控制矿泥影响,含泥物料可在高碱、高氰条件下进行两浸两洗;从物料中将矿泥分出,进行炭浸,可显著提高金浸出率。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the role of diet, specifically the relative importance of salt content versus energy content, in the response of juvenile rainbow trout to environmental acid stress in soft water ([Ca2+] = 0.057 mmol L-1, [Na+] = 0.047 mmol L-1). Diets were formulated at two energy levels (regular, 16.3 MJ kg-1, and low, 9.8 MJ kg-1) and two levels of NaCl (regular, approximately 263 mmol kg-1, and low, approximately 64 mmol kg-1), yielding four treatment combinations, each fed at a ration of 0.6% body weight d-1. A fifth group of fish was not fed during the experiment. All groups were subjected to an initial acid challenge (24 h at pH 5.0 plus 12 h at pH 4.0), followed by 28 d of exposure to pH 5.2. Following the initial acid challenge, typical ionoregulatory disturbances were seen, but most effects had attenuated or disappeared by day 20 of chronic low-pH exposure. However, after 28 d, fish fed the regular-salt diets maintained the restored ionic homeostasis, whereas those fed low-salt diets did not, regardless of the energy content of the diet. Growth and food conversion efficiency were greatest in trout fed the regular-energy/regular-salt diet, negative in fish fed the low-energy/regular-salt diet, and intermediate in trout on the other diets; starved fish lost weight. Fish maintained on the regular-energy/low-salt diet exhibited the most deleterious effects, including elevated cortisol levels and a 4.1% d-1 mortality rate. Fish fed the low-energy/low-salt diet, those fed regular-salt diets, and starved fish were not as adversely affected by the acid stress. Following a regular-energy meal, fish tended to exhibit an elevated rate of oxygen consumption, but this did not occur after a low-energy meal, regardless of its salt content. Elevated oxygen consumption may be accompanied by a loss of ions via the osmorespiratory compromise. We hypothesize that fish fed the regular-energy/low-salt diets were most deleteriously affected in an acidified environment because they were unable to replace increased branchial ion losses with dietary salts. These results indicate that it is the salt content of the food rather than the energy content that is critical in protecting against the deleterious effects of low pH.  相似文献   

To elucidate age-related changes of mineral contents in human bones, element contents of human vertebrae and auditory ossicles were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry. The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae were removed from 12 vertebral columns. The mallei of auditory ossicle were removed from 27 cadavers. It was found that average relative contents (RCs) of calcium and phosphorus in cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae remained almost constant within ages ranging from 46 to 99 y. In addition, it was found that the RCs of calcium and phosphorus in men's and women's mallei remained constant within ages ranging from 40 to 98 yr. These results support the view that there is no significant age-dependent change of mineral contents in human bones.  相似文献   

吴桂祥 《黄金》2002,23(6):5-7
对华北教地台东缘的皖东北、苏东北、胶南、胶东及辽东地区,从地质构造特征分析具有相似的地质构造演化过程,进而指出具备相近的成矿地质条件,并探讨了金矿成矿规律和找矿标志,提出胶东、辽东、沂沭断裂带和皖东北等地是进一步开展地质找矿的有望地区。  相似文献   

Plaque samples were obtained from 13 children receiving long-term therapy with benzathine penicillin for the prevention of rheumatic fever recurrences, 31 children receiving oral sulfadiazine for the same purpose, and 29 untreated siblings. The therapies were found to have no effect upon the proportions of Streptococcus mutans or lactobacilli in dental plaque, upon the percentage of children harboring the organisms, nor upon the susceptibility of the organisms to penicillin and sulfadiazine. Of the S. mutans strains tested, 97% had a minimal inhibitory concentration of penicillin G of less than 48 ng/ml and, of the lactobacillus strains tested, 96.8% had a minimal inhibitory concentration of less than 1,600 ng/ml. All strains of both organisms were profoundly resistant to sulfadiazine.  相似文献   

It is known that xylitol inhibits sorbitol metabolism in some bacteria in vitro. The effect of xylitol/sorbitol-containing chewing gum on sorbitol adaptation of dental plaque was therefore examined. Ten subjects used this chewing gum for 12 wk, and plaque was collected before (control plaque) and after (test plaque) the exposure to sorbitol/xylitol. The metabolism of sorbitol by the plaque was examined with 14C-labeled sorbitol, and the radioactive metabolites were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A considerable individual variation in acid formation was found. The mean values of total acids in the test plaque increased, as compared with the control plaque. An adaptation of dental plaque to sorbitol thus occurred in spite of the presence of xylitol in the chewing gum. The concentration of acetic acid predominated over other acids in both the control and test plaques. The proportions of acids expressed in percentage of total acids differed only slightly. Thus, long-term use of xylitol/sorbitol-containing chewing gum did not eliminate the adaptation of dental plaque to sorbitol.  相似文献   

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