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By using a three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) scanner, we compared the anatomic features of the pelvis of three fetuses of same gestational age, one with a normal pelvis representing the reference model, one with classic bladder exstrophy, and one with cloacal exstrophy. The tomography slices were selected at the same levels for each case. Three angles expressing external opening of the pelvis were defined. Comparing normal and abnormal pelvises allowed definition of three criteria for the correction of the malformation: (a) the sum of the differential angles gives the amplitude of the correction needed; (b) a supraacetabular osteotomy appears to allow best closure of the pelvic ring; (c) only three slices of a CT scan are needed, which cannot be harmful, especially for neonates. Therefore, we believe that a CT scan of the pelvis should be performed whenever an osteotomy is planned in the surgical reconstruction of bladder and cloacal exstrophy.  相似文献   

The shibire locus of Drosophila melanogaster encodes dynamin, a GTPase required for the fission of endocytic vesicles from plasma membrane. Biochemical studies indicate that mammalian dynamin is part of a complex containing multiple dynamin subunits and other polypeptides. To gain insight into sequences of dynamin critical for its function, we have characterized in detail a collection of conditional and lethal shi alleles. We describe a probable null allele of shi and show that its properties are distinct from those of two classes of lethal alleles (termed I and II) that show intergroup, interallelic complementation. Sequenced class I alleles, which display dominant properties, carry missense mutations in conserved residues in the GTPase domain of dynamin. In contrast, the sequenced class II alleles, which appear completely recessive, carry missense mutations in conserved residues of a previously uncharacterized "middle domain" that lies adjacent to the GTPase region. These data suggest that critical interactions mediated by this middle domain are severely affected by the class II lethal mutations; thus, the mutant sequences should be very useful for confirming the in vivo relevance of interactions observed in vitro. Viable heteroallelic combinations of shi lethals show rapid and reversible temperature-sensitive paralytic phenotypes hitherto only described for the ts alleles of shi. When taken together with the molecular analysis of shi mutations, these observations suggest that the GTPase domain of dynamin carries an intrinsically temperature-sensitive activity: hypomorphic mutations that reduce this activity at low temperatures result in conditional temperature-sensitive phenotype. These observations explain why screens for conditional paralytic mutants in Drosophila inevitably recover ts alleles of shi at high frequencies.  相似文献   

Genetic events leading to the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) have been shown to play a crucial role in the development of cancer. However, LOH events do not occur only in genetically unstable cancer cells but also have been detected in normal somatic cells of mouse and man. Mice, in which one of the alleles for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (Aprt) has been disrupted by gene targeting, were used to investigate the potency of carcinogens to induce LOH in vivo. After 7,12-dimethyl-1,2-benz[a]anthracene (DMBA) exposure, a 3-fold stronger mutagenic response was detected at the autosomal Aprt gene than at the X chromosomal hypoxantine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) gene in splenic T-lymphocytes. Allele-specific PCR analysis showed that the normal, nontargeted Aprt allele was lost in 70% of the DMBA-induced Aprt mutants. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that the targeted allele had become duplicated in almost all DMBA-induced mutants that displayed LOH at Aprt. These results indicate that the main mechanisms by which DMBA caused LOH were mitotic recombination or chromosome loss and duplication but not deletion. However, after treatment with the alkylating agent N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, Aprt had a similar mutagenic response to Hprt while the majority (90%) of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced Aprt mutants had retained both alleles. Unexpectedly, irradiation with x-rays, which induce primarily large deletions, resulted in a significant increase of the mutant frequency at Hprt but not at Aprt. This in vivo study clearly indicates that, in normal somatic cells, carcinogen exposure can result in the induction of LOH events that are compatible with cell survival and may represent an initiating event in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli which are resistant to 5-fluorodeoxyuridine all have mutations which map at a single locus at 27.5 min on the genetic map of E. coli. Extracts prepared from each mutant were deficient in thymidine kinase activity measured in vitro. Simple selective conditions which allowed detection of one mutant in the presence of 10(7) wild-type bacteria were found. These results show that loss of thymidine kinase activity is the usual mechanism for 5-fluorodeoxyuridine resistance and that all such mutations occur at the locus previously designated tdk.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase radiolabeled with [35S]methionine in wild-type S49 mouse lymphoma cells was degraded with half-lives of approximately 9.2 h in unstimulated cells and approximately 4.5 h in cells stimulated with a membrane-permeable cAMP analog. Turnover in kinase-negative mutant cells was about three times faster than in stimulated wild-type cells and appeared to involve a unique 47-kDa intermediate. Levels of catalytic subunit protein revealed by Western immunoblotting were consistent with the measured differences in turnover, but whereas the protein was mostly soluble in wild-type cell extracts, it was almost entirely insoluble in the mutant cell extracts. A substantial fraction of the catalytic subunit labeled in a 5-min pulse was soluble in kinase-negative cell extracts, but most of this material was rendered insoluble by incubating the cells for an additional 30 min before extraction. Degradation of the catalytic subunit in kinase-negative, but not in wild-type, cells was inhibited strongly by two specific peptide aldehyde inhibitors of the proteasomal chymotrypsin-like activity. An inhibitor of the proteasomal protease that prefers branched-chain amino acids had less of an effect on catalytic subunit degradation in the mutant cells.  相似文献   

Fetal cells occur in maternal blood in a substantial proportion of normal pregnancies. Several different approaches have been used to detect and enrich these cells for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. However, before these fetal cells can routinely be used for prenatal diagnosis, perfectly reproducible procedures for detection and enrichment need to be established. We found that these fetal cells express high intracellular levels of the DNA precursor pathway enzyme thymidine kinase. Since normal adult peripheral blood cells do not exhibit any thymidine kinase activity, this enzyme is a potent new marker to detect and enrich fetal cells from maternal blood. We further describe the first successful application of a cytofluorometric thymidine kinase assay to detect fetal cells in the maternal circulation by virtue of their high thymidine kinase activity.  相似文献   

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice are defective in their ability to rearrange their variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) genetic elements to generate functional immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell receptor (TCR) molecules; as a result, they lack mature B and T cells. These mice are highly sensitive to ionizing radiation, suggesting that the product of the scid gene plays a critical role in both V(D)J recombination and DNA double-strand break repair. Recent studies suggest that the SCID defect lies in the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK; refs 6-8), a nuclear protein made up of the Ku 70 and Ku 86 subunits as well as the large catalytic subunit, DNA-PKcs. Other reports have implied that the SCID phenotype correlates with nonsense mutations at the extreme 3' end of Prkdc, the DNA-PKcs gene. The identity of the gene remains in doubt, however, because the consequences of genetic inactivation of Prkdc have not been determined. This study shows that complete inactivation of Prkdc in a novel insertional mouse mutant recapitulates the SCID phenotype and that Prkdc and scid are alleic. Significantly, DNA-PKcs null mice demonstrate complete penetrance of thymic lymphoblastic lymphomas, strongly suggesting that Prkdc functions in mice as a T-cell tumour suppressor and, by virtue of its association with DNA repair and recombination, belongs to the 'caretaker' class of tumour-suppressor genes that includes ATM, BRCA1 and BRCA2 (ref. 15).  相似文献   

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by mucocutaneous pigmentation and hamartomatous polyps. There is an increased risk of benign and malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract and in extraintestinal tissues. One PJS locus has been mapped to chromosome 19p13.3; a second locus is suspected on chromosome 19q13.4 in a minority of families. The PJS gene on 19p13.3 has recently been cloned, and it encodes the serine/threonine kinase LKB1. The gene, which is ubiquitously expressed, is composed of 10 exons spanning 23 kb. Several LKB1 mutations have been reported in heterozygosity in PJS patients. In this study, we screened for LKB1 mutations in nine PJS families of American, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Turkish, and Indian origin and detected seven novel mutations. These included two frameshift mutations, one four-amino-acid deletion, two amino-acid substitutions, and two splicing errors. Expression of mutant LKB1 proteins (K78I, D176N, W308C, and L67P) and assessment of their autophosphorylation activity revealed a loss of the kinase activity in all of these mutants. These results provide direct evidence that the elimination of the kinase activity of LKB1 is probably responsible for the development of the PJS phenotypes. In two Indian families, we failed to detect any LKB1 mutation; in one of these families, we previously had detected linkage to markers on 19q13.3-4, which suggests locus heterogeneity of PJS. The elucidation of the molecular etiology of PJS and the positional cloning of the second potential PJS gene will further elucidate the involvement of kinases/phosphatases in the development of cancer-predisposing syndromes.  相似文献   

The effects of exercise on the generation of active oxygen species and radical-scavenging capacity were studied in physically active and sedentary young and old rats. Exercise increased the hydroxyl radical content in all tissues of physically active young rats, except in the plasma. In old rats, the basal level of the radical increased significantly in plasma, heart, and skeletal muscles, but decreased in liver; and physical activity decreased it to that of young rats in most cases. With exercise, the content of reduced glutathione increased in plasma, heart, and skeletal muscles of young rats, whereas that of oxidized glutathione markedly decreased in liver and increased in brain and white gastrocnemius muscle. The total glutathione levels in these tissues changed in a similar way, indicating that glutathione was released from the pool in the liver. In rats allowed to run voluntarily for 5 weeks, the effects were more pronounced than in the sedentary rats. The ratio of reduced to total glutathione, which indicates the capacity to reduce glutathione, increased in plasma, heart, and soleus muscle of sedentary young rats after exercise, and increased further in those undergoing physical activity. In old rats, the reduced glutathione level increased in plasma, heart, liver, and brain, even though the total decreased. These results suggest that physical activity enhances the endogenous ability to defend against oxidative stress. In old rats, even though glutathione synthesis is decreased, the regenerating capacity seems to be increased in order to compensate for the increased oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Multiplex PCR amplification of hprt exons from 113 Chinese hamster ovary cell clones selected for resistance to 6-thioguanine was performed to investigate the molecular basis for the synergistic mutagenic effects of nutritional folic acid deficiency and alkylating agents. In cells treated with ethyl methanesulfonate, intragenic deletions were detected in 9 of 46 (19.6%) clones derived from folate-deficient cells, but in none of 16 mutants grown in folate-replete medium. The number of deletions found in mutants generated by N-nitroso-N-ethylurea was low in both folate-deficient (1 of 25; 4%) and folate-replete (1 of 26; 3.8%) cells. Correction of folate deficiency may decrease the frequency of intragenic deletions caused by some alkylating agents.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin kinase (RK), a rod photoreceptor cytosolic enzyme, plays a key role in the normal deactivation and recovery of the photoreceptor after exposure to light. To date, three different mutations in the RK locus have been associated with Oguchi disease, an autosomal recessive form of stationary night blindness in man characterized in part by delayed photoreceptor recovery [Yamamoto, S. , Sippel, K. C., Berson, E. L. & Dryja, T. P. (1997) Nat. Genet. 15, 175-178]. Two of the mutations involve exon 5, and the remaining mutation occurs in exon 7. Known exon 5 mutations include the deletion of the entire exon sequence [HRK(X5 del)] and a missense change leading to a Val380Asp substitution in the encoded product (HRKV380D). The mutation in exon 7 is a 4-bp deletion in codon 536 leading to premature termination of the encoded polypeptide [HRKS536(4-bp del)]. To provide biochemical evidence for pathogenicity of these mutations, wild-type human rhodopsin kinase (HRK) and mutant forms HRKV380D and HRKS536(4-bp del) were expressed in COS7 cells and their activities were compared. Wild-type HRK catalyzed light-dependent phosphorylation of rhodopsin efficiently. In contrast, both mutant proteins were markedly deficient in catalytic activity with HRKV380D showing virtually no detectible activity and HRKS536(4-bp del) only minimal light-dependent activity. These results provide biochemical evidence to support the pathogenicity of the RK mutations in man.  相似文献   

We cloned the murine full-length cDNA encoding Ahch, the mouse homologue of DAX1 (DSS-AHC Region on Human X Chromosome, Gene1) which is the gene responsible for human X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH). Sequence analysis revealed that the murine and human cDNAs have 65% aa identity and 75% aa similarity overall. The cysteine residues in the putative DNA binding domain, which may interact with Zn2+ ions to form zinc fingers, are 100% conserved between the two species, indicating that the novel zinc-finger structures in DAX1 may be functional. In addition, mouse interspecific backcrosses show that the Ahch gene is closely linked to the glycerol kinase locus, GyK, on the mouse X chromosome, indicating that the order of the loci is conserved in this syntenic region between mouse and human.  相似文献   

The uptake as well as the export of citric acid by Aspergillus niger occur by active, deltapH-driven, H(+)-symport dependent systems. They are inhibited by nonmetabolizable tricarboxylic acid analogues and phthalic acid, and by several other mono-, di- and tribasic organic acids. However, citrate export could only be demonstrated in a mycelium cultivated under manganese-deficient growth conditions, whereas the uptake of citrate from the medium was only detectable upon precultivation of A. niger in a medium supplemented with Mn2+ ions. In addition, the uptake of citrate was dependent on the presence of Mn2+ ions in the assay, and inhibited by EDTA. This requirement for Mn2+ could also be partially fulfilled by Mg2+, Fe2+ or Zn2+, whereas Cu2+ ions inhibited citrate transport. The observed divergent effects of manganese ions on citrate uptake and citrate export may be a major reason for the well documented requirement for manganese deficiency of citric acid accumulation.  相似文献   

The levels and subcellular distribution of the interferon-inducible double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR have been measured in human Daudi cells and stably transfected mouse NIH 3T3 cells expressing the human protein kinase. Immunofluorescence of intact cells and quantitative immunoblotting of cell extracts indicate that PKR occurs in both the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus, with staining specifically in the nucleolus. The ratio of cytoplasmic to nuclear PKR is approximately 5:1 in control cells; in response to interferon treatment the protein kinase is induced severalfold in the cytoplasm whereas the level in the nucleus does not increase significantly. Analysis of individual transfected cells by confocal microscopy reveals a pattern of distribution of PKR similar to that in Daudi cells, with immunostaining of cytoplasm and nucleoli. Similar results are observed whether cells expressing wild-type PKR or a catalytically inactive mutant form of the kinase are analyzed, but untransfected 3T3 cells are not stained by the antibody used. Two-dimensional isoelectric focusing analysis of PKR in whole cell extracts reveals the presence of multiple forms with different pI values whereas similar analysis of the nuclear fraction indicates only one predominant species with a relatively basic pI. These results suggest that PKR may have a role in the cell nucleus as well as the cytoplasm and that the subcellular distribution of the protein kinase may be related to post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

The frequency and spectrum of Ha-ras mutations in benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P)-initiated/12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-promoted CD-1 mouse skin papillomas were characterized by amplifying high molecular weight papilloma DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by direct DNA sequencing. Analysis of 10 individual B[a]P-initiated early emergence papillomas indicated that 90% contained a Ha-ras mutation. Twenty percent of these papillomas contained a GGA-->GTA transversion in the 12th codon, 50% contained a GGC-->GTC transversion in the 13th codon and 20% contained a CAA-->CTA transversion in the 61st codon. A characteristic of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-initiated papillomas, which contain an A-->T mutation in the 61st codon of Ha-ras, is that they exhibit a constitutive decrease in both protein kinase C (PKC) activity and PKC alpha and beta 2 isozyme levels when compared to epidermis. In the present study we found that total PKC activity, as well as PKC alpha and beta 2 isoforms, were markedly decreased in B[a]P-initiated early emergence papillomas and that this decrease was also accompanied by an altered subcellular distribution of PKC activity. The particulate/cytosolic (P/C) ratio of PKC activity in the epidermis was 0.39, whereas the P/C ratio in the papillomas was 0.77. These results demonstrate that B[a]P-initiated/TPA-promoted papillomas exhibit a high incidence of specific ras mutations and that PKC levels are constitutively decreased in these papillomas, indicating that an activated ras gene is associated with and may contribute to the observed decrease in PKC levels.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pharmacokinetics and tissue concentrations of amiodarone may vary considerably in end-stage heart failure, but may be crucial for treatment efficiency and antiarrhythmic drug therapy. OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine plasma amiodarone and desethylamiodarone concentrations and to determine whether they correlate with myocardial concentrations in explanted hearts from patients with end-stage heart failure. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and normal coronary arteries were included in the present study. Myocardial tissue samples (seven sites) and epicardial fat were taken from each explanted heart, and drug concentrations of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone were determined. In addition, plasma drug levels were measured and compared with the myocardial amiodarone/desethylamiodarone concentrations. RESULTS: The mean cumulative amiodarone dose was 91 g and the mean plasma concentrations of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone were 0.68 and 0.84 microg.ml(-1), respectively. The tissue concentrations of amiodarone amounted to 13.2 and 28.3 microg.g(-1), respectively, in the atria and to 13.0 and 40.8 microg.g(-1), respectively, in the ventricles. The distribution of the drug and its metabolite were similar in the right and left ventricles. There was a good correlation between myocardial concentration of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone and the cumulative ingested dose of amiodarone. Tissue drug concentrations correlated only poorly with plasma amiodarone or desethylamiodarone levels. The highest drug levels were measured in the epicardial fat tissue, where the ratio of amiodarone 105 microg.g(-1) to desethylamiodarone 32 microg.g(-1) was reversed (3.3 compared with 0.29 in the ventricles). Thus, amiodarone concentrations in epicardial fat were approximately 10 times higher than myocardial and 150 times higher than plasma levels. CONCLUSIONS: Our data confirm the slow equilibrium of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone concentrations between plasma and myocardium. Myocardial tissue concentrations of desethylamiodarone and, to a lesser degree, amiodarone correlate with the cumulative ingested dose of amiodarone. Monitoring of the total cumulative dose may be more relevant clinically than monitoring plasma levels. These results support the clinical practice of reducing the maintenance dose of amiodarone in patients who are on long-term treatment.  相似文献   

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