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PURPOSE: Study purpose was to develop a theoretical framework that will explain pharmacists' behavior relative to the provision of pharmaceutical care. The model was developed from four attitude models by testing their predictive validity relative to pharmaceutical care implementation. Four hypotheses and one research question were investigated to identify determinants of behavioral intention and behavior. METHODS: 617 community pharmacists in the state of Florida, U.S.A., were surveyed twice using mail survey methodology to collect data. The first survey assessed community pharmacists' attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, past behavior recency, self-efficacies, instrumental beliefs and affect. The second survey assessed pharmacists' behavior relative to the implementation of pharmaceutical care. After establishing reliability and validity of measures, regression analysis was used to test hypotheses and research question investigated. RESULTS: The Pharmacists' Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care (PIPC) model developed postulates that (i) behavior is directly determined by past behavior recency, behavioral intention and perceived behavioral control; (ii) psychological appraisal processes-instrumental beliefs, self-efficacies, and affect toward means-influence behavior through past behavior recency; and (iii) behavioral intention is determined by attitude, social norm and perceived behavioral control. CONCLUSIONS: The PIPC model provides a formal scientifically validated theoretical framework which can be used to design successful intervention for pharmaceutical care implementation.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a framework for understanding exercise motivation during and after Phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Design and Participants: Patients (57 men and 24 women) completed a TPB questionnaire that included attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and exercise intentions pre- and post-Phase 2 CR. Results: During Phase 2 CR, regression analyses indicated that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (PBC) explained 38% of the variance in exercise intention while intention explained 23% of the variance in exercise adherence. At postrehabilitation follow-up, attitudes, subjective norm, and PBC explained 51 % of the variance in exercise intention while intention explained 23% of the variance in exercise adherence. Conclusion: The TPB is a useful framework for understanding exercise intentions and behavior both during and after Phase 2 CR. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the potential impact of fetal ultrasound screening on the number of newborns affected by cardiac anomalies. METHODS: A decision model was developed that included the prevalence and history of congenital heart disease, characteristics of ultrasound, risk of abortion, and attitude toward pregnancy termination. Probabilities were obtained with a literature survey; sensitivity analysis showed their influence on expected outcomes. RESULTS: Presently, screening programs may prevent the birth of approximately 1300 severely affected newborns per million second-trimester pregnancies. However, over 2000 terminations of pregnancy would be required, 750 of which would have ended in intrauterine death or spontaneous abortion. Further, 9900 false-positive screening results would occur, requiring referral. Only the sensitivity of routine screening and attitude toward termination of pregnancy appeared to influence the yield substantially. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of routine screening for congenital heart disease appeared relatively small. Further data may be required to fully assess the utility of prenatal screening.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the utility of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for explaining and predicting leisure time physical activity (LTPA) in the chronic kidney disease population. Study Design: Prospective correlational design. Participants: Eighty men (n=52) and women (n=28) with chronic kidney disease (mean serum creatinine=310.55 [±148.75] μmol/L). Method: Baseline interview assessing attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and intention to engage in LTPA. Telephone interview 1 week later assessing frequency and intensity of LTPA. Results: Perceived behavioral control (β=.69) but not attitude (β=.17) or subjective norm (β=.02) was associated with intention to engage in LTPA. Intention (β=.53) but not perceived behavioral control (β=.18) predicted LTPA. Conclusion: These findings provide partial support for the utility of the TPB for explaining LTPA among people with chronic kidney disease. Additional research is required to determine if targeting perceived behavioral control may be an effective means for increasing LTPA in this population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A retrospective evaluation of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and unconjugated oestriol (uE3) levels in maternal blood in the second trimester was conducted for cases of aneuploid pregnancies identified from a series of women who underwent amniocentesis. Blood samples were collected from 1078 women just before genetic amniocentesis was performed, mainly for individuals of advanced maternal age (greater than 35 years). Twenty-five maternal serum samples from pregnant women with an aneuploid fetus, including 14 with Down's syndrome, were available for analysis of all three parameters. An algorithm to detect Down's syndrome was used for this analysis with a risk of > or = 1:299 classified as screen-positive, this being found for 20.4 per cent of the cases (220/1078). The actual Down's syndrome detection rate was 85.7 per cent (12/14), whereas the detection rate for all aneuploidies was 72.0 per cent (18/25). Those that were not detected were two cases of trisomy 21, one trisomy 18, two trisomy 13, three sex chromosome abnormalities, and one case of an additional marker chromosome. The data indicate that this tri-analyte test should be provided after thorough genetic counselling and informed decision-making regarding maternal serum screening for women who wish for a prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the risk of Down's syndrome in fetuses with isolated hydronephrosis at 18-23 weeks in an unselected general population after routine screening for Down's syndrome, using first trimester nuchal translucency measurement and second trimester maternal serum biochemistry. POPULATION: All pregnant women undergoing a routine 18-23 week ultrasound scan, from a population who had been offered screening for Down's syndrome. SETTING: A district general hospital serving a low risk obstetric population. METHODS: Prospective study of all routine 18-23 weeks ultrasound scans. The prevalence of isolated hydronephrosis and Down's syndrome was determined and the relative risk for Down's syndrome was calculated for different ultrasound findings. RESULTS: 10,971 women were scanned at 18-23 weeks during the study period. Down's syndrome was diagnosed in 14 of 20 cases before this stage using first trimester nuchal translucency measurement and second trimester maternal serum biochemistry. Isolated fetal hydronephrosis was diagnosed in 423 pregnancies (3.9%); none of these pregnancies were affected by Down's syndrome. The relative risk for Down's syndrome was 0.18 (95% CI 0.06-0.53) for women with a normal scan (n = 9983). When multiple ultrasound markers were found (n = 565), the relative risk for Down's syndrome was 2.00 (95% CI 0.18-22.10) and 9.00 (95% CI 1.14-71.30) for all other aneuploidies. CONCLUSION: The finding of isolated fetal hydronephrosis does not significantly increase the age-related risk for Down's syndrome. The presence of multiple ultrasound markers is associated with an increased risk of aneuploidies other than Down's syndiome. These findings are explained by the reduced prevalence of Down's syndrome as a result of prior screening and diagnosis of this condition.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 1968 the first antenatal diagnosis of Down's syndrome was made and screening on the basis of selecting women of advanced maternal age for amniocentesis was gradually introduced into medical practice. In 1983 it was shown that low maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (AFP) was associated with Down's syndrome. Later, raised maternal serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), and low unconjugated oestriol (uE3) were found to be markers of Down's syndrome. In 1988 the three biochemical markers were used together with maternal age as a method of screening, and this has been widely adopted. PRINCIPLES OF ANTENATAL SCREENING FOR DOWN'S SYNDROME: Methods of screening need to be fully evaluated before being introduced into routine clinical practice. This included choosing markers for which there is sufficient scientific evidence of efficacy, quantifying performance in terms of detection and false positive rates, and establishing methods of monitoring performance. Screening needs to be provided as an integrated service, coordinating and managing the separate aspects of the screening process. SERUM MARKERS AT 15-22 WEEKS OF PREGNANCY: A large number of serum markers have been found to be associated with Down's syndrome between 15 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. The principal markers are AFP, hCG or its individual subunits (free alpha- and free beta-hCG), uE3, and inhibin A. Screening performance varies according to the choice of markers used and whether ultrasound is used to estimate gestational age (table 1). When an ultrasound scan is used to estimate gestational age the detection rate for a 5% false positive rate is estimated to be 59% using the double test (AFP and hCG), 69% using the triple test (AFP, hCG, uE3), and 76% using the quadruple test (AFP, hCG, uE3, inhibin A), all in combination with maternal age. Other factors that can usefully be taken into account in screening are maternal weight, the presence of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, multiple pregnancy, ethnic origin, previous Down's syndrome pregnancy, and whether the test is the first one in a pregnancy or a repeat. Factors such as parity and smoking are associated with one or more of the serum markers, but the effect is too small to justify adjusting for these factors in interpreting a screening test. URINARY MARKERS AND FETAL CELLS IN MATERNAL BLOOD: Urinary beta-core hCG has been investigated in a number of studies and shown to be raised in pregnancies with Down's syndrome. This area is currently the subject of active research and the use of urine in future screening programmes may be a practical possibility. Other urinary markers, such as total oestriol and free beta-hCG may also be of value. Fetal cells can be identified in the maternal circulation and techniques such as fluorescent in situ hybridisation can be used to identify aneuploidies, including Down's syndrome and trisomy 18. This approach may, in the future, be of value in screening or diagnosis. Currently, the techniques available do not have the performance, simplicity, or economy needed to replace existing methods. DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS: Demonstration projects are valuable in determining the feasibility of screening and in refining the practical application of screening. They are of less value in determining the performance of different screening methods. Several demonstration projects have been conducted using the triple and double tests. In general, the uptake of screening was about 80%. The screen positive rates were about 5-6%. About 80% of women with positive screening results had an invasive diagnostic test, and of those found to have a pregnancy with Down's syndrome, about 90% chose to have a termination of pregnancy. ULTRASOUND MARKERS AT 15-22 WEEKS OF PREGNANCY: There are a number of ultrasound markers of Down's syndrome at 15-22 weeks, including nuchal fold thickness, cardiac abnormalities, duodenal atresia, femur length, humerus length, pyelectasis, and hyperechogenic bowel. (ABSTRA  相似文献   

The article reports a study examining the relationship between perceived threat and subjective well-being (positive and negative affect) in pregnant women. Subjects were multiparas classified as having low-risk or high-risk pregnancies and receiving prenatal care from private obstetricians. High-risk women were using home uterine activity monitoring and receiving nursing contact by telephone and home visit. By means of repeated measure analysis of variance, significant risk group differences were found in negative affect and degree of perceived threat. The event of the high-risk pregnancy appeared to be stressful to the high-risk group, with high-risk pregnant women indicating more negative emotions. Based on the findings of this study, interventions to assist women in managing stress should be focused on the second trimester. A balance between personal support and technologic intervention is necessary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome (DS) and neural tube defects (NTDs). DESIGN: Longitudinal study. SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital Utrecht, the Netherlands. METHOD: 6362 pregnant women underwent serum screening for DS and (or) NTD between the 15th and 21st weeks of pregnancy between March 1991 and March 1996. Screening was performed using alpha-foetoprotein, unconjugated oestriol, human chorionic gonadotrophin and maternal age. The result of each individual test was a calculated risk for delivering a child with DS and (or) NTD. RESULTS: Nine out of 12 singleton pregnancies of a foetus with DS were detected. To this purpose, 573 women who, according to the serum screening had an increased risk of a child with the abnormality, were offered amniocentesis, which was performed in 471 of them. Two twin pregnancies with a total of 3 DS affected foetuses were also detected; one twin pregnancy of a DS foetus was screen-negative. The one case of spina bifida was screen-positive. The proportion of women eligible for invasive prenatal diagnosis because of maternal age increased from 9% to 25% in the course of the study. Of 1118 women aged > or = 36 years 913 (82%) declined invasive investigation compared with 40% in the general population. CONCLUSION: The results of the maternal serum screening program in Utrecht were comparable with other studies. Maternal serum screening is accepted as an alternative by women above 36 years, and allows to decrease the need for amniocentesis without a significant loss in detection rate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To derive a method for revising the risk of Down's syndrome in maternal serum marker screening when there is vaginal bleeding. The effect on screening performance of routinely allowing for the presence or absence of bleeding in all women is also assessed. DESIGN: Overview of published studies on the rate of reported vaginal bleeding in pregnancies with Down's syndrome, on the rate according to maternal age and on the association of bleeding with alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level. The publications are supplemented with data on unconjugated oestriol (uE3), human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and AFP levels in a consecutive series of screened women. SETTING: Routine Down's syndrome screening tests carried out on women having antenatal care at the St James's University Hospital, Leeds. SUBJECTS: Eight hundred and nine screened women. RESULTS: In five studies the rate of vaginal bleeding in Down's syndrome pregnancies was 1.7 times that in unaffected pregnancies on average. In three studies, the vaginal bleeding rate increased proportionally by 2.2% on average for each year of maternal age. Three studies and our own data were consistent with a 10% increase in the mean AFP level associated with vaginal bleeding, but it did not appear to materially alter uE3 and hCG levels or the standard deviations and correlation coefficients for any of the three analytes. An individual woman's risk was calculated by multiplying her age-specific odds of Down's syndrome by two likelihood ratios, one relating to the vaginal bleeding itself and one from the marker levels. Routine allowance for the presence or absence of vaginal bleeding was estimated to increase the detection rate by less than 1%. CONCLUSION: Our method is of clinical value in revising the risk when there is concern that vaginal bleeding might be responsible for a negative maternal serum Down's syndrome screening result. A policy of routinely incorporating information on vaginal bleeding in risk estimation for all women would have too small an effect on overall screening performance to recommend it.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the utility of biochemical antenatal screening for Down's syndrome in a socioeconomically deprived area with a high proportion of Asian women from the Indian Subcontinent. DESIGN: Audit of Down's syndrome biochemical screening service over a four-year period. SETTING: Teaching hospital and community antenatal clinic in inner city Birmingham. POPULATION: Women booked between October 1992 and December 1996. METHODS: Blood for screening was collected between 14 and 21 weeks gestation, alpha-fetoprotein and intact human chorionic gonadotrophin were measured in serum and the risk of Down's syndrome was calculated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Uptakes of screening and amniocentesis, screen positive rate, odds of being affected given a positive result, miscarriages associated with amniocentesis offered following a high risk result, detection rate, number of Down's cases prevented and a cost analysis. Outcome measures were compared between Asians and Caucasians. RESULTS: Overall 11,974 women (71%) accepted serum screening. The screen positive rate was 8.3% in Asians and 5.0% in Caucasians. The uptake of amniocentesis in women following a high risk result was 54% overall (35% Asian, 67% Caucasian). Nineteen cases of Down's syndrome were identified, of which 13 occurred in women who opted for biochemical screening. The detection rate of the biochemical screening programme was 85% (11/13). Of these 11 cases, six (none of whom were Asian) elected to have an amniocentesis, of whom four thereafter had a termination. CONCLUSION: In this study the public health benefits of screening for Down's syndrome in a socioeconomically deprived area with a high Asian population, were small.  相似文献   

Along with the rapid biomedical development of prenatal screening tests, target groups' attitudes and decision-making about, and the acceptance of, screening procedures have come into focus. To understand users' decision-making, it is essential to understand users' knowledge and perceptions of a procedure. The aim of this study was to examine Finnish women's knowledge and perceptions of, and stated reasons to participate in, two prenatal screening tests: serum screening and mid-trimester ultrasound screening. Subjects (n=1035) for the serum screening survey were catered for in the maternity care centres of two Finnish towns, where serum screening is available for all pregnant women. After one reminder, 88 per cent returned the questionnaire. Subjects (n=497) for the mid-trimester ultrasound screening survey were catered for in the obstetrical and gynaecological outpatient clinic of the city hospital of another town; the response rate was 85 per cent. Women's perceptions of the studied prenatal screening tests, serum screening and mid-trimester ultrasound screening, differed significantly, even though both are used to detect fetal malformations. Serum screening was far more often perceived to be connected with finding diseases or abnormalities than ultrasound screening. Another interesting finding was that the stated reasons for screening in general and the subjective reasons for participation were different. Reassurance was the personal reason most often mentioned in both the serum screening and the ultrasound group. Almost all women had the most superficial knowledge about serum screening; they knew whether it had been offered and that it is done to screen for Down syndrome. The greatest gaps in knowledge concerned the sensitivity of serum screening, its use in screening for congenital nephrosis, and diagnostic tests and their risks. Knowledge was poorer among women without a high school education. When counselling women about prenatal screening tests, more emphasis should be given to the sensitivity of serum screening, all of its screening uses, and the possible diagnostic tests and their risks. The fact that ultrasound screening can detect conditions which may lead to the possibility of a selective abortion should also be explained more fully.  相似文献   

Decision analytic models have suggested that the choice of amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling for prenatal genetic testing is a utility-driven decision. We compared preferences for prenatal testing among 156 pregnant women who had chosen either amniocentesis (n = 82) or chorionic villus sampling (n = 74) for the indication of maternal age. We also compared their choices with those of a decision-analytic model based on their preferences, and age-specific rates of spontaneous abortion and chromosomal abnormalities. Preferences were assessed using written scenarios describing potential outcomes of prenatal testing, and were recorded on linear rating scales. The differences in preference ratings for first- vs second-trimester prenatal diagnosis of a normal child (4.2 vs -1.6, p = 0.0004), and for first- vs second-trimester abortion of an abnormal fetus (4.4 vs -1.6, p = 0.01), were significantly greater among women choosing chorionic villus sampling than among women choosing amniocentesis. There were no significant differences between chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis patients in their preference ratings for test-related miscarriage, disconfirmed results at pregnancy termination, or maternal morbidity from therapeutic abortion. After adjusting for demographic and obstetric factors, the difference in preferences for early vs late prenatal diagnosis was an independent predictor of the choice of chorionic villus sampling in a multivariate model. Among women whose decision analyses selected amniocentesis, 56.8% had chosen amniocentesis, and among women whose analyses selected chorionic villus sampling, 63.2% had chosen chorionic villus sampling (p = 0.05). We conclude that the preferences of pregnant women for the outcomes of prenatal testing were associated with their choice of amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. In addition, the choice of prenatal test made by the majority of women was concordant with that of a decision-analytic model that incorporated their preferences. Nevertheless, because many women made choices that were discordant with their decision-analytic results, further research into the bases for their choices is warranted.  相似文献   

Objective: A Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) framework was used to examine whether information about the role of exercise in preventing maternal-fetal disease served as a meaningful source of exercise motivation. Design: Pregnant women (n = 208) were randomly assigned into one of three conditions: PMT, attention control, and noncontact control. Women in the PMT group read a brochure about the benefits of exercise during pregnancy incorporating the major components of PMT; perceived vulnerability (PV), perceived severity (PS), response efficacy (RE), and self-efficacy (SE). Participants in the attention-control condition read a brochure about diet. Following treatment, all participants completed measures of their beliefs toward maternal-fetal disease and exercise, goal intention (GI), and implementation intention (IMI). One week later, a measure of self-reported exercise behavior was collected. Main Outcome Measures: Main outcome measures were PMT variables (PV, PS, RE, and SE), GI, IMI, and follow-up physical activity. Results: Participants assigned to the PMT-present group reported significantly higher PS, RE, SE, GI, and increased exercise behavior. PS, RE, and SE predicted GI, GI predicted IMI, and IMI predicted exercise behavior. Conclusion: Information grounded in PMT is effective in influencing pregnant women’s beliefs and intentions as well as changing their initial behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To predict the effect of antenatal ultrasound screening for congenital heart disease and maternal serum screening of Down's syndrome on the practice of paediatric cardiology and paediatric cardiac surgery. DESIGN: A retrospective and prospective ascertainment of all congenital heart disease diagnosed in infancy in 1985-1991. SETTING: One English health region. PATIENTS: All congenital heart disease diagnosed in infancy by echocardiography, cardiac catheterisation, surgery, or necropsy was classified as "complex", "significant", or "minor" and as "detectable" or "not detectable" on a routine antenatal ultrasound scan. RESULTS: 1347 infants had congenital heart disease which was "complex" in 13%, "significant" in 55%, and "minor" in 32%. 15% of cases were "detectable" on routine antenatal ultrasound. Assuming 20% detection and termination of 67% of affected pregnancies, liveborn congenital heart disease would be reduced by 2%, infant mortality from congenital heart disease by 5%, and paediatric cardiac surgical activity by 3%. Maternal screening for Down's syndrome, assuming 75% uptake, 60% detection, and termination of all affected pregnancies, would reduce liveborn cases of Down's syndrome by 45%, liveborn cases of congenital heart disease by 3.5%, and cardiac surgery by 2.6%. CONCLUSIONS: Screening for congenital heart disease using the four chamber view in routine obstetric examinations and maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome is likely to have only a small effect on the requirements for paediatric cardiology services and paediatric cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

We conducted a study to investigate the effect of parity on the following six serum markers used in screening for Down's syndrome, after adjusting them for ethnic group and maternal weight: alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated oestriol (uE3), total human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), free alpha-hCG, free beta-hCG, and dimeric inhibin A. We aimed to estimate the effect of adjusting for any differences found on the screening performance. AFP, uE3, and hCG concentrations were available from 16,666 women with singleton pregnancies without Down's syndrome or neural tube defects and without insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, who were screened between 15 and 22 weeks' gestational age. Stored serum samples were available on a subset of 1347 women and these were used to measure free alpha-hCG, free beta-hCG, and inhibin A. Serum concentrations were expressed as multiples of the median (MOM) for women of the same gestational age, weight, and ethnic group. Of the six markers, only hCG levels were affected by parity; hCG levels decreased by 3.1 per cent per previous birth (95 per cent confidence interval 2.2-4.0 per cent); there was no significant relationship between the number of previous abortions and hCG level after adjustment for the number of previous births. The effect of previous births on hCG was not due to maternal age. Only AFP was affected by maternal age, but the effect was small; levels increased by 4.4 per cent per 10 years of age (3.2-5.7 per cent). It is not worthwhile adjusting serum markers for parity or for maternal age in prenatal screening for Down's syndrome because their effect on the performance of screening is negligible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if awareness of methods to reduce vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is associated with HIV test acceptance and to clarify patients' attitudes toward routine versus elective prenatal HIV testing. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, 247 antenatal patients were surveyed regarding HIV knowledge, self-perceived HIV risk, and willingness to learn a positive test result. This information, along with demographic and risk factor data, was related to HIV test acceptance. Patients also indicated their attitudes toward routine versus elective prenatal testing for HIV and other common prenatal screening tests. RESULTS: Seventy-two percent of antenatal patients accepted HIV testing. Test acceptance was not associated with the presence of risk factors, self-perceived HIV risk, or demographic factors, including race and ethnicity. Test acceptance was associated positively with patients' knowledge of a medical intervention to reduce vertical transmission and their willingness to learn a positive HIV test result. Only 24% of patients knew that the risk of vertical transmission could be reduced using medication. Sixty-nine percent of patients said that prenatal HIV testing should be routine, whereas 27% said that it should be done only after specific written consent. As a group, our patients viewed HIV screening no differently from screening for other infections in pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Interventions aimed at increasing HIV testing rates among pregnant women should focus on educating patients about vertical transmission reduction and promising new therapies for HIV infection. Proponents of elective testing should re-evaluate the assumption that patients view HIV testing differently from other prenatal tests for which separate written consent is not required.  相似文献   

The theory of planned behavior (TPB; I. Ajzen, 1985) was applied to drivers' compliance with speed limits. Questionnaire data were collected for 598 drivers at 2 time points separated by 3 months. TPB variables, demographic information, and self-reported prior behavior were measured at Time 1, and self-reported subsequent behavior was measured at Time 2. In line with the TPB, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived control were positively associated with behavioral intention, and intention and perceived control were positively associated with subsequent behavior. TPB variables mediated the effects of age and gender on behavior. Prior behavior was found to moderate the perceived control-intention and perceived control-subsequent behavior relationships. Practical implications of the findings for road safety and possible avenues for further research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The theory of reasoned action (TRA) provides useful information when designing health education interventions. In this study, 703 heterosexual STD clinic clients responded to a TRA-based survey. With steady partners, social norms and attitudes toward condom use were significant predictors of intention for both men and women. The interaction of attitude and norm increased prediction for men (R = .64, p < 0.001) and women (R = .70, p < 0.001). With casual partners, attitude was a predictor for men and social norm was a predictor for women. Prior use of condoms increased prediction for men (R = .38, p < 0.001) and women (R = .47, p < 0.001). Findings suggest that, in addition to traditional TRA model variables, the relationship between sexual partners and the individual's prior experience with condom use should be incorporated into attempts to understand this complex, dyadic behavior. Examining specific outcome and normative beliefs also provides important information for intervention design.  相似文献   

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