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At present,science and technology are ad-vancing with each passing day,knowledgeeconomies are rapidly emerging,and economicglobalization is accelerating.Intellectual propertyrights have become a core strategic resource aswell as a key point of competition among worldwideeconomies and enterprises.This has become amajor strategic issue in China's development.Therefore,the formulation and implementation of anational intellectual property rights strategy is im-portant for the future of our state and people,...  相似文献   

知识产权成为了全球关注的热点,标准也成为了各国争夺国际市场的主要手段之一。标准与知识产权的结合已经带来了全球竞争模式的重大改变。面对激烈的国际竞争,2008年我国发布了《国家知识产权战略纲要》,其中对标准与知识产权结合的问题做出了战略指导,文章从技术创新和标准战略实施的角度,就纲要中知识产权和技术标准结合的战略重点做了分析和解读,并提出了具体的实施建议。  相似文献   

企业知识产权战略设计与核心竞争力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
实施知识产权战略设计,构建知识产权赢利模式,对增强企业核心竞争力,具有深远的战略意义;针对企业在知识产权保护方面存在的问题,提出相应对策和建议。  相似文献   

标准化与知识产权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、基本概念1.知识产权的基本概念知识产权(IntellectualPropertyRights,IPR)是保护知识拥有者和创新者的利益,它是法律赋予知识产品所有人对其智力创新成果所享有的某种专有权利。知识产权是一种无形财产权。国际上通常将知识产权分为工业产权和版权两大部分。其中工业产权包括专利权、技术机密、商标权和反不正当竞争权。工业产权的保护以发明专利权、实用新型、工业品式样、商标、服务商标、商店名称、产地标记或原产地名称,以及制止不正当的竞争作为对象,不仅适用于工业和商业本身,也适用于农业和采掘业以及一切制造品或天然产品。…  相似文献   

信息产业作为国民经济的基础产业、支柱产业和先导产业,在我国国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重大的作用。2005年信息产业增加值占国内生产总值的7.5%以上。固定电话用户3.6亿户(不包括港、澳、台),移动电话4.1亿户,电话总普及率为55.7%,电信网络规模和用户数居世界第一位。互联网用户1.11亿户,居世界第二位。电子产品出口额占全国外贸出口的三分之一。由于信息产业属于高新技术产业,技术发展日新月异,素以发展速度快、更新换代勤、附加值高而成为国内外关注的焦点。因此,通信标准的制定十分重要,知识产权问题也十分突出。一、我国通信标准工作…  相似文献   

本文运用波士顿矩阵思想,提出知识产权与技术标准波士顿矩阵,将企业根据其知识产权价值和技术产品标准化程度分为4种类型,根据不同类型企业特点,提出企业知识产权与技术标准化协同策略。  相似文献   

本研究从标准与知识产权的关系及影响出发,研究国内外标准中纳入知识产权内容的管理思路和内容,分析新疆自治区的基本现状和要求,提出新疆自治区标准中纳入知识产权的战略目标和发展思路。  相似文献   

知识产权诉讼中的证据往往数量多、种类繁杂、专业技术性强,较一般民事诉讼更为复杂。知识产权审判除了要贯彻最高人民法院关于民事诉讼的证据规则外,还要适用专利法、商标法和着作权法等法律、司法解释关于知识产权证据制度的特殊规定。  相似文献   

•  Many emerging economies are characterised by weak appropriability systems and absent legal systems to punish imitators. This places foreign firms’ intellectual property rights at risk, because existing appropriation methods, such as patents or secrecy, cannot function effectively. This concern especially applies to China, the empirical context of this article. Such adverse conditions force managers to devise new strategies to safeguard their firms’ intellectual property rights. Yet no evidence describes whether strategies exist, which forms they take, how they have evolved or how they get implemented.
•  This article addresses this knowledge gap and explores strategies that managers have developed to achieve de facto protection, despite China’s weak appropriability system. The analysis systematically explores 13 cases of foreign firms with wholly owned subsidiaries in China.
•  The findings confirm that de facto strategies exist, describe how they work and detail how they were achieved. The findings suggest implications for both managers and academics.

中国企业为什么做标准首先,中国市场经济的快速发展为企业营造了良好的产业环境。中国经济已连续三年保持10%左右的增长。2005年全年规模以上工业增加值同比增长16.4%左右,中国工业企业利润在连续三年保持30%~40%高速增长的基础上,于2005年进入平稳增长阶段,全年实现利润达到13800亿元人民币,税金总额首次突破10000亿元,增幅双双达到20%左右。中国经济的快速发展为企业创造了越来越好的产业环境,越来越多的巨型企业参与到世界舞台的竞争中去,如联想、TCL等,这些企业在面对国际产业竞争及发展方向这一问题时都不约而同地认识到,拥有自主知…  相似文献   

Inclusion of intellectual property in standards brings important changes to the global competition model.Based on the furious international circumstances, Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy was published in 2008,indicating the strategic direction of intellectual property involved in standards. This article analyzes relative items from innovation and standard strategy implemen- tation aspects,and makes some suggestions.  相似文献   

The Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy has brought opportunities and challenges for standardization in China.On the basis of analysis on international trends regarding inclusion of intellectual property rights in standards,this paper reviews achievements in combination of standardization and intellectual property in Jiangsu over recent years,and makes some suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the current situation in technical research and development(R&D)and proprietary intellectual property rights(IPRs)in China.Based on the situation of Far East Cable Company,it analyzes the significance of strengthening the protection of proprietary IPRs and implementing a strategy for technology standards and then discusses the actual work and future arrangement of proprietary IPRs and technology standard strategies.It points out that the enhancement of proprietary IPRs protection and implementation of technology standard strategies is the only way for enterprises to remain competitive.  相似文献   

“保护知识产权就是尊重知识、鼓励创新、保护生产力。”中国国务院总理温家宝于2006年4月19日下午在参观中国保护知识产权成果展览时说。  相似文献   

Standards are a double edge sword and have come to be the main technical tariff and a window for market access to international trade. Standards are closely related to intellectual property, especially patents. The essence of intellectual property in standardization lies in the fact that standards are a kind of quasi-public good, while patents are essentially private property. The absorption of patents into standards creates an opportunity for a patent holder to take advantage by making a profit. To prevent the abuse of patents in standards by the patent holder, SDOs (Standards Development Organizations) have to adjust the disclosure policies of the standards in patents.  相似文献   

从中国企业走出去战略实施开始,不可避免的海外纠纷就随之而来,海外维权也变得日益重要。本文通过案例展示了我国企业海外维权的困境,同时总结了与其他国家进行海外维权的策略,可做为中国企业维权借鉴的内容,以及针对企业自身所能作出的努力。  相似文献   

The combination of standards and IPR (intellectual property rights) plays a key role in industrial development in the knowledge economy era.This paper analyses the effects and challenges that inclusion of IPR into standards brings to our industry.The paper concludes with some advice on how to promote our industries.  相似文献   

本文结合陕西知识产权公共服务标准化试点案例,重点阐述国家各级知识产权管理机构如何通过标准化加快推进服务型政府建设.  相似文献   

知识产权许可是实施知识产权的最主要方式,有助于权利人实现效益最大化,但它也具有潜在的垄断性,可能阻碍知识创新和危害竞争。文章在阐明知识产权许可与反垄断关系基础上,对若干具体知识产权许可行为进行反垄断法律分析,认为对知识产权许可进行反垄断法律规制时,需要考虑各方面因素的影响,并权衡其对创新的激励效果和对竞争的限制影响。  相似文献   

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