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In orthogonal frequency division multiple access systems clusters of subcarriers are assigned to different users for parallel data transmissions. The subcarriers are overlapped, but orthogonal to each other such that there is no intercarrier interference (ICI). However, synchronization errors among users cause the loss of the orthogonality and introduce ICI resulting in multiple-access interference. Synchronization between users is particularly difficult in the uplink channel where the user signals are potentially asynchronous and affected by different frequency offsets due to misalignment in carrier frequencies and Doppler shifts. This paper proposes a method to lower the effects of different frequency offsets among user signals in an OFDMA uplink system. The multiple access interference due to the user frequency misalignments is reduced by reconstructing and removing the interfering signals in the frequency domain. An approach based on the selective cancellation method, is proposed and its performance is analyzed by means of theoretical analysis and computer simulations. The effectiveness of the proposed system has been evaluated in the case of ideal and no-ideal frequency offset estimation and has been compared with that of the classical successive and parallel cancellation schemes. Simulation results show that the proposed approach allows performance close to the ideal case, i.e., with ideal frequency synchronization among users, with a low increase of the implementation complexity. Moreover, it is also highlighted here, that the successive cancellation method slightly outperforms the selective scheme, at the expense of a higher computational complexity and processing delay  相似文献   

This paper presents an effective alternating multiuser detector for the uplink of heterogeneous-signaling multiple-input multiple-output code division multiple access systems over multipath fading channels, where the data are transmitted using either spatially multiplexing for high transmission rate or space-time block code for transmit diversity gains. The new MUD first separates users into two groups according to their transmission signaling schemes and then detects the transmitted symbols in each group alternately with the removal of iteratively refined soft information-assisted multiple access interference to enhance the interference cancellation capability. Moreover, for practical low-complexity implementations, the users in each group are further partitioned into smaller subgroups based on their effective channel correlations and then detected in parallel by a bank of minimum mean-squared error soft detectors to further reduce the computational load. Conducted simulations show that the proposed MUD can render superior performance compared with previous approaches, especially in highly loaded scenarios.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel space-time minimum mean square error (MMSE) decision feedback (DF) detection scheme for direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems with multiple receive antennas, which employs multiple-parallel-feedback (MPF) branches for interference cancellation. The proposed space-time receiver is then further combined with cascaded DF stages to mitigate the deleterious effects of error propagation for uncoded schemes. To adjust the parameters of the receiver, we also present modified adaptive stochastic gradient (SG) and recursive least squares (RLS) algorithms that automatically switch to the best-available interference cancellation feedback branch and jointly estimate the feedforward and feedback filters. The performance of the system with beamforming and diversity configurations is also considered. Simulation results for an uplink scenario with uncoded systems show that the proposed space-time MPF-DF detector outperforms existing schemes such as linear, parallel DF (P-DF), and successive DF (S-DF) receivers in terms of bit error rate (BER) and achieves a substantial capacity increase in terms of the number of users, compared with the existing schemes. We also derive the expressions for MMSE achieved by the analyzed DF structures, including the novel scheme, with imperfect and perfect feedback and expressions of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for the beamforming and diversity configurations with linear receivers.  相似文献   

In this letter, we investigated the optimal minimum-mean-squared-error (MMSE) based successive interference cancellation (SIC) strategy designed for lattice-reduction aided multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detectors. For the sake of generating the MMSE-based MIMO symbol estimate at each SIC detection stage, we model the so-called effective symbols generated with the aid of lattice-reduction as joint Gaussian distributed random variables. However, after lattice-reduction, the effective symbols become correlated and exhibit a non-zero mean. Hence, we derive the optimal MMSE SIC detector, which updates the mean and variance of the effective symbols at each SIC detection stage. As a result, the proposed detector achieves a better performance compared to its counterpart dispensing with updating the mean and variance, and performs close to the maximum likelihood detector.  相似文献   

In this letter, an ordered successive interference cancellation (OSIC) scheme is applied for multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) detection in ultra‐wideband (UWB) communication systems. The error rate expression of an OSIC receiver on a log‐normal multipath fading channel is theoretically derived in a closed form solution. Its bit error rate performance is analytically compared with that of a zero forcing receiver in the UWB MIMO detection scheme followed by RAKE combining.  相似文献   

本文介绍在多步检测结构中把干扰对消和利用天线阵的自适应MMSE检测器[1]结合起来,并介绍一种新的基于信号子空间估计的检测器。使用这种新的检测器可以使当子空间的维数减少时,干扰就从接收到的信号中抵消,并用正交投影子空间跟踪估计(OPAST)[2]来自适应的估计检测器和空间特征。与MMSE检测器相比,这种检测器在性能上更优。  相似文献   

Despite its low-complexity, the zero-forcing receiver is known to suffer from noise enhancement to restore the spatially multiplexed data in a single-user MI MO system. Nevertheless, in the multiuser system, the poor-channel avoidance property of the scheduling technique provides a natural way to overcome the drawback of noise enhancement (Heath et al., 2001). In this paper, we present an analytical framework to evaluate the performance of the zero-forcing receiver operating in the multiuser MIMO system with user scheduling. Using the order statistics technique, we derive closed-form expressions for the sum-rate capacity of the multiuser MIMO system that employs the simple spatial multiplexing at the transmitter and zero-forcing processing at the receiver with a number of scheduling algorithms. These closed-form expressions hold for an arbitrary finite number of users and facilitate efficient numerical evaluations for cases of practical interest. In addition, the tractable analysis provides insight into how the scheduling technique affects the performance of the multiuser MIMO system under scalar feedback and vector feedback. The results are also extended to the case of heterogonous users with unequal average SNR.  相似文献   

CDMA由于其独特的性能成为第三代移动通信中标准多址方式,传统的CDMA信号解调方法是求信号与本用户PN码的相关运算,而此时其它用户的CDMA信号就成为干扰信号.本文提出了一种串行干扰相减式抵消器法,实验表明,这种方法在对功率不相等的多用户进行信号检测时性能优于传统方法.  相似文献   

Opportunistic Feedback for Multiuser MIMO Systems With Linear Receivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel multiuser scheduling and feedback strategy for the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) downlink is proposed in this paper. It achieves multiuser diversity gain without substantial feedback requirements. The proposed strategy uses per-antenna scheduling at the base station, which maps each transmit antenna at the base station (equivalently, a spatial channel) to a user. Each user has a number of receive antennas that is greater than or equal to the number of transmit antennas at the base station. Zero-forcing receivers are deployed by each user to decode the transmitted data streams. In this system, the base station requires users' channel quality on each spatial channel for scheduling. An opportunistic feedback protocol is proposed to reduce the feedback requirements. The proposed protocol uses a contention channel that consists of a fixed number of feedback minislots to convey channel state information. Feedback control parameters including the channel quality threshold and the random access feedback probability are jointly adjusted to maximize the average throughput performance of this system. Multiple receive antennas at the base station are used on the feedback channel to allow decoding multiple feedback messages sent simultaneously by different users. This further reduces the bandwidth of the feedback channel. Iterative search algorithms are proposed to solve the optimization for selection of these parameters under both scenarios that the cumulative distribution functions of users are known or unknown to the base station  相似文献   

文中针对正交空时编码的多用户MIMO系统,分析并比较了两种多用户调度方案的性能.第一种方案是基站在一个时隙内选择信噪比最大的用户进行通信,第二种方案是基站在一个时隙同时选择多个信噪比大的用户进行通信.文中对两种方案的容量都作了理论推导和仿真比较.仿真结果显示,前一种方案性能好于第二种方案,但是第二种方案可以同时服务多个用户.  相似文献   

Parallel Interference Cancellation in Multiuser CDMA Channel Estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) based channel parameter estimators for frequency selective fading channels are proposed for the uplink in code-division multiple-access (CDMA) mobile communication systems. The performance of PIC based algorithms depends heavily on the quality of the multiple-access interference estimates, which can be improved by using adaptive channel estimation filters. The performance of two adaptive complex channel coefficient estimation filters has been verified in a fading channel by computer simulations. According to the results, the PIC based adaptive channel estimators outperform clearly conventional, successive interference cancellation, and decorrelation based adaptive channel estimators. The PIC method is also used in delay tracking. By using the principles of sample-correlate-choose-largest (SCCL) delay trackers, a robust algorithm for multiuser delay tracking in fading channels is obtained.  相似文献   

Cross-layer techniques represent efficient means to enhance throughput and increase the transmission reliability of wireless communication systems. In this paper, a cross-layer design of aggressive adaptive modulation and coding (A-AMC), truncated automatic repeat request (T-ARQ), and user scheduling is proposed for multiuser multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) maximal ratio combining (MRC) systems, where the impacts of feedback delay (FD) and limited feedback (LF) on channel state information (CSI) are also considered. The A-AMC and T-ARQ mechanism selects the appropriate modulation and coding schemes (MCSs) to achieve higher spectral efficiency while satisfying the service requirement on the packet loss rate (PLR), profiting from the feasibility of using different MCSs to retransmit a packet, which is destined to a scheduled user selected to exploit multiuser diversity and enhance the system's performance in terms of both transmission efficiency and fairness. The system's performance is evaluated in terms of the average PLR, average spectral efficiency (ASE), outage probability, and average packet delay, which are derived in closed form, considering transmissions over Rayleigh-fading channels. Numerical results and comparisons are provided and show that A-AMC combined with T-ARQ yields higher spectral efficiency than the conventional scheme based on adaptive modulation and coding (AMC), while keeping the achieved PLR closer to the system's requirement and reducing delay. Furthermore, the effects of the number of ARQ retransmissions, numbers of transmit and receive antennas, normalized FD, and cardinality of the beamforming weight vector codebook are studied and discussed.   相似文献   

Recent mobile applications have required high data rate. In metropolitan areas where data traffic is higher than other areas, heterogeneous networks (HetNet) are used to meet the traffic demand (Hoadley and Maveddat in IEEE Commun Mag 19(2):4–5, 2012). The HetNet has several low power base stations or remote radio heads in a macro cell coverage and sometimes coordinates the low power transmission points forming virtual multiple-input and multiple-output system. In this paper, inter-relay interference (IRI) cancellation for two-path relay system is considered. In existing schemes, IRI cancellation is performed at a destination node but proposed method performs the cancellation at relay nodes to reduce the complexity of detection algorithm for the destination node. Simulation results also show that the method of this paper achieves better BER performance than the existing schemes.  相似文献   

The problem of interference cancellation may arise in the nearest future for body-area networks (BANs) whenever a certain number of BANs are led to operate in the vicinity of each other under the same spectrum band. In this paper, using the data obtained from the measurements, the performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) of three linear CDMA receiver structures is investigated for BANs: the conventional receiver, the minimum mean square error receiver, and the decorrelator receiver. We show that in synchronous scenario, the three receivers exhibit the same performance regardless of the number of supported users and SNR level. The BER performance of the linear receivers in on-body channels is better than in Rayleigh channel with the belt-chest channel exhibiting the best gain due to the presence of a stronger LOS component. Furthermore, with orthogonal codes, these receivers are shown to be robust to the MAI level increase and do not require a perfect power control.  相似文献   

We treat the problem of sum-rate maximization via scheduling and linear precoding in multiuser (MU) multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) systems with quantized feedback. We formulate the optimal quantized linear precoder design problem and provide the numerical procedure for finding the solution. We also provide a simple scheduling scheme that exploits the MU diversity gain. With the aim of sum-rate maximization, we further address the quantization codebook design based on the capacity measure by introducing a new distance metric. It is demonstrated that, with or without scheduling, the proposed optimal linear precoding scheme achieves significant gain over the conventional linear precoder designs with similar feedback overhead, such as the zero-forcing precoder. Moreover, although the proposed quantization codebook design improves the performance of other existing MU-MIMO precoding schemes, the performance gain offered by it is typically much higher when it is coupled with the proposed linear precoding design.   相似文献   

We study a cellular network with one multiantenna base station and a number of multiantenna users. Correlated fading may exist at the base station or at the users, or at both sides. With time-varying fading, multiuser diversity is exploited by always allowing the base station to transmit to the user with the best channel. For this network, we find that if the number of transmitter antennas and the number of receiver antennas grow with a fixed ratio, the multiuser diversity gain will approximately remain constant.  相似文献   

Multiantenna radio systems allow accessing the channel in diversity or spatial multiplexing (SMUX) mode. Adequate switching between these modes according to current channel conditions was shown to yield significant performance improvements while requiring little feedback from the receiving side. We present a transmission concept for the downlink of a multiuser multiple-input–multiple-output orthogonal frequency-division-multiplexing (MU-MIMO-OFDM) system aiming at high user rates with limited feedback demands. An extended score-based scheduling (SB) approach ensures fair-resource allocation to the users, whereas transmission mode switching is used to guarantee high user rates. The degree of fairness of the scheduler can be adapted by adequately configuring a weighting function for the scores. Comparison with single-mode schemes reveals substantial throughput gains of the adaptive switching concept. Furthermore, targeting maximum throughput, we show that a considerable proportion of the capacity of the MIMO broadcast channel (BC) can be achieved with a comparatively low amount of required feedback.   相似文献   

正交频分复用(OFDM)利用保护间隔(GI)消除因多径时延而产生的符号间干扰(ISI)和载波间干扰(ICI),但是太长的GI会占用过多的信道资源。为此,在保持一定GI长度的情况下,提出了利用减法抵消法消除ISI和加法抵消法抵消ICI的多径干扰抵消(MPIC)方法,使得当多径时延大于GI时,仍然可以保持系统的低误码率以及较强的抗多径干扰的优异性能。蒙特卡洛仿真结果表明,有多径干扰的情况下,在Turbo码编码的MIMO OFDM系统中使用提出的多径干扰抵消方法可以更有效地减少ISI和ICI。  相似文献   

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