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IE浏览器是目前绝大多数人上网必备的工具。优化IE浏览器可以获得最佳性能。提高上网速度与质量。本文主要研究了IE浏览器的优化策略,探讨了IE浏览器优化设置的方法,最后结合实际经验,总结了IE浏览器的许多实用技巧,为大家熟练上网提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

浏览器是上网不可缺少的工具.为更好的使用IE.提高上网浏览效率。保护隐私。需要熟悉IE浏览器一些相关设置。  相似文献   

使用微软Windows操作系统的用户,恐怕都有IE浏览器被强暴的遭遇。IE浏览器由于漏洞太多时常被破坏或篡改,让人防不胜防。尽管如此,不用IE也是不现实的(多数浏览器基于IE内核),那有什么好的办法解决上述的问题呢?正巧,3721最近推出了上网助手IE修复专家2005,对于我们来说是个很好的捷径。  相似文献   

张小传 《电脑迷》2009,(5):64-64
大家都知道上网用IE,但IE有很多问题,并且功能很弱。腾讯公司就出了自己的浏览器—TT。用TT浏览器,能直接看到各地的天气,并且还有很多实用的功能。  相似文献   

以前,一直使用WindowsXP自带的IE6浏览器上网,早就听朋友说IE7浏览器特别好用,支持多选项卡,但一直没有去下载安装。今天,系统自动更新提示安装更新的版本IE8,于是同意下载安装。真是不用不知道,一用吓一跳,IE8浏览器功能超多,用起来超方便。这下我可是鸟枪换大炮了。  相似文献   

纵观2011年浏览器的发展,浏览器作为网民最重要的上网入口,已经发挥着越来越重要的作用,浏览器的功能已从基本的看网页,发展成为提供全方位服务综合工具。也正是这个原因,浏览器的安全性也受到了前所未有的挑战。目前的安全软件、杀毒软件对于浏览器的防护,更多地关注在IE浏览器上。由于IE浏览器版本更新相对较慢,安全软件都会对IE提供比较完善的安全防护。相比之下,第三方浏览器由于更新频繁,各家厂商的程序设计各不相同,安全软件很  相似文献   

去除分级审查密码 IE浏览器为控制上网所看到的内容,提供了分级审查功能,启用该功能后,每次禁用、启用,设置都要输入密码。如果忘记了密码,可以利用Windows优化大师去掉密码。单击“系统性能优化”中的“系统安全优化”标签页,勾选“去除IE分级审查口令”选项,然后单击“优化”按钮。再次进入IE的分级审查时,密码就没有了。  相似文献   

我们的日常生活已越来越离不开网络,上网自然离不开网络浏览器,而说到浏览器则又不得不涉及微软的Internet Explorer(以下简称IE),目前来说浏览器市场它依然是老大。相对应的,IE插件开发也就生财有道了,随意打开一个威客网站搜索"IE插件",都可以找到许多相关的任务。所以,今天我们就来聊聊IE插件开发的话题。  相似文献   

大家使用网络除了聊天、游戏之外更多的是浏览网页,浏览网页自然就离不开浏览器,现在大多数的用户还是在使用IE浏览器上网,除了简单的功能之外,对其在浏览器中快速输入网址、中文上网功能浏览网页以及使用IE快速激活程序等功能了解并不是很深,下面就为大家详细介绍这部分知识。  相似文献   

Xiaorei 《网友世界》2008,(8):16-17
很多人都经历过能上QQ但是不能打开网页的问题,百思不得其解。那么到底这是什么原因导致的呢?在本文就教你了解浏览器上网的流程与解决这个问题的方法。首先要了解的就是IE上网的流程:当打开IE浏览器后,输入要访问的网址,根据IE的设置进行网络连接,连上DNS进行域名解析,把域名解析成为IP,IE访问这个IP的服务器把内容下载回来,我们就看到了网页内容了。  相似文献   

A Survey of Web Information Extraction Systems   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The Internet presents a huge amount of useful information which is usually formatted for its users, which makes it difficult to extract relevant data from various sources. Therefore, the availability of robust, flexible Information Extraction (IE) systems that transform the Web pages into program-friendly structures such as a relational database will become a great necessity. Although many approaches for data extraction from Web pages have been developed, there has been limited effort to compare such tools. Unfortunately, in only a few cases can the results generated by distinct tools be directly compared since the addressed extraction tasks are different. This paper surveys the major Web data extraction approaches and compares them in three dimensions: the task domain, the automation degree, and the techniques used. The criteria of the first dimension explain why an IE system fails to handle some Web sites of particular structures. The criteria of the second dimension classify IE systems based on the techniques used. The criteria of the third dimension measure the degree of automation for IE systems. We believe these criteria provide qualitatively measures to evaluate various IE approaches.  相似文献   

薛福珍  王海明 《控制工程》2007,14(2):182-184
针对目前OPC(Object Linking and Embedding Process Control)组态软件大多只限于本地的监视和控制的情况,通过采用基于Web服务的OPC XML-DA新技术,设计了远程监控系统,使得远程用户可以使用浏览嚣或定制的客户端通过互联网或局域网实现对现场的远程监控.由于采用了标准的OPC接口和Web服务调用接口,方便了系统的扩展和升级.该系统已在变电站监控系统中成功地应用,结果证明,它满足了用户对远程监视和控制的需求.  相似文献   

网页病毒防御系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络的发展,作为用户与网络交互的一个平台,IE的应用已经非常广泛。而基于IE传播的网页病毒已经成为影响网络安全的主要问题之一。首先介绍了基于IE传播的网页病毒的特点,并与其他木马病毒的传播模式进行了比较;然后提出了一种针对网页病毒的防御系统设计,并将免疫防护的思想应用到病毒检测系统中,该防御系统的设计对未来的网页病毒防御具有一定的参考价值;最后对将来需要进一步研究的工作提出了一些建议和设想。  相似文献   

局域网安全交换机的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交换机在企业网中占有重要的地位,通常是整个网络的核心所在。在这个黑客入侵风起云涌、病毒肆虐的网络时代,作为核心的交换机也理所当然要承担起网络安全的一部分责任。因此,交换机要有专业安全产品的性能,安全已经成为网络建设必须考虑的重中之重。  相似文献   

提出了网页分析器的设计方案,实现了网页分析器与IE的集成,完成了对网页中各种元素的解析、分类和保存。  相似文献   

Stern  R.H. 《Micro, IEEE》1998,18(1):6-8
This month's Micro Law continues the discussion begun in the last issue, that topic being the contempt of court case against Microsoft that the US Justice Department (DOJ) brought in October 1997. Part I described the background of the present case, and the evidence on whether Microsoft has been coercively packaging Internet Explorer (IE) with Win 95 to swallow up the Internet browser market. Part I concluded that it should be difficult for the DOJ ultimately to persuade the court that the antitying clause of the 1996 consent judgment in US v. Microsoft covers what Microsoft has been doing with IE. It also suggested that the DOJ will probably need to bring a new antitrust case to combat these practices  相似文献   

伴随着互联网的迅猛发展,在互联网上应用的浏览器越来越多,最常用的是IE,NETSCAPE等Web浏览器。然而,人们最方便的交流方式就是对话,因此语音浏览器在网上的应用将会越来越多。本文介绍一种基于Voice Browser的语音同框架,语音介绍了Multimodal Browser。它使人们可以用多种交互方式进行交流,还可以将各种电子设备用多模态方式接入互联网。本文还讨论了它们的技术难点及解决方法。最后介绍了它们的优点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

Although demand for Internet access through cellular networks and portable appliances, i.e. Mobile Internet (MI), has recently soared in many countries, the majority of mobile network operator (MNO) customers has still never used MI. Therefore, it is important to gain a better understanding of (1) how MNO customers perceive attributes of MI offers, (2) how these perceptions are related to MI acceptance and (3) the extent to which these judgements and relationships differ as a function of an individual’s adoption status (actual compared to potential MI user) and the appliance category employed to access MI (handset compared to laptop). This study analyses these issues by drawing on MI attributes deduced mainly from diffusion of innovation (DOI) and information economic (IE) literature and by using data collected from a survey of 525 effective and 540 potential MI users in Germany. The multivariate results show that the perceived relative functional advantage and communicability of MI offers were significantly positively and their trialability was significantly negatively correlated with MI acceptance in both customer groups. Overall, perceived DOI-based attributes explained MI acceptance better for actual than for potential users. The share of search qualities relative to that of credence qualities which respondents assigned to MI had a small, but significant positive effect on MI acceptance among potential users. The effectively used or preferred appliance category for MI access exerted strong influence on DOI-based MI attribute assessments, especially among actual adopters: MNO customers who (prefer to) use a laptop to obtain MI access perceived MI features more favorable than persons who (prefer to) use a handset as their primary MI access device. These findings provide insights for MNO and appliance vendors on measures which may effectively promote the acceptance of MI.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find out the influence of personality structure of an individual, i.e., extroversion, neuroticism and self-concept on the usage of the Internet in India. Further, it was also aimed to find out the correlation between the three above-mentioned variables in the light of Internet usage. Exploratory research design was used in this study and the tools used were: Eysenck Personality Inventory and Mohsin Self-Concept Inventory. The Internet was the medium for data collection and individuals were invited by e-mail to participate in the study. The method of random sampling was used for selecting the sample size of 200. In this study, Internet users were classified as heavy or light users based on the number of hours spent online. While we found no significant difference between heavy and light users of Internet on extroversion and neuroticism, it was found that the heavy users scored high on self-concept.  相似文献   

介绍了getElementByld方法的作用以及使用技巧,并结合具体的案例提出了该方法在InternetExplorer和Firefox浏览器下效果的不同,指出IE对ID和Name的不敏感性,最后得出对于IE该方法是有漏洞的结论。  相似文献   

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