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The perioperative nursing role has evolved from that of task-oriented specialists to patient-centered professionals. The concept of caring is significant to perioperative nurses and is manifested by the many caring behaviors perioperative nurses demonstrate toward surgical patients. This article describes how the element of caring is an essential function of perioperative nursing and relates the perioperative nursing role to the work of three nursing theorists (le, Florence Nightingale; Virginia Henderson, RN, AM; Carol L. Montgomery, RN, PhD).  相似文献   

DH Lea  ST Tinley 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,67(6):1175-80, 1183-6, 1189, passim
New developments in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) technology are increasing understanding of the role of genetics in health and disease. This kind of health information requires that perioperative nurses develop new skills and roles that will enhance the quality of genetic health care they provide to patients, particularly with regard to managing genetic information. Perioperative nurses expand their scope of practice to incorporate a genetic focus into health assessment, patient education, and patient support as they assimilate new genetic information into their daily lives. Perioperative nurses familiar with genetic counseling services--and how and when to refer patients for such services--will ensure that all patients have access to the most current and appropriate genetic information with which to make informed health choices.  相似文献   

1. The nursing service of a 640-bed acute care teaching hospital consistently put standards of care and practice into actual nursing care by implementing a computerized nursing care plan (NCP) system. 2. Staff nurses worked with clinical specialists to write/revise standards for their specialty areas. These facility specific standards of care and practice were incorporated into the computerized NCP system. 3. The result of the computerization was legible NCPs in only a few minutes. These NCPs direct patient care based on generic and specialty nursing practice standards and promote equitable care for all patients.  相似文献   

Primary nursing is now seen as popular method of delivering nursing care. The process of introducing this system requires prior planning, involving all members of nursing staff. A change in philosophy, culture and roles occurs with the introduction of primary nursing. Evaluation of this change is necessary, to determine if it is beneficial both to patients and the multidisciplinary team.  相似文献   

Critical thinking is currently a highly valued educational outcome throughout the educational spectrum, but particularly so in relation to higher and professional education. International concerns have focused upon citizen's thinking abilities and thus the nations' abilities to function and compete in complex societies and economies. Educationalists are questioning the wisdom of teaching content as opposed to teaching how to think as a means of dealing with relentless information development and change. Nursing education is also embracing the construct critical thinking as a desirable educational outcome. Some commentators refer to the importance of critical thinking in nursing practice as a central component or in some cases a given. This paper intends to examine the background to the construct and address in detail some of the important questions surrounding critical thinking, and its association with competent nursing practice.  相似文献   

Subplate neurons, the first neurons of the cerebral cortex to differentiate and mature, are thought to be essential for the formation of connections between thalamus and cortex, such as the system of ocular dominance columns within layer 4 of visual cortex. To learn more about the requirement for subplate neurons in the formation of thalamocortical connections, we have sought to identify the neurotransmitters and peptides expressed by the specific class of subplate neurons that sends axonal projections into the overlying visual cortex. To label retrogradely subplate neurons, fluorescent latex microspheres were injected into primary visual cortex of postnatal day 28 ferrets, just prior to the onset of ocular dominance column formation. Subsequently, neurons were immunostained with antibodies against glutamate, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD-67), parvalbumin, neuropeptide Y (NPY), somatostatin (SRIF), or nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Retrograde labeling results indicate that the majority of subplate neurons projecting into the cortical plate reside in the upper half of the subplate. Combined immunostaining and microsphere labeling reveal that about half of cortically projecting subplate neurons are glutamatergic; most microsphere-labeled subplate neurons do not stain for GAD-67, parvalbumin, NPY, SRIF, or NOS. These observations suggest that subplate neurons can provide a significant glutamatergic synaptic input to the cortical plate, including the neurons of layer 4. If so, excitation from the axons of subplate neurons may be required in addition to that from lateral geniculate nucleus neurons for the activity-dependent synaptic interactions that lead to the formation of ocular dominance columns during development.  相似文献   

It is stated in this article that nursing is a professional science the goal being to utilize the nursing practice. New theories are formed or existing theoretical hypotheses are tested by nursing research. The difference between these two approaches is introduced. Nursing research for health promotion, prevention from illness and rehabilitation is discussed. The subject is viewed by the basic concepts of nursing: person, environment, health, nursing interventions. It seems to be essential to develop nursing theory for practise. It means to accept the point of view in which clinical nurses are theorists like academic researches.  相似文献   

Officials from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing report how developments in key areas will affect nursing practice.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic study of arteries in spasm and ischemia of the brain revealed substantial ultrastructural changes in the vascular wall. The changes are characterized by varying thickness, edema, dissociation of fibrillar and amorphous components of internal elastic membrane of the arterial wall, by lesion in the network of collagen fibers on its inner surface, by the presence of defibrotic and uncoiled collagenous fibers of the adventitia. The changes are followed by the impairment of the arterial skeleton and hence they lead to their altered elastic properties.  相似文献   

The hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) protein of influenza C viruses possesses an acetylesterase activity, which appears essential for replication, as determined by reduced infectivity after inhibition of the viral enzyme [Vlasak et al., J. Virol. 63, 2056-2062 (1989)]. Analysis revealed the absence of virus-specific RNA and protein synthesis in infected cells after inhibition of the receptor-destroying enzyme. In addition, hemolytic activity was reduced after incubation of influenza C/JJ/50 virus with diisopropyl-fluorophosphate or 3,4-dichloro-isocoumarin. Further analysis revealed that inhibition of hemolysis depends on virus and erythrocyte concentrations. It is suggested that an active receptor-destroying enzyme is required for entry of influenza C virus into target cells at a step prior to fusion of the viral and cellular membrane. Our data indicate that cleavage of receptors bound to the HE protein is a prerequisite for the low pH-triggered conformational change required for fusion.  相似文献   

In literature as well as in nursing practice a growing concern about nurses' ethical competence can be observed. Based on the cognitive theory of moral development by Kohlberg, this research examined nursing students' ethical behaviour in five nursing dilemmas. Ethical behaviour refers not only to the ethical reasoning of nursing students but also to the relationship between reasoning and behaviour. Kohlberg's definition of morality was refined by adding a care perspective. The results show that the majority of students can be located in the fourth moral stage according to Kohlberg's theory, that is, the conventional level of moral development. This finding implies that students are still guided by professional rules, norms and duties, and have not (yet) succeeded in making personal ethical decisions on the basis of their own principles and acting according to such decisions.  相似文献   

1. Repeated pinching at the scruff produces, in experimental test/retest sessions, prolonged cataleptic-like immobility in mice that may mimic immobilities seen in some natural situations. 2. In the first experiment, on male mice, imipramine and amitriptiline (20 and 30 mg/kg i.p.) augmented the number of pinches necessary to reach the criterion of induced catalepsy and reduced the total time of catalepsy. 3. In the second experiment, on female mice, compounds that modulate the central 5-HT transmission, like fluvoxamine, fluoxetine (20 mg/kg i.p.) and ondansetron (0.1 and 1 mg/kg i.p.), retarded the occurrence and shortened the duration of pinch induced catalepsy at doses that did not modify the open field performances. Maprotiline (a selective inhibitor of the NA reuptake) did not modify the mice's performances in respect to controls. 4. Female mice presented a more rapid occurrence and a prolonged duration of pinch-induced catalepsy in respect to male controls. The present behavioral test may become a simple experimental model to detect new antidepressant or anxiolytic compounds and the significant sex difference could make the test a more useful tool in investigating anxiety behaviour in rodents.  相似文献   

刘新军  梁光军 《黄金》1999,20(6):24-28
针对上下盘围岩不稳固的五龙金矿76#脉难采矿体,通过采用静态留矿法开采,配合全采场锚杆金属网工艺护盘技术,解决了在回采过程中安全问题和二次贫化过大的技术难题,提高了矿房生产能力,减轻了工人劳动强度,给矿山带来了可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

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