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Exsedia公司最近向中国市场推出Nimbus方案,利用绘图设计方式帮助IC设计人员快速开展MPEG、无线或其他通信和网络产品的设计.  相似文献   

赛普拉斯微系统有限公司(Cypress MicroSystems)曰前宣布推出用于其可编程系统级芯片(PSoC)混合信号阵列的PSoC Designer4.0集成开发环境(IDE)。PSoC Designer4.0是一个完整的图形成套工具,它通过提供“点击”系统设计能力而为用户利用PSoC的功能和灵活性给予了帮助。PSoC  相似文献   

赛普拉斯微系统公司(Cypress MicroSystems)日前宣布推出三款用于其可编程系统级芯片(PSoC)混合信号阵列器件的廉价开发套件。这些低成本开发工具使得嵌入式控制系统的设计者能够在无需设计印制电路板的情况下完成PSoC器件的设计、仿真、调试和原型设计。  相似文献   

Cadence设计系统公司发布了电子开发工具SPB16.2版本,全力解决电流与新出现的芯片封装设计问题。最新版本提供了高级IC封装/系统级封装(SiP)小型化、设计周期缩减和DFM驱动设计,以及一个全新的电源完整性建模解决方案。这些新功能可以提高从事单芯片和多芯片封装/SiP的数字、模拟、RF和混合信号IC封装设计师的效率。  相似文献   

自打Cypress公司PSoC(ProgrammableSystem-On-Chip,可编程系统级芯片)和PSoCExpress可视嵌入式设计工具推出之后,一直受到众多电子设计工程师的青睐,主要的原因就是PSoC的可配置功能提供了无限的设计灵活性,以及PSoCExpress无须写入任何代码便能完成设计工作的优势。Cypress公司PSoC开发工具的高级产品经理JonPearson介绍说,PSoC是一种可灵活配置的架构,它取代了基于ASIC、ASSP以及微控制器的传统设计。客户常将PSoC视为闪存可配置ASIC,直到设计的最后一分钟,仍然能改变设计内容,从而确保设备能满足未来发展的需求。据了…  相似文献   

全球电子设计创新领先企业Cadence设计系统公司2007年9月10日发布了一系列用于加快数字系统级芯片(SoC)设计制造的新设计产品。这些新功能包含在高级Cadence SoC与定制实现方案中,为了“设计即所得”(WYDIWYG)的建模和优化。这可以带来根据制造要收能力,便于晶圆厂的签收。在硅谷的CDNLive!用户会议上,Cadence向领先的半导体设计者和经理们展示了自己的45nm设计流程。[第一段]  相似文献   

本文介绍了可编程系统芯片PSoC的设计构架,包括PSoC的内核、数字模块、模拟模块的组成和构造,以及使用PSoC混合信号阵列中的模块可以构造的用户模块和功能模块。最后介绍了“动态重构”的概念。  相似文献   

现今电子系统的不断创新,需要日益先进的、更灵活的解决方案以满足不断发展的系统需求.而设计芯片的费用不断攀升也是业界不争的事实.目前,FPGA正在向高速、高密度、低功耗、低成本的趋势发展,并以这种优势进入原来固定结构定制芯片所服务的大批量、低成本应用市场中.从而使得FPGA很快成为数据通信、电信、无线通信、消费类产品、医疗、工业和军事等市场事实上的系统开发平台.  相似文献   

Although digital signals have been used as inputs in some DNA computing applications, there has been a small research regarding the application of DNA computing principles in solving DSP problems. This article offers a first step towards filling this gap and thus strengthening the ties between biology and signal processing. By focusing the attention of the article to a specific domain, the author believes that many new exciting applications of DNA computation can be discovered. A short overview of molecular biology and tools commonly used in DNA computing is also provided for presentation purposes. This article offers the signal processing community some future directions regarding the unexplored area of research in biocomputing technology.  相似文献   

Digital signal processing and coding are increasingly being recognized as a cost-efficient approach in achieving substantial areal density gains while preserving the high reliability of disk drives, although historically advances in head and media technologies have been the main driving force behind areal density growth. The recent advances in capacity-approaching codes hold the promise to push the areal density to the ultimate limit. Various configurations regarding the interplay between soft detection and soft decoding through an iterative process, as it applies to the magnetic recording channel, are presented. In particular, the state of the art in turbo and turbo-like coding, including LDPC coding, is reviewed, and the serial concatenation of these coding schemes with inner generalized PR channels in a turbo equalization structure is described. Finally, an attempt is made to assess the performance and limitations of these AWGN channel-capacity-approaching codes when applied to the magnetic recording channel.  相似文献   

当前网络安全厂商的硬件平台大多采用基于Pentium CPU为核心的工控机作为网络安全产品的硬件平台(如Firewall、VPN、IDS等),而上海安达通信息安全技术有限公司的安全网关产品却采用基于Motorola PowerPC的嵌入式系统作为硬件平台, 为什么安达通公司会独辟蹊径呢?在我们采访了安达通公司的网关硬件开发部经理后,我们终于明白了所谓的“专用的才会是专业的”道理。采用嵌入式系统作为安全网关的平台具有如下优势:  相似文献   

本文通过对PSoC的动态重配置方案的探讨,分析了如何充分利用资源,实现硅芯片性能的最大化.  相似文献   

This paper will start with a discussion of why probe yield (the number of good chips per silicon wafer) is so important to financial success in integrated circuit manufacturing. Actual data will be quoted and a numerical example shown. A simple model will be given to demonstrate the main factors influencing yield and the relationship between yield and reliability of the final product. In the last few years a range of new tools have been deployed in manufacturing, and these have accelerated the pace of yield improvement, thus increasing competitive pressures. These tools will be described, along with examples of their use. Topics will include in-line inspection and control, automatic defect classification and data mining techniques. A proposal is made to extend these tools to the improvement of reliability of products already in manufacturing by maintaining absolute chip identity throughout the entire wafer fabrication, packaging and final testing steps.  相似文献   

Algebraic reconstruction techniques (ART) are iterative procedures for recovering objects from their projections. It is claimed that by a careful adjustment of the order in which the collected data are accessed during the reconstruction procedure and of the so-called relaxation parameters that are to be chosen in an algebraic reconstruction technique, ART can produce high-quality reconstructions with excellent computational efficiency. This is demonstrated by an example based on a particular (but realistic) medical imaging task, showing that ART can match the performance of the standard expectation-maximization approach for maximizing likelihood (from the point of view of that particular medical task), but at an order of magnitude less computational cost.  相似文献   

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