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To extract knowledge from a set of numerical data and build up a rule-based system is an important research topic in knowledge acquisition and expert systems. In recent years, many fuzzy systems that automatically generate fuzzy rules from numerical data have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a new fuzzy learning algorithm based on the alpha-cuts of equivalence relations and the alpha-cuts of fuzzy sets to construct the membership functions of the input variables and the output variables of fuzzy rules and to induce the fuzzy rules from the numerical training data set. Based on the proposed fuzzy learning algorithm, we also implemented a program on a Pentium PC using the MATLAB development tool to deal with the Iris data classification problem. The experimental results show that the proposed fuzzy learning algorithm has a higher average classification ratio and can generate fewer rules than the existing algorithm.  相似文献   

Fuzzy-Attribute Graph (FAG) was proposed to handle fuzziness in the pattern primitives in structural pattern recognition. FAG has the advantage that we can combine several possible definitions into a single template, and hence only one matching is required instead of one for each definition. Also, each vertex or edge of the graph can contain fuzzy attributes to model real-life situations. However, in our previous approach, we need a human expert to define the templates for the fuzzy graph matching. This is usually tedious, time-consuming and error-prone. In this paper, we propose a learning algorithm that will, from a number of fuzzy examples, each of them being a FAG, find the smallest template that can be matched to the given patterns with respect to the matching metric.  相似文献   

In recent years, many methods have been proposed to generate fuzzy rules from training instances for handling the Iris data classification problem. In this paper, we present a new method to generate fuzzy rules from training instances for dealing with the Iris data classification problem based on the attribute threshold value α, the classification threshold value β and the level threshold value γ, where α  [0, 1], β  [0, 1] and γ  [0, 1]. The proposed method gets a higher average classification accuracy rate than the existing methods.  相似文献   

基于模糊PID控制的微型燃气轮机发电系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据微型燃气轮发电机系统的动态特性,将微型燃气轮机及其电气部分当作一个整体,建立了微型燃气轮机发电系统完整的数学模型,并在转速环加入模糊PID控制器,分析了微型燃气轮机系统孤网带负荷时的动态特性。仿真结果验证了基于模糊PID控制的微型燃气轮机发电系统具有良好的稳定性和灵活性。  相似文献   

A general solution method for the automatic generation of decision (or classification) trees is investigated. The approach is to provide insights through in-depth empirical characterization and evaluation of decision trees for one problem domain, specifically, that of software resource data analysis. The purpose of the decision trees is to identify classes of objects (software modules) that had high development effort, i.e. in the uppermost quartile relative to past data. Sixteen software systems ranging from 3000 to 112000 source lines have been selected for analysis from a NASA production environment. The collection and analysis of 74 attributes (or metrics), for over 4700 objects, capture a multitude of information about the objects: development effort, faults, changes, design style, and implementation style. A total of 9600 decision trees are automatically generated and evaluated. The analysis focuses on the characterization and evaluation of decision tree accuracy, complexity, and composition. The decision trees correctly identified 79.3% of the software modules that had high development effort or faults, on the average across all 9600 trees. The decision trees generated from the best parameter combinations correctly identified 88.4% of the modules on the average. Visualization of the results is emphasized, and sample decision trees are included  相似文献   

This article proposes a method to parallelize the process of generating fuzzy if-then rules for pattern classification problems in order to reduce the computational time. The proposed method makes use of general purpose computation on graphics processing units (GPGPUs)’ parallel implementation with compute unified device architecture (CUDA), a development environment. CUDA contains a library to perform matrix operations in parallel. In the proposed method, published source codes of matrix multiplication are modified so that the membership values of given training patterns with antecedent fuzzy sets are calculated. In a series of computational experiments, it is shown that the computational time is reduced for those problems that require high computational effort.  相似文献   

The integration of fuzzy methods and neural networks often leads to nonsmoothness of the neural network and, consequently, to a nonsmooth training problem. It is shown, that smooth training methods as e.g. backpropagation fail to converge in this case. Thus a method – based on so called bundle-methods – for training of nonsmooth neural network is presented. Numerical results obtained from a character recognition problem show, that this method still converges where backpropagation fails.  相似文献   

为了解决传统文件模糊测试效率不高与功能遗漏的缺点,提出一种新的文件模糊测试算法.基于文件的规范,抽象地描述了文件推导规则,定义了文件模糊测试模板,设计了文件模糊变异模型.在规范描述下生成不同类型文件,然后对每类文件进行变异模糊测试,有效地减少了大量无效测试.实际测试中,已经验证3个已公开漏洞并发现两个未公开漏洞,表明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Automatic fuzzy ontology generation for semantic Web   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ontology is an effective conceptualism commonly used for the semantic Web. Fuzzy logic can be incorporated to ontology to represent uncertainty information. Typically, fuzzy ontology is generated from a predefined concept hierarchy. However, to construct a concept hierarchy for a certain domain can be a difficult and tedious task. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes the FOGA (fuzzy ontology generation framework) for automatic generation of fuzzy ontology on uncertainty information. The FOGA framework comprises the following components: fuzzy formal concept analysis, concept hierarchy generation, and fuzzy ontology generation. We also discuss approximating reasoning for incremental enrichment of the ontology with new upcoming data. Finally, a fuzzy-based technique for integrating other attributes of database to the ontology is proposed.  相似文献   

Ou  Hongxu  Yu  Long  Tian  Shengwei  Chen  Xin 《Knowledge and Information Systems》2022,64(4):1101-1119
Knowledge and Information Systems - Recent studies have shown that after adding small perturbations that are imperceptible to humans, deep neural networks (DNNs) with good performance and popular...  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic approach to design first order Tagaki-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy systems. This approach attempts to obtain the fuzzy rules without any assumption about the structure of the data. The structure identification and parameter optimization steps in this approach are carried out automatically, and are capable of finding the optimal number of the rules with an acceptable accuracy. Starting with an initial structure, the system first tries to improve the structure and, then, as soon as an improved structure is found, it fine tunes its rules’ parameters. Then, it goes back to improve the structure again to find a better structure and re-fine tune the rules’ parameters. This loop continues until a satisfactory solution (TSK model) is found. The proposed approach has successfully been applied to well-known benchmark datasets and real-world problems. The obtained results are compared with those obtained with other methods from the literature. Experimental studies demonstrate that the predicted properties have a good agreement with the measured data by using the elicited fuzzy model with a small number of rules. Finally, as a case study, the proposed approach is applied to the desulfurization process of a real steel industry. Comparing the proposed approach with some other fuzzy systems and neural networks, it is shown that the developed TSK fuzzy system exhibits better results with higher accuracy and smaller size of architecture.  相似文献   

This article proposes an automatic characterization method by comparing unknown images with examples more or less known. Our approach allows to use uncertain examples but easy to obtain (e.g. by automatic retrieval on the Internet). The use of fuzzy logic and adaptive clustering makes it possible to reduce automatically the noise from this database by preserving only the examples having a strong level of redundancy in the dominant shapes. To validate this method, we compared our artificial process of recognition with the estimation of human operators. The tests show that the automatic process gives an average accuracy of the characterization near to 95%.  相似文献   

It is proposed to use evolutionary programming to generate finite state machines (FSMs) for controlling objects with complex behavior. The well-know approach in which the FSM performance is evaluated by simulation, which is typically time consuming, is replaced with comparison of the object’s behavior controlled by the FSM with the behavior of this object controlled by a human. A feature of the proposed approach is that it makes it possible to deal with objects that have not only discrete but also continuous parameters. The use of this approach is illustrated by designing an FSM controlling a model aircraft executing a loop-the-loop maneuver.  相似文献   

Case generation using rough sets with fuzzy representation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a rough-fuzzy hybridization scheme for case generation. Fuzzy set theory is used for linguistic representation of patterns, thereby producing a fuzzy granulation of the feature space. Rough set theory is used to obtain dependency rules which model informative regions in the granulated feature space. The fuzzy membership functions corresponding to the informative regions are stored as cases along with the strength values. Case retrieval is made using a similarity measure based on these membership functions. Unlike the existing case selection methods, the cases here are cluster granules and not sample points. Also, each case involves a reduced number of relevant features. These makes the algorithm suitable for mining data sets, large both in dimension and size, due to its low-time requirement in case generation as well as retrieval. Superiority of the algorithm in terms of classification accuracy and case generation and retrieval times is demonstrated on some real-life data sets.  相似文献   

A new scheme of knowledge-based classification and rule generation using a fuzzy multilayer perceptron (MLP) is proposed. Knowledge collected from a data set is initially encoded among the connection weights in terms of class a priori probabilities. This encoding also includes incorporation of hidden nodes corresponding to both the pattern classes and their complementary regions. The network architecture, in terms of both links and nodes, is then refined during training. Node growing and link pruning are also resorted to. Rules are generated from the trained network using the input, output, and connection weights in order to justify any decision(s) reached. Negative rules corresponding to a pattern not belonging to a class can also be obtained. These are useful for inferencing in ambiguous cases. Results on real life and synthetic data demonstrate that the speed of learning and classification performance of the proposed scheme are better than that obtained with the fuzzy and conventional versions of the MLP (involving no initial knowledge encoding). Both convex and concave decision regions are considered in the process.  相似文献   

A neural fuzzy system with fuzzy supervised learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A neural fuzzy system learning with fuzzy training data (fuzzy if-then rules) is proposed in this paper. This system is able to process and learn numerical information as well as linguistic information. At first, we propose a five-layered neural network for the connectionist realization of a fuzzy inference system. The connectionist structure can house fuzzy logic rules and membership functions for fuzzy inference. We use alpha-level sets of fuzzy numbers to represent linguistic information. The inputs, outputs, and weights of the proposed network can be fuzzy numbers of any shape. Furthermore, they can be hybrid of fuzzy numbers and numerical numbers through the use of fuzzy singletons. Based on interval arithmetics, a fuzzy supervised learning algorithm is developed for the proposed system. It extends the normal supervised learning techniques to the learning problems where only linguistic teaching signals are available. The fuzzy supervised learning scheme can train the proposed system with desired fuzzy input-output pairs which are fuzzy numbers instead of the normal numerical values. With fuzzy supervised learning, the proposed system can be used for rule base concentration to reduce the number of rules in a fuzzy rule base. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the performance and applicability of the proposed system.  相似文献   

The author has developed a novel approach to fuzzy modeling from input-output data. Using the basic techniques of soft computing, the method allows supervised approximation of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. Typically, a small number of rules are produced. The learning capacity of FuGeNeSys is considerable, as is shown by the numerous applications developed. The paper gives a significant example of how the fuzzy models developed are generally better than those to be found in literature as concerns simplicity and both approximation and classification capabilities  相似文献   

Our system uses fuzzy logic to bipartition cells in VLSI circuits. The system uses fuzzy logic principles to generate net and cell indices and a bottom-up clustering algorithm to produce the two-way partition. We tested our algorithm on eleven ISCAS89 benchmark circuits and compare its performance with that of other implementations. The journal issue contains a concise summary of this article. The complete article is linked to Micro's home page on the World Wide Web (http://www.computer.org/pubs/micro/micro.htm)  相似文献   

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