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Coupled gas chromatographic (GC)–electroantennographic detection (EAD) analyses of ovipositor extract of calling Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, females revealed that seven compounds elicited responses from male antennae. Four of the compounds—(2S)-tridec-2-yl acetate, (2S,10Z)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate, (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate, and (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-ol—were identified previously in female extracts. Two new EAD-active compounds, (2S,8Z,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate and (2S,8E,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate, were identified by GC–mass spectroscopy (MS) and the use of synthetic reference samples. In a Y-tube bioassay, a five-component blend (1 ng (2S)-tridec-2-yl acetate, 10 ng (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate, 1 ng (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-ol, 1 ng (2S,8Z,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate, and 1 ng (2S,8E,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate) was as attractive to male Hessian flies as a similar amount of female extract (with respect to the main compound, (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate). The five-component blend was more attractive to male flies than a three-component blend lacking the two dienes. Furthermore, the five-component blend was more attractive than a blend with the same compounds but that contained one tenth the concentration of (2S,8E,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate (more accurately mimicking the ratios found in female extract). This suggests that the ratios emitted by females might deviate from those in gland extracts. In a field-trapping experiment, the five-component blend applied to polyethylene cap dispensers in a 100:10 μg ratio between the main component and each of the other blend components attracted a significant number of male Hessian flies. Also, a small-plot field test demonstrated the attractiveness of the five-component blend to male Hessian flies and suggests that this pheromone blend may be useful for monitoring and predicting Hessian fly outbreaks in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

More than twice the number of mated female Hessian flies,Mayetiola destructor (Say) entered a zone within 1 cm of a paper strip treated with one plant equivalent (PE) of a chloroform extract of wheat foliar waxes compared to a strip treated with solvent only; females also stayed six times longer and laid 10 times more eggs on the strip treated with the wheat extract. Column chromatographic fractionation of the wheat extract and application of these fractions onto filter paper strips showed four fractions elicited significant numbers of eggs to be laid. Single, binary, and tertiary combinations of three of these fractions (two of the four fractions apparently contained similar compounds) were tested. The greatest numbers of eggs were laid on strips treated with the tertiary combination or the binary combination conaining the two most active fractions (3 and 6); three times the number of eggs were laid on strips treated with this binary combination than the sum of eggs laid on strips treated with these two fractions separately. A comparison of grasses and their extracts showed female Hessian flies laid greater numbers of eggs on wheat or rye than on barley or oat. Fractionated barley and oat extracts were tested for activity as for wheat, and a similar pattern was observed, i.e., the greatest numbers of eggs were laid on fractions 3 and 6. Dose-response tests, using these two fractions of wheat, barley, or oat showed the same threshold of activity for fraction 3 for all three extracts, i.e., 2 PE. In contrast, fraction 6 of wheat was active at the lowest dosage tested, 0.25 PE, while the same fraction of either barley or oat was not active until tested at a dosage of 2 PE. It appears that (at least) two chemicals in the foliar waxes of these grasses influence ovipositional behavior of female Hessian flies. Furthermore, given the similar foliar chemistry of these grasses and the strong synergistic interaction between fractions 3 and 6 shown for wheat extract, it is likely that the ovipositional preferences exhibited by female Hessian flies towards these grasses may be explained by quantitative differences in the amount(s) of the active chemical(s) in their respective fraction 6 (most polar fraction tested).  相似文献   

In a wind-tunnel, male Hessian flies flying toward a source of the female-produced sex pheromone exhibited flight maneuvers very similar to those described for male moths. Upwind flight, consisting of zigzagging and straight flight upwind, was initiated within seconds after flies were placed in the odor plume. This upwind flight was sometimes interrupted by casting, which consisted of wide excursions in the horizontal plane ranging 10–35 cm across the central zone of the tunnel. Comparison of the flight maneuvers of males exposed to ten female equivalents of a hexane extract of female ovipositors and males exposed to 20 ng of (2S)-(E)10-tridecen-2-yl acetate (SE10-13:OAc), which has been identified as a component of the Hessian fly sex pheromone, indicated that the sex pheromone probably contains additional components. However, SE10-13: OAc elicited upwind flight and source location by a significant number of males, even at dosages as low as 2 ng on filter paper. At the highest dosage of SE10-13:OAc tested (200 ng on filter paper), there was a significant decrease in net flight velocity and a slight, but not significant, reduction in the number of males contacting the odor source. The addition of increasing amounts of the R enantiomer to the S enantiomer resulted in increased inhibition of upwind flight and source contact by males.  相似文献   

Compounds identified in sex pheromone gland extracts of femaleFumibotys fumalis (Guenee) consisted of (E,E)-10,12-tetradecadienyi acetate, (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate in a ratio of 100:18: 8:4, respectively. The compounds were identified by electroantennographic, gas Chromatographic, mass spectrometric, and chemical derivatization procedures. In mint fields synthetic components in gray elastomeric septa at ratios found in the sex pheromone gland and at doses of 3 or 10 mg of the diene produced trap catch comparable to traps baited with three females.Lepidoptera: Pyralidae  相似文献   

Four pheromonal components have been detected in ovipositor washings and volatiles from female sugarcane stalk borers,Chilo auricilius Dudgeon (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), using combined gas chromatography-electroantennography. The components have been identified as (I) (Z)-7-do-decenyl acetate, (II) (Z)-8-tridecenyl acetate, (III) (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate, and (IV) (Z)-10-pentadecenyl acetate by comparison of their gas chromatographic behavior with that of synthetic standards. In field tests carried out in northern India during 1982–1984, a combination of II, III, and IV in their naturally occurring ratio (841) was shown to provide a highly attractive synthetic source for trap use. (Z)-7-Dodecenyl acetate was found to reduce catches of maleC. auricilius, both when dispensed with the other three components and when released from dispensers surrounding a trap baited with the other three components.  相似文献   

A sex pheromone extract from fall cankerworm moths,Alsophila pometaria, attracted conspecific males in field tests. Four EAG-active components were isolated from the extract and identified by GC-MS, highfield PMR spectroscopy, and microchemical techniques asn-nonadecane (I), (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene (II), (Z,Z,Z,E)-3,6,9,11-nonadecatetraene (III), and (Z,Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9,11-nonadecatetrane (IV). Studies of the behavioral responses of male moths in a flight tunnel to the isolated components showed II, III, and IV were the major components of the sex pheromone. No sex pheromone behavioral responses were observed for I.Lepidoptera: Geometridae.issued as NRCC No. 22964.  相似文献   

Two compounds identified as components of the sex pheromone system ofRhyacionia frustrana are (E)-9-dodecen-1-yl acetate (I) and (E)-9,11-dodecadien-1-yl acetate (II), which were found in female gland extracts in the ratio of 964, respectively. The identifications were based on chemical and instrumental analyses, electroantennogram studies, and field trapping tests. The optimum ratio for trapping maleR. frustrana is the range of 955 to 97.52.5 (III), when dispensed from rubber septa at a loading of ca. 1000/g/lure. In addition to these two compounds, evidence was obtained for the presence of dodecan-1-ol and (E)-9-dodecen-1-ol in female tip extracts and in female effluvium, and for dodecan-1-yl acetate in female tip extracts.Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae.Supported in part by the Rockefeller Foundation and by National Science Foundation grants GB-38020 and PCM 78-13241.  相似文献   

Ovipositor washings from virgin femaleSpodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were analyzed by high-resolution gas chromatography (GC) linked to a male electroantennogram (EAG). GC retention times of the two major EAG responses observed were consistent with their assignment as (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate and (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate, as previously identified. However, three other EAG responses were also noted that had GC retention times consistent with (Z)-9-tetradecenal, (Z)-9-tetradecen-1-o 1, and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate. The components were present in the ratio of 10051.53.54, respectively. Further analysis of the ovipositor washings by GC linked to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS) confirmed these findings and indicated the presence of a sixth component consistent with (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate present at 2 % of the major component. In field tests carried out in Kenya, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate was the only newly identified component to enhance the catch of the original two-component mixture when presented in their natural ratio. The addition of (Z)-9-tetradecen-1-ol reduced catch, while (Z)-9-tetradecenal and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate had no apparent effect.  相似文献   

(E,E)- and (E,Z)-8,10-Dodecadien-1-ol acetates were identified in a 14.3 ratio in the extract of abdominal tips of female filbert-worm moths,Melissopus latiferreanus (Walsingham). The identifications were based on electroantennogram (EAG) analysis, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, ozonolysis, and synthesis. TheE,Z isomer produced the stronger EAG response. In the field tests of various ratios ofE,EE,Z, the ratio found in the extract captured the most males. The pureE,E isomer initially was not attractive by itself (<0.1%E,Z) but became attractive after a few days, presumably because of isomerization. TheE, Z isomer (<0.1%E,E) was attractive initially, but this compound might have isomerized faster than theE,E isomer. A study of the isomerization showed that regardless of the initial mixture of 8,10-dodecadien-1-ol acetate isomers, almost complete equilibration existed after one month. The equilibrium mixture consisted of 9%Z8,E10, 65%E8,E10, 23%E8,Z10, and 3%Z8,Z10. Concentrations in rubber septa (14 ratio ofE,E toE,Z) of 0.03–3.0 mg/septum produced equivalent trap catches.This paper reports the results of research only. Mention of a commercial product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

The stereospecific synthesis of the sex pheromone produced by the female Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman), (R,Z)-5-1-decenyl)-dihydro-2(3H)-furanone, is described. The pure syntheticR,Z form is a powerful attractant for males of the species in field bioassays and was competitive in attractiveness with live females, whereas the racemicZ isomer and theS,Z enantiomer were strong inhibitors of male response. The saturated analogs of both enantiomers were also synthesized stereospecifically.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of that product by the USDA.  相似文献   

Chromatograms of the cuticular lipids washed from recently emerged female and maleFannia canicularis (L.) flies were nearly identical, but by the time the flies were 5 days old, the cuticular components of the two sexes differed considerably. A monoolefin which constituted 66% of the cuticular lipid from 5-day-old females stimulated a copulatory response from males and was identified as (Z)-9-pentacosene. The cuticular lipid of the same age males contained only 1% of this compound. Although all the major constituents of the cuticular lipid from mature females were hydrocarbons, 27% of the lipid washed from 5-day-old males was a nonhydrocarbon material that was represented by a single GLC peak. This material was identified as heneicosan-8-ol acetate.Diptera: Muscidae.A portion of a dissertation intended for submission by the first author to the Graduate School of the University of Maryland in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.Mention of a proprietary or commercial product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the University of Maryland.  相似文献   

(E)-9,11-Dodecadienyl acetate and (Z)-9,11-dodecadienyl acetate in conjunction with (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate were found to comprise the sex pheromone ofSparganothis directana, based on chemical analysis, electroantennogram tests, and field trapping. (E)-9-Dodecenyl acetate and (Z)-9-dodecenyl acetate were also found in gland extracts but did not influence trap catches. The relative amounts of these compounds in the gland were 3521928 106, in the order named. Only (E)-9,1 1-dodecadienyl acetate, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate were required for attraction of males to traps, dispensed in the relative amounts 501238, respectively.Lepidoptera: Tortricidae.Supported by National Science Foundation grant PCM 78-13241.  相似文献   

The female-emitted pheromone ofGrapholitha molesta (Busck), the Oriental fruit moth, was collected by holding females in glass flasks during calling. Flask washes were found to contain four pheromone components: (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate and (E)-8-dodecenyl acetate in a 1007 ratio, and (Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol and dodecanol in a 10020 ratio. The ratio of (Z)-8-acetate to (Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol was approx. 10030. Approximately 0.1–0.2 ng of pheromone was recovered per female per hour of calling.Published as Journal Article No. 8598 of the Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

A sex pheromone of the sweetpotato weevil,Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers), was obtained from collections of volatiles from virgin females, and pheromone was isolated by means of liquid and gas chromatography. The purification procedure was monitored by quantitative laboratory and field bioassays and the compound was identified as (Z)-3-dodecen-1-ol (E)-2-butenoate by means of spectroscopic and microchemical methods. Synthesis, followed by laboratory and field bioassays, showed that the biological activity of the synthetic material was qualitatively and quantitatively indistinguishable from that of the purified natural product.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement by the USDA.  相似文献   

The synthetic aggregation pheromone of the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) (Lygaeinae), also attracted males of the plant bug, Phytocoris difficilis Knight (Miridae). Field testing partial blends against the six-component blend comprising the Oncopeltus pheromone showed that cross-attraction of P. difficilis males was due to synergism between (E)-2-octenyl acetate and (E,E)-2,4-hexadienyl acetate. Hexyl acetate was abundant in the metathoracic scent gland (MSG) secretion of P. difficilis males, but because female P. difficilis could not initially be found in the field, further combinatorial tests were guided by prior research on the pheromones of two Phytocoris species in the western United States. The combination of hexyl, (E)-2-hexenyl, and (E)-2-octenyl acetates was as attractive to P. difficilis males as the milkweed bug pheromone, yet no milkweed bugs were drawn to this blend. Gas chromatographic (GC)-electroantennographic detection (EAD) and GC-mass spectrometric (MS) analyses of female P. difficilis MSGs determined that their secretion contained predominantly hexyl, (E)-2-hexenyl, and (E)-2-octenyl acetates (all strongly EAD-active)—the latter two compounds found only in trace amounts from males—plus five minor female-specific compounds, three of which were EAD-active. (E,E)-2,4-Hexadienyl acetate was not detected from P. difficilis females or males. The blend of the three major components, hexyl, (E)-2-hexenyl, and (E)-2-octenyl acetates (2:1.5:1 by volume), was as attractive as the blend of all six EAD-active compounds identified from females, indicating that this ternary blend constitutes the sex pheromone of P. difficilis. Hexyl acetate with (E)-2-octenyl acetate also attracted males of another species, P. breviusculus Reuter, but addition of (E)-2-hexenyl acetate and/or (E,E)-2,4-hexadienyl acetate inhibited attraction of P. breviusculus males. Attraction of P. difficilis males occurred mainly during the first half of scotophase. The possible neurophysiological basis for this asymmetrical cross-attraction is discussed.  相似文献   

Four groups of inhibitor-like genes that encode proteins with diverse structures were identified from wheat. The majority of these genes were upregulated by avirulent Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), larvae during incompatible interactions, and were downregulated by virulent larvae during compatible interactions. The upregulation during incompatible interactions and downregulation during compatible interactions resulted in four- to 30-fold differences between the expression levels in resistant plants and those in susceptible plants. The increased expression of inhibitor-like genes during incompatible interactions suggested that these genes are part of defense mechanisms in wheat against Hessian fly attacks, whereas the downregulation during compatible interactions suggested that virulent larvae can suppress plant defenses. Both the upregulation of the inhibitor-like genes during incompatible interactions by avirulent larvae and the downregulation during compatible interactions by virulent larvae were through mechanisms that were independent of the wound response pathway.  相似文献   

(Z)-11-Tetradecen-1-yl acetate, (E)-11-tetradecen-1-yl acetate, and (Z)-11-tetradecen-1-ol were previously reported as the sex pheromone in New York strains of the oblique-banded leafroller,Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), and (E)-11-tetradecen-1-ol was tentatively identified in female tip extracts. For Okanagan Valley strains ofC. rosaceana, an additional component, (Z)-11-tetradecenal, was identified from female tip extracts by split-less capillary gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy and was strongly stimulatory in electroantennogram studies. In field tests, 3 mg of 96.521.5 (Z)-11-tetradecen-1-yl acetate, (E)-11-tetradecen-1-yl acetate, and (Z)-11-tetradecen-1-ol (containing approx. 1%E isomer) was not as attractive as female-baited traps, and significant numbers of European leafrollerArchips rosanus L. were attracted. The above blend with 1% (Z)-11-tetradecenal added was significantly more attractive than traps baited with femaleC. rosaceana, butA. rosanus males were still attracted. Increased percentages of (Z)-11-tetradecenal up to 4% caused increased catches ofC. rosaceana and decreased catches ofA. rosanus. Low amounts of (E)-11-tetradecen-1-ol and (E)-11-tetradecenal male also contribute to increased specificity of the synthetic pheromone blend toC. rosaceana.Lepidoptera: Tortricidae.Contribution No. 638, Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Summerland, British Columbia, Canada.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to identify and field test the sex pheromone of female Douglas-fir cone gall midge, Contarinia oregonensis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses of pheromone extract revealed a single compound (A) that elicited responses from male antennae. Hydrogenation of pheromone extract, followed by renewed GC-EAD analysis, revealed a new EAD-active compound with chromatographic characteristics identical to those of tridecan-2-yl acetate on five fused silica columns (DB-5, DB-210, DB-23, SP-1000, and Cyclodex-B). Syntheses, chromatography, and retention index calculations of all possible tridecen-2-yl acetates suggested that the candidate pheromone A was a tridecadien-2-yl acetate with nonconjugated double bonds. Synthetic candidate pheromone component (Z,Z)-4,7-tridecadien-2-yl acetate (Z4Z7) cochromatographed with A on all analytical columns and elicited comparable antennal activity. In GC-EAD analyses that separated the enantiomers (Z,Z)-4,7-tridecadien-(S)-2-yl acetate (2S-Z4Z7) and (Z,Z)-4,7-tridecadien-(R)-2-yl acetate (2R-Z4Z7) with baseline resolution, only 2S-Z4Z7 as a component in a racemic standard or in pheromone extract elicited antennal responses. In Douglas-fir seed orchards, sticky traps baited with 2S-Z4Z7 captured male C. oregonensis, whereas 2R-Z4Z7 was behaviorally benign. Comparable catches of males in traps baited with racemic Z4Z7 (50 g) or virgin female C. oregonensis suggested that synthetic pheromone baits could be developed for monitoring C. oregonensis populations in commercial Douglas-fir seed orchards.  相似文献   

The male sexual behavior-stimulating and inhibiting properties of a series of analogs of the European corn borer sex pheromone were determined in a flight tunnel. The structural requirements for inhibition of pheromonal response were far less restrictive than those for elicitation of that response. Analogs that by themselves elicited upwind flight response from males at a low dose were generally less inhibitory to male response than many of the analogs that had no pheromonal activity. These findings suggest that many pheromone analogs bind to pheromone receptors without provoking behavioral response and possibly undergo slower degradation on the antenna than pheromonally active compounds. The disparity of response to analogs by two pheromonal types of the European corn borer indicates that the pheromone receptor and pheromone catabolic systems are biochemically very different in the two types.  相似文献   

Four C14 straight-chain acetate esters—(Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, (E)-9-tetradecenyl acetate, and tetradecyl acetate—were isolated and identified from the diethyl ether extracts of the abdominal tips of adult female European corn borers,Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). The compounds were isolated using a combination of high-resolution gel-permeation, adsorption highpressure liquid, and micropreparative gas chromatography. Identifications were made by gas chromatography, a combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, and microdegradative chemical methods.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation or an endorsement of that product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Energy Research and Development Administration.Joint contribution: Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Energy Research and Development Administration; and Journal Paper No. J-8565 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station. Project 2183.  相似文献   

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