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大洋多金属结核1km海上开采实验系统的扬矿管所受水平液动力由多个参数决定.本文从系统总体设计参数出发,得出了其他各种参数值,并根据Morison方程详细推导了海浪和海流的速度和加速度的表达式,最后采用数值积分的方法得出了液动力随时间和深度的变化曲线.在同一水深处,总液动力随时间的变化规律接近于正弦(余弦)曲线;而在同一时刻,总液动力则随水深绝对值的增加而递减,在水深0m至水深-200m内,递减速度很快;总液动力最大值为3.790kN.  相似文献   

介绍了扬矿硬管设计内容、步骤和方法,参照石油套管设计和API标准,结合扬矿硬管结构特征和作业条件,推导了管体应力和三维抗拉强度计算式.设计计算内容包括扬矿工艺参数和管体结构强度两个组成部分.并结合海上中试扬矿作业条件进行了扬矿工艺参数分析,给出了设计计算实例.  相似文献   

深海采矿系统中,扬矿管受采矿船的航行速度及海浪、海流等因素的影响会发生横向偏移的问题.对带有集中质量的阶梯式扬矿管的横向偏移进行了建模,并用枷辽金(Galerkin)方法进行求解,通过计算机的模拟计算,分析了扬矿管在不同情况下横向偏移的特性.  相似文献   

为了研究螺纹与球铰连接两种情况下的扬矿管系统的整体水平运动,建立了螺纹连接和球铰连接扬矿管系统的几何模型,分析了系统的受力和约束情况,并分别用有限元和虚拟样机技术进行了4级海况时瞬时动态分析和动力学分析.结果表明:螺纹连接扬矿管系统的最大横向偏移量较小,但是管体承受很大的弯矩;在球铰连接的系统中偏移量为6m左右,管体不受弯矩,相当于柔性管,接头应选用耐磨性较好的材料.  相似文献   

介绍不同雷诺数下海水绕流深海扬矿管的流动情况,分析管面形成层流及湍流边界层的分离过程,比较二者分离点的位置及压差阻力情况,分析绕流阻力和举力的形成过程、计算方法、影响因素及相应的减阻措施。  相似文献   

以2D12-100/8型空压机为例,介绍连杆螺栓伸长测量法的计算方法,在空压机连杆装配工艺中应用此方法,可以计算出合理的螺栓预应力,提高空压机运行的可靠性。  相似文献   

针对平行刃剪切机冷剪不同材质的金属,在改变剪刃相对测向间隙△h0(五种值)以及有无压板的情况下,实测了剪切铅、铝、钢时的剪切力,并结合理论计算进行了分析比较;同时对现有各计算剪切力的公式进行了评述。  相似文献   

In bed-load sediment transport, the lifting force plays an important role in reducing the friction between sediment particles and the bed surface, and it makes particle transportation by the shear force easier. Because the lifting force is related to vorticity, a three-dimensional (3D) numerical model incorporating large eddy simulations was applied to simulate the vorticity field in a channel bend. The results show that the distribution of vorticity is highly nonuniform, and it can lead to significant variations in lifting force and bed-load sediment transport per unit width in a channel bend. Relevant theories are modified on the basis of physical reasoning and then incorporated into numerical models to investigate the lifting-force effects on the bed topography and bed-surface sediment size gradation in a channel bend. With the lifting-force effects considered, it is shown that the errors in simulated bed topography can be reduced by approximately 40% and in bed-surface sediment size by 50%.  相似文献   

The calculation of force for a roll system has significant effects on cold rolled thin strip gauge adjustment of a 20-high Sendzimir mill. According to the rolling parameters and rolling plans of a ZR-22BS-42 Sendzimir mill in a silicon steel factory, the contact force and the resultant force of each roll in the roll system were calculated both in the static state and in the rolling state through C++ programs. It was found that the contact force between the second intermediate driven roll and the back-up rolls B and C was much lower than that between the other rolls in static state. The results also demonstrated that the resultant force are 59. 5% — 62%, 37. 7% —10. 3%, 87. 1% — 88. 7% and 53. 9% — 56. 7% of the rolling force at the second intermediate driven roll, the second intermediate idler roll, the back-up rolls B and C and the back-up rolls A and D, respectively. It was also revealed that the minimum contact force generated between the first intermediate roll and the second intermediate idler roll is 206. 7 kN on the first rolling pass, and that on the second rolling pass, the minimum contact force generated between the second intermediate driven roll and the back-up roll C is 470. 7 kN.  相似文献   

针对管棒材在单曲率矫直时矫直力无精确数学模型仅靠人工经验或反复试矫确定的实际问题,运用ANSYS/LS - DYNA对矫直过程进行了动态可视化仿真,得到了矫直过程中最大矫直力数据,并通过现场实验证明了分析结果的正确性和可信性.  相似文献   

以ANSYS数值计算为工具,定量分析了横向磁通感应加热过程中频率、聚磁硅钢片相对磁导率及钢管材料磁导率变化对焊缝区域感应涡流场的影响。数据分析表明,提高电源频率可以明显提高感应焦耳热场的水平,其最大值和平均值都会提高;增加硅钢片的相对磁导率也可以提高焦耳热的水平,高频时提高的幅度更大。加热过程中钢管温度的升高导致钢管材料相对磁导率下降并降低感应加热效率。  相似文献   

石华敏 《铝加工》2003,26(5):53-55
本文通过选择合适的铝箔轧制力计算公式,从理论上较为准确的计算出高压阳箔成品道次所需轧制力,并应用于实际生产,对高压阳极箔生产工艺的制定具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

介绍了钢管行业自动化生产设备或生产线的常用机械结构和应用特点,为以后钢管自动化生产设备的设计提供很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

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