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永磁交流伺服系统参数自学习模糊控制器设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为进一步改善永磁交流伺服系统的动静态性能,设计了一种基于单神经元的参数自学习模糊控制器,它在控制规则数与二维控制器相当的基础上,可实现三维模糊控制的效果。模糊推理方法基于相平面,直接输入连续量进行推理,计算量小。引入的单神经元采用改进的BP算法来实现比例因子的在线自学习。该控制器结构及算法简单,易于解析实现,具有通用性。将其用于永磁交流伺服系统,实验结果验证其控制性能较PI算法更佳,提高了系统的性能。  相似文献   

将神经网络与模糊逻辑控制结合起来,设计模糊神经网络控制器应用于交流伺服系统中的转速调节器,克服交流调速系统中参数漂移、非线性和耦合等因素的影响.针对模糊神经网络控制器运算量大、收敛慢的特点,硬件采用数字信号处理器(DSP)作为控制器运算单元,并在DSP上实现模糊神经控制算法,提高了系统实时性.实验结果表明,采用该控制器的调速系统具有较快的响应速度、较高的稳态精度和较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network controller is experimentally implemented on the Texas Instruments TMS320C30 digital signal processor (DSP). The controller emulates indirect field-oriented control for an induction motor, generating direct and quadrature current command signals in the stationary frame. In this way, the neural network performs the critical functions of slip estimation and matrix rotation internally. There are five input signals to the neural network controller, namely, a shaft speed signal, the synchronous frame present and delayed values of the quadrature axis stator current, as well as two neural network output signals fed back after a delay of one sample period. The proposed three-layer neural network controller contains only 17 neurons in an attempt to minimize computational requirements of the digital signal processor. This allows DSP resources to be used for other control purposes and system functions. For experimental investigation, a sampling period of 1 ms is employed. Operating at 33.3 MHz (16.7 MIPS), the digital signal processor is able to perform all neural network calculations in a total time of only 280 /spl mu/s or only 4700 machine instructions. Torque pulsations are initially observed, but are reduced by iterative re-training of the neural network using experimental data. The resulting motor speed step response (for several forward and reverse step commands) quickly tracks the expected response, with negligible error under steady-state conditions.  相似文献   

Results of the design and application of new mechatronic systems with dc motors and transistor power transducers for mining excavators are considered. Intelligent motion control provides a high dynamic performance and individual adjustment of drives, eliminating impacts and passing into critical zones. The application of modern dc motor transistor transducers makes it possible to reduce power consumption by 20–30% compared to conventional excavators with Ward–Leonard drives and to reduce the specific power intensity of excavation. The power factor of the excavator is maintained constant and equal to a specified value in all operating modes, which ensures optimum electromagnetic compatibility of the excavator and a feeder line. New intelligent systems provide full control of all the main operating parameters of the excavator, loads on the working bodies, and the condition of all equipment components, as well as analysis and presentation in tabular and graphical form of the basic technological parameters of excavator performance (a volume of loaded mined rock, productive time, energy consumption, etc.). Intelligent systems contain a remote monitoring module. Results of the design and experience in commercial production and operation of mechatronic systems for single-bucket mining excavators with transistor power transducers as a part of main motion electric drives are given.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the implementation and experimental results of a closed-loop rotor flux observer and model reference adaptive system (MRAS) of a direct field-oriented control (FOC) of an induction motor drive. The motor was supplied from a high-frequency (20 kHz) AC resonant link via a MOS-controlled-thyristor (MCT)-based bidirectional converter. Hardware and software implementations of the various motor control functions are presented. The closed-loop observer combines the current and voltage models via a speed-dependent gain (SDG). The current model was formulated to operate in the rotor reference frame and requires only an encoder angle and not the actual rotor speed for implementation. The closed-loop observer permits the use of a pure analog integrator to calculate an adequate stator flux. The use of an AC resonant link further complicated an all-digital calculation of the stator flux. The observer and adaptive controller were tested on a 400-Hz 2-hp induction motor for low and high speeds. The closed-loop observer showed sensitivity at low speeds to the rotor circuit time constant which attributed to the current model rotor flux estimation. At high speed, the closed-loop observer followed the voltage model rotor flux estimation attributes. The MRAS was able to improve the complete speed response by correcting the current model rotor flux observer for errors in estimation of its parameters  相似文献   

基于DSP的FIR滤波器的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
详细介绍了一种以DSP为核心的FIR低通滤波器的设计方法。首先利用MATLAB中的辅助设计工具FDATool设计出符合要求的FIR低通滤波器,对它进行模拟仿真得到FIR滤波器的单位冲激响应参数,然后采用线性缓冲区和带移位的双操作数寻址方式在TMS320VC5509A DSP芯片上实现一个混合输入信号的低通滤波。实验结果表明,利用该方法所设计的FIR滤波器满足所要求的性能指标。  相似文献   

车道线检测是智能交通中的研究重点之一,论文以DSP为载体,设计并实现了嵌入式车道线检测系统,同时针对于该系统提出了一种新的快速有效的检测算法,该算法结合了特征提取与模型匹配的各自优点,主要通过对图像的采集、自适应、中线提取、车道线匹配和最小二乘法拟合来最终实现。嵌入式系统采用模拟PAL制摄像头采集图像,图像经解码后输入到DSP中得到处理。实验结果表明,该系统车道线检测结果清晰,干扰小,效果良好,并能很好的满足实时要求。  相似文献   

嵌入式DSP图像处理系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实时地检测视频图像点目标位置,设计了基于TMS320F2812DSP和Spartan3-SC3S400的实时图像处理系统。提出了嵌入式图像处理系统的总体方案及硬件结构,DSP与FPGA之间的接口关系及硬件设计原理图、该系统以DSP处理器为核心,由Camera link图像转换芯片,FPGA芯片,"看门狗"电路和通信接口构成。软件工作流程为外触发信号是7μs宽的低电压有效信号,当低电平有效时,相机开始积分成像,积分时间结束后,数据开始输出图像数据,系统以场有效信号为控制信号,在场信号有效时,FPGA进行基本的图像预处理工作,并将有效数据发送给DSP,由DSP完成目标的连通性分析,并将分析结果发送给控制系统。实验结果表明:在输入图像为1 024×1 024,12位工作频率为10f/s的情况下,DSP软件的处理时间为1.3ms左右,该方案设计简单,运行稳定可靠,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new and practical real-time gain-tuning method for proportional plus integral (PI) controllers has been formulated and implemented, using the speed control of a permanent-magnet synchronous motor drive system as a testbed. While the novel strategy enhances the performance of traditional PI controller greatly and proves to be a completely model-free approach, it also preserves the simple structure and features of PI controllers. The essential idea is as follows: (1) according to the system dynamics to step variation, define a performance index to evaluate the system response; (2) based on the monotonous relationship between the performance index and an intermediate PI gain parameter, this latter parameter is estimated with a modified binary search algorithm in order to improve the performance index; and (3) finally, PI gains are calculated and renewed according to the estimated intermediate gain parameter. Experiments have been thoroughly carried out to test the proposed method under different conditions. Besides being simple and easy to implement for real-time applications, the proposed method also possesses features such as versatility, stability, and effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper suggests new linear and fuzzy control solutions for tape drive-based transport systems. The linear control solution involves a cascade control system with inner state-feedback controller and outer PI controllers. The fuzzy control solution employs a Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy controller to schedule 11 separately designed linear controllers depending on measured take-up reel radius. Two simulation scenarios illustrate the control system performance enhancement ensured by the fuzzy control solution.  相似文献   

基于DSP控制的IPM数字化直流伺服驱动系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某型装备直流伺服驱动系统改造为背景,介绍IPM构成H桥的功率变换电路及其外围电路,阐述了驱动系统工作在单极倍频可逆PWM模式下控制过程和基于DSP实现控制的软件流程。试验表明,改造的数字伺服系统工作可靠、动态响应快、噪音低。  相似文献   

The load variation of the electrohydraulic servo system causes degradation of the control characteristic. This is because the flow characteristic of the flow control valve depends on the load condition. Here, we propose the flow calculation formula to have continuous flow between turbulent and laminar flow so that we compose the linear plant model with a scheduling parameter. Then, we design gain‐scheduled controllers for the velocity and hydraulic force control. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 146(3): 65–73, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10239  相似文献   

Optimal design for fuzzy controllers by genetic algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fuzzy control has been applied to various industrial processes; however, its control rules and membership functions are usually obtained by trial and error. Proposed in this paper is an optimal design for membership functions and control rules simultaneously by a genetic algorithm (GA). GAs are search algorithms based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. They are easy to implement and efficient for multivariable optimization problems, such as fuzzy controller design. The simulation result shows that the fuzzy controller thus designed can achieve good performance merely by using a few fuzzy variables  相似文献   

基于混沌预测模型的聚类自适应模糊控制器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据混沌非线性、大时滞系统的时间序列及所得的Lyapunov指数规律,计算出系统的可预报尺度,对系统做了高精度预测;在此基础上,将聚类算法和模糊控制相结合,设计了一种新型的聚类自适应模糊预测控制器。将该控制器应用于锅炉的单元机组负荷控制系统中,实现了对非线性和大时滞系统的自适应控制.结果表明,该方案的适应性、实时性都很强,具有很强的工程实用价值。  相似文献   

The principles and design methodologies of acceleration feedback and its use to substantially improve the performance of DC servo drives are demonstrated. The impetus is the need to improve the stiffness of drives used in motion control applications where load fluctuations cause unacceptable motion errors. It is demonstrated that the acceleration feedback allows substantially higher overall stiffness without requiring higher bandwidths of the velocity and position loops. It is shown that acceleration feedback acts as an `active inertia,' which acts to produce the higher stiffness. These underlying principles are developed in a straightforward manner and the performance is demonstrated via both simulation and experiments on two DC drive test systems  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method of robust gain scheduling control design by intelligent control that uses a fuzzy neural network without a model. We create a system that is robust and capable of automatic gain control against the conventional fixed PID control system, design a neural network which learns inverse dynamics as feedforward compensation, along with a two‐degree‐of‐freedom control to perform feedback compensation, produce a control system which adaptively adjusts the gain according to changes of the target errors, and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 169(4): 21–28, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20820  相似文献   

直线电机伺服系统的自适应模糊摩擦补偿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对受摩擦力影响,接触运动的直线电机在低速运动时速度常会不平稳、系统控制精度降低的问题,提出一种自适应摩擦补偿方法.通过模糊模型参数的自适应调整,实现摩擦力值的在线估计,并据此进行摩擦补偿,以克服摩擦对电机性能的影响.该方法采用复合自适应律,同时利用系统输出误差与参数估计误差的相关信息进行参数调整,以提高模糊模型参数收敛的速度,使参数估计值在一定条件下收敛到最优值.并在理论上证明了该方法的闭环稳定性与参数收敛性.仿真结果表明,此方法能实现摩擦的在线估计与补偿,从而提高直线电机的控制性能.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于DSP的直流伺服电机的功率驱动电路。电路设计是基于实际工作系统下的舵机驱动电路总体设计,分别对该驱动电路中光电隔离电路、电机驱动电路、H桥逆变电路及过流保护电路模块进行分析、设计,对整体电路进行可靠性试验验证,经试验证明,该设计可满足舵机设计要求,能在航空系统稳定、可靠工作。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a brushless drive system with an adaptive fuzzy-neural-network controller. First, a neural network-based architecture is described for fuzzy logic control. The characteristic rules and their membership functions of fuzzy systems are represented as the processing nodes in the neural network structure. Then, the fuzzy rules and input-output of the system are tuned by the supervised gradient decent learning algorithm. Using an experimental setup, the performance of the proposed controller is evaluated under various operating conditions. Test results are presented and discussed. The controller is shown to be robust, adaptive, and capable of learning. The effectiveness of the fuzzy-neural-network controller is demonstrated by its encouraging study results, when compared with those of a proportional-integral controller  相似文献   

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