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DGT801系列数字变压器保护装置中的变压器差动保护是发变组诸多保护中的重点和难点,很多现场调试人员对此一知半解,尤其是在校验差动比率段的时候感觉比较吃力。为保证今后校验及事故处理的需要,根据本人多年来的实践经验,以大屯发电厂#6机组主变差动保护为例,针对南自的数字式DGTS01系列保护装置的接线和算法进行分析,并对如何使用一台博电继电保护校验仪实现对变压器比率差动保护进行校验的方法和具体步骤进行了讨论,通过该方法可以完成该类型保护的校验。 相似文献
变压器差动保护的校验往往是保护校验工作的难点,结合变压器差动保护原理,通过实例阐明变压器各侧差动定值的折算关系,理论结合实际详述了单相校验法、三相校验法的步骤及方法,便于人员理解和掌握。 相似文献
变压器在电力系统中起着关键的作用,所以在其运行中要设置各种保护,纵差动保护就是众多保护中的一种。纵差动保护在对其进行保护时要躲过不平衡电流,才不致误判断,误动作。但是在变压器空载合闸时会产生励磁涌流,它是额定电流的6~8倍,如何抑制其对纵差动保护的影响,本文将从励磁涌流产生的原因等方面进行阐述。 相似文献
变压器是电力系统中大量使用的重要电气设备,它的故障对供电可靠性以及系统的正常运行带来严重的后果。因此,要对变压器装设性能良好、动作可靠的保护。差动保护因为其具有选择性好、灵敏度高、可靠稳定等一系列优点,成为变压器保护中的主保护。 相似文献
刘振东 《中国新技术新产品》2011,(14):148-148
变压器是电力系统中的重要设备,本文简要阐述了变压器差动保护的工作原理,分析了差动保护不平衡电流产生的原因,并提出了相应的防范措施。 相似文献
继电保护为一次设备的安全设立了一道屏障,大量事实表明做好继电保护工作对电力系统的安全稳定运行具有重要作用。由于变压器在电网中处于非常重要的地位,一旦它发生故障将给电网的运行带来很大的影响,因此主变保护在继电保护中属于重中之重。本文针对南瑞继保的RCS-978主变保护装置,详细分析了主变稳态比率差动保护原理,介绍了RCS-978的动作特性以及其软件实现相位补偿的算法,给出了校验主保护整定值的方法。以明确主变保护定检作业步骤,提高工作效率。 相似文献
本文对判断变压器差动保护电流回路接线是否正确,所采用的相量分析法和带负荷检验法进行了分析和介绍。两种方法相辅相成,在安装调试阶段用相量分析法作判断,之后用带负荷检验法进行核验,以确保接线正确。 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement》1972,21(3):249-255
This paper describes a new concept for compensating for sensitivity changes of a differential transformer due to variations in temperature and excitation conditions. The idea is based on utilization of the individual outputs from the secondary coils, not only as a differential output but also as a reference output. The differential transformer usually has two secondary coils connected in opposition to obtain a differential output. If the voltages induced in the individual secondary coils e1 and e2 are individually taken out and if the operation (e1 - e2)/(e1 + e2), is carried out, then the result becomes independent of temperature and excitation conditions. The experiments, which were made to confirm the effectiveness of this method, gave quite impressive and hopeful results: superior temperature, excitation independence and linearity. 相似文献
我们用微分变换方法来解非线性微分方程,首先给出微分变换方法的定义和算子,通过求解非线性微分方程的几个实例来验证这个方法的准确性和有效性。 相似文献
Problems requiring regression analysis of censored data arise frequently in practice. For example, in accelerated testing one wishes to relate stress and average time to failure from data including unfailed units, i.e., censored observations. Maximum likelihood is one method for obtaining the desired estimates; in this paper, we propose an alternative approach. An initial least squares fit is obtained treating the censored values as failures. Then, based upon this initial fit, the expected failure time for each censored observation is estimated. These estimates are then used, instead of the censoring times, to obtain a revised least squares fit and new expected failure times are estimated for the censored values. These are then used in a further least squares fit. The procedure is iterated until convergence is achieved. This method is simpler to implement and explain to non-statisticians than maximum likelihood and appears to have good statistical and convergence properties. The method is illustrated by an example, and some simulation results are described. Variations and areas for further study also are discussed. 相似文献
This paper presents a new design for a torque sensor based on a differential capacitive technology. An arc-radial mechanism is adopted to achieve high rotary/radial motion linearity. Kinematic model of this assembly is derived via vector loop equations. A nonlinearity index is formulated and practical kinematic constraints are imposed. Results show that very high kinematic linearity could be achieved by this new device 相似文献
本文基于变压器绕组变形测试仪的频率响应测试原理,设计变压器绕组变形测试仪的频率响应、激励信号的校准方法. 相似文献
Chein-Shan Liu 《计算机、材料和连续体(英文)》2009,10(1):97-116
A new numerical method is proposed for solving the delay ordinary differential equations (DODEs) under multiple time-varying delays or state-dependent delays. The finite difference scheme is used to approximate the ODEs, which together with the initial conditions constitute a system of nonlinear algebraic equations (NAEs). Then, a Fictitious Time Integration Method (FTIM) is used to solve these NAEs. Numerical examples confirm that the present approach is highly accurate and efficient with a fast convergence. 相似文献