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铬渣(COPR) 是采用铬铁矿生产铬化合物过程中产生的固体废弃物,因其含有六价铬被列为危险固体废物。铬渣的堆放对环境具有较强的危害,寻求经济、高效、无二次污染的治理方法是治铬工作者们关注的焦点。采用生物质香蕉皮对液相氧化法铬渣开展了解毒工艺研究。在反应温度为90 ℃、香蕉皮添加量为10%(以渣质量计)、反应时间为1.5 h、加酸量为4 mol/kg(以1 kg铬渣加入的氢离子物质的量计)、液固体积质量比为3 mL/g的最佳工艺条件下,解毒后铬渣的浸出毒性远小于一般工业固体废弃物的环保排放标准,可以作为一般固体废弃物进行填埋。通过对香蕉皮解毒铬渣过程中铬元素在各物流中的分布与价态变化分析,发现香蕉皮解毒铬渣的过程为吸附耦合还原机理。  相似文献   

生物质能通过热化学加工的开发利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生物质的开发利用对废弃资源回收、能源结构转换、环境改善和保护等方面具有重大意义,本文综述了生物质热化学加工方法的研究现状以及所得产品的品种和应用。  相似文献   

段黎萍 《化工进展》2007,26(7):970-973
介绍了美国国家可再生实验室对木质纤维素生物质生产燃料乙醇的能量效率的模拟结果,并应用该模拟结果,估算了不同的原料、不同的生产工艺(如糖化发酵时间和精馏方式),各个生产单元的过程能耗。这些估算结果有助于选择较为合适的原料和生产工艺。  相似文献   

Algal cultivation has tremendous potential in wastewater treatment, and its simultaneous biomass production has advantages for the production of value added products such as biodiesel, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals. Some obstacles to obtaining a productive biological water treatment and bioenergy system are the harvesting and processing of biomass. Such issues can be addressed using nano‐bio hybridization approaches by simplifying the microbial harvesting step along with increasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment. This review highlights studies within our research group that are based on the fabrication of functional hybrid materials using algal biomass, including: (i) electrospun nanofibers; (ii) laminar nanomaterials; and (iii) magnetic nanoparticles impregnated in a polymer. All of these techniques have been used for the removal of waste pollutants such as nitrate and phosphate ions. The multidisciplinary techniques have potential to provide effective algal culture systems for industrial applications, while having a significant impact on wastewater treatment. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

There is an increasing concern with the environmental problems associated with the increasing CO2, NOx and SOx emissions resulting from the rising use of fossil fuels. Renewable energy, mainly biomass, can contribute to reduce the fossil fuels consumption. Biomass is a renewable resource with a widespread world distribution. Tomato processing industry produces a high amount of biomass residue (peel and seeds) that could be used for thermal energy and electricity. A characterization and thermogravimetric study has been carried out. The residue has a high HHV and volatile content, and a low ash, and S contents. A kinetic model has been developed based on the degradation of hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin and oil that describe the pyrolysis of peel, seeds and peel and seeds residues.  相似文献   

Whereas cooperative effect in catalysis, in which multiple chemical interactions participate cooperatively to achieve significant enhancement in catalytic activity and/or selectivity, is common in enzymatic reactions, it has been sparingly employed in heterogeneous catalytic systems. Here, some recent literature examples of abiotic catalysis, with emphasis on heterogeneous systems, that employ cooperation between acid and base and two metal centers are briefly described to demonstrate the principles involved. Since effective cooperation places strict demand on the positions of the different functional groups, new synthetic methods and strategies are needed to design and construct structures useful for cooperative catalysis. Recent progress in our laboratory in synthesizing new nanocage structures that possess molecular-size cavities, atomic layer thick, porous shells with internal functional groups is described. These recent developments suggest possibilities of new catalytic transformations that have not been attempted before. This is illustrated with two speculative examples utilizing cooperative catalysis: oxidative hydrolytic desulfurization and terminal carbon activation of hydrocarbon molecules.  相似文献   

In this article, we report studies of two new forms of highly active supported catalysts. First, those derived from supported carbonylate clusters—nanocatalysts and second, those produced from the heterogenization of known chiral homogeneous systems. The utilization of established cluster compounds of precisely known composition and structure have proved invaluable in the preparation of mixed metal nanoparticles of well-defined composition. The attachment of these nanoparticles to the inner walls of mesoporous silica has led to the development of highly active and effective catalysts for a series of hydrogenation reactions, emphasizing the enhanced reactivity of these metal systems as a consequence of their size and of the low coordination numbers of the metal atoms involved. These attributes combined with the relative ease of characterization of both the active sites and their location has led to a detailed examination of the role of these nanosystems in a new approach to clean technology. In an alternative strategy, the use of heterogenized homogeneous chiral catalysts based on the ferrocenyl moiety and diamino ligands and linked to the inner surface of mesoporous materials either by a direct chemical bond or by an ionic interaction has also been explored. These catalysts have been shown to be highly effective in the enantioselective synthesis of organic compounds. Significantly, we have found that the mesopore (usually MCM-41) imposes spatial restrictions arising from the concavity of the inner surface and leads to greatly enhanced enantioselective (ee) performance.  相似文献   

《Focus on Catalysts》2003,2003(10):2-3

Hardly a single polymerization process exists in which certain accelerating, regulating, and modifying ingredients are not used with great advantage even though they might be present only in very small quantities. In the early years of the art, when there did not yet exist a well-founded understanding of the mechanism of polymerization processes, the action of these ingredients and additives so much resembled the phenomenon of normal catalysis that the name catalysts was used for them. Today, in the clarifying hindsight of a rather well-developed theory of polymerization reactions, it is evident that in most cases the role of these substances during the formation of macromolecules does not fall in the domain of the classical definitions of the words catalysis and catalyst.  相似文献   

波谱学在催化剂表征中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窦林萍 《山西化工》2002,22(4):22-24
介绍了红外光谱,拉曼光谱,核磁共振,X光电子能谱的表征能力及其在表征催化剂中的作用。红外和拉曼光谱可用于研究表面分子和载体结构;核磁共振可得到分子或原子团所处的化学环境;X光电子能谱可以了解元素的化学态,了解和掌握这些表征有助于进行催化剂的研究。  相似文献   

Hardly a single polymerization process exists in which certain accelerating, regulating, and modifying ingredients are not used with great advantage even though they might be present only in very small quantities. In the early years of the art, when there did not yet exist a well-founded understanding of the mechanism of polymerization processes, the action of these ingredients and additives so much resembled the phenomenon of normal catalysis that the name catalysts was used for them. Today, in the clarifying hindsight of a rather well-developed theory of polymerization reactions, it is evident that in most cases the role of these substances during the formation of macromolecules does not fall in the domain of the classical definitions of the words catalysis and catalyst.  相似文献   

Aerogels offer interesting opportunities for catalysis due to their unique morphological and chemical properties. These properties originate from their wet-chemical preparation by the solution-sol-gel (SSG) method and their subsequent liberation from the solvent via critical-point drying or supercritical (or hypercritical) drying (SCD). Due to the “structure-preserving” ability of SCD, the usually oxidic (or metallic) aerogels are solids of high porosity and specific surface area.  相似文献   

Catalysis and combustion have long been linked. In fact, the science of catalysis stems from Davy's discovery [1] that platinum wires could promote the flameless combustion of flammable fuel-air mixtures. Today, catalysis is a mainstay of our modern chemical industry. Oxidation catalysts are used not only for the complete oxidation of fuels to carbon dioxide and water, as in radiant catalytic tent heaters and fume abatement devices, but also for the selective partial oxidation of hydrocarbons or other “fuels” to produce basic chemicals such as ethylene oxide (from ethylene), terephthalic acid (from p-xylene), and nitric acid (from ammonia). However, despite the long-known capability of catalysts to oxidize hydrocarbons without significant production of carbon monoxide, soot, or thermal NOx, there seemed little possibility that catalytic oxidation reactors could ever displace conventional flame combustors as primary fuel combustors. This is because the volumetric heat release rates of conventional catalytic oxidation reactors are far too low to be competitive with the flame combustor.  相似文献   

Catalysis in Combustion   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Catalysis and combustion have long been linked. In fact, the science of catalysis stems from Davy's discovery [1] that platinum wires could promote the flameless combustion of flammable fuel-air mixtures. Today, catalysis is a mainstay of our modern chemical industry. Oxidation catalysts are used not only for the complete oxidation of fuels to carbon dioxide and water, as in radiant catalytic tent heaters and fume abatement devices, but also for the selective partial oxidation of hydrocarbons or other “fuels” to produce basic chemicals such as ethylene oxide (from ethylene), terephthalic acid (from p-xylene), and nitric acid (from ammonia). However, despite the long-known capability of catalysts to oxidize hydrocarbons without significant production of carbon monoxide, soot, or thermal NOx, there seemed little possibility that catalytic oxidation reactors could ever displace conventional flame combustors as primary fuel combustors. This is because the volumetric heat release rates of conventional catalytic oxidation reactors are far too low to be competitive with the flame combustor.  相似文献   

Aerogels in Catalysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Aerogels offer interesting opportunities for catalysis due to their unique morphological and chemical properties. These properties originate from their wet-chemical preparation by the solution-sol-gel (SSG) method and their subsequent liberation from the solvent via critical-point drying or supercritical (or hypercritical) drying (SCD). Due to the “structure-preserving” ability of SCD, the usually oxidic (or metallic) aerogels are solids of high porosity and specific surface area.  相似文献   

Eric G. Derouane 《CATTECH》2003,7(3):104-105

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