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ABSTRACT:  Studies have shown the beneficial effects of soy and high-protein diets on weight loss. The objective of this study was to determine consumer acceptance of a soy-based high-protein breakfast cereal developed to be utilized for weight loss and control. Four formulations with soy flour content of 41%, 47%, 54%, and 60% (w/w) were processed by extrusion. The formulations met the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines to claim the role of soy protein in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and guidelines for high-protein and high-fiber foods. The effects of soy flour level, addition of cinnamon flavor, and evaluation with or without milk on acceptance were investigated. Overall acceptance of 3 of 8 cereal products was also compared to the acceptance of 5 commercial products in the "healthy" cereal category. Addition of up to 54% (w/w) soy flour resulted in comparable acceptance ratings to products with lower soy flour content. Addition of milk improved aroma and texture acceptance scores and addition of cinnamon flavor improved overall, aroma, and taste acceptance scores. Acceptance of the developed cereal products was not as high as the commercial products; however, it significantly increased when nutritional and cost information was presented. The results of this study demonstrated that with modification of the formulations, an acceptable high-protein soy-based cereal can be developed to increase protein consumption during breakfast meals, which can consequently aid in weight loss and control.  相似文献   

综述了谷物膳食纤维的制备、改性、检测方法以及在食品工业中的应用等方面的研究进展.尽管近几十年来谷物膳食纤维的研究取得了很大进步,但对其定义、检测、改性方法、生理功能的体内验证及其作用机制等基础研究以及其工业应用技术还有待进一步深入研究和探索.  相似文献   

Five dietary fibre rich ingredients were used at 5%, 10% and 15% replacement levels in a white flour cereal base to produce an extruded cereal product. The inclusion of the dietary fibres into the flour bases had no significant effect on the expansion ratio of the products. However, the bulk density of the extruded products increased with inulin addition. The pasting properties of the raw flour and fibre base as well as the extruded products were altered with the incorporation of dietary fibre, with guar gum enriched products showing elevated peak and final viscosity readings. This appeared to be related to moisture manipulation and hence the regulation of gelatinisation. In vitro starch hydrolysis of the raw bases and the extruded samples illustrated that the extrusion process significantly increased the availability of carbohydrates for digestion. Additionally, the inclusion of dietary fibres in the raw bases significantly reduced the rate and extent of carbohydrate hydrolysis of the extruded products. As such the addition of dietary fibres to extruded products reduced the amount of readily digestible starch components of breakfast products, and increased the amount of slowly digestible carbohydrates.  相似文献   

谷物食品是人类能量摄入的主要来源之一,随着人们生活水平的提高,谷物食品的营养价值和食用品质受到了广泛关注。发酵是改善食品性质、功能及营养缺陷的重要方法,也是谷物加工的重要手段。乳酸菌能够利用碳水化合物进行生长代谢,在食品工业中被广泛应用于各种发酵制品,其发酵产生的代谢产物有许多重要的生理功能,包括调节肠道菌群平衡、提高免疫力、抗菌和抗肿瘤等。因此,乳酸菌发酵在谷物食品中的研究与应用,对提升食品品质具有重要意义。本文综述了乳酸菌发酵对谷物营养成分、生物功能和结构、理化性质的影响,总结了乳酸菌发酵谷物产品的优势以及乳酸菌发酵在多种谷物产品中的应用,分析了乳酸菌发酵谷物食品目前研究的不足及可能的发展方向, 拟为乳酸菌发酵在谷物中的研究与开发提供参考。  相似文献   

通过采用双螺杆挤压蒸煮技术,比较研究了八种常见五谷杂粮挤压产物的物理性质(膨胀度、体积密度),功能性质(吸水指数、水溶指数),质构性质(硬度、脆性、保脆性),挑选出具有良好保脆性的原料,根据它们的营养成分,利用Lingo设计最优的配方组成。结果表明,小米、玉米、大麦、小麦具有良好的保脆性,适合做谷物早餐的原料。最佳配方为:小米55%、玉米25%、大麦10%、小麦10%,可使必需氨基酸指数达到最大值,营养价值最高。   相似文献   

玉米皮膳食纤维在酥性饼干中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将玉米加工副产物玉米皮经适当处理制得高品质膳食纤维,并用于高膳食纤维饼干的生产。通过正交试验,对影响高膳食纤维饼干品质的膳食纤维用量、膳食纤维的处理方法、膳食纤维粒度及添加剂用量4项主要因素进行分析,确定了高膳食纤维饼干的最佳工艺及配方。结果表明:采用高压蒸煮法处理玉米膳食纤维,将玉米膳食纤维(CDF)置于适当压强0.15MPa的高压蒸煮器中处理30min后获得高品质玉米膳食纤维(HCDF),用量为15%,粒度为0.154mm,疏松剂用量为0.4%,乳化剂用量为0.3%。产品中所含玉米膳食纤维膨胀力为5.2mL/g,持水力为4.0g/g(高达400%),结合水力为3.1g/g。通过对饼干综合品质进行感官品质鉴评,产品品质最好。  相似文献   

酶制剂在婴儿营养米粉生产中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用酶解技术将组成婴儿米粉的主要成分一淀粉部分水解成糊精和低聚糖、麦芽糖等,从而成功地解决了传统米粉生产工艺中存在的缺陷,对婴儿营养米粉的生产具有参考价值。  相似文献   

以稻花香米糠、长粒香米糠、籼米米糠、小米米糠、麦麸粗麸、麦麸细麸、燕麦麸皮、甜荞皮粉、苦荞皮粉、小米皮粉等10种谷物麸皮为实验原料提取水溶性膳食纤维(soluble dietary fiber, SDF),研究了其理化特性、功能特性以及分子结构之间的差异性。结果表明:苦荞皮粉SDF的持水能力最强,小米皮粉SDF的持油能力最强,麦麸细麸SDF吸水膨胀性最强。稻花香米糠SDF、长粒香米糠SDF、小米米糠SDF和甜荞皮粉SDF不具有吸水膨胀性。10种SDF葡萄糖结合能力在56.95~432.83 mg/g之间。SDF胆固醇吸附能力在0.41~66.21 mol/g之间,具有显著性差异。麦麸粗麸SDF的ABTS自由基清除率和DPPH清除率最高,小米米糠SDF羟自由基清除率最高。10种SDF总抗氧化能力在2.00~5.59μmol/g之间,具有显著性差异。扫描电镜结果显示,10种SDF微观结构不同,有的表面凹凸不平呈颗粒状,有的平滑多孔;傅里叶红外吸收光谱呈现不同的强弱峰。综上所述,不同来源SDF的分子结构、理化特性、功能特性存在明显差异性,可根据需要选择不同结构和功能的SDF进行利用。  相似文献   

选取豌豆、红豆和绿豆三种样品豆,并分别制备豆全粉、除纤维素豆粉、豆淀粉三种样品,研究它们溶胀度、可溶指数、直链淀粉含量、糊化性、质构性等性质。结果表明,三种样品豆的豆全粉、除纤维素豆粉、豆淀粉的粘度差异较大,其中以豆淀粉粘度最高,除纤维素豆粉次之,豆全粉粘度最低;豆淀粉硬度、胶粘性和咀嚼性高于豆全粉和除纤维素豆粉;随温度升高,三种样品豆的豆全粉、除纤维素豆粉、豆淀粉溶胀度和可溶指数均呈现递增趋势,其中豆全粉可溶指数明显高于除纤维素豆粉和豆淀粉;在较高温度下,豆淀粉溶胀度要高于除纤维素豆粉和豆全粉。  相似文献   

详细介绍了以玉米渣为原料制取玉米膳食纤维的方法,并对不同比例的玉米膳食纤维在面包生产中的应用做了研究。感官鉴评的正交试验表明,配方为面粉200g,面粉改良剂1.6g,起酥油10g,水75mL, 玉米膳食纤维7%,植物奶油8%,砂糖25%,CSL-SSL 0.2%,单甘酯0.6%,酵母用量1%。经过二次发酵法可以制得具有浓郁自然香味和美好的烘烤外观的玉米膳食纤维面包。  相似文献   

介绍了微生物谷氨酰胺转胺酶的理化性质和作用机理.详细描述了谷氨酰胺转胺酶在谷物制品中的应用,重点叙述了其在面制品中的用途,并展望了其在食品中的广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

以猪肉为原料,添加胡萝卜、大豆膳食纤维、玉米粒等制成营养早餐肠,采用正交实验方式确定优化组合。试验结果表明:大豆分离蛋白5%、大豆膳食纤维5%、胡萝卜块4%、玉米粒3%时营养早餐肠的品质最佳。  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of starch characteristics on the quality of noodle making, white salted noodles (WSN) made from reconstituted flours, in which the wheat starch was substituted by different cereal starches, including waxy and non-waxy rice starches, waxy wheat starch and waxy corn starch, were prepared. The rheological properties of raw WSN were mainly influenced by the size of starch granules, where the small starch granules, such as for rice starches, exhibited high amounts of water absorption during dough preparation and a dense packing of starch granules inside a thin gluten-strand network. The rheological properties of cooked WSN were mainly dominated by the amylose content and fine structure of the amylopectin, which resulted in the differences in water absorption and cooking time required for cooked WSN.  相似文献   

本文研究了不同比例(100:0、75:25、50:50、25:70及0:100)玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉混合物的糊化及凝胶特性。结果表明,玉米淀粉的峰值黏度(3.07 Pa?s)、最终黏度(2.99 Pa?s)、稠度系数(11.31)及流体行为指数(0.39)均显著低于马铃薯淀粉(分别7.04 Pa?s、3.98 Pa?s、33.18和0.62),而糊化温度(76.18℃)显著高于马铃薯淀粉(71.05 ℃),混合物的相应值均介于2种纯淀粉之间,但并不呈线性关系,凝胶的破断力和水分子状态等参数也呈类似特征,表明2种淀粉在搅拌下加热糊化时发生了相互作用。静置状态下加热测得的凝胶化焓值呈累加效应。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  To evaluate a practical method of determining more accurately conversion factors for calculating the protein contents of foods from the total nitrogen content, 19 cereal products found in Japan were analyzed for total nitrogen, amino acid nitrogen, and amide nitrogen, and then the nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors were calculated. The average conversion factors were 5.75 for rice, 5.81 for wheat, and 5.95 for others. These values, corresponding to the proportion of the amino acid residue to amino acid nitrogen recovered from 20 amino acids, were lower than the currently applied factors to these foods, except for wheat flour and amaranth. The use of this factor for estimating the protein content results in a considerable difference from the estimate based on amino acid residue concentrations, due to the wide variations in amino acid composition and to the presence of a significant level of nonprotein nitrogen. The distribution of the protein nitrogen recovered from the amino acids to total nitrogen averaged 93%. Adjusted conversion factors corresponding to the proportion of the amino acid residue to total nitrogen averaged 5.26 for rice, 5.47 for wheat, and 5.54 for other cereal products. Protein contents estimated using these factors are in good agreement with the contents defined as amino acid residues.  相似文献   

The texture of extruded starch products has been measured sensorially and instrumentally. The instrumental data were analyzed using different approaches such as fractal analysis and peak analysis. The data showed useful correlations between sensory crispness and crackliness and a parameter obtained from the application of a newly developed fractal method to analyze the force deformation curve obtained from a penetration test of the cereal samples. This suggests that fractal analysis of the force‐deformation plots could be used instead of sensory analysis. Moreover, it was observed that an increase in water content altered the texture of starch based samples from crispy to crackly, whereas the texture of starch‐sucrose samples remained unchanged in the same hydration range. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

糖基化产物与心血管疾病、糖尿病等多种慢性病的发生有关,因此对食品中糖基化产物含量的评价尤为重要。研究了不同酶解条件对结合态糖基化产物的释放,并且建立了以色度、吸光度、荧光强度等为考察指标综合评价不同反应途径的糖基化产物含量的体系。结果表明:分别采用E320μg/mL和640μg/mL酶解焙烤类谷类食物,40℃酶解36 h,结合态糖基化产物释放较为充分。谷物早餐中美拉德反应产物含量低于饼干和面包;荧光性晚期糖基化终产物含量大小依次为:饼干(1 890 AU/mg)面包(1 886 AU/mg)谷物早餐(1 678 AU/mg)。另外,早餐谷物中初期(A_(208))、中期糖基化产物(A_(360))显著高于饼干和面包(P0.05),而早餐谷物中期和末期糖基化反应产物(戊糖素、5-HMF和HMF)含量显著低于面包和饼干(P0.05)。  相似文献   

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