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Mine Water and the Environment - Hydrogeology plays an important role in tailings storage facility (TSF) design. In this paper, we present hydrogeologic considerations for TSF design and operations... 相似文献
Mine Water and the Environment - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10230-021-00776-0 相似文献
La Parrilla is a tungsten and tin mine located in western Spain. The tailings facility has a total capacity for 3 Mm3 and will be executed in four different phases. The main constraint for the design and construction of the tailings dam is that it has been constructed over an existing one from the 1980s. The construction activities involved removal and substitution of the old tailings from the southern portion of the facility, ground improvement with gravel columns over an area of about 10,000 m2, and construction of the dyke’s dam. This article describes the main design and construction aspects, including monitoring, until the dam’s completion in June 2019. 相似文献
Most mining operations produce waste material, or tailings, which is commonly stored within impoundments known as tailings storage facilities (TSFs). A common TSF design involves depositing slurry on tailings ‘beaches’ which are sloped towards a containing wall or central pond which collects excess water. A crucial aspect of safely operating TSFs is managing the residual moisture content of the deposited tailings, which requires an accurate understanding of the water balance of the TSF. However, evaporation from a TSF is particularly hard to quantify as the degree of surface wetness varies spatially and temporally, and moisture content depends on the time since tailings deposition and the prevailing climate. This study addresses these issues at an active TSF by combining field measurements, models, and satellite observations. Evaporation from open water was measured using a floating evaporation pan and evaporation from the tailings beaches was investigated using micro-lysimeter measurements. Evaporation rates for different moisture contents were expressed as a fraction of open water evaporation and a strong relationship was developed for use in satellite analysis. Spatial and temporal patterns of open water and moisture content were determined at 20 m resolution using moisture indices applied to Sentinel-2 satellite scenes. Continuous open water evaporation rates and spatial moisture content information were combined to estimate total TSF evaporation. Comparison of TSF evaporation rates to those derived using an existing site water balance model showed very good agreement. The methodology developed could be applied at other locations around the world. 相似文献
This paper summarizes an environmental impact and mitigation assessment plan developed for a tailings storage facility stability upgrade project at a Canadian base-metal mine. The plan details environmental aspects relevant for channel modification involving the narrowing of a creek channel width. Planning for a tailings storage facility stability upgrade is site-specific, however, this paper details a number of aspects that may be taken into consideration when planning for a project of a similar nature. These aspects include: evaluation of environmental effects and their significance, analyses of cumulative effects, in-situ fish habitat characterization and enhancement program, regulatory requirements, provisions for accidents and malfunctions and fisheries compensation requirements. These considerations together with the proposed monitoring activities for the on-going construction activities are reviewed and discussed in this paper. These aspects can be applied to similar situations when considering factors such as topography, geology, climate, biophysical setting, availability of construction materials, mode of construction, reclamation options and applicable laws. 相似文献
概述加拿大一有色金属矿山加固尾矿库设施项目的环境影响及减缓此影响评估计划的进展情况。评价计划详细论述了与修改河道,包括减小河道宽度有关的各种环境状况。本文详细介绍了一些环境状况可以借鉴。这些问题包括:环境影响及其显著程度评估、累积影响分析、当地适合鱼类生态的特征及增值方案,受规章制度限制的要求、事故及故障预防措施及渔业赔偿问题。 相似文献
21世纪以来,企业活动所面临的外部环境发生了前所未有的变化,从而使得企业面临的风险更加复杂多变,而法律风险便是企业面临的众多风险中的一种.依法治企是企业防范法律风险的根本措施.依法治企管理工作重点要做好一句话、六个字,即:把企业的法律事务渗透到企业管理的全过程;同时必须从事前、事中、事后六个字入手,全面进行法律风险防范. 相似文献
Mine Water and the Environment - 相似文献
通过对防水闸门硐室在设计和施工中有关问题的研究和探讨,从理论与实践方面对防水闸门硐室设计与施工进行总结,提出设计和施工的一般原则和方法。 相似文献
介绍了京西某百货商场扩建工程基坑降水、护坡、隔水幕组合体系的设计、施工及应用情况。 相似文献
北京十三陵抽水蓄能电站是解决北京市限电和提高用电质量的重点工程。电站2 号上斜导井在施工过程中, 遇到张性断层破碎带, 发生冒顶事故, 累计冒落矸石4 000 m 3 。本文介绍了煤炭科学研究总院北京建井研究所承接该项工程后, 制定的“下堵上灌、加压注浆”治理方案、施工工艺及治理冒顶事故的成功经验。 相似文献
针对白云鄂博西矿尾矿库工程堆筑料的需求,采用爆破新技术优化工程用料爆破设计,降低爆破块度,以满足白云鄂博西矿尾矿库工程需求。 相似文献
针对白云鄂博西矿尾矿库工程堆筑料的需求,采用爆破新技术优化工程用料爆破设计,降低爆破块度,以满足白云鄂博西矿尾矿库工程需求。 相似文献
针对神东矿区现代煤炭开采对地下水的影响和矿井水外排蒸发损失等问题,采用物探和钻探观测、模型试验和数值模拟等手段,揭示神东矿区10余年来煤炭开采的地下水运移规律,即第四系松散孔隙含水层水位在下降20%~30%时,水量补给达到平衡,水位基本保持不变;基岩裂隙水是目前矿井涌水主要来源。在掌握现代煤炭开采对地下水影响规律基础上,研发了以超大工作面采空区冒落岩体空隙为储水空间,通过建设煤柱和人工挡水坝体,构筑煤矿地下水库,实现了地下水井下储存利用。 相似文献
分析福建省阳山铁矿尾矿库运行中存在的几个安全隐患问题,提出相应整改对策。特别谈到尾矿堆积坝外坡面渗流的防治及其堆积子坝标高与排洪口标高不相适应的解决办法。 相似文献
水幕系统是地下水封储油库最为关键的部分,主要由水幕巷道、水幕孔、附加水幕孔、监测井和仪表井组成。水力试验成果是水幕系统评价的依据,而水幕孔的施工质量又是水力试验顺利和试验效果的保证。结合辽宁某地下水封洞库工程,阐明了水幕系统在施工期间的水文试验方法,分析了施工期间各水文试验的作用及其相关性;介绍了水幕钻孔施工技术。 相似文献
双向长距离水、铁精矿管道输送及尾矿干堆技术集成与应用是集流体力学、环境生态、矿山安全等专业为一体的科学集成技术,并成功用于包钢实践。该技术的集成与应用,解决了包钢矿山地区工业用水制约经济发展的瓶颈问题,改变了传统的铁路和公路运输矿石和周边筑坝的传统尾矿堆放方式,实现了包钢原料基地战略转移,实现了低品位矿石的高效开发利用,建立了我国冶金矿产资源绿色高效开发利用的新模式,并为尾矿中堆存的稀土等资源的再开发利用创造了条件,对国内选矿尾矿堆放和管道输送建设具有广泛的借鉴和推广示范作用,对高寒缺水地区矿产资源开发具有示范引领作用,对于改善民生和生态保护、资源和环境保护、安全生产、提高企业竞争力等意义重大。 相似文献
某高层建筑基坑紧邻原有建筑地基,施工场地狭窄,地质条件复杂,地下水位高。通过优化设计,基坑采用钻孔灌注桩加预应力锚杆复合支护体系,采用目前国内先进的单排深层搅拌防渗墙隔水,采用管井井点在基坑内外同时降低地下水位的降水措施,取得了理想的效果。 相似文献
结合理论推导对管带机的设计计算进行系统的讨论总结,并得出阻力计算公式,对工程实践有一定的参考价值。 相似文献