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益生菌混合菌种在发酵豆乳中的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用益生菌混合物AST和TLB分别在42℃进行豆乳的发酵,在发酵豆乳的发酵和贮存过程中(4℃下28d),观察pH值和活菌数的变化情况。在AST益生菌混合物(嗜酸性乳杆菌,双歧杆菌和嗜热链球菌)的培育下,42℃下发酵时间减少到8h。但嗜酸性乳杆菌在冷藏的过程中生存状态较差,其活菌数在冷藏后一周后未达到标准。将豆乳在42℃下用TLB益生菌(嗜热链球菌,保加利亚乳杆菌和动物双歧杆菌乳酸亚种Bb12)进行发酵,结果发酵时间缩短到4h,双歧杆菌活菌数目的对数增加了约一半,而且经过28d的冷藏,细菌数仍然维持在107 CFU/mL以上。  相似文献   

益生菌是活的微生物,当摄入足够数量时,对宿主起有益健康的作用。研究发现母乳中含有活的微生物,使婴幼儿用益生菌被广泛关注。目前,国际上没有对"婴幼儿用益生菌"明确统一的定义及共识。通过阐述婴幼儿用益生菌的种类、常用菌株、安全性、临床研究的现状,指出研究最多的是乳酸杆菌属(Lactobacillus)和双歧杆菌属(Bifidobacterium),诸多报道显示其安全性良好,但是大多益生作用研究来自动物实验,成熟的、具有明确保健功能的益生菌菌株较少,尤其缺乏充分的临床研究。婴幼儿益生菌在研究和产业方面面临3方面挑战:现代肠道优势菌群新发现与传统益生菌菌株的矛盾,健康功能及作用缺乏像药物一样更深层面的精准机制解析,以及婴幼儿益生菌的法规与新菌株临床试验研究的矛盾。尽管面临诸多问题,但是,针对婴幼儿,特别是中国婴幼儿,特有的胃肠功能、免疫系统等尚未发育健全,这一独特的生理特点,开发婴幼儿用益生菌将具有重要前景。  相似文献   

选用嗜热链球菌、两岐双歧杆菌、植物乳杆菌进行纯种发酵含有蓝莓花色苷提取液的培养液,考察了益生菌发酵过程中活菌数、体外抗氧化性、有机酸、单体花色苷和酚酸等组分的变化情况。结果表明,发酵48 h后,三种益生菌的活菌数均增至8.0 lg CFU/mL左右,两岐双歧杆菌的活菌数最高(P<0.05),发酵后不同菌株发酵样的ABTS+·清除能力显著提升(P<0.05),其中两岐双歧杆菌发酵样品抗氧化能力最强(P<0.05);但植物乳杆菌发酵样品中乳酸含量最高(P<0.05);发酵过程中单体花色苷含量呈下降趋势,两岐双歧杆菌发酵样品花色苷组分与其它两株菌发酵的样品差异较大;绿原酸、对香豆酸和咖啡酸的含量总体呈现下降趋势,而没食子酸、丁香酸和阿魏酸含量呈上升趋势,主成分分析图中三株益生菌发酵样的分布差异较大。以上结果为进一步解释益生菌发酵代谢花色苷的机理提供了参考。  相似文献   


The functional food sector has shown tremendous growth in recent years with the application of probiotic bacteria as “food additives”. The utilization of probiotic bacteria in food presents many challenges related to their growth, survival, viability, stability and functionality in food processing, storage and consumption as well as changes of sensory characteristics of probiotic foods. Although dairy foods are currently the most common food carrier to deliver probiotics, an increasing number of non-dairy food matrices exhibit potential for delivery of probiotics. This review provides more recent insight into the emergence of non-dairy probiotics products, the interactions between probiotics and different food matrices and the challenges in developing such products. Some of the technical issues are also reviewed and discussed. These issues include the efficacy of probiotic bacteria in non-chilled, low pH or high water activity foods; the potential loss of bacterial viability, additionally unwanted fermentation and changes of the sensory characteristics of food products which may result in poor microbiological quality and low acceptability to consumers.  相似文献   

为了提高益生菌发酵乳的活菌数及发酵过程中的产酸能力,本研究以干酪乳杆菌、嗜酸乳杆菌、双歧杆菌、嗜热链球菌、保加利亚乳杆菌为试验菌种,通过单菌种发酵和复合菌种发酵试验,筛选出最佳的复合菌种组合.试验结果表明:在接种量为5%,接种比例为1∶1,发酵温度为37℃,葡萄糖的添加量为2.5%(质量分数),脱脂乳乳固体质量分数为12%的条件下,干酪乳杆菌和双歧杆菌复合发酵效果最佳,最大滴定酸度可达到328°T,最大活菌数达到2.3×1011 mL-1,与其他菌种组合相比,提高了一个对数级,且在贮藏过程中活菌数下降速度较慢.  相似文献   

Probiotics for the young and the not so young   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although interest in the effects of the intestinal flora on health dates from the beginning of the 20th century, controlled clinical trials did not begin until its end. Oral administration of probiotic lactobacilli has been shown to alleviate and prevent atopic eczema. Similar effects were accomplished by administering fructose and glucose oligosaccharides (prebiotics) which encouraged the proliferation of endogenous lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Nonpathogenic Escherichia coli has been shown to protect premature infants from infection. Twenty years later, infants given this E. coli were still found to be less allergic. Meta-analyses have confirmed that Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG prevents and treats rotavirus diarrhoea. By reversing the changes in bowel flora which occur with age comes the prospect of rejuvenating ageing immune systems, preventing Clostridium difficile infections and bowel cancer, thereby fulfilling the early promise of prolongation of life.  相似文献   

从益生菌的使用状况出发,为研发新的益生菌酸奶产品提供依据。采用GNPD数据库分析国内市场上新品益生菌酸奶的益生菌添加种类,并通过选择性培养方式检测在售的几款益生菌酸奶产品中益生菌的含量。通过GNPD搜索到的61份新品益生菌酸奶中,添加嗜酸乳杆菌和双歧杆菌的分别占总量的52.5%和67.2%,且嗜酸乳杆菌和双歧杆菌组合添加的比例达到45.9%。对几款益生菌酸奶产品中益生菌含量进行检测,益生菌活菌含量在货架期内为106~108CFU/g。旨在加强对国内市场上现有益生菌酸奶产品的分析,本实验为国内首次对益生菌酸奶产品中益生菌菌种的应用状况进行分析,为益生菌酸奶的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

本文对苹果渣多菌群益生菌发酵动力学模型设计过程进行了研究。对发酵温度、接种量、装料量、培养基初始p H等因素设定不同水平进行实验,对发酵过程中活菌数改变情况进行记录。在设定的发酵条件下,采用7 L发酵罐完成发酵,并通过对数据的拟合处理,构造益生菌发酵动力学模型。通过Origin 8.0把动力学模型理论数据和实验数据进行比较,验证模型有效性。结果表明:发酵温度是36℃时的活菌数量最高;在装料量是70 mL、接种量是5%、培养基初始p H是4.0的情况下,苹果渣多菌群益生菌发酵较好,活菌数量是6.71×10~8cfu/m L;设计模型理论值和实验值误差基本低于8%。可以得出发酵环境如下:温度是36℃,装料量是70 mL、接种量是5%、培养基初始p H是4.0,设计模型可有效预测苹果渣多菌群益生菌发酵过程的变化。  相似文献   

A strain of Lactobacillus plantarum and 4 strains of bifidobacteria were inoculated in apple juice and in a commercial beverage labeled as “red‐fruit juice,” containing citrus extracts as natural preservatives; the suitability of the probiotics was evaluated in relation to their resistance to 2 kinds of citrus extracts (biocitro and lemon extract), survival in juices at 4 and 37 °C, and inhibition of Zygosaccharomyces bailii. Cell count of L. plantarum and bifidobacteria over time was fitted through the Weibull equation, for the evaluation of the first reduction time (δ), death time, and microbiological shelf life (the break‐point was set to 7 log cfu/mL). Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis experienced the highest δ‐value (23.21 d) and death time (96.59 d) in the red‐fruit juice at 4 °C, whereas L. plantarum was the most promising strain in apple juice at 37 °C. Biocitro and lemon extract did not exert a biocidal effect toward probiotics; moreover, the probiotics controlled the growth of Z. bailii and the combination of L. plantarum with 40 ppm of biocitro reduced the level of the yeast after 18 d by 2 log cfu/mL.  相似文献   

There is currently no authorized or established therapeutic level/dose of probiotics for proposed health benefits; however, a daily probiotic consumption of 108 to 1010 CFU has been recommended. This study determined the survival of 5 individual probiotic strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium lactis, along with a mixture of the 5 strains in hypromellose capsules with rice or potato maltodextrin at 4, 25, and 37 °C for 12 mo. Samples were collected monthly and plated on deMan‐Rogosa Sharpe agar with 0.05% l ‐cysteine hydrochloride. Results showed that samples stored at 4 °C had an average count of 108 to 1011 CFU/g of probiotic cells during the 12 mo period, whereas at 25 °C, L. rhamnosus and L. paracasei had an average counts below 108 CFU/g during the storage period. L. rhamnosus was the most vulnerable strain used in this study, having the least viable counts at all 3 storage temperatures. Probiotics stored in rice maltodextrin, on average, had higher probiotic counts compared to those stored in potato maltodextrin. Study suggests that to provide consumers with 108 to 1010 CFU/d of probiotic cells, robust bacterial strains, suitable carriers, and a storage temperature of 4 °C are required.  相似文献   

本文对两株应用于动物微生态制剂生产的鸡源双歧杆菌B171和鸡源乳酸杆菌M16的混合发酵工艺进行了研究.研究表明,B171和M16混合发酵的最适培养温度为40 ℃,初始发酵pH为7.0,最佳接种比例为5 %:5 % ;发酵流程为先接种B171, 发酵6 h后再接种M16, 混合发酵11 h后终止.  相似文献   

对一株本实验室筛选的益生菌植物乳杆菌C88的发酵特性进行了研究,以一株商业化益生菌L.rhamnosus GG为参照。结果表明,菌株C88的凝乳活性较弱,蛋白水解活性较高;4℃贮28 d,该菌株表现出良好的存活能力,活菌数高于L.rhamnosus GG。菌株C88对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用较强;丙酸钙对其生长无显著影响;药敏实验表明该菌株对所选10种抗生素均表现出一定的耐药性;本研究对植物乳杆菌C88发酵特性的研究为其进一步应用于益生性发酵乳的研究开发提供实验依据。  相似文献   

选择干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillu casei,Lc),嗜酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus acdophilus,La),保加利亚乳杆菌(Lactobacillus bulgaricus,Lb)三种益生菌作为发酵肉发酵剂,对其发酵特性进行研究。结果表明:三种菌均有较强的耐亚硝酸盐、食盐能力,能够耐受150 mg/kg亚硝酸盐和6%食盐。所选菌种无蛋白和脂肪分解能力,能够有效降低pH,抑制致病菌的生长,适合发酵肉制品的生产。  相似文献   

乳杆菌属的益生菌保健功能及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
益生菌是一种通过改善动物肠道微生物平衡从而对宿主施加有益影响作用的微生物,它们对宿主机体有着其他正常生理菌群无法比拟的生理作用。综述了益生菌的历史及种类、生理保健功能及作用机理、益生菌的应用与发展。  相似文献   

干酪乳杆菌LC-15的增菌培养基设计及生长动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1株具有降胆固醇作用的干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)LC-15的增殖培养基进行了筛选和优化,同时对其在分批培养时的生长动力学进行了研究。所得增菌培养基配方为0.1mol/L pH6.8的Na2HPO4-柠檬酸配制经蛋白酶预水解的10%脱脂乳冻干粉,再添加0.5%的葡萄糖,1.5%的胰蛋白胨,0.3%酵母浸膏,在此培养基中的最大菌数可达8.8×109cfu/mL,分别比MRS及脱脂复原乳中提高了1.35倍和0.75倍。得到的干酪乳杆菌在优化培养基中分批培养的生长动力学模型为:N(t)=3.4088/(1+e3.3560-0.3254t)。  相似文献   

Dairy foods, particularly those of bovine origin, are the predominant vehicles for delivery of probiotic bacteria. Caprine (goat) milk also possesses potential for successful delivery of probiotics, and despite its less appealing flavor in some products, the use of goat milk as a probiotic carrier has rapidly increased over the last decade. This review reports on the diversity, applicability, and potential of using probiotics to enhance the sensory properties of goat milk and goat milk‐based products. A brief conceptual introduction to probiotic microorganisms is followed by an account of the unique physicochemical, nutritive, and beneficial aspects of goat milk, emphasizing its advantages as a probiotic carrier. The sensory properties of probiotic‐enriched goat milk products are also discussed. The maintenance of probiotic viability and desirable physicochemical characteristics in goat milk products over shelf life is possible. However, the unpleasant sensory features of some goat milk products remain a major disadvantage that hinder its wider utilization. Nevertheless, certain measures such as fortification with selected probiotic strains, inclusion of fruit pulps and popular flavor compounds, and production of commonly consumed tailor‐made goat milk‐based products have potential to overcome this limitation. In particular, certain probiotic bacteria release volatile compounds as a result of their metabolism, which are known to play a major role in the aroma profile and sensory aspects of the final products.  相似文献   


Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms, which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer health benefits to the host. Traditionally, probiotic food research has heavily focused on the genera Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, along with their benefits for gut health. Recently with the identification of new probiotic strains specifically intended for oral health applications, the development of probiotic foods for oral health benefits has garnered interest, with a renewed focus on identifying new food formats for delivering probiotics. The development of novel oral probiotic foods is highly complex, as the composition of a food matrix dictates: (1) bacterial viability during production and shelf life and (2) how bacteria partition with components within a food matrix and subsequently adhere to oral cavity surfaces. At present, virtually no information is available on oral probiotic strains such as Streptococcus salivarius; specifically, how orally-derived strains survive under different food parameters. Furthermore, limited information exists on the partition behavior of probiotics with food components, governed by physico-chemical interactions and adhesion phenomena. This review aspires to examine this framework by providing a foundation with existing literature related to the common probiotic genera, in order to inform and drive future attempts of designing new oral probiotic food formats.  相似文献   

Fermentation has been employed as a traditional means of improving the shelf life and nutritional contents of foods, thus making fermented foods and beverages functional and therapeutic. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) plays a major role in determining the health benefits of fermented milk and related products. This review takes into cognizance numerous investigations reporting certain microbial strains and mixes to contribute safety, quality, stability, health and organoleptic properties to fermented foods, due to increased consumers’ awareness of food products with health claims. A look was taken at selection criteria for the ideal fermentative microbial species and strains, their usefulness and prospective ‘OMICS‘-based approaches to elucidating fermentative complex communities in relation to their effects on fermented food products. Moreover, recommendations were given for improved fermentation of beverages and functional foods. It is projected that fermented foods and beverages will continually be a paramount in the global food and emerging functional food market.  相似文献   

Kefir源植物乳杆菌MA2的牛乳发酵特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该试验对Kefir源植物乳杆菌MA2的牛乳发酵特性进行了研究,结果显示,在4℃、21d的冷藏期间内,相比较于普通酸奶,添加了植物乳杆菌MA2的益生菌酸奶的后酸化程度显著降低;且MA2菌株提高了酸奶的黏度,降低了储存期间酸乳的乳清析出率;另外,感官评价结果显示,MA2菌株发酵的酸奶口感更加细腻、绵滑、黏稠、均匀,香气更加浓郁;基于前期试验证明MA2菌株还具有降胆固醇、调节肠道菌群的生理功能,因此其具有良好的乳制品益生菌发酵剂应用前景.  相似文献   

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