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MV Aguilar FJ Jiménez-Jiménez JA Molina I Meseguer CJ Mateos-Vega MJ González-Mu?oz F de Bustos C Gómez-Escalonilla M Ort-Pareja M Zurdo MC Martínez-Para 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,105(10-12):1245-1251
We compared CSF and serum levels of selenium and chromium, measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, in 28 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 43 matched controls. The CSF and serum levels of these trace metals did not differ significantly between PD patients and controls. CSF selenium and chromium levels were not correlated with age, age at onset, duration of the disease, scores of the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale of the Hoehn and Yahr staging in the PD group. Although antiparkinsonian therapy did not influence significantly the CSF levels of selenium, PD patients not treated with levodopa had significantly higher CSF selenium levels than controls (p < 0.01). It is possible that increased CSF selenium levels could indicate an attempt of protection against oxidative stress. The normality of CSF and serum chromium levels suggest that these values are not related with the risk for PD. 相似文献
JA Molina F de Bustos FJ Jiménez-Jiménez J Benito-León M Ortí-Pareja T Gasalla A Tallón-Barranco JA Navarro J Arenas R Enríquez-de-Salamanca 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,104(11-12):1287-1293
We compared CSF and serum levels, and the CSF/serum ratio of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), measured by HPLC, in 34 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 47 controls. CSF and serum vitamin E levels were correlate. The mean CSF and serum vitamin E levels, and the CSF/serum ratio of PD patients did not differ significantly between the groups. There was no influence of antiparkinsonian therapy on CSF vitamin E levels. CSF vitamin E levels did not correlate with age, age at onset, duration of the disease, scores of the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale of the Hoehn and Yahr staging in the PD group. These results suggest that CSF vitamin E concentrations are unrelated with the risk for PD. 相似文献
M Yurdak?k T Co?kun G Erdem S G?kto?an I Ozalp G Tekinalp 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,37(6):694-696
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) amino acid levels including excitatory amino acids (i.e. glutamate and aspartate) in 25 preterm and 18 full-term newborn infants with no serious disease except intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) were measured. ICH was detected in 13 preterm and six full-term infants on the basis of the clinical, lumbar puncture (LP) and cranial ultrasonography (CraUSG) findings. Twelve preterm and 12 full-term infants who were neurologically healthy comprised the control group. The mean concentration of CSF amino acids did not differ between preterm and full-term infants. The CSF concentrations of taurine, threonine, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine and phenylalanine in preterm infants, and threonine, aspartic acid and alanine in full-term infants were significantly elevated in infants with ICH. These abnormalities, especially in preterm infants, are probably related to cerebral hypoxia in CSF amino acid concentrations in newborn infants with ICH. 相似文献
Cerebrospinal fluid from L-dopa-treated Parkinson's disease patients and subjects without neurodegenerative diseases (controls) was explored in its trophic properties as culture medium on a variety of cells from neural origin. Primary cultures of regional brain dissociates from rat and Cebus apella monkey fetuses, immature rat adrenal chromaffin cells, phaeochromocytoma (PC12), and neuroblastoma (NB69) cell lines as well as subcultured fetal rat astroglia were used as target cells for 24- to 48-h culture periods. Most cerebrospinal fluid samples from L-dopa-treated patients had a general dystrophic effect. This phenomenon was more apparent on striatum and ventral mesencephalon than on cerebral cortex cell dissociates. The deleterious effect of these samples was abolished by previous exposure to fetal astroglial cells. Neuroblastoma cells showed no differential response when exposed to samples from control and L-dopa-treated patients. Phaeochromocytoma cells did not grow processes under any of the samples assayed in the time interval explored, but neither showed evidence of dystrophy. The relevance of these findings to the transplantation of different cell types as one of the possible therapies for Parkinson's disease is discussed. The suggestion is made that CSF testing prior to transplantation may aid in anticipating its possible outcome. Cotransplantation of neuronal cells with subcultured astroglia may foster survival and growth of the former cells. 相似文献
BB Mittleman FX Castellanos LK Jacobsen JL Rapoport SE Swedo GM Shearer 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,159(6):2994-2999
This study examines cerebrospinal fluid from patients with three neuropsychiatric diseases of childhood for the presence and levels of several cytokines relevant to cell-mediated (type 1) and humoral (type 2) immunity. The patient groups include childhood-onset schizophrenia (n = 22), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (n = 24), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (n = 42). The cytokines examined include IL-2, IFN-gamma, TNF-beta/LT, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and TNF-alpha. Patients with OCD had a preponderance of type 1 cytokines. IL-4 was detectable only in samples from patients with schizophrenia. IL-10 was rarely detected and never in patients with OCD. Few patients with schizophrenia had detectable amounts of IFN-gamma in CSFL. We conclude that there is a relative skewing of CSFL profiles toward type 1 cytokines in patients with OCD, whereas in schizophrenia the relative preponderance is toward type 2 mediators. Patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder exhibited profiles intermediate between OCD and schizophrenia. We infer that cell-mediated immunity may be involved in the etiopathogenesis of OCD, whereas a relative lack of cell-mediated immunity and involvement of humoral immunity may be present in schizophrenia. These data provide a rationale for immune-based strategies of study and therapeutics in childhood neuropsychiatric disease. 相似文献
F de Bustos FJ Jiménez-Jiménez JA Molina J Esteban A Guerrero-Sola M Zurdo M Ortí-Pareja A Tallón-Barranco C Gómez-Escalonilla C Ramírez-Ramos J Arenas R Enríquez de Salamanca 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,105(6-7):703-708
We compared CSF and serum levels, and the CSF/serum ratio of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), measured by HPLC, in 30 patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (SALS) and 78 matched controls. The mean CSF and serum vitamin E levels did not differ significantly between the 2 study groups. These values were not influenced by the clinical form (spinal versus bulbar) of SALS. CSF alpha-tocopherol levels did not correlate with age, age at onset, and duration of the disease. These results suggest that CSF and serum alpha-tocopherol concentrations are unrelated with the risk for ALS. 相似文献
R Nau HW Prange M Kinzig A Frank A Dressel P Scholz H Kolenda F S?rgel 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,40(3):763-766
Ceftazidime has proven to be effective for the treatment of bacterial meningitis caused by multiresistant gram-negative bacteria. Since nosocomial central nervous system infections are often accompanied by only a minor dysfunction of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier, patients with noninflammatory occlusive hydrocephalus who had undergone external ventriculostomy were studied (n = 8). Serum and CSF were drawn repeatedly after the administration of the first dose of ceftazidime (3 g over 30 min intravenously), and concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography by using UV detection. The concentrations of ceftazidime in CSF were maximal at 1 to 13 h (median, 5.5 h) after the end of the infusion and ranged from 0.73 to 2.80 mg/liter (median, 1.56 mg/liter). The elimination half-lives were 3.13 to 18.1 h (median, 10.7 h) in CSF compared with 2.02 to 5.24 h (median, 3.74 h) in serum. The ratios of the areas under the concentration-time curves in CSF and serum (AUCCSF/AUCS) ranged from 0.027 to 0.123 (median, 0.054). After the administration of a single dose of 3 g, the maximum concentrations of ceftazidime in CSF were approximately four times higher than those after the administration of 2-g intravenous doses of cefotaxime (median, 0.44 mg/liter) and ceftriaxone (median, 0.43 mg/liter) (R. Nau, H. W. Prange, P. Muth, G. Mahr, S. Menck, H. Kolenda, and F. S?rgel, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 37:1518-1524, 1993). The median AUCCSF/AUCS ratio of ceftazidime was slightly below that of cefotaxime (0.12), but it was 1 order of magnitude above the median AUCCSF/AUCS of ceftriaxone (0.007) (Nau et al., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 37:1518-1524, 1993). The concentrations of ceftazidime observed in CSF were above the MICs for most Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. However, they are probably not high enough to be rapidly bactericidal. For this reason, the daily dose should be increased to 12 g in cases of P. aeruginosa infections of the central nervous system when the blood-CSF barrier is minimally impaired. 相似文献
T Matsuishi T Sakai S Nagamitsu H Komori H Iwashita H Kato 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,36(3):441-443
We measured the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of beta-endorphin in 7 Japanese patients with Joseph disease and compared them with control values. The 7 patients included 4 with type I and 3 with type II disease; their mean age was 45.7 +/- 12.09 years. Diseased controls were matched in age to the patients studied. In these patients, CSF beta-endorphin level was significantly lower than in the controls (40% of normal values). An alteration in CSF beta-endorphin level may explain some of the neurological impairment found in Joseph disease. 相似文献
MJ Glantz BF Cole LK Glantz J Cobb P Mills A Lekos BC Walters LD Recht 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,82(4):733-739
To investigate the contribution of dietary carbohydrate to glutamate and acetyl CoA synthesis, two groups of adult mice were fed a high- (HCD) or a low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) in which 5% of the carbohydrate was [U-13C]-glucose. Four animals from each dietary group were killed after 1, 2 and 5 d. The tracer:tracee ratios of [13C3] and [13C6]blood glucose and of the [13C2] and [13C3] isotopomers of blood, mucosal, hepatic and muscle alanine and glutamate were used to calculate the fractional contribution of glucose to the 3-carbon, acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate pools of each tissue. In the HCD mice, glucose contributed 66, 33 and 31% of the acetyl CoA pool of muscle, liver and mucosa, respectively. The contribution of glucose to acetyl CoA was lowered by 33% (P < 0.05) and 55% (P < 0.01) in the liver and muscle of the LCD group, respectively, but was unaltered in the mucosa. Glucose made a minor contribution to glutamate synthesis via oxaloacetate in the liver (23%) and muscle (10%) of the HCD group. The fraction of hepatic and muscle glutamate synthesis derived from glucose was not affected by the diet. We conclude that glucose oxidation in liver and muscle parallels the contribution of carbohydrate to dietary energy and that glucose is not a major carbon precursor for muscle glutamate synthesis. Net glutamate synthesis in extraintestinal tissues is preserved when dietary carbohydrate is restricted. 相似文献
The presence of lysozyme in the CSF is considered with regard to its value in the early diagnosis of primary or secondary CNS Tumours. Since the appearance of this enzyme in the CSF is secondary to the increase of protein in the fluid, the search for lysozyme in the CSF is of no practical help in the diagnosis of CNS tumours. 相似文献
A Martin M State GM Anderson WM Kaye JM Hanchett CW McConaha WG North JF Leckman 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,44(12):1349-1352
BACKGROUND: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder characterized by mental retardation, appetite dysregulation, and a high risk for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Microscopic abnormalities of the hypothalamus have been described in PWS, and oxytocin has been implicated in both appetite regulation and OCD. METHODS: Oxytocin and arginine vasopressin (AVP) were measured in the cerebrospinal fluid of 5 subjects with PWS (2 male, 3 female) and in 6 normal control subjects (all female). RESULTS: CSF oxytocin was elevated in PWS (9.2 +/- 3.9 pmol/L) as compared to normal control subjects (5.1 +/- 0.9 pmol/L, p = 0.045), a finding that was more significant when excluding male subjects from analysis (p = 0.02). AVP was not significantly different between the groups as a whole. CONCLUSIONS: These data provide further evidence for hypothalamic and oxytocinergic dysfunction in PWS. The associations between oxytocin, appetite regulation, and obsessive compulsive symptomatology in PWS warrant further investigation. 相似文献
J Birch RU Kolle M Kunkel W Paulus P Upadhyay 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,38(21):3421-3426
The blue cone pathway is reported to be affected early in Parkinson's disease (PD) and acquired type three (tritan) defects may occur. Sixty-one patients attending a treatment and rehabilitation centre for PD were examined with clinical colour vision tests. Seven of 13 patients, for whom the diagnosis of PD was equivocal or who had other medical conditions, were identified as having tritan colour deficiency. Results for the remaining 44 PD patients were compared with 40 age matched controls. Ten PD patients (22.7%) had tritan defects. Tritan defects were not found in the control group but performance on some tests was age related. We conclude that clinical tests for tritan colour deficiency are unlikely to be helpful in identifying PD. 相似文献
The presence of immune molecules induced by microorganisms in the haemolymph of Lutzomyia longipalpis sandflies has been investigated. Injections of Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus into female sandflies induced anti-bacterial activity in the haemolymph. Inhibition zone assays showed that haemolymph from E. coli and M.luteus injected sandflies differentially inhibited M.luteus growth. This differential effect was specific to M.luteus infection since anti-E.coli activity was similar in haemolymph from both E.coli or M.luteus injected sandflies. Haemolymph following injection of either bacteria showed the induction of a 4 kDa peptide. Haemolymph from M.luteus injected sandflies also contained a 33 kDa polypeptide which was absent in haemolymph from E.coli and control uninfected insects. Sandflies, in common with other insects, were shown to possess general and specific humoral immune responses to the presence of microorganisms. 相似文献
R Malley SH Inkelis P Coelho WC Huskins N Kuppermann 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,17(10):855-859
BACKGROUND: The absence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pleocytosis in invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) has been associated with an increased risk of death. It is unknown whether patients who lack a cellular response to central nervous system (CNS) infection are at the same risk of adverse outcome as patients who lack CNS infection. OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of presentation and outcome of three groups of children with IMD: Group 1, children with CSF pleocytosis; Group 2, children without CSF pleocytosis and with negative CSF cultures (bacteremia alone); and Group 3, children without CSF pleocytosis but with positive CSF cultures (CNS infection without CSF pleocytosis). METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of children with IMD at four pediatric referral hospitals between 1985 and 1996. Clinical and laboratory indices and severe adverse outcomes (defined as death or limb loss) were compared in the three groups. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to determine whether CNS infection without CSF pleocytosis was independently associated with adverse outcome in IMD. RESULTS: Three hundred seventy-seven children with IMD were identified. Eighty-six patients were excluded because their CSF analysis either was not done or was unevaluable; of these patients 22 (25.6%) had an adverse outcome. Of the 291 evaluable patients 204 (70.1%) had CSF pleocytosis, 52 (17.9%) had bacteremia alone and 35 (12.0%) had CNS infection without CSF pleocytosis. Patients with CNS infection without CSF pleocytosis had significantly lower white blood cell and platelet counts and more coagulopathy than patients with bacteremia alone (P < or = 0.05) or patients with CSF pleocytosis (P < or = 0.01). The frequency of adverse outcome was 40% for patients with CNS infection without CSF pleocytosis compared with 9.6% for patients with bacteremia alone (P = 0.001) and 3.4% for patients with CSF pleocytosis (P < 0.001). CNS infection without CSF pleocytosis was independently associated with adverse outcome by multivariable logistic regression analysis (P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 30% of all children with IMD present without CSF pleocytosis. Of these patients those with CNS infection without pleocytosis are at higher risk of adverse outcome than either patients with CSF pleocytosis or patients with bacteremia alone. 相似文献
N Shah 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1976,8(3):270-272
A patient with diffuse involvement of the central nervous system and pseudohypertrophic muscular changes induced by cysticerci is described. Electromyographic and pathologic changes are reported for the first time. Electromyographic examination demonstrated numerous short-duration, low-amplitude motor unit potentials in proximal muscles. Biopsy showed swelling of muscle fibers, fiber atrophy with fibrosis, and cellular infiltration separate from inflammatory exudate surrounding numerous cysts. 相似文献
DA Halliday C Zettler RA Rush R Scicchitano JD McNeil 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,23(6):919-922
A novel pH shock extraction procedure was used to measure nerve growth factor (NGF) levels in both normal and inflamed synovial fluids using a sensitive and specific two-site enzyme linked immunosorbant assay. To date no data is available on NGF levels in normal synovial fluids. Synovial fluids were taken from 5 normal volunteers, 12 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 10 patients with other inflammatory arthropathies. The mean +/- SEM NGF concentration in normal synovial fluids was 95 +/- 33.2 pg/ml (range 39.1-143.1 pg/ml), whereas the mean NGF concentration in the synovial fluids taken from patients with rheumatoid arthritis was 532.5 +/- 123.8 pg/ml (range 152-1686 pg/ml). The mean NGF concentration in patients with other inflammatory arthropathies was also raised (430.6 +/- 90 pg/ml; range 89-1071 pg/ml). The NGF concentrations were significantly higher in the synovial fluids from both inflamed groups (ANOVA p < 0.05) compared to normals. Raised levels of NGF in synovial fluid may contribute directly to joint inflammation via activation of inflammatory cells. 相似文献
EL Buytenhuijs HJ Berger KP Van Spaendonck MW Horstink GF Borm AR Cools 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,32(3):335-342
Parkinson's disease patients (PD) do not differ from control subjects (CS) when they have to execute a problem solving task in which external cues for solving the problem are given. However, when PD have to solve a problem by means of an internally generated strategy, they show a serious decrease in performance. We hypothesised that this distinction may also apply to the way PD and CS organize recall. In order to test our hypothesis the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) was administered to 59 PD and 30 CS. The test consists of five learning trials using a 16-word target list, composed of four items from each of four semantic categories. The fact that the word list was built on this implicit organization was not divulged in advance. The sequence in which the words were read is fixed; each subsequent word belongs to a category being different from the category to which the preceding word belongs. The organization in recall according to the semantic categories is considered to be the result of an unprompted, internally generated strategy. Recall according to the sequence in which the words are read by the experimenter, is viewed as an externally offered strategy. The results prove to be in line with our hypothesis: unlike CS who appeared to rely mainly and increasingly on an internally generated semantic organization, PD showed evidence of gradually adhering more to the externally imposed serial sequence. 相似文献
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of the monoamine metabolites 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), and homovanillic acid (HVA) were measured in three groups: 46 healthy volunteers; 9 medication-free patients with DSM III-R major depressive disorder, recurrent; and these same 9 patients following at least 4 weeks of fluoxetine treatment at 20 mg/day. CSF monoamine metabolite levels in medication-free patients did not differ from healthy volunteers; however, CSF 5-HIAA and MHPG decreased significantly from 95.9 +/- 24.6 (all values +/- SD) to 64.2 +/- 26.1 pmol/ml and from 46.7 +/- 14.2 to 42.6 +/- 11.6 pmol/ml, respectively, following fluoxetine treatment. Fluoxetine also significantly decreased mean Hamilton Depression Rating Scale scores from 23.2 +/- 6.5 to 17.4 +/- 5.0 and significantly increased the CSF HVA/5-HIAA ratio. 相似文献
It is common to examine the cerebrospinal fluid in untreated or inadequately treated asymptomatic patients with a reactive serum fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test before initiating antibiotic therapy for syphilis. This prospective study evaluated the usefulness of such examination. Four hundred thirty-two patients over 40 years old, reporting for annual physical examination, had a serum FTA-ABS test. Thirty-seven (8.6%) patients and 2 of 4 spouses were reactive repeatedly. Of the 39 patients with reactive tests, 7 had a history of penicillin therapy for syphilis, 5 had received heavy metal therapy, and 27 had no history of syphilis. These 39 patients had a neurological examination, serum VDRL, Treponema pallidum immobilization (TPI), and repeat FTA-ABS tests by two other laboratories. The TPI test was reactive in 30 (77%). Four had nonspecific neurological signs. Routine CSF examination (cells, total protein, VDRL, glucose, IgG%) on 30 patients with a history of inadequate treatment had a low diagnostic yield. Two patients had an unexplained total protein elevation (57 and 61 mg/dl) and 1 had a mildly increased IgG% (15%). All cell counts, VDRL tests, and glucose levels were normal. Agarose electrophoresis demonstrated one or more CSF immunoglobulin bands in 10 (36%) of 28 patients, possibly representing an immunological marker of past or latent central nervous system infection. 相似文献