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在第二类吸收式热泵中对螺旋槽管的换热性能研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了提高在以溴化锂为工质的第二类吸收式热泵吸收器的性能,在第二类吸收式热泵吸收器内对不锈钢螺旋槽管,即不锈钢光滑管的传热传质性能进行了实验研究.发现螺旋槽管的传热传质性能约为光滑管3倍,螺旋槽管内热媒工质-水的流体阻力系数是光滑管的17~20倍;应用于第二类吸收式热泵中间大大降低换热面积,促进热泵的高效紧凑化. 相似文献
气体冷却器是汽轮发电机的重要设备之一。其传热与阻力性能将直接影响汽轮发电机的运行经济性和可靠性。为实现汽轮发电机气体冷却器的优化设计,对不同翅片间距的翅片管冷却器的传热和阻力性能进行了试验研究,得到了Re在3 000~190 000之间换热器翅片侧的传热和阻力特性,并分析了风速和翅片间距对气体冷却器传热和阻力性能的影响规律。研究成果对汽轮发电机气体冷却器的结构与性能优化具有重要的指导作用。 相似文献
Smith Eiamsa-ard Chinaruk Thianpong Pongjet Promvonge 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2006,33(10):886-1233
Experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction factor characteristics in a double pipe heat exchanger fitted with regularly spaced twisted tape elements, were studied. The inner and outer diameters of the inner tube are 50.6 and 25.8 mm, respectively and cold and hot water were used as working fluids in shell side and tube side. The twisted tapes were made of the stainless steel strip with thickness of 1 mm and the length of 1500 mm. They were inserted in the test tube section in two different cases: (1) full-length typical twisted tape at different twisted ratios (y = 6.0 and 8.0), and (2) twisted tape with various free space ratios (S = 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0). The results, obtained from the tube with twisted tape insert, were compared with those without twisted tape. The results show that the heat transfer coefficient increased with twist ratio (y). Whereas the increase in the free space ratio (S) would improve both the heat transfer coefficient and friction factor. The results from each case were correlated for Nusselt number and friction factor. Subsequently, the predicted Nusselt number and friction factor from the correlations were plotted to compare with the experimental data. It was found that Nusselt number was within ± 15% and ± 10% for friction factor. 相似文献
V. Kongkaitpaiboon K. NananS. Eiamsa-ard 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2010
Perforated conical-ring (PCR) is one of the turbulence-promoter/turbulator devices for enhancing the heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger system. In the present paper, the influences of the PCR on the turbulent convective heat transfer (Nu), friction factor (f) and thermal performance factor (η) characteristics have been investigated experimentally. The perforated conical-rings (PCRs) used are of three different pitch ratios (PR = p/D = 4, 6 and 12) and three different numbers of perforated holes (N = 4, 6 and 8 holes). The experiment conducted in the range of Reynolds number between 4000 and 20,000, under uniform wall heat flux condition and using air as the testing fluid. The experimental results obtained by using the plain tube and the tube equipped with the typical conical-ring (CR) are also reported for comparison. It is found that the PCR considerably diminishes the development of thermal boundary layer, leading to the heat transfer rate up to about 137% over that in the plain tube. Evidently, the PCRs can enhance heat transfer more efficient than the typical CR on the basis of thermal performance factor of around 0.92 at the same pumping power. Over the range investigated, the maximum thermal performance factor of around 0.92 is found at PR = 4 and N = 8 holes with Reynolds number of 4000. 相似文献
The problem of cooling electronic components has become a subject of special interest in recent years due to the increasing capacity and rapidly decreasing size of electronic components. Direct contact cooling using multiple jet impingement is considered the most effective method. The heat transfer problem is complex and a better understanding of the jet impingement method is essential for the proper application of this method for electronic cooling. Investigations were carried out using an electrically heated test plate. Heat flux in the range of 25 to $200 \ \hbox{W/cm}^{2}$ , which is a typical requirement for cooling high power electronic components was dissipated using 0.5‐mm diameter water jets arranged in a 7×7 array with a pitch of 3 mm. Temperature difference between the test plate and water was within $30 \ ^{\circ}\hbox{C}$ . Tests were performed in the flow rate range of 22 to 40 ml/min, resulting in a Reynolds number range of 1100 to 1750. Results show a significant increase in the heat transfer coefficient or Nusselt number with an increase in heat flux. The effect of the flow rate or Reynolds number on the heat transfer coefficient is found to be negligible. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20291 相似文献
In this study, the heat transfer performance and friction characteristics of a novel concentric tube heat exchanger with different pitches of helical turbulators were investigated experimentally and numerically for a Reynolds number range from 3000 to 14 000. An experimental system was established to obtain experimental data. The numerical simulations were performed by using a three dimensional numerical computation technique, a commercial CFD computer code. Then, the heat transfer performance and friction characteristics of several helical turbulators were compared. The experimental, numerical and empirical correlation results were in a good agreement with each others. As a result, the heat transfer enhancements using turbulators were 2.91, 2.41, 2.18 and 1.99 times better than the smooth tube for pitch distances of p = 20, 40, 60 and 80 mm, respectively. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Akhilesh Gupta 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2005,48(18):3763-3772
The results of an experimental investigation on nucleate boiling heat transfer in an electrically heated 5 × 3 in-line horizontal tube bundle under pool and low cross-flow conditions of saturated water near atmospheric pressure are presented here. It is observed that the heat transfer coefficient is minimum on bottom row tubes and increases in the upward direction with maximum values on top row tubes. Also, heat transfer coefficient on central column tubes was found to be slightly higher than those on the corresponding side tubes. Further, a Chen-type relation has been used to determine the local boiling heat transfer coefficient on a tube in a heated tube bundle. 相似文献
The effects of biofouling on air-side heat transfer and friction characteristics under wet conditions of three biofouled finned tube heat exchangers and one clean finned tube heat exchanger were investigated experimentally. Experimental results indicate that the biofouled fin efficiency of the evaporator decreases by 15.5% compared with the clean evaporator under the condition of the biofouled area ratio of 60% at the inlet air velocity of 2.0m/s; The ranges of friction fouling factor and heat transfer fouling factor are 19.8%―43.1% and ―15.6%―13.1%, respectively; a small quantity of biofouled particles can enhance heat transfer at low Reynolds number, and the enhancement effect decreases with the increase of Reynolds number. 相似文献
Li Bin He Anding Wang Yueshe Zhou Fangde The National Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering Xi''''an Jiaotong University Xi''''an China 《热科学学报(英文版)》2001,10(2):148-152
IntroductionConvechve boiling or highly subcooled single-Phaseforced convention in micro-channels is an effeCtivecooling meChedsm with a wide ~ge of aPPlications.Among these are the COOling of such diverse system as. accelerator abets, high power resistive magnets,compact fission ~ cores, fusion ~ blankets,advanced space thermal management systems,manufachang and materials Processing OPerations, andhigh-density multi~chip modules in supe~ andOther modular eleCtronics. These devices involv… 相似文献
以高温气冷堆蒸发器为背景,采用FLUENT软件模拟了单相水和蒸汽在不同尺寸螺旋管内部的流动和传热过程,研究了壁面局部传热特性。计算结果表明,远离螺旋中心线一侧局部传热较强而靠近螺旋中心线一侧传热较弱,壁面Nu周向分布非常不均匀。管径与螺旋直径之比是主要影响因素,当其值增大时截面温度极值点向螺旋中心线外侧移动,加剧了温度分布和Nu分布的不均匀性。在层流向湍流过渡区内,Re的增大使截面各点温度梯度均有所增加,同时也增大了Nu周向分布的不均匀程度,但在旺盛湍流区内Re对Nu分布无明显影响。壁面热边界条件形式对局部Nu周向分布没有显著影响。给出了局部Nu的估算式。 相似文献
矩形微通道中流体流动阻力和换热特性实验研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
以去离子水为流体工质,对其在矩形微尺度通道中的流动阻力和传热特性进行了实验研究。通过测量流量、进出口压力和温度等参数,获得了流体流过微通道时的摩擦阻力系数、对流换热过程中的热流通量和N u等。微尺度通道中流体流动的摩擦阻力系数较常规尺度通道中的摩擦阻力系数小,仅是常规尺度通道中摩擦阻力系数的20%~30%;且流动状态由层流向湍流转捩的临界R e也远小于常规尺度通道的。微尺度通道中对流换热的N u与常规尺度通道的显著不同。流量较小时,N u较常规尺度通道中充分发展段的小;随着水流量的增加,微通道的N u迅速增加,并很快超过常规尺度通道的N u,表现出微尺度效应。热流通量对微尺度通道中对流换热N u存在影响,其影响规律在不同流速条件下呈不同趋势,流速较小时,N u基本保持不变;而在流速较大时,N u随热流通量增加而呈增加趋势。 相似文献
In this paper, based on the analog theory of heat transfer research, we performed an analog experiment on boiling heat transfer in smooth tube and screwed tubes. These are widely used in the high pressure generator of lithium bromide absorption refrigeration. From the experimental research, we obtained a series of results on the boiling heat transfer of a single smooth tube and three screwed tubes. The working condition is near the zone of bubble boiling and the overheat wall temperature ranges from 2–7 °C, with a fluid medium of pure water and salt water solution. These results agreed well with the known results, and are significant for the practical design and application of a high pressure generator of lithium bromide absorption for refrigeration. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(2): 74–84, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience. wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20145 相似文献
利用隔膜泵作为系统动力输出源,搭建了单管内传热和流动测试实验台,对制冷剂R22在水平单管内的换热性能进行了实验研究,考察了不同蒸发温度和不同冷凝温度对总传热系数、制冷剂表面换热系数和管内压降的影响.实验结果表明:总传热系数和制冷剂表面换热系数均随着蒸发温度和冷凝温度的上升而增大;管内压降随着蒸发温度的上升而减小,随着冷凝温度的上升而增大;对于同一根实验管,在相同的冷却水流量和制冷剂质量流量下,最佳蒸发工况为10℃;冷凝实验中,总传热系数和制冷剂表面换热系数在40℃时高于其他两种冷凝温度时的值,但35℃冷凝时,管内压降高于其他两种工况. 相似文献
INTRODUCTI0NWaterseparat0risanimportantthickwallc0mpo-nentof600MWsupercriticalpressureboiler.Itsmainfunctionist0ensurethattheevap0rator,superheater,reheaterandeconomizert0becooledfullyandoper-atesafelyduringstart-up.Itisfittedatthe0utletofevaPorator.Whentheb0ilerloadislessthan35%MCR(boilermaJximumc0ntinuousevaporation),sub-cooledwaterorwatersteammixturefromtheevap-orator0fupperc0mbustioncharnberenterstangen-tiallyinthewaterseparator.Thesteam,separatedbycentrifugalforceandgravity,flowsi… 相似文献
Hongpeng Liu Zhenxun Gao Yihao Tang Chongwen Jiang Chun-Hian Lee 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2017,42(41):26123-26131
The theory for skin friction and heat transfer prediction to a compressible turbulent boundary layer including hydrogen/air combustion, proposed by Stalker, is improved in this paper. The original theory is modified through two aspects. One is to enhance the accuracy of the relation between hydrogen surface mass fraction and streamwise Reynolds number by directly integrating the Kármán momentum integral relation without local similarity hypothesis. Consequently, a new skin friction formula is established. The other is to change the Prandtl number from constant value of unity in the original theory to a variable computed based on the molecular kinetic theory. The performance of the improved theory is evaluated by an experiment with a flow on a flat plate and a designed two-dimensional numerical experiment. The skin friction and heat transfer predicted by the improved theory are found to be better consistent with the experimental or numerical experimental data than the original theory. 相似文献
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Enhancement of Heat and Mass Transfer in Adsorbent Beds 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
ExperimentalandNumericalInvestigationofEnhancementofHeatandMassTransferinAdsorbentBedsLiuZhenyan;FuZhuman;GeXinshi;SuYuehong;... 相似文献
纵向涡发生器强化传热管的实验研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
介绍了一种高效强化传热管,沿传热管内壁轴向均匀排布三列成对的纵向涡发生器,在常壁温条件下进行加热空气在管内流动的冷却实验,研究强化传热管的传热和阻力特性。结果表明,在过渡流区管内置纵向涡发生器的强化传热大大增强,Nu增大为光管的2.02.3倍,阻力损失也相应有所增加,提出一种比较优化的发生器的形状设计,探讨了传热和阻力随设置间距变化的规律。 相似文献
A new heat transfer enhanced tube—the inside and outside spirally triangle finned tube with small spiral angles (IOSTF tube)—was developed and manufactured for improving the performance of high‐pressure preheaters. The triangle flutes with small spiral angle on the outside surface of the IOSTF tube perform like the vertically fluted tube, and the triangle flutes with small spiral angle on the inside surface of the IOSTF tube perform like the spirally fluted tube. The experiments show that the total heat transfer coefficient of the vertical IOSTF tube is 63–95 per cent larger than that of the smooth tube with only a slight increase in the inside flowing friction and the field results show that a 43 per cent increase in the total heat transfer coefficient of the high‐pressure preheater with the IOSTF tubes can be obtained. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献