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纵观欧洲MEMS产业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 欧洲是微电子机械系统(MEMS)领域的产业活动中心。共拥有大约100家工厂,且设备制造业也日益成熟。共有4000多名员工从事 MEMS 制造业,2000年总销售额达一百万美元;年加工晶片总数超过50万。欧洲有半数 MEMS 公司生产直径为100mm 的晶片,将晶片尺寸升级到150mm 已是大势所趋(已有25%的公司正在生产150mm 晶片),还有三套  相似文献   

世界市场全世界为购买有关信息技术产品的支出共约4150亿美元,其中,西欧占36%。92年的欧洲市场去年欧洲对软件和服务的支出共630亿美元,占世界总支出的42%,是世界最大的市场,欧洲各国对于信息技术有关产品的支出,德国占全体的23%,随后为法国——17%,意大利——11%,西班牙——5%。93年欧洲市场今年欧洲有关信息技术的支出,将比上年增长4.3%,达1570亿美元。  相似文献   

去年11月在荷兰的 MECC会展中心举行的’99欧洲嵌入式系统年会,是欧洲唯一对软件设计进行深入探讨的会议,它的讨论主题包括了系统的设计、软件编写和实时系统。尤其值得一提的发言者是Daimler Chrysler Aerospace(戴姆勒克莱斯勒宇航)军用飞行器公司的电子系统设计师Dr Hans Scheidt。 现代飞行器,尤其是军用飞行器的计算机系统是一个对实时响应有着极严格要求的复杂的嵌入式系统。在欧洲,这种系统通常由几个组织合作开发,而这又往往增加了设计的复杂性。Daimler Chry…  相似文献   

据俄罗斯电子工业领导人们声称,俄罗斯电子工业已度过难关,趋向好转.人口超过3亿人口的俄罗斯,很有可能成为欧洲半导体、电子生产设备、专用和消费类电子产品的最大市场.例如,俄罗斯年产电视机800万台,就是在政治动乱期间,产量也保持在这一水平.  相似文献   

尽管世界电子产品市场增长速度放慢,今后仍将以8.7%的年率增长,2000年达1.2万亿美元;半导体产品市场1996年跌入低谷,1997年可望反弹,今后还将维持两位数增长速度。存储器增长速度趋缓,微器件加快,因而2000年两者将平分秋色,并驾齐驱。 集成电路作为一种重要的电子器件,越来越成为电子产品的核心,但仍然不能完全取代分立器件,所以笔者  相似文献   

<正>欧洲共拥有超过278座用于生产和研发的晶圆厂,制造各种集成电路、MEMS、功率器件、化合物半导体以及先进封装。这些晶圆厂占据了全球IC晶圆制造产能大约12%和功率器件全球产出的30%左右。欧洲拥有3家世界级的半导体研发中心,即:位于比利时的IMEC、法国的电子与信息技术实验室(LETI)、德国的Fraunhofer Institute。随着市场的变化和机会的涌现,数家芯片公司和设备厂商逐渐加大了自身在MEMS和PV制造领域的投入。  相似文献   

1 Introduction   It has been a long history for the MEMS industry to develop to today‘s scale. MEMS (micro electromechanical system) began in 1960s after the researchers in Westinghouse Laboratories created the “resonant gate“ transistor by etching away material to release a metal beam which can freely movable. The concept of making movable structures by releasing process was slowly taken up in 1970s when commercial pressure sensors appeared, based on bulk etched silicon wafers, and first silicon accelerometer was demonstrated. In 1980s, silicon surface micromachining process was devueloped, again based on sacrificial layer technique to release and to make microstructures movable. It was from 1980s silicon and polysilicon were truly recognised as remarkable materials for micromechnical structures. The term “MEMS“ was coined following the creation of micro comb actuators and electrostatic side drive micromotors. In 1990s, the booming era for MEMS development came. There were explosions of new technologies and new applications. Dedicated MEMS companies sprang up world wide and MEMS became a fast growing industry.   ……  相似文献   

1 Introduction It has been a long history for the MEMS industry to develop to today's scale. MEMS (micro electromechanical system) began in 1960s after the researchers in Westinghouse Laboratories created the "resonant gate" transistor by etching away material to release a metal beam which can freely movable. The concept of making movable structures by releasing process was slowly taken up in 1970s when commercial pressure sensors appeared, based on bulk etched silicon wafers, and first silicon accelerometer was demonstrated. In 1980s, silicon surface micromachining process was devueloped, again based on sacrificial layer technique to release and to make microstructures movable. It was from 1980s silicon and polysilicon were truly recognised as remarkable materials for micromechnical structures. The term "MEMS" was coined following the creation of micro comb actuators and electrostatic side drive micromotors. In 1990s, the booming era for MEMS development came. There were explosions of new technologies and new applications. Dedicated MEMS companies sprang up world wide and MEMS became a fast growing industry.  相似文献   

Overview of worldwide MEMS industry and market   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

The history of ISDN (integrated services digital network) concepts is outlined, and the evolution of the accompanying terminology is traced. The question of what service integration means is addressed. Continuous service enhancement is discussed from the user's viewpoint  相似文献   

The paper points out that a certain iterative method of direct deconvolution is a particular manifestation of the so-called Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm. Recognition of this leads to the establishment of general convergence results by reference to existing work.  相似文献   

随着全球跨入万物互联时代,传感器产业迎来爆发式增长。MEMS传感器因其体积小、灵敏度高、可靠性强的优势逐渐占据主流。当前,我国在MEMS传感器设计、制造、封装、测试等关键产业链环节均取得了长足的进步,但与国际先进水平相比,仍存在诸多差距与短板。根据当前产业发展现状,建议我国在关键技术攻关、产业协同发展以及加大政策支持等方面发力,进一步带动我国MEMS传感器产业全面提升。  相似文献   

Dixit  S. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1995,32(4):64-65
As organisations with information to sell implement an array of multimedia services for the home, others, too, are hard at work. Telephone companies, as well as cable operators, are busy developing broadband intelligent networks to underpin those broadcast and interactive offerings. The phone companies define their network as a common-carrier transport service, in that it grants equal access to all information providers, including themselves, and enables consumers to "dial up" video or multimedia applications offered by third parties. This kind of service has become known as a video dial-tone network. The user first gets a menu from the network provider. He or she then picks an information provider, which sends its own interactive menu of services to the customer  相似文献   

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