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Microbiological analysis of carcasses at slaughterhouses is required in the European Union for evaluating the hygienic performance of carcass production processes as required for effective hazard analysis critical control point implementation. The European Union microbial performance standards refer exclusively to the excision method, even though swabbing using the wet/dry technique is also permitted when correlation between both destructive and nondestructive methods can be established. For practical and economic reasons, the swab technique is the most extensively used carcass surface-sampling method. The main characteristics, advantages, and limitations of the common excision and swabbing methods are described here.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that preventing visible contamination of or removing visible contamination from carcasses will enhance the microbiological safety of meat. Visible contamination of carcasses can be reduced by washing or otherwise cleaning animals before slaughter, by dehairing hides before carcasses are skinned or dressed with the skin on, or by performing skinning and eviscerating operations in manners that avoid the transfer of filth from the hide to the meat or the spillage of gut contents. Visible contamination can be removed by washing, trimming, or vacuuming carcasses. The available data appear to indicate that, of the various actions that can be taken to obtain carcasses that are free of visible contamination, only minimizing the visible contamination of meat during skinning and eviscerating operations may also ensure a degree of control over the microbiological contamination of meat. It might be preferable for visible contamination to be controlled largely by superior skinning and eviscerating practices rather than by animal or carcass cleaning treatments, which may not prevent the depositing of bacteria on or the removal of substantial numbers of bacteria from carcasses.  相似文献   

A microbiological screening method for the detection of irradiation of frozen poultry meat was developed on the basis of the combined use of total cell count by the direct epifluorescent filter technique (DEFT) and viable cell count by the aerobic plate count method (APC). Samples of ground, deboned poultry leg were irradiated or not with dose levels of 3, 5 and 7 kGy using an electron beam accelerator. All samples were frozen before the irradiation treatment. The average values of the differences between DEFT and APC counts in control samples and those irradiated with doses of 3, 5 and 7 kGy were 1.14 log units for control samples, and 3.16, 3.68 and 3.79 log units for the irradiated samples. A difference of at least 2 log units can therefore be considered as a limit value indicating probable irradiation treatment necessitating further investigations.
Anwendung eines mikrobiologischen Unterscheidungsverfahrens zum Nachweis der Bestrahlung von gefrorenem Hühnerfleisch
Zusammenfassung Es wurde ein mikrobiologisches Verfahren zum Nachweis der Bestrahlung von tiefgefrorenem Hühnerfleisch auf der Basis kombinierten Einsatzes direkter Epifluoreszenzfiltertechnik (DEFT) und Kolonieauszählung (APC) entwickelt. Die Proben - knochenfreie, zerkleinerte Hühnerschenkel - waren entweder unbestrahlt oder mit einem Elektronenbeschleuninger mit Dosen von 3, 5 bzw. 7 kGy bestrahlt worden. Alle Proben waren vor der Bestrahlung eingefroren worden. Die Mittelwerte der Differenzen zwischen den DEFT- und den APC-Ergebnissen betrugen bei den unbestrahlten Proben 1,14 logarithmische Einheiten und bei den mit 3, 5 bzw. 7 kGy bestrahlten Proben 3,16, 3,68 bzw. 3,79 logarithmische Einheiten. Die Differenz von wenigstens zwei logarithmischen Einheiten kann als Grenze für die Möglichkeit eines Nachweises eventueller Bestrahlung betrachtet werden und macht weitere Untersuchungen erforderlich.

The meat industry in Norway has developed national guidelines for Good Hygiene Practices for slaughtering and skinning, based on categorisation of animals. These include shearing sheep and lambs in the abattoirs immediately before slaughter. The aim of this study was to investigate microbiological carcass contamination associated with: (i) different shearing regimes; (ii) fleece cleanliness; and (iii) the slaughter process. In addition, the efficacy of the national guidelines in reducing microbial contamination was evaluated. A total of 280 swab samples were collected from the brisket areas (100 cm(2)) of 140 naturally contaminated lamb carcasses in a commercial abattoir. Half the samples were collected at skinning of brisket areas at the start of the slaughter-line and half of them were collected at the end of slaughter-line, just before chilling. The lambs were divided into four groups (n=35) according to the duration of the period between shearing and slaughter: (i) 0 days (shorn at the abattoir immediately before slaughter); (ii) three days; (iii) seven days; and (iv) not shorn. Mean log colony forming units (CFU) per 100 cm(2) at skinning were 5.78 and 6.95 for aerobic plate count (APC) (P<0.05), 1.65 and 2.78 for Escherichia coli (P<0.05) for shorn and unshorn lambs, respectively. For shorn lambs, divided according to the period between shearing and slaughter, the mean log CFU per 100 cm(2) were 5.45, 5.75, 6.12 (APC) and 1.77, 1.46, 1.71 (E. coli) for the 0-days, 3-days and 7-days groups, respectively (P<0.05 for the difference between 0- and 7-days groups in APC results). A four-category scale (0-3) was used for assessing fleece cleanliness before skinning. Visually clean lambs (score '0') had lower levels of APC on the carcass surfaces than those categorised as dirty (score '2-3') (P<0.05). The carcasses at the end of the slaughter-line had lower levels of APC than they had at skinning. However, the statistical significant reduction of E. coli on carcass surfaces at skinning point for shorn lambs, were impaired and no longer significantly different from the unshorn group at the end of the slaughter-line. The increased E. coli level at the end of the slaughter-line might be explained by weaknesses related to slaughter hygiene in particular suboptimal evisceration in the abattoir which was used as a basis for our trial, and thus the national guidelines concerning shearing had not the fully intended effect on reducing microbial carcass contamination.  相似文献   

This study determined microbiological loads of beef carcasses at different stages during the slaughtering to chilling process in seven (four steer/heifer and three cow/bull) plants. Potential sources of contamination (feces, air, lymph nodes) were also tested. Each facility was visited twice, once in November through January (wet season) and again in May through June (dry season). Carcasses were sampled by aseptic excision of surface tissue (100 cm2) from the brisket, flank, and rump (30 samples each) after hide removal (pre-evisceration), after final carcass washing, and after 24-h carcass chilling. The samples were analyzed individually by standard procedures for aerobic plate counts (APC), total coliform counts (TCC), Escherichia coli biotype I counts (ECC), and presence of Salmonella. Incidence of Salmonella was higher on dry feces of older compared to younger animals, fresh feces of younger compared to older animals, and on cow/bull carcasses compared to steer/heifer carcasses. Most factors and their interactions had significant (P < or = 0.05) effects on the bacterial counts obtained. Depending on plant and season, APC, TCC, and ECC were < or =10(4), < or =10(2), and < or =10(1) CFU/cm2 in 46.7 to 93.3, 50.0 to 100.0, and 74.7 to 100.0% of the samples, respectively. TCC exceeded 10(3) CFU/cm2 in 2.5% (wet season) and 1.5% (dry season) of the samples. ECC exceeded 10(2) CFU/cm2 in 8.7%, 0.3%, and 1.5% of the pre-evisceration, final carcass-washing, and 24-h carcass-chilling samples, respectively, during the wet season; the corresponding numbers during the dry season were 3.5%, 2.2%, and 3.0%, respectively. These data should serve as a baseline for future comparisons in measuring the microbiological status of beef carcasses, as the new inspection requirements are implemented.  相似文献   

Changes in bacterial counts on beef carcasses at specific points during slaughter and fabrication were determined, and the effectiveness of nisin, lactic acid, and a combination of the lactic acid and nisin in reducing levels of microbiological contamination was assessed. Swab samples were obtained from the surfaces of randomly selected beef carcasses. Carcasses were swabbed from the neck, brisket, and renal site after skinning, splitting, and washing. Treatments involving lactic acid (1.5%), nisin (500 IU/ml), or a mixture of nisin and lactic acid were applied after the neck area was washed. A control group was not sprayed. Results indicated that the highest prevalence of aerobic plate counts (APCs), total coliforms, and Escherichia coli was found in the neck site after splitting, and the lowest level of microbial contamination was found after skinning. Washing with water did not significantly reduce the bacterial load. The largest reduction in APCs, total coliforms, and E. coli occurred on carcasses treated with a mixture of nisin and lactic acid. A mixture of nisin and lactic acid can be applied to beef carcasses through spray washing and can reduce bacterial populations by 2 log units.  相似文献   

A novel instrument was developed to assess the visual acuity in correlation with time after blink. The method uses an optical blink detector which triggers the display of a random target symbol on a computer monitor. The delay time between blink and symbol display varies randomly from blink to blink, the exposure duration is fixed at 100 ms. The subject has to identify the correct symbol, a score is kept of the correct responses in correlation to delay time. The recovery of visual acuity after blink was measured for subjects wearing two types of bifocal contact lenses and a control group of non-contact lens wearers. All groups required between 200 and 500 ms to achieve their best visual acuity. Subjects wearing the translating bifocal lenses recovered their vision significantly faster than the subjects wearing no lens or the simultaneous vision bifocal lens.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the hygienic status of a lamb slaughterhouse by means of multivariate statistical analysis, to demonstrate how the microbiological data could be exploited to improve the lamb slaughter process by constructing control charts and to evaluate the potential effect of an intervention step such as steam application on the microbiological quality of lamb carcasses. Results showed that pelt removal and evisceration were hygienically uncontrolled. TVC and Enterobacteriaceae progressively increased from the stage ‘after pelt removal of hind and forelegs/before final pulling’ to the stage ‘after evisceration/before pluck removal’ thus indicating possible deposition of microorganisms during these operations. It seems that the processing stages of freshly produced carcasses were better distinguished by Enterobacteriaceae, with evisceration contributing mostly to the final Enterobacteriaceae counts. Application of steam during the lamb slaughter process reduced microbial counts without adverse effects on the organoleptic characteristics of the carcasses. Moreover, the construction of control charts showed that decontamination with steam contributed to the maintenance of an in control process compared to that before the application of steam, suggesting the potential use of steam as an intervention step during the lamb slaughter process.  相似文献   

Four trials were conducted to examine the effect of commercial processing and refrigerated storage on spoilage bacteria in the native microflora of broiler carcasses. Prescalded, picked, eviscerated, and chilled carcasses were obtained from a commercial processing facility, and psychrotrophs in the bacterial flora were enumerated on Iron Agar, Pseudomonas Agar, and STAA Agar. The size of the population of spoilage bacteria on processed carcasses stored at 4 degrees C for 7, 10, or 14 days was also determined. Bacterial isolates were identified and dendrograms of the fatty acid profiles of the isolates were prepared to determine the degree of relatedness of the isolates. Findings indicated that although some processing steps increased the level of carcass contamination by selected bacteria, the number of spoilage bacteria recovered from processed carcasses was significantly (P< or = 0.05) less than the number of bacteria recovered from carcasses entering the processing line. Acinetobacter and Aeromonas spp. were the primary isolates recovered from carcasses taken from the processing line. During refrigerated storage, there was a significant (P < or =0.05) increase in the population of bacteria on the carcasses, and Pseudomonas spp. were the predominant bacteria recovered from these carcasses. Dendrograms of the fatty acid profiles of the isolates indicated that bacterial cross-contamination of carcasses occurs during all stages of processing and that some bacteria can survive processing and proliferate on carcasses during refrigerated storage. Furthermore, cross-contamination was detected between carcasses processed on different days at the same facility. Findings indicate that although poultry processing decreases carcass contamination by psychrotrophic spoilage bacteria, significant levels of bacterial cross-contamination occur during processing, and bacteria that survive processing may multiply on the carcasses during refrigerated storage.  相似文献   

A total of 40 eviscerated and refrigerated chicken carcasses were collected from five retail outlets (three supermarkets and two poulterers' shops) in León (Spain). The level of microorganisms on chicken carcasses was assessed using the excised breast-skin technique. Mean counts (log10 CFU/g) of psychrotrophs, pseudomonads, fluorescent pseudomonads, enterococci, Micrococcaceae, Staphylococcus aureus, and yeasts and molds were 4.84, 4.11, 3.32, 2.72, 3.80, 3.67, and 2.99, respectively. A significant correlation coefficient was found between pseudomonads and fluorescent pseudomonad counts (r = 0.827; P < 0.001) and between Micrococcaceae and S. aureus counts (r = 0.915; P < 0.001). Levels of psychrotrophs, pseudomonads, fluorescent pseudomonads, and yeasts and molds were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in supermarkets than in poulterers' shops, possibly due to the longer period of time the carcasses spent in the supermarkets (between 1 and 2 days, as opposed to only 4 to 16 h in the case of poulterers' shops). Carcasses from poulterers' shops showed higher (P < 0.05) counts of enterococci. Micrococcaceae, and S. aureus, which suggests higher storage temperatures in these outlets. Only S. aureus counts (especially those from poulterers' shops) exceeded the established values in the microbiological criteria for poultry meat consulted.  相似文献   

Bovine sides, ovine carcasses, and porcine carcasses were individually inoculated by dipping in various suspensions of a marker organism (Escherichia coli K-12 or Pseudomonas fluorescens), alone or in combination with two meat-derived bacterial strains, and were sampled by two standard methods: cotton wet-dry swabbing and excision. The samples were examined for bacterial counts on plate count agar (PCA plate counts) and on violet red brilliant green agar (VRBGA plate counts) by standard International Organization for Standardization methods. Average bacterial recoveries by swabbing, expressed as a percentage of the appropriate recoveries achieved by excision, varied widely (2 to 100%). Several factors that potentially contributed to relatively low and highly variable bacterial recoveries obtained by swabbing were investigated in separate experiments. Neither the difference in size of the swabbed area (10, 50, or 100 cm2 on beef carcasses) nor the difference in time of swabbing (20 or 60 min after inoculation of pig carcasses) had a significant effect on the swabbing recoveries of the marker organism used. In an experiment with swabs preinoculated with the marker organism and then used for carcass swabbing, on average, 12% of total bacterial load was transferred inversely (i.e., from the swab to the carcass during the standard swabbing procedure). In another experiment, on average, 14% of total bacterial load was not released from the swab into the diluent during standard swab homogenization. Use of custom-made swabs with abrasive butts, around which metal pieces of pan scourers were wound, markedly increased PCA plate count recoveries from noninoculated lamb carcasses at commercial abattoirs compared with cotton swabs. In spite of the observed inferiority of the cotton wet-dry swabbing method compared with the excision method for bacterial recovery, the former is clearly preferred by the meat industry because it does not damage the carcass. Therefore, further large-scale evaluation of the two carcass sampling methods has been undertaken under commercial conditions and reported separately.  相似文献   

The third national baseline microbiological survey of Australian beef carcasses and frozen boneless beef was conducted in 2004. Carcasses (n=1155) sampled at 27 slaughter establishments had a mean aerobic plate count (at 25 degrees C) of 1.3 log CFU/cm2. Escherichia coli was isolated from 8.0% of the cacasses, with a mean count of -0.8 log CFU/cm2 for positive samples. On samples from 24 boning (fabrication) plants (n=1082), the mean aerobic plate count for frozen boneless beef was 1.3 log CFU/g, and the mean count for the 1.8% of samples with detectable E. coli was 1.5 log CFU/g. E. coli O157: H7 was isolated from 1 of 1,143 carcasses and from 0 of 1082 boneless samples. Salmonella was isolated from 0 of 1155 carcasses and from 1 of 1082 samples of boneless product. No Campylobacter spp. were isolated from carcasses or boneless beef. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were isolated from 28.7% of beef carcasses and 20.3% of boneless beef samples, and positive samples had a mean count of 0.3 log CFU/cm2 and 0.8 log CFU/g, respectively.  相似文献   

An assessment of the proposed new International Organization for Standardization quantitative method for Campylobacter was undertaken on poultry carcass samples collected after the chilling phase of processing. Using a critical differences method, we determined the uncertainty associated with log-transformed Campylobacter numbers by dual analyses of 346 samples collected from 22 processing plants located throughout the United Kingdom. Overall, using log-transformed Campylobacter numbers that ranged between -1 and 5 log, we calculated the expanded measurement of uncertainty (EMU) to be 3.889 for the new method. The EMU changed when ranges of bacterial numbers were grouped for analyses. For low numbers of Campylobacter (< 1 log), the EMU was calculated to be 5.622. There was less measurement error with higher bacterial numbers because the EMU was found to be 0.612 for samples containing Campylobacter numbers of 3 log or above. The draft method was used to measure numbers of Campylobacters on poultry carcasses collected from 18 United Kingdom processing plants in summer and winter. Numbers were significantly lower in winter. We conclude that, although the new method is adequate at quantifying high numbers of Campylobacter on poultry carcasses, further development is required to improve the measurement of small numbers of this causative agent of foodborne illness.  相似文献   

尽管啤酒是一个微生物稳定的产品,但是在啤酒酿造过程中容易受到一些有害微生物的污染。这些微生物的污染不但会影响到啤酒的质量,如产生异味、混浊等,而且严重时还会给啤酒厂家造成经济损失。因此,在啤酒酿造过程中防止有害微生物的生长具有特别重要的意义。本文介绍了啤酒酿造过程中污染微生物种类、控制要求及控制策略。   相似文献   

The microbiological contamination of reindeer carcasses was studied in 10 Finnish reindeer slaughterhouses. Six of the slaughterhouses were field slaughterhouses and four were plant slaughterhouses. In each slaughterhouse 11 to 30 carcasses were sampled, with abdomen, brisket, and foreleg as sampling sites. Sampling was performed immediately after slaughter, using a nondestructive swabbing method. The overall mean bacterial count of carcasses was 3.12+/-0.61 log CFU/cm2. The mean bacterial value of the carcasses and the bacterial counts of abdomen and brisket were significantly lower in field slaughterhouses than in plant slaughterhouses, suggesting that the controlled conditions of plant slaughterhouses do not necessarily improve the microbiological quality of reindeer carcasses. However, the highest bacterial contamination was found in a field slaughterhouse where the slaughter was performed after rain when the ground was without snow. Carcass contamination seemed to be increased by the use of an evisceration apron, the unnecessary washing of forelegs, and the unnecessary handling of carcasses with hands and arms.  相似文献   

Lamb carcasses (n = 5,042) were sampled from six major lamb packing facilities in the United States over 3 days during each of two visits (fall or winter, October through February; spring, March through June) in order to develop a microbiological baseline for the incidence (presence or absence) of Salmonella spp. and for populations of Escherichia coli after 24 h of chilling following slaughter. Samples also were analyzed for aerobic plate counts (APC) and total coliform counts (TCC). Additionally, incidence (presence or absence) of Campylobacter jejuni/coli on lamb carcasses (n = 2,226) was, determined during the slaughtering process and in the cooler. All samples were obtained by sponge-sampling the muscle-adipose tissue surface of the flank, breast, and leg of lamb carcasses (100 cm2 per site; 300 cm2 total). Incidence of Salmonella spp. in samples collected from chilled carcasses was 1.5% for both seasons combined, with 1.9% and 1.2% of fall or winter and spring samples being positive, respectively. Mean (log CFU/cm2) APC, TCC, and E. coli counts (ECC) on chilled lamb carcasses across both seasons were 4.42, 1.18, and 0.70, respectively. APC were lower (P < 0.05) in samples collected in the spring versus fall or winter, while TCC were higher in samples collected in the spring. There was no difference (P > 0.05) between ECC from samples collected in the spring versus winter. Only 7 out of 2,226 total samples (0.3%) tested positive for C. jejuni/coli, across all sampling sites. These results should be useful to the lamb industry and regulatory authorities as new regulatory requirements for meat inspection become effective.  相似文献   

This study investigates the microbiological conditions of large game animal carcasses following evisceration. Carcasses of animals (N=291) hunted in the Upper Susa Valley (Italian Alps) were analysed for pH, Aerobic Viable Count (AVC), Enterobacteriaceae, Yersinia spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. After shooting, evisceration occurred within 60 min in 90.7% of animals and sampling within 90 min in 88.3% of animals. Mean pH values (5.97: ruminants; 5.77: wild boar) were similar to those of regularly slaughtered domestic species. AVC values were highest in animals shot in the abdomen. Within species, AVC and Enterobacteriaceae values did not differ across different shooting-evisceration/sampling times. However, these counts exceeded 5 and 2.5 log, respectively, in 18% of wild boar and 39% of ruminants; the highest values were detected in wild boar. No pathogens were detected in any species. These results reveal inadequate hygiene in game meat handling/harvesting, implicating the need for improved practices.  相似文献   

A method of testing for irradiation of poultry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method for the detection of irradiated poultry is described. For chicken, free radicals produced by ionizing radiation within the hard crystalline matrix of bone can be detected by the technique of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The ESR signal increases linearly with dose over the likely commercial range and is stable over the probable shelf-life under likely storage conditions. The lower limit of detection is equivalent to a radiation dose of 50 Gy. The test appears equally applicable to turkey, duck and goose.  相似文献   

Quail meats have many advantages and superiority one the other species of poultry. This study was planned to throw plenty of light on gross chemical composition, lipid fractions, fatty acids composition, amino acids composition, of thigh and breast of male and female wild quail meat as well as the microbiological quality. The mean values of moisture, protein, fat, ash and energy contents ranged from 60.1 to 69.2%, 55.0 to 68.8%, 28.8 to 42.1%, 2.40 to 3.63% and 696 to 1000 kJ, respectively. Seven fractions of lipids (phospholipids, monoglycerides, cholesterol, diglycerides, free fatty acids, triglycerides and hydrocarbons) were estimated. The individual fatty acids were determined. The mean total unsaturated fatty acids represented 73.9, 66.8, 60.2 and 67.5% of the total fatty acids in thigh male, breast male, thigh female and breast female quail, while that of saturated fatty acids were 25.1, 30.1, 32.0 and 30.4%, respectively. The essential fatty acids in thigh and breast males were 34.8 and 29.0% against 25.7 and 28.1% in females. Amino acids composition were varied from 82.6 to 95.2 g/100 g protein in thigh, breast of male and female wild quails. The essential amino acids were illustrated. The mean values of psychotrophic, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, Streptococci and Staph. aureus were 4 x 10(4), 1 x 10(2), 4 x 10(3), 3 x 10(3), 6 x 10(2) and 1 x 10(3) cfu/g, respectively. E. coli, Enterobacter agglumerans, E. cloacae, Morganella morgani, Proteus mirabilis, and P. vulgaris could be isolated in varying percentages. Neither Salmonellae nor Clostridium perfringens could be isolated from the examined quails. The public health aspects for the estimated and isolated criteria were outlined.  相似文献   

Spray processes for cooling decontaminated carcasses were examined at four beef packing plants. Temperature histories were collected from deep leg sites on 25 carcasses and from randomly selected sites on the surfaces of a further 25 carcasses selected at random from carcasses undergoing cooling at each plant. Carcass cooling rates were similar at all four plants. Proliferation values calculated from surface temperature histories indicated similar increases of < or = 2 log units in the numbers of pseudomonads on carcasses at all plants and increases of <0.5 and >0.5 log units in the numbers of Escherichia coli on carcasses at plants A and B and plants C and D, respectively. The numbers of aerobes recovered from carcasses after cooling were about 1 log unit larger than the numbers recovered from carcasses before cooling at plants A, B, and C but >1.5 log units larger at plant D. These increases in numbers of aerobes were in agreement with the estimated proliferations of pseudomonads. The larger increase in the number of aerobes on carcasses at plant D may be attributable to carcasses not being pasteurized at that plant, while carcasses were pasteurized at all of the other plants. The numbers of E. coli recovered from carcasses after cooling at plants B, C, and D were also in agreement with the increases calculated from surface temperature histories. However, numbers of E. coli declined by about 1 log unit during carcass cooling at plant A. This decline may have been due to death occurring during chilling for some E. coli cells that were injured rather than killed by pasteurization with sprayed hot water at plant A, whereas pasteurization with steam at plants B and C seemingly left few injured E. coli cells. The growth of bacteria on decontaminated carcasses during spray cooling at the four plants was apparently constrained by temperature alone.  相似文献   

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