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Antibodies are powerful tools for studying the in situ localizationand physiology of proteins. The prediction of epitopes by molecularmodelling has been used successfully for the papilloma virus,and valuable antibodies have been raised [Muller et aL (1990)J. Gen. Virol, 71, 2709–2717]. We have improved the modellingapproach to allow us to predict epitopes from the primary sequencesof the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator.The procedure involves searching for fragments of primary sequenceslikely to make amphipathic secondary structures, which are hydrophilicenough to be at the surface of the folded protein and thus accessibleto antibodies. Amphipathic helices were predicted using themethods of Berzofsky, Eisenberg and Jahnig. Their hydrophobichydrophilicinterface was calculated and drawn, and used to predict theorientation of the helices at the surface of the native protein.Amino acids involved in turns were selected using the algorithmof Eisenberg. Tertiary structures were calculated using ‘FOLDING’,a software developed by R.Brasseur for the prediction of smallprotein structures [Brasseur (1995) J. MoL Graphics, in press].We selected sequences that folded as turns with at least fiveprotruding polar residues. One important property of antibodiesis selectivity. To optimize the selectivity of the raised antibodies,each sequence was screened for similarity (FASTA) to the proteinsequences from several databanks. Ubiquitous sequences werediscarded. This approach led to the identification of 13 potentialepitopes in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator:seven helices and six loops.  相似文献   

Structure-based design of antibody/cytokine receptor chimeras has permitted a growth signal transduction in response to non-natural ligands such as fluorescein-conjugated BSA as mimicry of cytokine-cytokine receptor systems. However, while tight on/off regulation is observed in the natural cytokine receptor systems, many chimeras constructed to date showed residual growth-promoting activity in the absence of ligands. Here we tried to reduce the basal growth signal intensity from a chimera by engineering the transmembrane domain (TM) that is thought to be involved in the interchain interaction of natural cytokine receptors. When the retroviral vectors encoding the chimeras with either the wild-type erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) TM or the one bearing two mutations in the leucine zipper motif were transduced to non-strictly interleukin-6-dependent 7TD1 cells, a tight antigen-dependent on/off regulation was attained, also demonstrating the first antigen-mediated genetically modified cell amplification of non-strictly factor-dependent cells. The results clearly indicate that the TM mutation is an effective means to improve the growth response of the antibody/receptor chimera.  相似文献   

In a systematic study of the periplasmic folding of antibodyfragments in Escherichia coli, we have analysed the expressionof an aggregation-prone and previously non-functional anti-phosphorylcholineantibody, T15, as a model system and converted it to a functionalmolecule. Introduction of heavy chain framework mutations previouslyfound to improve the folding of a related antibody led to improvedfolding of T15 fragments and improved physiology of the hostE.coli cells. Manipulation of the complementarity determiningregions (CDR) of the framework-mutated forms of T15 furtherimproved folding and bacterial host physiology, but no improvementwas seen in the wild type, suggesting the existence of a hierarchyin sequence positions leading to aggregation. Rational mutagenesisof the T15 light chain led to the production of functional T15fragments for the first time, with increased levels of functionalprotein produced from VH manipulated constructs. We proposethat a hierarchical analysis of the primary amino acid sequence,as we have described, provides guidelines on how correctly folding,functional antibodies might be achieved and will allow furtherdelineation of the decisive structural factors and pathwaysfavouring protein aggregation.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody Jel42 is specific for the Escherichiacoli histidine-containing protein, HPr, which is an 85 aminoacid phosphocarrier protein of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugarphosphotransferase system. The binding domain (Fv) has beenproduced as a single chain Fv (scFv). The scFv gene was synthesizedin vitro and coded for pelB leader peptide–heavy chain–linker–lightchain–(His)5 tail. The linker is three repeats from theC-terminal repetitive sequence of eukaryotic RNA polymeraseII. This linker acts as a tag; it is the antigen for the monoclonalantibody Jel352. The codon usage was maximized for E.coli expression,and many unique restriction endonuclease sites were incorporated.The scFv gene incorporated into pT7-7 was highly expressed,yielding 10–30% of the cell protein as the scFv, whichwas found in inclusion bodies with the leader peptide cleaved.Jel42 scFv was purified by denaturation/renaturation yieldingpreparations with Kd values from 20 to 175 nM. However, basedupon an assessment of the amount of active refolded scFv, thebinding dissociation constant was estimated to be 2.7 ±2.0 nM compared with 2.8 ± 1.6 and 3.7 ± 0.3 nMpreviously determined for the Jel42 antibody and Fab fragmentrespectively. The effect of mutation of the antigen HPr on thebinding constant of the scFv was very similar to the propertiesdetermined for the antibody and the Fab fragment. It was concludedthat the small percentage (~6%) of refolded scFv is a true mimicof the Jel42 binding domain and that the incorrectly foldedscFv cannot be detected in the binding assay.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin (Ig)-like proteins have been shown to fold following formation of a nucleus comprising interactions between residues that are distant in the primary sequence. What role do the loops connecting these nucleus residues play? Here, the importance of loops connecting beta-strands in different sheets of the Ig fold is investigated, by insertion of five glycine residues into the B-C loop of an Ig domain from human titin, TI I27. The folding pathway of this elongated 'pseudo wild-type' TI I27 is probed using protein engineering and Phi-value analysis. The Phi-values calculated for mutants within the pseudo wild-type protein indicate that the folding nucleus in wild-type TI I27 is conserved, supporting the hypothesis that the inter-sheet loop is not critical to the formation of a long-range folding nucleus.  相似文献   

The anti-hen egg lysozyme monoclonal antibody HyHEL-5 and itscomplexes with various species-variant and mutant lysozymeshave been the subject of considerable experimental and theoreticalinvestigation. The affinity of HyHEL-5 for bobwhite quail lysozyme(BWQL) is over 1000-fold lower than its affinity for the originalantigen, hen egg lysozyme (HEL). This difference is believedto arise almost entirely from the replacement in BWQL of thestructural and energetic epitope residue Arg68 by lysine. Inthis study, the association and dissociation kinetics of BWQLwith HyHEL-5 were investigated under a variety of conditionsand compared with previous results for HEL. HyHEL-5–BWQLassociation follows a bimolecular mechanism and the dissociationof the antibody–antigen complex is a first-order process.Changes in ionic strength (from 27 to 500 mM) and pH (from 6.0to 10.0) produced about a 2-fold change in the association anddissociation rates. The effect of viscosity modifiers on theassociation reaction was also studied. The large differencein the HEL and BWQL affinities for HyHEL-5 is essentially dueto differences in the dissociation rate constant.  相似文献   

Denatured and reduced N-terminal extended insulin-like growthfactor-1 (AE-IGF-1) was purified from Escherichia coli extractsand subjected to in vitro folding. The renaturation processwas shown to be a function of the redox potential of the solution.Folding by different methods had no significant effect on therenaturation. A maximal yield of 60% (w/w)was obtained. Thefolded AE-IGF-1 was enzymatically converted to IGF-1. The majorby-product (20% w/w) was identified as scrambled IGF-1. Enzymaticdigestion at alkaline and acidic pH suggested two possible disulphidebond arrangements: (i) Cys6–Cys47, Cys18–Cys61,Cys48–Cys52; or (if) Cys6–Cys52, Cysl8–Cys61,Cys47 and Cys48 being in their reduced forms. Energy minimizationand molecular modelling suggested that the scrambled IGF-1,having reduced cysteines at positions 47 and 48, was the energeticallymost stable conformation of the two.  相似文献   

The variable domain resurfacing and CDR-grafting approachesto antibody humanization were compared directly on the two murinemonoclonal antibodies N901 (anti-CD56) and anti-B4 (anti-CD19).Resurfacing replaces the set of surface residues of a rodentvariable region with a human set of surface residues. The methodof CDR-grafting conceptually consists of transferring the CDRsfrom a rodent antibody onto the Fv framework of a human antibody.Computer-aided molecular modeling was used to design the initialCDR-grafted and resurfaced versions of these two antibodies.The initial versions of resurfaced N901 and resurfaced anti-B4maintained the full binding affinity of the original murineparent antibodies and further refinements to these versionsdescribed herein generated five new resurfaced antibodies thatcontain fewer murine residues at surface positions, four ofwhich also have the full parental binding affinity. A mutationalstudy of three surface positions within 5 Å of the CDRsof resurfaced anti-B4 revealed a remarkable ability of the resurfacedantibodies to maintain binding affinity despite dramatic changesof charges near their antigen recognition surfaces, suggestingthat the resurfacing approach can be used with a high degreeof confidence to design humanized antibodies that maintain thefull parental binding affinity. By comparison CDR-grafted anti-B4antibodies with parental affinity were produced only after seventeenversions were attempted using two different strategies for selectingthe human acceptor frameworks. For both the CDR-grafted anti-B4and N901 antibodies, full restoration of antigen binding affinitywas achieved when the most identical human acceptor frameworkswere selected. The CDR-grafted anti-B4 antibodies that maintainedhigh affinity binding for CD19 had more murine residues at surfacepositions than any of the three versions of the resurfaced anti-B4antibody. This observation suggests that the resurfacing approachcan be used to produce humanized antibodies with reduced antigenicpotential relative to their corresponding CDR-grafted versions.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of a four residue insertion intothe FR3 loop of the heavy chain variable region from the anti-NPantibody Bl-8. The insertion mutant is obtained as secretedantibody without major defects in biosynthesis, indicating thatantibody variable domains can accommodate length variation notonly in complementarity determining regions (CDRs), but alsoin framework region (FR) loops. The Bl-8 antigen binding siteis not affected by the change in a neighbouring loop. FR3 insertionsrepresent a new method of antibody engineering with a potentialto obtain strong antigen binding by designing additional antigencontacting residues.  相似文献   

Protein engineering of the cholera toxin A1 subunit (CTA1) fusedto a dimer of the Ig-binding D-region of Staphylococcus aureusprotein A (DD) was employed to investigate the effect of specificamino acid changes on solubility, stability, enzymatic activityand capacity to act as an adjuvant in vivo. A series of CTA1-DDanalogues were selected by a rational modeling approach, inwhich surface-exposed hydrophobic amino acids of CTA1 were exchangedfor hydrophilic counterparts modeled for best structural fit.Of six different mutants initially produced, two analogues,CTA1Phe132Ser-DD and CTA1Pro185Gln-DD, were demonstrated tohave 50 and 70% increased solubility, respectively, at neutralpH. The double mutant CTA1Phe132Ser/Pro185Gln-DD was at leastthreefold more soluble, demonstrating an additive effect ofthe two mutations. Only the Phe132Ser analogue retained fullbiological activity and stability compared with the native CTA1-DDfusion protein. Two mutants, Pro185Gln and Phe31His mutations,exhibited unaltered ADP-ribosyltransferase activity in vitro,but demonstrated markedly reduced adjuvant function. Since thePro185 and Phe31 amino acids are located in close vicinity onthe distal side of the molecule relative to the enzymaticallyactive cleft, it is conceivable that this region is involvedin mediating a biological function, separate from the enzymaticactivity but intrinsic to the adjuvant activity of CTA1.  相似文献   

In an attempt to design immunogens that elicit broadly HIV-neutralizing antibodies, we recently engineered monomeric HIV-1 gp120 to bind preferentially b12, a broadly neutralizing antibody to the CD4-binding site (CD4bs) on gp120, by mutating four central residues in the CD4bs to alanine and introducing extra N-glycosylation sites potentially to mask unwanted B-cell epitopes. Despite the favorable antigenicity of this mutant, it harbors two potential caveats that may limit its effectiveness to elicit b12-like antibodies: (i) b12-binding affinity is reduced relative to wild-type gp120 and (ii) binding of some non-neutralizing antibodies to the N-terminal C1 region of gp120 is still observed. Here, we sought to correct these potential limitations. By reverting one of the added N-glycosylation sites on the gp120 core, b12 binding was improved without affecting the epitope-masking properties of the original mutant. Furthermore, truncation of the gp120 N-terminus eliminated binding of the anti-C1 antibodies. Finally, based on the binding profiles of additional non-neutralizing antibodies tested here, further N-glycosylation sites were incorporated to mask their corresponding epitopes. The resulting hyperglycosylated gp120 variants bind b12 and another broadly neutralizing antibody, 2G12, with apparent affinities approaching that of wild-type gp120, but do not bind 21 non- or weakly neutralizing antibodies to seven different epitopes on gp120. These hyperglycosylated variants expand our panel of glycoengineered gp120s that are currently being evaluated for their ability to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

The oxidative folding of frog onconase (ONC), a member of theribonuclease A family, was examined and shows markedly differentbehavior compared to its structural homologue bovine pancreaticribonuclease A (RNase A) under similar conditions. Applicationof a reduction pulse (using a small amount of reduced dithiothreitol)during the oxidative regeneration of ONC indicated the survivalof the native protein along with three other (structured) species,I1, I2 and I3, with the rest of the unstructured species beingconverted to fully reduced protein. Mass spectrometry indicatesthat I1 has two disulfide bonds, whereas I2 and I3 have threedisulfide bonds each. A disulfide mapping method, based on cyanylation,was used to identify I2 and I3 as des-[30–75] and des-[19–68],respectively. On enzymatic digestion using trypsin, I1 was identifiedas des-[19–68, 30–75]. Differences in the intermediatesthat are generated during the oxidative folding of the two structuralhomologues, RNase A and ONC, demonstrate that regenerative pathwaysare not necessarily influenced by tertiary structure. This indicatesthat the lack of a disulfide bond in ONC, analogous to the (65–72)disulfide bond in RNase A which plays an important role in itsoxidative regeneration, does not adversely affect the oxidativefolding of ONC.  相似文献   

The Fab region of an IgG2b antibody (AM7B2.1) reactive to theherbicide atrazine was cloned into a plasmid vector using thepolymerase chain reaction and two sets of degenerate oligonucleotideprimers designed to mimic the amino acid variation at the N-terminiof L-chains and TH-chains. These primers also provide a secretionsignal fused precisely to the antibody gene sequence for secretionof the mature antibody. A further set of universal oligonucleotideprimers was developed for the direct sequencing of the VH andCm regions of B-chains and the VL and CL regions of L-chainswithout subcloning and were used to determine the sequence ofthis antibody. The L-chain was found to not possess a conservedCys residue at position 23 and the implications of this observationare discussed. The cloned genes were expressed in Escherichiacoli using a commercially available T7 RNA polymerase-basedplasmid. The clones were also expressed in a 17 RNA polymerasebasedsystem containing an attenuated version of the T7 RNA polymerasepromoter, plus a lac promoter placed in an antisense orientation,to enhance plasmid stability. The expressed products were confirmedas atrazine reactive by binding to an atrazine derivative conjugatedwith alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb 425) with therapeutic potentialwas ‘humanized’ in two ways. Firstly the mouse variableregions from mAb 425 were spliced onto human constant regionsto create a chimeric 425 antibody. Secondly, the mouse complementarity–determiningregions (CDRs) from mAb 425 were grafted into human variableregions, which were then joined to human constant regions, tocreate a reshaped human 425 antibody. Using a molecular modelof the mouse mAb 425 variable regions, framework residues (FRs)that might be critical for antigen-binding were identified.To test the importance of these residues, nine versions of thereshaped human 425 heavy chain variable (VH) regions and twoversions of the reshaped human 425 light chain variable (VJregions were designed and constructed. The recombinant DNAscoding for the chimeric and reshaped human light and heavy chainswere coexpressed transiently in COS cells. In antigen-bindingassays and competition-binding assays, the reshaped human antibodieswere compared with mouse 425 antibody and to chimeric 425 antibody.The different versions of 425–reshaped human antibodyshowed a wide range of avidities for antigen, indicating thatsubstitutions at certain positions in the human FRs significantlyinfluenced binding to antigen. Why certain individual FR residuesinfluence antigen-binding is discussed. One version of reshapedhuman 425 antibody bound to antigen with an avidity approachingthat of the mouse 425 antibody.  相似文献   

We have modelled the transmembrane region of the 7 nicotinicacetylcholine receptor as a mixed -helical/ß-sheetstructure. The model was mainly based on the crystal structureof a pore-forming toxin, heat-labile enterotoxin. This is apentameric protein having a central pore or channel composedof five -helices, one from each of the 5 B subunits that formthis pentamer. The remainder of this structure is ß-sheet,loops and a short -helix, not included in the model. The modeluses this channel as a template to build the transmembrane region,from M1 to the middle of M3. The remainder of M3 and M4 werebuilt de novo as -helices. Great consideration was given tolabelling data available for the transmembrane region. In generalterms, the shape of the model agrees very well with that obtainedindependently by electron microscopic analysis and the secondarystructure predicted by the model is in accord with that estimatedindependently by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. TheM2 helical region of the model is only slightly kinked, contraryto what is inferred from electron microscopic analysis, buthas the same overall shape and form. On the membrane face ofthe model, the presence of deep pockets may provide the structuralbasis for the distinction between annular and non-annular lipidbinding sites. Also, the transmembrane region is clearly asymmetricin the direction perpendicular to the membrane, and this mayhave strong influence on the surrounding lipid composition ofeach leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract The transmembrane (T) domain of diphtheria toxin (DT) comprisesnine -helices and has been shown to play an essential role inthe efficent delivery of the catalytic (C) domain ofDT acrossthe eukaryotic cell membrane and into the cytosol. We have demonstratedrecently thatthe first three amphipathic helixes of the T domain,although not necessary for either channel formation or receptorbinding, are required for the efficient transmembrane deliveryof the Cdomain.In the present study,we have performed a detailedstructure-function analysis of T domainhelix 1 (TH1) of theDT-related fusion protein DAB389lL-2. We performed exchangeandsite-directed mutagenesis of TH1 and the resulting mutantfusion toxins were analyzed by gel electrophoresis and testedfor their efficiencies in the delivery of the C domain to thecell cytosol. We demonstrate that the overall charge distributionand hydrophobicity of amino acids in the amphipathic helix TH1,rather than a specific amino acid sequence, are critical forthe function of this helix. The insertion of a charged residuein the hydrophobic face of TH1 abolishes cytotoxic activity,whereas replacement of a hydrophobic residue by a charged aminoacid in the hydrophilic face of the helix has little, if any,effect on cytotoxic activity. In addition,we have identifiedSer220 by site-directed mutagenesis as a residue that appearsto be criticalfor correct folding of the fusion toxin. Mutationsin this position result in fusion proteins that are extremelysensitive to proteolytic attack.  相似文献   

An epitope from the HTV-1 gpl20 protein V3 loop has been insertedonto the surface of bacterial alkaline phosphatase at differentpositions in the vicinity of the enzyme active site, creatinghybrid proteins that can bind to an anti-gpl20 monoclonal antibody.One of the hybrid proteins, API1, has a 13 amino acid V3 loopsequence inserted between residues 407 and 408 of alkaline phosphatase.The enzymatic activity of this protein is modulated upon antibodybinding. API1 maintains the full activity of the wild type alkalinephosphatase but in the presence of the anti-gpl20 antibody,the enzyme activity is inhibited by 40–50%. Thus, thehybrid enzyme can be used to detect the presence of antibodyin solution. The concept of signalling proteins may have a wideapplication. Two models for the mechanism of modulation, sterichindrance and allosteric regulation, are discussed.  相似文献   

A study of structural determinants in the interleukin-1 fold   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structures of interleukin-1ß, basic fibroblastgrowth factor and Erythrina trypsin inhibitor have been analysedin order to determine whether the hydrophobic core remains conserved,even when the structures have extremely low sequence similarities.We find that there are significant differences in the way eachprotein achieves a satisfactory arrangement of core residuesand that positions which contribute to the core of one structureare not guaranteed to contribute to the integrity of another.Furthermore, the side-chain packing arrangements of these coreresidues vary significantly between the three structures. Duringthis analysis the side-chain rotamers for three independentlydetermined interleukin-1ß structures were also compared.It was found that although buried residues are generally inagreement the remaining residues frequently occupy differentrotamers in the three structures. This suggests that althoughmeaningful studies are possible for buried side-chains the resultsobtained from equivalent analyses of accessible residues shouldbe treated with caution. These results are discussed with specificreference to the optimization of side-chain packing in proteinsof known structure.  相似文献   

The trypsin carboxypeptidase peptide inhibitor (TCPI) whichinhibits both trypsin and carboxypeptidase A has been chemicallyengineered by modification of the Ecballium elaterium trypsininhibitor II (EETI-II). The solution conformation of TCPI, studiedby two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance, was shown tobe very close to those of squash inhibitors. Only limited deviationsof the trypsin binding loop compared to its location in theEETI-II/trypsin complex were detected. It was also shown thatthe position of the C-terminal tail did not significantly changefrom the position observed in the complex between carboxypeptidaseA and the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor (PCI). The conformationof TCPI was carefully compared with the PCI one and a new structuralalignment between the two microproteins is proposed. This alignmentpoints out the very good conservation in the two inhibitorsof a subdomain comprising segments 7–15, 19–22 and25–28. Most importantly, the 2–19 disulfide bridgeof TCPI was not structurally conserved in PCI and appeared tobe rather unimportant for the early folding process of thesemolecules. This result agrees with the recent observation thatthe 2–19 bridge is the last to be formed in the foldingof the squash inhibitor EETI-II and suggests that this is alsothe case during the folding of the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor.  相似文献   

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