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Intercellular communication was long thought to be regulated exclusively through direct contact between cells or via release of soluble molecules that transmit the signal by binding to a suitable receptor on the target cell, and/or via uptake into that cell. With the discovery of small secreted vesicular structures that contain complex cargo, both in their lumen and the lipid membrane that surrounds them, a new frontier of signal transduction was discovered. These “extracellular vesicles” (EV) were initially thought to be garbage bags through which the cell ejected its waste. Whilst this is a major function of one type of EV, i.e., apoptotic bodies, many EVs have intricate functions in intercellular communication and compound exchange; although their physiological roles are still ill-defined. Additionally, it is now becoming increasingly clear that EVs mediate disease progression and therefore studying EVs has ignited significant interests among researchers from various fields of life sciences. Consequently, the research effort into the pathogenic roles of EVs is significantly higher even though their protective roles are not well established. The “Focus on extracellular vesicles” series of reviews highlights the current state of the art regarding various topics in EV research, whilst this review serves as an introductory overview of EVs, their biogenesis and molecular composition.  相似文献   

The recruitment of pericytes and vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that enwrap endothelial cells (ECs) is a crucial process for vascular maturation and stabilization. Communication between these two cell types is crucial during vascular development and in maintaining vessel homeostasis. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as a new communication tool involving the exchange of microRNAs between cells. In the present study, we searched for microRNAs that could be transferred via EVs from ECs to SMCs and vice versa. Thanks to a microRNA profiling experiment, we found that two microRNAs are more exported in each cell type in coculture experiments: while miR-539 is more secreted by ECs, miR-582 is more present in EVs from SMCs. Functional assays revealed that both microRNAs can modulate both cell-type phenotypes. We further identified miR-539 and miR-582 targets, in agreement with their respective cell functions. The results obtained in vivo in the neovascularization model suggest that miR-539 and miR-582 might cooperate to trigger the process of blood vessel coverage by smooth muscle cells in a mature plexus. Taken together, these results are the first to highlight the role of miR-539 and miR-582 in angiogenesis and communication between ECs and SMCs.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small vesicles ranging from 20–200 nm to 10 μm in diameter that are discharged and taken in by many different types of cells. Depending on the nature and quantity of their content—which generally includes proteins, lipids as well as microRNAs (miRNAs), messenger-RNA (mRNA), and DNA—these particles can bring about functional modifications in the receiving cells. During pregnancy, placenta and/or fetal-derived EVs have recently been isolated, eliciting interest in discovering their clinical significance. To date, various studies have associated variations in the circulating levels of maternal and fetal EVs and their contents, with complications including gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, ultimately leading to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Furthermore, EVs have also been identified as messengers and important players in viral infections during pregnancy, as well as in various congenital malformations. Their presence can be detected in the maternal blood from the first trimester and their level increases towards term, thus acting as liquid biopsies that give invaluable insight into the status of the feto-placental unit. However, their exact roles in the metabolic and vascular adaptations associated with physiological and pathological pregnancy is still under investigation. Analyzing peer-reviewed journal articles available in online databases, the purpose of this review is to synthesize current knowledge regarding the utility of quantification of pregnancy related EVs in general and placental EVs in particular as non-invasive evidence of placental dysfunction and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and to develop the current understanding of these particles and their applicability in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are important for intercellular signalling in multi-cellular organisms. However, the role of mature transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and tRNA fragments in EVs has yet to be characterised. This systematic review aimed to identify up-to-date literature on tRNAs present within human EVs and explores their potential clinical significance in health and disease. A comprehensive and systematic literature search was performed, and the study was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. Electronic databases MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched up until 1 January 2022. From 685 papers, 60 studies were identified for analysis. The majority of papers reviewed focussed on the role of EV tRNAs in cancers (31.7%), with numerous other conditions represented. Blood and cell lines were the most common EV sources, representing 85.9% of protocols used. EV isolation methods included most known methods, precipitation being the most common (49.3%). The proportion of EV tRNAs was highly variable, ranging between 0.04% to >95% depending on tissue source. EV tRNAs are present in a multitude of sources and show promise as disease markers in breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, and other diseases. EV tRNA research is an emerging field, with increasing numbers of papers highlighting novel methodologies for tRNA and tRNA fragment discovery.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) and ovarian cancer (OvC) patients frequently develop peritoneal metastasis, a condition associated with a very poor prognosis. In these cancers, tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) cause immunosuppression, facilitate the direct attachment and invasion of cancer cells through the mesothelium, induce the conversion of peritoneal mesothelial cells (PMCs) into cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and transfer a more aggressive phenotype amongst cancer cells. Although the promoting role of EVs in CRC and OvC peritoneal metastasis is well established, the specific molecules that mediate the interactions between tumor-derived EVs and immune and non-immune target cells remain elusive. Here, we employed the SKOV-3 (ovarian adenocarcinoma) and Colo-320 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) human cell lines as model systems to study the interactions and uptake of EVs produced by ovarian carcinoma and colorectal carcinoma cells, respectively. We established that the adhesion molecule ALCAM/CD166 is involved in the interaction of cancer-derived EVs with recipient cancer cells (a process termed “EV binding” or “EV docking”) and in their subsequent uptake by these cells. The identification of ALCAM/CD166 as a molecule mediating the docking and uptake of CRC and OvC-derived EVs may be potentially exploited to block the peritoneal metastasis cascade promoted by EVs in CRC and OvC patients.  相似文献   

Endosome-derived small extracellular vesicles (EVs), often referred to as exosomes, are produced by almost all, if not all, cell types, and are critical for intercellular communication. They are composed of a lipid bilayer associated with membrane proteins and contain a payload of lipids, proteins and regulatory RNAs that depends on the parental cell physiological condition. By transferring their “cargo”, exosomes can modulate the phenotype of neighboring and distant cells. Stem cells (SC) were widely studied for therapeutic applications regarding their regenerative/reparative potential as well as their immunomodulatory properties. Whether from autologous or allogeneic source, SC beneficial effects in terms of repair and regeneration are largely attributed to their paracrine signaling notably through secreted EVs. Subsequently, SC-derived EVs have been investigated for the treatment of various diseases, including inflammatory skin disorders, and are today fast-track cell-free tools for regenerative/reparative strategies. Yet, their clinical application is still facing considerable challenges, including production and isolation procedures, and optimal cell source. Within the emerging concept of “allogeneic-driven benefit” for SC-based therapies, the use of EVs from allogeneic sources becomes the pragmatic choice although a universal allogeneic cell source is still needed. As a unique temporary organ that ensures the mutual coexistence of two allogeneic organisms, mother and fetus, the human placenta offers a persuasive allogeneic stem cell source for development of therapeutic EVs. Advancing cell-free therapeutics nurtures great hope and provides new perspectives for the development of safe and effective treatment in regenerative/reparative medicine and beyond. We will outline the current state of the art in regard of EVs, summarize their therapeutic potential in the context of skin inflammatory disorders, and discuss their translational advantages and hurdles.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a group of membrane vesicles that play important roles in cell-to-cell and interspecies/interkingdom communications by modulating the pathophysiological conditions of recipient cells. Recent evidence has implied their potential roles in the gut–brain axis (GBA), which is a complex bidirectional communication system between the gut environment and brain pathophysiology. Despite the evidence, the roles of EVs in the gut microenvironment in the GBA are less highlighted. Moreover, there are critical challenges in the current GBA models and analyzing techniques for EVs, which may hinder the research. Currently, advances in organ-on-a-chip (OOC) technologies have provided a promising solution. Here, we review the potential effects of EVs occurring in the gut environment on brain physiology and behavior and discuss how to apply OOCs to research the GBA mediated by EVs in the gut microenvironment.  相似文献   

Lung diseases (LD) are one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Although it is known that chronic airway inflammation and excessive tissue repair are processes associated with LD such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), their specific pathways remain unclear. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are heterogeneous nanoscale membrane vesicles with an important role in cell-to-cell communication. EVs are present in general biofluids as plasma or urine but also in secretions of the airway as bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), induced sputum (IS), nasal lavage (NL) or pharyngeal lavage. Alterations of airway EV cargo could be crucial for understanding LD. Airway EVs have shown a role in the pathogenesis of some LD such as eosinophil increase in asthma, the promotion of lung cancer in vitro models in COPD and as biomarkers to distinguishing IPF in patients with diffuse lung diseases. In addition, they also have a promising future as therapeutics for LD. In this review, we focus on the importance of airway secretions in LD, the pivotal role of EVs from those secretions on their pathophysiology and their potential for biomarker discovery.  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD), comprising both acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and chronic coronary syndromes (CCS), remains one of the most important killers throughout the entire world. ACS is often quickly diagnosed by either deviation on an electrocardiogram or elevated levels of troponin, but CCS appears to be more complicated. The most used noninvasive strategies to diagnose CCS are coronary computed tomography and perfusion imaging. Although both show reasonable accuracy (80–90%), these modalities are becoming more and more subject of debate due to costs, radiation and increasing inappropriate use in low-risk patients. A reliable, blood-based biomarker is not available for CCS but would be of great clinical importance. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid-bilayer membrane vesicles containing bioactive contents e.g., proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. EVs are often referred to as the “liquid biopsy” since their contents reflect changes in the condition of the cell they originate from. Although EVs are studied extensively for their role as biomarkers in the cardiovascular field during the last decade, they are still not incorporated into clinical practice in this field. This review provides an overview on EV biomarkers in CCS and discusses the clinical and technological aspects important for successful clinical application of EVs.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) shuttle proteins, RNA, DNA, and lipids crucial for cell-to-cell communication. Recent findings have highlighted that EVs, by virtue of their cargo, may also contribute to breast cancer (BC) growth and metastatic dissemination. Indeed, EVs are gaining great interest as non-invasive cancer biomarkers. However, little is known about the biological and physical properties of EVs from malignant BC lesions, and even less is understood about EVs from non-malignant lesions, such as breast fibroadenoma (FAD), which are clinically managed using conservative approaches. Thus, for this pilot study, we attempted to purify and explore the proteomic profiles of EVs from benign breast lesions, HER2+ BCs, triple–negative BCs (TNBCs), and continuous BC cell lines (i.e., BT-549, MCF–10A, and MDA-MB-231), combining experimental and semi-quantitative approaches. Of note, proteome-wide analyses showed 49 common proteins across EVs harvested from FAD, HER2+ BCs, TNBCs, and model BC lines. This is the first feasibility study evaluating the physicochemical composition and proteome of EVs from benign breast cells and primary and immortalized BC cells. Our preliminary results hold promise for possible implications in precision medicine for BC.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from mesenchymal stem cells isolated from both bone marrow (BMSCs) and adipose tissue (ADSCs) show potential therapeutic effects. These vesicles often show a similar beneficial effect on tissue regeneration, but in some contexts, they exert different biological properties. To date, a comparison of their molecular cargo that could explain the different biological effect is not available. Here, we demonstrated that ADSC-EVs, and not BMSC-EVs, promote wound healing on a murine model of diabetic wounds. Besides a general similarity, the bioinformatic analysis of their protein and miRNA cargo highlighted important differences between these two types of EVs. Molecules present exclusively in ADSC-EVs were highly correlated to angiogenesis, whereas those expressed in BMSC-EVs were preferentially involved in cellular proliferation. Finally, in vitro analysis confirmed that both ADSC and BMSC-EVs exploited beneficial effect on cells involved in skin wound healing such as fibroblasts, keratinocytes and endothelial cells, but through different cellular processes. Consistent with the bioinformatic analyses, BMSC-EVs were shown to mainly promote proliferation, whereas ADSC-EVs demonstrated a major effect on angiogenesis. Taken together, these results provide deeper comparative information on the cargo of ADSC-EVs and BMSC-EVs and the impact on regenerative processes essential for diabetic wound healing.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are composed of lipid bilayer membranes and contain various molecules, such as mRNA and microRNA (miRNA), that regulate the functions of the recipient cell. Recent studies have reported the importance of EV-mediated intercellular communication in the brain. The brain contains several types of cells, including neurons and glial cells. Among them, astrocytes are the most abundant glial cells in the mammalian brain and play a wide range of roles, from structural maintenance of the brain to regulation of neurotransmission. Furthermore, since astrocytes can take up EVs, it is possible that EVs originating from inside and outside the brain affect astrocyte function, which in turn affects brain function. However, it has not been fully clarified whether the specific targeting mechanism of EVs to astrocytes as recipient cells exists. In recent years, EVs have attracted attention as a cell-targeted therapeutic approach in various organs, and elucidation of the targeting mechanism of EVs to astrocytes may pave the way for new therapies for brain diseases. In this review, we focus on EVs in the brain that affect astrocyte function and discuss the targeting mechanism of EVs to astrocytes.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are generated and secreted by cells into the circulatory system. Stem cell-derived EVs have a therapeutic effect similar to that of stem cells and are considered an alternative method for cell therapy. Accordingly, research on the characteristics of EVs is emerging. EVs were isolated from human epidural fat-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and human fibroblast culture media by ultracentrifugation. The characterization of EVs involved the typical evaluation of cluster of differentiation (CD antigens) marker expression by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, size analysis with dynamic laser scattering, and morphology analysis with transmission electron microscopy. Lastly, the secreted levels of cytokines and chemokines in EVs were determined by a cytokine assay. The isolated EVs had a typical size of approximately 30–200 nm, and the surface proteins CD9 and CD81 were expressed on human epidural fat MSCs and human fibroblast cells. The secreted levels of cytokines and chemokines were compared between human epidural fat MSC-derived EVs and human fibroblast-derived EVs. Human epidural fat MSC-derived EVs showed anti-inflammatory effects and promoted macrophage polarization. In this study, we demonstrated for the first time that human epidural fat MSC-derived EVs exhibit inflammatory suppressive potency relative to human fibroblast-derived EVs, which may be useful for the treatment of inflammation-related diseases.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a life-threatening condition that leads to permanent disability with partial or complete loss of motor, sensory, and autonomic functions. SCI is usually caused by initial mechanical insult, followed by a cascade of several neuroinflammation and structural changes. For ameliorating the neuroinflammatory cascades, MSC has been regarded as a therapeutic agent. The animal SCI research has demonstrated that MSC can be a valuable therapeutic agent with several growth factors and cytokines that may induce anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. However, the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs in animal SCI models is inconsistent, and the optimal method of MSCs remains debatable. Moreover, there are several limitations to developing these therapeutic agents for humans. Therefore, identifying novel agents for regenerative medicine is necessary. Extracellular vesicles are a novel source for regenerative medicine; they possess nucleic acids, functional proteins, and bioactive lipids and perform various functions, including damaged tissue repair, immune response regulation, and reduction of inflammation. MSC-derived exosomes have advantages over MSCs, including small dimensions, low immunogenicity, and no need for additional procedures for culture expansion or delivery. Certain studies have demonstrated that MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, exhibit outstanding chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, we reviewed the principles and patho-mechanisms and summarized the research outcomes of MSCs and MSC-derived EVs for SCI, reported to date.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) serve as trafficking vehicles and intercellular communication tools. Their cargo molecules directly reflect characteristics of their parental cell. This includes information on cell identity and specific cellular conditions, ranging from normal to pathological states. In cancer, the content of EVs derived from tumor cells is altered and can induce oncogenic reprogramming of target cells. As a result, tumor-derived EVs compromise antitumor immunity and promote cancer progression and spreading. However, this pro-oncogenic phenotype is constantly being challenged by EVs derived from the local tumor microenvironment and from remote sources. Here, we summarize the role of EVs in the tumor–immune cross-talk that includes, but is not limited to, immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. We discuss the potential of remotely released EVs from the microbiome and during physical activity to shape the tumor–immune cross-talk, directly or indirectly, and confer antitumor activity. We further discuss the role of proinflammatory EVs in the temporal development of the tumor–immune interactions and their potential use for cancer diagnostics.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a family of particles/vesicles present in blood and body fluids, composed of phospholipid bilayers that carry a variety of molecules that can mediate cell communication, modulating crucial cell processes such as homeostasis, induction/dampening of inflammation, and promotion of repair. Their existence, initially suspected in 1946 and confirmed in 1967, spurred a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications. Paradoxically, the increasing interest for EV content and function progressively reduced the relevance for a precise nomenclature in classifying EVs, therefore leading to a confusing scientific production. The aim of this review was to analyze the evolution of the progress in the knowledge and definition of EVs over the years, with an overview of the methodologies used for the identification of the vesicles, their cell of origin, and the detection of their cargo. The MISEV 2018 guidelines for the proper recognition nomenclature and ways to study EVs are summarized. The review finishes with a “more questions than answers” chapter, in which some of the problems we still face to fully understand the EV function and potential as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool are analyzed.  相似文献   

The discovery that cells secrete extracellular vesicles (EVs), which carry a variety of regulatory proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, has shed light on the sophisticated manner by which cells can communicate and accordingly function. The bioactivity of EVs is not only defined by their internal content, but also through their surface associated molecules, and the linked downstream signaling effects they elicit in target cells. The extracellular matrix (ECM) contains signaling and structural molecules that are central to tissue maintenance and repair. Recently, a subset of EVs residing within the extracellular matrix has been identified. Although some roles have been proposed for matrix-bound vesicles, their role as signaling molecules within the ECM is yet to be explored. Given the close association of EVs and the ECM, it is not surprising that EVs partly mediate repair and regeneration by modulating matrix deposition and degradation through their cellular targets. This review addresses unique EV features that allow them to interact with and navigate through the ECM, describes how their release and content is influenced by the ECM, and emphasizes the emerging role of stem-cell derived EVs in tissue repair and regeneration through their matrix-modulating properties.  相似文献   

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