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Abstract— The paper deals with the fracture toughness of nodular cast irons of differing microstructure and manganese content. Fracture toughness was determined for static and impact loading in the temperature range from 77 to 523 K. The dependences of fracture toughness on manganese content and microstructure were obtained.
Fatigue crack growth rate curves were obtained at room temperature and a correlation between the parameters characterizing fatigue crack growth rate was found.
Fractographic studies revealed an important role of graphite inclusions in the process of fracture. On the one hand, as stress raisers they favour the nucleation of microcracks while on the other hand, they cause local retardation of fatigue crack growth probably due to the residual compressive stress surrounding them. In the mid-range of the fatigue crack growth rate curve a correlation was found between fatigue striation (or blocks of striations) spacings and the crack growth rate.  相似文献   

Three-point bend and compact tension specimens, taken from beam sections of modern and older ordinary C–Mn structural steels, were tested at intermediate loading rates at room temperature and −30 °C. The experimental work, except the loading rates used, was performed according to ASTM E-813. In order to investigate transferability of data, full-scale beam sections were also tested at intermediate loading rates. The fracture toughness of C–Mn structural steels depends strongly on the loading rate, and decreases rapidly with increasing loading rate at and just above the maximum prescribed in ASTM E-813. Fracture toughness data for structures exposed to intermediate loading rates indicate the requirement for testing at appropriate loading rates. The behaviour of full-scale structural elements subjected to intermediate loading rates can, provided certain conditions are fulfilled, be predicted from data obtained from small laboratory specimens.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of fatigue crack growth and fatigue fracture toughness studies of a high-pressure vessel steel with particular emphasis on the influence of heat treatment, low temperatures, plastic prestraining, the stress ratio and specimen dimensions. It has been shown that steels in an embrittled state, caused primarily by thermal treatment and low-temperatures, exhibit unstable fatigue crack growth which is characterized by alternate crack jumps (cleavage zones) and zones of fatigue crack growth. The fatigue fracture toughness, which corresponds to the first crack jump, and final fracture can be appreciably lower (i.e. up to 50%) than the static fracture toughness under plane strain conditions at the corresponding temperature. An analysis has been performed of unstable and stable fatigue crack growth and a model of unstable crack propagation is proposed which accounts for the observed experimental behaviour.  相似文献   

该文使用数字图像相关方法实时观测三点弯试验中切口混凝土梁全场变形,分析混凝土梁断裂破坏过程中水平位移和应变的变化规律,基于切口处水平位移和应变变化规律确定起裂荷载,并研究冻融循环次数和纤维掺量对混凝土起裂韧度、失稳韧度、临界开口位移的影响,结果表明:对于C30混凝土而言,起裂韧度和失稳韧度随冻融次数的增加而减小,降幅约为0.6 MPa·m1/2~0.80 MPa·m1/2,两种韧度随玄武岩纤维掺量增加有小幅增加,最大增幅分别约为0.1 MPa·m1/2和0.2 MPa·m1/2,说明玄武岩纤维能提高C30混凝土的抗冻性,但提高程度是一定的,玄武岩纤维不能完全抑制冻融对混凝土的损伤;纤维掺量对失稳韧度的提高幅度要比起裂韧度大;起裂韧度增益比和失稳韧度增益比都随纤维掺量增加先增大后减小,两种韧度增益比均在纤维掺量为2.0 kg/m3时最大,因此,在混凝土强度等级为C30时,2.0 kg/m3可作为最佳纤维掺量;临界开口位移随冻融次数增加而增大,随纤维掺量变化效果不明显,与纤维增强作用相比冻融损伤是影响断裂过程变形性能的主要因素;最后在试验结果的基础上,建立了起裂韧度和失稳韧度随纤维掺量和冻融次数的拟合模型。  相似文献   

Axisymmetric notched bars with notch roots of large and small radius were tested under large strain cyclic loading. The main attention is focused on the fracture behaviour of steels having cycles to failure within the range 1-100. Our study shows that a gradual transition from a static ductile nature to one of fatigue cleavage can be observed and characterized by the Coffin-Manson formula in a generalized form. Both the triaxial tensile stress within the central region of specimens and static damage caused by the first increasing load have effects on the final failure event. A generalized cyclic strain range parameter δε is proposed as a measure of the numerous factors affecting behaviour. Fractographs are presented to illustrate the behaviour reported in the paper.  相似文献   

对六种不同厚度的试样进行了小冲孔试验,并进行了有限元模拟,此外还通过扫描电镜观察并分析了断裂面的微观结构。试验结果显示,试样的SP断裂变形能和断裂韧度随试样厚度的增大而增大。提出了裂纹起始遵循断裂应变准则及裂纹扩展遵循断裂能密度准则的观点。有限元模拟结果与试验结果基本吻合。断裂面呈典型的韧性断裂特征,试样变形后的半球状外表面布满微小的褶皱状突起和微裂纹。  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to investigate the elevated-temperature low-cycle fatigue characteristics of Type 304 stainless steel under biaxial loading, strain-controlled push-pull and torsional fatigue tests were conducted at 550°C under proportional and nonproportional loading conditions with phase differences of 0, α/6, α/4, α/3 and α/2 between the applied sinusoidal axial and torsional strains. Based on the experimental results, this study presents a discussion on fracture mechanisms and failure criteria. In the case of proportional loading, the fracture mode was found, from fractographic observations, to be classified into either Mode I or Mode II, while the fractures were of mixed mode under nonproportional loading. However, failure lives under both the loading conditions could be correlated well in this study with the equivalent shear strain range, Δy, defined by extending the β -plane theory of Brown and Miller. The failure life under nonproportional loading could also be predicted by applying a strain-energy-based approach.  相似文献   

通过对两种钢热处理后得到的三种材料组织的缺口试样在常温下进行了不同预加载荷的四点弯曲正反弯实验,以在缺口前引入不同的微孔洞损伤量,而后通过高温回火处理消除残余应力和加工硬化。随后在-196℃低温下进行弯曲断裂实验,通过力学参数测量和微观观察就初始损伤对不同钢组织缺口试样解理断裂韧性的影响进行了实验研究。研究表明,对于材料A和C,随预加载荷比P0/Pgy的增加,材料中的初始损伤量增加,从而使材料的缺口解理断裂韧性降低。其原因是初始损伤的长条形孔洞附近产生了局部高应力应变集中,促使了解理断裂过程的进行。细晶粒A材料的初始损伤量大,韧性下降幅度大。对于材料B,初始损伤主要为小尺寸的球形孔洞,并且其损伤量远小于材料A和C,故B材料的缺口解理断裂韧性几乎不随预加载荷比变化。  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper proposes possible mechanisms to explain the following experimental facts reported in the literature.
  • 1 Fracture toughness has little dependence on plate thickness in the low temperature range.
  • 2 In some steels, crack initiation sites are much closer to the crack tip than predicted in the transition temperature range by current theory.
The former was attributed to little difference between fracture toughness at crack initiation and that of crack arrest in the low temperature range, and the latter was explained by accounting for the plastic strain effect on crack initiation.  相似文献   

施刚  王珣  高阳  张勇 《工程力学》2018,35(8):30-38
为研究不同荷载作用下国产低屈服点钢的材料力学行为,对LY100、LY160及LY225钢材共46个试件进行了单调拉伸试验及12种不同加载制度的循环加载试验。对国产低屈服点钢的单调性能、滞回性能、破坏形式、延性特征等进行了分析,并与其他结构钢材的力学性能进行了对比。结果表明,低屈服点钢在循环荷载作用下有明显循环强化现象,塑性变形能力强,且与普通钢材相比延性及耗能能力突出。该试验结果为后续研究低屈服点钢本构模型提供基础。  相似文献   

Abstract— —An experimental procedure for obtaining material tensile and fracture toughness properties at rates applicable to shock loading is reported. A variant of the key curve approach to determine dynamic J -R curves is described and results are presented for a nickel aluminium bronze alloy for actuator loading rates in the range 0.75–7500 mm/s.  相似文献   

聚乙烯/橡胶共混物的断裂韧性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用单边缺口法研究了聚乙烯(PE)与顺丁橡胶(BR)共混物在裂纹亚稳临界扩展时的断裂韧性(G_(?))。结果表明,加入BR可以明显改善高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)的抗裂纹扩展能力,但对低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)的抗裂纹扩展能力有所降低。  相似文献   

Abstract— The cyclic stress-strain curves for 1% Cr-Mo-V steel and AISI 316 stainless steel were determined under biaxial loading conditions at various temperatures and strain rates. It is shown that these curves may be correlated in terms of the maximum shear stress and strain amplitudes. It is argued that, even though metals obey the von Mises yield criterion for monotonie loading, the micromechanisms of slip which produce the stabilized cyclic stress-strain behaviour are governed by the Tresca criterion.  相似文献   

Abstract— Microstructure and mechanical properties of HP (Hot Pressed), HP/GP (Gas Pressed), and HP/HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressed)—Si3N4 are studied using scanning electron microscopy, bending tests and the indentation fracture method. The grain diameter distribution is analyzed to clarify the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties; and also the bending strength and fracture toughness. It is shown that bending strength increases with decreasing grain diameter. The results also show that a Hall—Petch type of relationship is obtained between grain diameter and fracture strength. The fracture toughness shows a linear relationship with , where σF= bending strength, β= a proportionality factor and d a= average grain diameter, and is closely related to the aspect ratio of Si3N4 grains. It is concluded, from the morphological analysis, that a microstructure composed of Si3N4 grains, with both a small grain diameter and a large aspect ratio, is effective in improving both the fracture strength and fracture toughness.  相似文献   

车轮断裂韧性与组织和性能的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了车轮断裂韧性与组织性能的关系。结果表明,所分析的三个车轮中(分别编为D1,D2和E1),D1和D2车轮的KQ值分别比E1车轮的KQ值高30.0%和低14.5%。裂纹尖端延伸区宽度和铁素体百分含量与KQ值之间存在正相关关系,铬、Ceq和晶粒尺寸与KQ值之间存在负相关关系,珠光体片间距约为0.6μm时断裂韧性最高。  相似文献   

该文建立了由无缝试件确定混凝土和岩石断裂韧度的理论模型及其解析表达式。该模型考虑了混凝土骨料粒径与岩石颗粒尺寸的重要影响,仅需小尺寸无缝试件的峰值荷载,即可直接确定出无尺寸效应的混凝土与岩石的断裂韧度。进一步,进行了含不同裂缝长度的岩石试件的系列断裂试验,研究结果表明:基于该文模型由无缝试件确定的岩石断裂韧度,与采用含1 mm预制浅裂缝试件的确定结果相吻合,与基于回归分析方法由含不同长度预制裂缝试件确定的断裂韧度基本一致。同时,基于所提模型,对其他学者完成的岩石与混凝土无缝与含缝试件的试验成果进行了深入分析,验证了所提模型与方法的合理性及适用性。该文研究为由实验室小尺寸无缝试件确定混凝土与岩石无尺寸效应的断裂韧度提供了新思路。  相似文献   

A switch in the domain polarization direction near the tip of a flaw plays an important role in the fracture and fatigue of ferroelectrics under electric and mechanical loading. The present paper adopts a small-scale switching model with the domain switch based on the combined electric and mechanical work increment. The model is capable of explaining electric fracture, fracture toughness anisotropy and electric fatigue.  相似文献   

尹越  张松  韩庆华  马涛 《工程力学》2021,38(8):246-256
基于微观断裂力学的循环孔洞扩张模型是进行钢材超低周疲劳断裂分析的有效手段.通过光滑圆棒循环加载试验,确定了Q355钢混合强化模型材料参数;进行了不同加载方式下Q355钢单边缺口试件的超低周疲劳试验,确定了试件的超低周疲劳寿命及其断裂发展过程;建立了单边缺口试件有限元模型,基于有限元分析结果,采用循环孔洞扩张模型对试件的...  相似文献   

Abstract— Fracture toughness tests were performed in the ductile-brittle transition temperature range using 110 specimens of the three-point bend and CT types. Probabilistic characteristics of fracture toughness and cleavage crack initiation sites were analysed in detail, together with the fibrous crack shape, from which the plane strain region in the specimen was deduced. The criterion for obtaining plane strain at the mid plane of the specimen was established as: B ≤ 0.004{ K c( J )/σ y }2+ 0.01. The thickness effect of cleavage fracture toughness for the specimen satisfying this equation is mainly caused by the statistical distribution of the weakest points ahead of the crack front (the Weibull volume effect).  相似文献   

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