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Little research has been conducted to investigate the fate and transport of colloids in shallow overland flow through dense vegetation under unfavorable chemical conditions. In this work, the single collector attachment efficiency (α) of colloid capture by a simulated plant stem (i.e., cylindrical collector) in laminar overland flow was measured directly in laboratory flow chamber experiments. Fluorescent microspheres of two sizes were used as experimental colloids. The colloid suspensions flowed toward a glass cylindrical rod installed in a small size flow channel at different laminar flow rates. Different solution ionic strengths (IS) were used in the experiments to simulate unfavorable attachment conditions. Our results showed that α increased with IS and decreased with flow velocity. Existing theoretical and empirical models of colloid attachment efficiency for porous media were used to simulate the experimental measurements in α and found to fall short in matching the experimental data. A new dimensionless (regression) equation was proposed that predicts the α of colloid capture by a cylindrical collector in laminar overland flow with reasonable accuracy. In addition, the equation was also effective in predicting the attachment efficiency of colloid deposition in porous media.  相似文献   

Although colloid-facilitated contaminant transport in water flow is a well-known contamination process, little research has been conducted to investigate the transport of colloidal particles through emergent vegetation in overland flow. In this work, a series of laboratory experiments were conducted to measure the single-collector contact efficiency (η(0)) of colloid capture by a simulated plant stem in laminar lateral flow. Fluorescent microspheres of various sizes were used as experimental colloids. The colloid suspensions were applied to a glass cylinder installed in a small size flow chamber at different flow rates. Two cylinder sizes were tested in the experiment and silicone grease was applied to the cylinder surface to make it favorable for colloid deposition. Our results showed that increases in flow rate and collector size reduced the value of η(0) and a minimum value of η(0) might exist for a colloid size. The experimental data were compared to theoretical predictions of different single-collector contact efficiency models. The results indicated that existing single-collector contact efficiency models underestimated the η(0) of colloid capture by the cylinders in laminar overland flow. A regression equation of η(0) as a function of collector Reynolds number (Re(c)) and Peclet number (N(Pe)) was developed and fit the experimental data very well (R(2) > 0.98). This regression equation can be used to help construct and refine mathematical models of colloid transport and filtration in laminar overland flow on vegetated surfaces.  相似文献   

The emission of particulate matter and gaseous compounds during combustion of wood and refuse-derived fuel in a small batch reactor is investigated by laser mass-spectrometric on-line measurement techniques for gas-phase analysis and simultaneous registration of physical aerosol properties (number size distribution). The gas-phase composition is addressed by a laser-based mass spectrometric method, namely, vacuum-UV single-photon ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (VUV-SPI-TOFMS). Particle-size distributions are measured with a scanning mobility particle sizer. Furthermore, a photoelectric aerosol sensor is applied for detection of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The different phases of wood combustion are distinguishable by both the chemical profiles of gas-phase components (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAH) and the particle-size distribution. Furthermore, short disturbances of the combustion process due to air supply shortages are investigated regarding their effect on particle-size distribution and gas-phase composition, respectively. It is shown that the combustion conditions strongly influence the particle-size distribution as well as on the emission of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

An increasing number of researchers have hypothesized that ozone may be involved in the particle formation processes that occur during printing, however no studies have investigated this further. In the current study, this hypothesis was tested in a chamber study by adding supplemental ozone to the chamber after a print job without measurable ozone emissions. Subsequent particle number concentration and size distribution measurements showed that new particles were formed minutes after the addition of ozone. The results demonstrated that ozone did react with printer-generated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to form secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). The hypothesis was further confirmed by the observation of correlations among VOCs, ozone, and particles concentrations during a print job with measurable ozone emissions. The potential particle precursors were identified by a number of furnace tests, which suggested that squalene and styrene were the most likely SOA precursors with respect to ozone. Overall, this study significantly improved scientific understanding of the formation mechanisms of printer-generated particles, and highlighted the possible SOA formation potential of unsaturated nonterpene organic compounds by ozone-initiated reactions in the indoor environment.  相似文献   

The formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) produced from α-pinene, linalool, and limonene by ozonolysis was examined using a dynamic chamber system that allowed the simulation of ventilated indoor environments. Experiments were conducted at typical room temperatures and air exchange rates. Limonene ozonolysis produced the highest SOA mass concentrations and linalool the lowest with α-pinene being intermediate. Simplified empirical modeling simulations were conducted to provide insights into reaction chemistry. Assessment of variability of particle-bound reactive oxygen species (ROS) may be important in the understanding of health effects associated with particulate matter. The ROS intensities defined as ROS/SOA mass were found to be moderately correlated with the SOA densities. Greater ROS intensities were observed for the cases where ozone was in excess. ROS intensities approached a relatively constant value in the region where ozone was in deficit. The estimated initial ROS half-life time was approximately 6.5 h at room temperature suggesting the time sensitivity of ROS measurements. The ROS formed from terpenoid ozonolysis could be separated into three categories: short-lived/high reactive/volatile, semivolatile/relatively stable and nonvolatile/low reactive species based on ROS measurements under various conditions. Such physical characterization of the ROS in terms of reactivity and volatility provides some insights into the nature of ROS.  相似文献   

A static parallel electrode treatment chamber with tempered electrodes has been designed to obtain kinetics data on microbial inactivation by pulsed electric fields (PEF) at different temperatures at quasi-isothermal conditions. Distribution of the electric field strength and temperature within the treatment zone was estimated by a finite element method. A good agreement was observed between the temperatures estimated by numerical simulation and temperatures measured by a thermocouple in the treatment zone before and after the PEF treatments (values of RMSE below 3%). Influence of the treatment temperature on PEF inactivation (30 kV/cm) of Salmonella typhimurium was investigated at temperatures between 4 and 50 °C in media of pH 3.5 and 7.0. Treatment temperature had an important effect on microbial inactivation for both values of pH. At pH 3.5 the inactivation of S. typhimurium was irrelevant at 4 °C but about 1.5, 2.9, 4.0 and 5.0 Log10 reductions were obtained after 30 pulses (90 μs) at 15, 27, 38 and 50 °C, respectively. At pH 7.0, around two Log10 cycles of inactivation were observed after 50 pulses (150 μs) at 4 °C. At temperatures in the range between 15 and 50 °C the treatment temperature practically did not influence PEF resistance of S. typhimurium. A model based on the Weibull distribution adequately described kinetics of inactivation of S. typhimurium at different temperatures. The treatment chamber designed in the investigation could be useful to obtain kinetics data on PEF destruction of microorganisms or other components of interest at a uniform distribution of electric field strength and homogeneous and quasi-isothermal conditions in a wide range of temperatures.  相似文献   

Dynamic measures of air and vegetation concentrations in an exposure chamber and a two-box mass balance model are used to quantify factors that control the rate and extent of chemical partitioning between vegetation and the atmosphere. A continuous stirred flow-through exposure chamber was used to investigate the gas-phase transfer of pollutants between air and plants. A probabilistic two-compartment mass balance model of plant/air exchange within the exposure chamber was developed and used with measured concentrations from the chamber to simultaneously evaluate partitioning (Kpa), overall mass transfer across the plant/air interface (Upa), and loss rates in the atmosphere (Ra) and aboveground vegetation (Rp). The approach is demonstrated using mature Capsicum annuum (bell pepper) plants exposed to phenanthrene (PH), anthracene (AN), fluoranthene (FL) and pyrene (PY). Measured values of log Kpa (V[air]/V[fresh plant]) were 5.7, 5.7, 6.0, and 6.2 for PH, AN, FL, and PY, respectively. Values of Upa (m d(-1)) under the conditions of this study ranged from 42 for PH to 119 for FL. After correcting for wall effects, the estimated reaction half-lives in air were 3, 9, and 25 h for AN, FL and PY. Reaction half-lives in the plant compartment were 17, 6, 17, and 5 d for PH, AN, FL, and PY, respectively. The combined use of exposure chamber measurements and models provides a robust tool for simultaneously measuring several different transfer factors that are important for modeling the uptake of pollutants into vegetation.  相似文献   

Determining the major sources of particles that act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) represents a critical step in the development of a more fundamental understanding of aerosol impacts on cloud formation and climate. Reported herein are direct measurements of the CCN activity of newly formed ambient particles, measured at a remote rural site in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Northern California. Nucleation events in the winter of 2009 occurred during two pristine periods following precipitation, with higher gas-phase SO(2) concentrations during the second period, when faster particle growth occurred (7-8 nm/h). Amines, as opposed to ammonia, and sulfate were detected in the particle phase throughout new particle formation (NPF) events, increasing in number as the particles grew to larger sizes. Interestingly, long-range transport of SO(2) from Asia appeared to potentially play a role in NPF during faster particle growth. Understanding the propensity of newly formed particles to act as CCN is critical for predicting the effects of NPF on orographic cloud formation during winter storms along the Sierra Nevada Mountain range. The potential impact of newly formed particles in remote regions needs to be compared with that of transported urban aerosols when evaluating the impact of aerosols on clouds and climate.  相似文献   

The equilibrium tensile properties of urea-formaldehyde (UF)- and phenol-formaldehyde (PF)-bonded particle boards have been studied at moisture contents between 1 and 33% and at temperatures between ?15°C and +45°C. These conditions may occur e.g. during exterior use of the boards. The tensile strength and the modulus of elasticity decrease slightly while the strain at rupture increases slightly between 1% and 7% moisture content. These effects are similar for UF- and PF-bonded boards. Above 7% moisture content the tensile strength and the modulus of elasticity decrease markedly while the stretch at rupture increases with increasing moisture content. These changes are more pronounced for UF-bonded boards. The bending stiffness is less affected than the modulus of elasticity since the board thickness increases with increasing moisture content. The tensile properties are not significantly affected by the temperature at low moisture contents, but at high moisture contents the combined effects are more pronounced. The effect of moisture is generally stronger than that of temperature, in the range studied.  相似文献   

微流控芯片是由微流体系统中的驱动元件——微流体泵和控制元件——微流阀来实现微流体准确操纵。随着微流控芯片集成程度的不断提高,液体流道变得更加复杂且体积更加微小,如何在微小尺度上实现流体驱动和控制就成了芯片设计中的一个重点。文章针对微泵与微阀的国内外研究现状、关键技术及发展趋势进行阐述,旨在为相关产业的发展及技术研究等方面提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

不同树龄窄冠杨黑11纤维形态与制浆性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同树龄窄冠杨黑11的纤维形态与制浆性能进行了研究。研究发现,树龄对其纤维形态、抽出物含量都有一定影响。化学浆得率和强度性能随树龄增大而增大,而树龄对硬度影响较小。随树龄增大,SCMP和APMP的得率、白度和强度增大,而光散射系数和不透明度稍有降低;SCMP的H2O2漂白浆与未漂浆有相似的变化趋势。  相似文献   

This study describes a novel method for generation of an array of three-dimensional (3D) multicellular spheroids within a microchannel in patterned cultures containing one or multiple cell types. This method uses a unique property of a cross-linked albumin coated surface in which the surface can be switched from non-adhesive to cell adhesive upon electrostatic adsorption of a polycation. Introduction of a solution containing albumin and a cross-linking agent into a microchannel with an array of microwells caused the entire surface, with the exception of the interior of the microwells, to become coated with the cross-linked albumin layer. Cells that were seeded within the microchannel did not adhere to the surface of the microchannel and became entrapped in the microwells. HepG2 cells seeded in the microwells formed 3D spheroids with controlled sizes and shapes depending upon the dimensions of the microwells. When the albumin coated surface was subsequently exposed to an aqueous solution containing poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI), adhesion of secondary cells, fibroblasts, occurred in the regions surrounding the arrayed spheroids. This coculture system can be coupled with spatially controlled fluids such as gradients and focused flow generators for various biological and tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   

不同树龄三倍体毛白杨纤维形态与制浆性能   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
对成材期内不同树龄三倍体毛白杨的纤维形态与制浆性能进行了研究,同时测定了其主要化学成分.研究表明,各树龄之间化学成分差别较小,抽出物和戊聚糖含量随树龄增大稍有增大;纤维的加权平均长度差别较小,粗度逐渐增大,而细小组分随树龄增长其含量明显增大.该树种化学法(Soda-AQ和KP)和化学机械法(SCMP和APMP)制浆性能差异较小,这与化学成分和纤维形态的分析一致.综合各项性能,以5年树龄较优,同时不同树龄三倍体毛白杨可混合制浆,且纸浆质量无大的波动.  相似文献   

新型圆柱磨浆机的结构及其性能试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在老式圆柱磨浆机的基础上,开发了一种适合于打浆的新型圆柱式磨浆机。该文运用分析计算和实验研究相结合的手段与方法,对该机的结构、原理、性能和特点进行了深入的分析,特别是通过对新型磨浆机与传统双盘磨浆机在打浆性能和净能耗的对比实验研究,证明了该机不仅在结构、原料适应性以及操作维护等方面具有良好的特点,而且具有较好的打浆性能和节能效果,从而为该机的进一步推广应用打下良好基础。  相似文献   

Non-rubber components present in natural rubber (NR) latex, such as proteins and phospholipids, are presumed to be distributed in the serum fraction as well as surrounding the rubber particle surface. The phospholipid-protein layers covering the rubber particle surface are especially interesting due to their ability to enhance the colloidal stability of NR latex. In this study, we have characterized the components surrounding the NR particle surface and investigated their role in the colloidal stability of NR particles. Proteins from the cream fraction were proteolytically removed from the NR latex and compare to those from the serum fractions using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealing that both fractions contained similar proteins in certain molecular weights such as 14.5, 25 and 27 kDa. Phospholipids removed from latex by treatment with NaOH were analyzed using (1)H-NMR spectroscopy and several major signals were assignable to -(CH(2))(n)-, -CH(2)OP, -CH(2)OC═O and -OCH(2)CH(2)NH-. These signals are important evidence that indicates phospholipids associate with the rubber chain. The colloidal behavior of rubber lattices before and after removal of protein-lipid membrane was evaluated by zeta potential analysis and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The lowest zeta potential value of NR particles was observed at pH 10, consequently leading to the highest stability of rubber particles. Additionally, SEM micrographs clearly displayed a gray ring near the particle surface corresponding to the protein-lipid membrane layer.  相似文献   

In this work, we have developed and characterised a novel microfluidic immunoassay methodology for rapid and sensitive quantification of ZEA in feedstuffs samples. The detection of ZEA was carried out using a competitive direct immunoassay method based on the use of anti-ZEA monoclonal antibodies immobilized on magnetic microspheres 3-aminopropyl-modified manipulated for an external remobilize magnets. The ZEA in feedstuffs sample is allowed to compete with ZEA-horseradish peroxidase (HPR) conjugated for the immobilized anti-ZEA antibody. The HPR, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) catalyses the oxidation of 4-tert-butylcatechol (4-TBC) whose back electrochemical reduction was detected on gold electrode at 0.0 V. The calculated detection limits for electrochemical detection and ELISA procedure were 0.41 and 2.56 μg kg−1 respectively, the intra and inter-assay coefficients of variation were below 6.5% and the total assay time was 30 min. The microfluidic immunosensor showed higher sensitivity and lower detection limits than the standard ELISA method, which shows potential for detecting ZEA in foods and feeds diagnosis.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet disinfection systems employing excimer lamp technology represent a suitable choice in situations where lamp mercury content is restricted, or otherwise undesirable. The XeBr* excimer lamp emits nearly monochromatic radiation at 282 nm, and dose-response experiments with Bacillus subtilis spores have shown that it is germicidally effective. A numerical model was developed to describe the fluence rate (E') distribution emanating from a cylindrical XeBr* excimer lamp, based on liquid water or air as the surrounding medium. The E' distribution model is based on physical phenomena that are known to govern excimer lamps; the model also accounts for refraction, reflection, and absorbance effects of the quartz lamp envelope and the media surrounding the lamp. Measurements of the E' distribution by local actinometry supported the validity of the numerical model. This model can be used as a component (submodel) of a more general model to simulate the behavior of photochemical reactors that employ excimer lamps as their source of electromagnetic radiation.  相似文献   

The dextran molecular mass distribution profile in 77 sugar samples from Brazil and twelve insoluble deposits (alcoholic flocks) samples from sugared cachaças (Brazilian sugar cane spirit) is described in terms of number-average molecular mass Mn, weight-average molecular mass Mw, Z-average molecular mass Mz, and polydispersity. The analyses were performed by size-exclusion chromatography, using a refractive index detector. In most of the sugar samples, it was possible to identify two major groups of dextrans with Mw averages of 5 × 106 and 5 × 104 Da. Based on the evaluated parameters, the dextran distribution profile is about the same in samples analyzed over five seasons, and, therefore, it is likely that the Brazilian product pattern will not change very much over the years. In insoluble deposits from sugared cachaças, dextrans with Mw values in the order of the 105 Da were the most frequent ones, being present in 58% of the samples.  相似文献   

The occurrence and evolution of Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, Escherichia coli, and enterococci in 252 samples of six types of Mediterranean dry-ripened sausages during maturation was investigated. The changes of the pH values were also recorded. Samples were analyzed in three steps of the ripening process: fresh product, first drying stage, and finished product. In all six sausages, Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, and E. coli counts were characterized by high initial concentrations that significantly decreased during ripening. However, the initial counts of enterococci remained stable throughout the experiments in all sausages types. The average pH values of finished sausages ranged from 4.54 to 5.31.  相似文献   

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