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To determine the effect of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) added to bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) sheets on bone formation at an ectopic site. We isolated MSCs and ADSCs from the same rabbits. We then prepared MSC sheets for implantation with or without ADSCs subcutaneously in the backs of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. We assessed bone formation at eight weeks after implantation by micro-computed tomography and histological analysis. In osteogenic medium, MSCs grew to form multilayer sheets containing many calcium nodules. MSC sheets without ADSCs formed bone-like tissue; although neo-bone and cartilage-like tissues were sparse and unevenly distributed by eight weeks after implantation. In comparison, MSC sheets with ADSCs promoted better bone regeneration as evidenced by the greater density of bone, increased mineral deposition, obvious formation of blood vessels, large number of interconnected ossified trabeculae and woven bone structures, and greater bone volume/total volume within the composite constructs. Our results indicate that although sheets of only MSCs have the potential to form tissue engineered bone at an ectopic site, the addition of ADSCs can significantly increase the osteogenic potential of MSC sheets. Thus, the combination of MSC sheets with ADSCs may be regarded as a promising therapeutic strategy to stimulate bone regeneration.  相似文献   

Traumatic peripheral nerve lesions affect hundreds of thousands of patients every year; their consequences are life-altering and often devastating and cause alterations in movement and sensitivity. Spontaneous peripheral nerve recovery is often inadequate. In this context, nowadays, cell therapy represents one of the most innovative approaches in the field of nerve repair therapies. The purpose of this systematic review is to discuss the features of different types of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) relevant for peripheral nerve regeneration after nerve injury. The published literature was reviewed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A combination of the keywords “nerve regeneration”, “stem cells”, “peripheral nerve injury”, “rat”, and “human” were used. Additionally, a “MeSH” research was performed in PubMed using the terms “stem cells” and “nerve regeneration”. The characteristics of the most widely used MSCs, their paracrine potential, targeted stimulation, and differentiation potentials into Schwann-like and neuronal-like cells are described in this paper. Considering their ability to support and stimulate axonal growth, their remarkable paracrine activity, their presumed differentiation potential, their extremely low immunogenicity, and their high survival rate after transplantation, ADSCs appear to be the most suitable and promising MSCs for the recovery of peripheral nerve lesion. Clinical considerations are finally reported.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are self-renewable, rapidly proliferating, multipotent stem cells which reside in almost all post-natal tissues. MSCs possess potent immunoregulatory properties and, in juxtacrine and paracrine manner, modulate phenotype and function of all immune cells that participate in tissue repair and regeneration. Additionally, MSCs produce various pro-angiogenic factors and promote neo-vascularization in healing tissues, contributing to their enhanced repair and regeneration. In this review article, we summarized current knowledge about molecular mechanisms that regulate the crosstalk between MSCs and immune cells in tissue repair and regeneration.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that give rise to various cell types of the mesodermal germ layer. Because of their unique ability to home in on injured and cancerous tissues, MSCs are of great potential in regenerative medicine. MSCs also contribute to reparative processes in different pathological conditions, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. However, many studies have shown that only a small proportion of transplanted MSCs can actually survive and be incorporated into host tissues. The effects of MSCs cannot be fully explained by their number. Recent discoveries suggest that microparticles (MPs) derived from MSCs may be important for the physiological functions of their parent. Though the physiological role of MSC-MPs is currently not well understood, inspiring results indicate that, in tissue repair and anti-cancer therapy, MSC-MPs have similar pro-regenerative and protective properties as their cellular counterparts. Thus, MSC-MPs represent a promising approach that may overcome the obstacles and risks associated with the use of native or engineered MSCs.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are classified as advanced therapy medicinal products, a new category of GMP (good manufacturing practice)-compliant medicines for clinical use. We isolated MSCs from 5 bone marrow (BM) samples using human platelet lysate (HPL) instead of foetal bovine serum (FBS). We used a new method of HPL production consisting of treating platelet (PLTs) pools with Ca-Gluconate to form a gel clot, then mechanically squeezing to release growth factors. We compared the new HPL (HPL-S) with the standard (HPL-E) obtained by freezing/thawing cycles and by adding heparin. HPL-S had not PLTs and fibrinogen but the quantity of proteins and growth factors was comparable to HPL-E. Therefore, HPL-S needed fewer production steps to be in compliance with GMP conditions. The number of colonies forming unit-fibroblasts (CFU-F) and the maintenance of stem markers showed no significant differences between MSCs with HPL-E and HPL-S. The cumulative population doubling was higher in MSCs with HPL-E in the earlier passages, but we observed an inverted trend of cell growth at the fourth passage. Immunophenotypic analysis showed a significant lower expression of HLA-DR in the MSCs with HPL-S (1.30%) than HPL-E (14.10%). In conclusion, we demonstrated that HPL-S is an effective alternative for MSC production under GMP conditions.  相似文献   

Degenerative retinal disease is one of the major causes of vision loss around the world. The past several decades have witnessed emerging development of stem cell treatment for retinal disease. Nevertheless, sourcing stem cells remains controversial due to ethical concerns and their rarity. Furthermore, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are both isolated from patients’ mature tissues; thus, issues such as avoiding moral controversy and adverse events related to immunosuppression and obtaining a large number of cells have opened a new era in regenerative medicine. This review focuses on the current application and development, clinical trials, and latest research of stem cell therapy, as well as its limitations and future directions.  相似文献   

Rapid growth of the geriatric population has been made possible with advancements in pharmaceutical and health sciences. Hence, age-associated diseases are becoming more common. Aging encompasses deterioration of the immune system, known as immunosenescence. Dysregulation of the immune cell production, differentiation, and functioning lead to a chronic subclinical inflammatory state termed inflammaging. The hallmarks of the aging immune system are decreased naïve cells, increased memory cells, and increased serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation is a promising solution to halt immunosenescence as the cells have excellent immunomodulatory functions and low immunogenicity. This review compiles the present knowledge of the causes and changes of the aging immune system and the potential of MSC transplantation as a regenerative therapy for immunosenescence.  相似文献   

Mechanotransduction is the process by which physical force is converted into a biochemical signal that is used in development and physiology; meanwhile, it is intended for the ability of cells to sense and respond to mechanical forces by activating intracellular signals transduction pathways and the relative phenotypic adaptation. It encompasses the role of mechanical stimuli for developmental, morphological characteristics, and biological processes in different organs; the response of cells to mechanically induced force is now also emerging as a major determinant of disease. Due to fluid shear stress caused by blood flowing tangentially across the lumen surface, cells of the cardiovascular system are typically exposed to a variety of mechanotransduction. In the body, tissues are continuously exposed to physical forces ranging from compression to strain, which is caused by fluid pressure and compressive forces. Only lately, though, has the importance of how forces shape stem cell differentiation into lineage-committed cells and how mechanical forces can cause or exacerbate disease besides organizing cells into tissues been acknowledged. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are potent mediators of cardiac repair which can secret a large array of soluble factors that have been shown to play a huge role in tissue repair. Differentiation of MSCs is required to regulate mechanical factors such as fluid shear stress, mechanical strain, and the rigidity of the extracellular matrix through various signaling pathways for their use in regenerative medicine. In the present review, we highlighted mechanical influences on the differentiation of MSCs and the general factors involved in MSCs differentiation. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the progress that has been achieved in understanding how MSCs perceive and react to their mechanical environment, as well as to highlight areas where more research has been performed in previous studies to fill in the gaps.  相似文献   

Despite the recent explosion of investigations on dental pulp regeneration using various tissue engineering strategies, the translation of the findings from such studies into therapeutic applications has not been properly achieved. The purpose of this scoping review was to systematically review the efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for dental pulp regeneration. A literature search was conducted using five electronic databases from their inception to January 2021 and supplemented by hand searches. A total of 17 studies, including two clinical trials and 15 animal studies using orthotopic pulp regeneration models, were included for the review. The risk of bias for the individual studies was assessed. This scoping review demonstrated that the regeneration of vascularized pulp-like tissue was achieved using the stem cell transplantation strategy in animal models. Autologous cell transplantation in two clinical studies also successfully regenerated vascularized vital tissue. Dental pulp stem cell subpopulations, such as mobilized dental pulp stem cells, injectable scaffolds such as atelocollagen, and a granulocyte-colony forming factor, were the most commonly used for pulp regeneration. The overall risk of bias was unclear for animal studies and was moderate or judged to raise some concerns for clinical studies. More high-quality clinical studies are needed to further determine the safety and efficacy of the stem cell transplantation strategy for dental pulp regeneration.  相似文献   

It is well known that the properties of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSCs), such as their self-renewal ability and multipotency, are maintained through interactions with mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs). MSCs are rare cells that are present in the bone marrow and are useful for clinical applications due to their functional ability. To obtain the necessary number of cells, MSCs must be cultured to expand, but this causes a remarkable decrease in stem cell properties, such as multipotency and proliferation ability. In this study, we show that the c-Mpl signal, which is related to the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells, has an important effect on the proliferation and differentiation ability of MSCs. Utilizing a co-culture system comprising MSCs and HSCs, it is suggested that signaling from hematopoietic cells to MSCs supports cell proliferation. Interestingly, the enhanced proliferation ability of the HSCs was decreased in c-Mpl knock-out HSCs (c-Mpl-KO). In addition, the MSCs co-cultured with c-Mpl-KO HSCs had reduced MSC marker expression (PDGFRa and Sca-1) compared to the MSCs co-cultured with c-Mpl-wild-type HSCs. These results suggest that a hematopoietic–mesenchymal signal exists, and that the state of the HSCs is important for the stability of MSC properties.  相似文献   

There remains a vital necessity for new therapeutic approaches to combat metastatic cancers, which cause globally over 8 million deaths per year. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) display aptitude as new therapeutic choices for cancer treatment. Exosomes, the most important mediator of MSCs, regulate tumor progression. The potential of harnessing exosomes from MSCs (MSCs-Exo) in cancer therapy is now being documented. MSCs-Exo can promote tumor progression by affecting tumor growth, metastasis, immunity, angiogenesis, and drug resistance. However, contradictory evidence has suggested that MSCs-Exo suppress tumors through several mechanisms. Therefore, the exact association between MSCs-Exo and tumors remains controversial. Accordingly, the applications of MSCs-Exo as novel drug delivery systems and standalone therapeutics are being extensively explored. In addition, engineering MSCs-Exo for targeting tumor cells has opened a new avenue for improving the efficiency of antitumor therapy. However, effective implementation in the clinical trials will need the establishment of standards for MSCs-Exo isolation and characterization as well as loading and engineering methods. The studies outlined in this review highlight the pivotal roles of MSCs-Exo in tumor progression and the promising potential of MSCs-Exo as therapeutic drug delivery vehicles for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent; non-hematopoietic stem cells. Because of their immunoregulatory abilities; MSCs are widely used for different clinical applications. Compared with that of other immune cells; the investigation of how MSCs specifically regulate B-cells has been superficial and insufficient. In addition; the few experimental studies on this regulation are often contradictory. In this review; we summarize the various interactions between different types or states of MSCs and B-cells; address how different types of MSCs and B-cells affect this interaction and examine how other immune cells influence the regulation of B-cells by MSCs. Finally; we hypothesize why there are conflicting results on the interaction between MSCs and B-cells in the literature.  相似文献   

Application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in regenerative therapeutic procedures is becoming an increasingly important topic in medicine. Since the first isolation of dental tissue-derived MSC, there has been an intense investigation on the characteristics and potentials of these cells in regenerative dentistry. Their multidifferentiation potential, self-renewal capacity, and easy accessibility give them a key role in stem cell-based therapy. So far, several different dental stem cell types have been discovered and their potential usage is found in most of the major dental medicine branches. These cells are also researched in multiple fields of medicine for the treatment of degenerative and inflammatory diseases. In this review, we summarized dental MSC sources and analyzed their treatment modalities with particular emphasis on temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJ OA).  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, autoimmune, inflammatory demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system that leads to permanent neurological deficits. Current MS treatment regimens are insufficient to treat the irreversible neurological disabilities. Tremendous progress in the experimental and clinical applications of cell-based therapies has recognized stem cells as potential candidates for regenerative therapy for many neurodegenerative disorders including MS. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSCs) derived precursor cells can modulate the autoimmune response in the central nervous system (CNS) and promote endogenous remyelination and repair process in animal models. This review highlights studies involving the immunomodulatory and regenerative effects of mesenchymal stem cells and iPSCs derived cells in animal models, and their translation into immunomodulatory and neuroregenerative treatment strategies for MS.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells reside under precise hypoxic conditions that are paramount in determining cell fate and behavior (metabolism, proliferation, differentiation, etc.). In this work, we show that different oxygen tensions promote a distinct proliferative response and affect the biosynthetic demand and global metabolic profile of umbilical cord-mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs). Using both gas-based strategies and CoCl2 as a substitute for the costly hypoxic chambers, we found that specific oxygen tensions influence the fate of UC-MSCs differently. While 5% O2 potentiates proliferation, stimulates biosynthetic pathways, and promotes a global hypermetabolic profile, exposure to <1% O2 contributes to a quiescent-like cell state that relies heavily on anaerobic glycolysis. We show that using CoCl2 as a hypoxia substitute of moderate hypoxia has distinct metabolic effects, when compared with gas-based strategies. The present study also highlights that, while severe hypoxia regulates global translation via mTORC1 modulation, its effects on survival-related mechanisms are mainly modulated through mTORC2. Therefore, the experimental conditions used in this study establish a robust and reliable hypoxia model for UC-MSCs, providing relevant insights into how stem cells are influenced by their physiological environment, and how different strategies of modulating hypoxia may influence experimental outcomes.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have emerged as a promising therapeutic approach for diverse diseases and injuries. The biological and clinical advantages of human fetal MSCs (hfMSCs) have recently been reported. In terms of promising therapeutic approaches for diverse diseases and injuries, hfMSCs have gained prominence as healing tools for clinical therapies. Therefore, this review assesses not the only biological advantages of hfMSCs for healing human diseases and regeneration, but also the research evidence for the engraftment and immunomodulation of hfMSCs based on their sources and biological components. Of particular clinical relevance, the present review also suggests the potential therapeutic feasibilities of hfMSCs for musculoskeletal disorders, including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and osteogenesis imperfecta.  相似文献   

Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the leading causes of acute liver injury. Many factors may contribute to the susceptibility of patients to this condition, making DILI a global medical problem that has an impact on public health and the pharmaceutical industry. The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been at the forefront of regenerative medicine therapies for many years, including MSCs for the treatment of liver diseases. However, there is currently a huge gap between these experimental approaches and their application in clinical practice. In this concise review, we focus on the pathophysiology of DILI and highlight new experimental approaches conceived to improve cell-based therapy by the in vitro preconditioning of MSCs and/or the use of cell-free products as treatment for this liver condition. Finally, we discuss the advantages of new approaches, but also the current challenges that must be addressed in order to develop safer and more effective procedures that will allow cell-based therapies to reach clinical practice, enhancing the quality of life and prolonging the survival time of patients with DILI.  相似文献   

A subpopulation of mesenchymal stem cells, developmentally derived from multipotent neural crest cells that form multiple facial tissues, resides within the dental pulp of human teeth. These stem cells show high proliferative capacity in vitro and are multipotent, including adipogenic, myogenic, osteogenic, chondrogenic, and neurogenic potential. Teeth containing viable cells are harvested via minimally invasive procedures, based on various clinical diagnoses, but then usually discarded as medical waste, indicating the relatively low ethical considerations to reuse these cells for medical applications. Previous studies have demonstrated that stem cells derived from healthy subjects are an excellent source for cell-based medicine, tissue regeneration, and bioengineering. Furthermore, stem cells donated by patients affected by genetic disorders can serve as in vitro models of disease-specific genetic variants, indicating additional applications of these stem cells with high plasticity. This review discusses the benefits, limitations, and perspectives of patient-derived dental pulp stem cells as alternatives that may complement other excellent, yet incomplete stem cell models, such as induced pluripotent stem cells, together with our recent data.  相似文献   

Therapy with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is promising in many diseases. Evaluation of their efficacy depends on adequate follow-up of MSCs after transplantation. Several studies have shown that MSCs can be labeled and subsequently visualized with magnetic nanoparticles (NPs). We investigated the homing of MSCs labeled with magnetic cobalt ferrite NPs in experimentally induced acute kidney injury in mice. To explore the homing of MSCs after systemic infusion into mice, we developed a pre-infusion strategy for optimal tracing and identification of MSCs with polyacrylic acid-coated cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) NPs by light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in various organs of mice with cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury and control mice. By correlative microscopy, we detected MSCs labeled with NPs in the lungs, spleen, kidney, and intestine of cisplatin-treated mice and in the lungs and spleen of control mice. Our results confirm that labeling MSCs with metal NPs did not affect the ultrastructure of MSCs and their ability to settle in various organs. This study demonstrates the usefulness of cobalt ferrite NPs in ex vivo visualization of MSCs and offers correlative microscopy as a useful method in routine histopathology laboratories for tracing MSCs in paraffin-embedded tissue.  相似文献   

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