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大规模开放在线课堂的兴起给高等教育的全球化提供了契机。与大规模参与用户形成鲜明对比的是,目前课程普遍存在完成率不足的问题。造成学生退出的原因之一是学习者缺乏合适的学习伙伴相互交流以及时解决学习中遇到的问题。分析了开放课程中论坛用户的身份特征和学生用户在论坛讨论过程中的行为模式,建立了学习者行为特征模型和学生在讨论过程中形成的关系网络。根据课程内容建立关键词词典,并以此为主题词,提出了一种具有固定主题词的主题模型,进而推断关系网络潜在的主题分布,最终根据主题分布结果为学习者推荐学习伙伴。通过分析Coursera课程平台的真实数据,证明了该学习伙伴推荐方法能有效地挖掘出主题相关的学习者,为学习者相互推荐学习伙伴,在一定程度上将有助于提高学习者的积极性。  相似文献   

赵康 《福建电脑》2021,37(4):29-32
移动设备的普及使得学生的学习方式发生了根本性的变化。研究移动学习对学生的学习行为和学习效果的影响,有助于完善和改进大规模开放在线课程(MOOC)。本文采用定量研究分析方法对MOOC平台数据进行统计分析。结果表明,采用移动学习的学生对学习材料的参与度较高,并且完成课程学习的频率也较高。  相似文献   

针对职业院校Web前端设计在线开放课程自主学习运行效果未能被充分挖掘和利用的问题,笔者以江西信息应用职业技术学院Web前端设计在线开放课程自主学习运行效果为视角,通过对408名学生进行问卷调查,对大学生Web前端设计在线学习态度、在线学习能力等调查和分析。研究分析学生在线自主学习中存在的问题和缺点,便于后期进行针对性改进。  相似文献   

随着大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)平台的广泛使用,需要一种有效的方法为用户推荐个性化课程。针对现有的课程推荐方法通常利用课程学习记录为用户的学习兴趣建立整体的静态表示,但忽略了学习兴趣动态变化与用户短期学习兴趣的问题,提出一种分层分期的注意力网络(HPAN)进行个性化课程推荐。该网络的第1层利用注意力网络得到用户的长短期学习兴趣,第2层将用户的长短期学习兴趣和短期交互序列相结合并通过注意力网络得到用户的兴趣向量;然后计算用户兴趣向量与每个课程向量的偏好值,据此为用户进行课程推荐。在XuetangX(学堂在线)公开数据集上的实验结果表明,与次优的序列分层注意力网络(SHAN)模型相比,HPAN模型的Recall@5提高了12.7%,与FPMC(Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains)模型相比,它的MRR@20提高了15.6%。HPAN模型的推荐效果优于对比模型,可解决实际的个性化课程推荐。  相似文献   

针对高职学生在线学习行为研究不足的问题,利用Excel、SPSS软件对广东省某高职学校《计算机应用基础》课程学生在线学习情况进行统计和分析,并探索在线学习行为与学习效果之间的内在联系。研究结果表明:不同性别、专业背景的高职学生在线学习行为方面有所差异;高职学生学习行为与学习效果之间存在不同程度的相关性。并对提升高职课程教学质量提出建议。  相似文献   

针对目前在线学习系统中存在的不足,探讨如何有效地运用数据挖掘技术建立智慧的在线学习系统.从大量的用户数据中挖掘出关联关系,用以提供全面个性化、定制化的学习过程序列.利用数据挖掘着重发现用户与课程之间、课程与课程之间、用户与用户间的关联,形成一个多维度的网络.利用多维度推荐为用户推荐有价值的课程.实验表明多维度推荐具有良好的准确性和良好的用户体验.  相似文献   

在线学习由于不受时空限制而愈来愈流行.如何从成千上万的在线课程中选择合适课程是在线学习者面临的极大挑战,在线课程推荐应运而生.但现有课程推荐系统仍面临2个主要问题:1)不同用户具有不同的学习能力和需求.因此,需要仔细考虑用户对不同课程的适合度,否则可能会导致推荐的课程难度太大.2)目前的课程推荐方法忽略了推荐课程与用户已学课程之间存在的可搭配关系,可能导致不合适的推荐.针对以上2个问题,首先深入分析了用户的学习特征、类型及其对不同课程的学习适合度;同时,利用课程的共同被选频率,对不同课程之间的可搭配关系进行探究.基于以上2个方面,提出了一种结合用户适合度和课程搭配度的课程推荐模型(user-suitability and course-matching aware course recommendation model, SMCR).在CN(canvas network)数据集和MOOC(massive open online courses)数据集上进行的对比实验结果表明,该方法可以达到更高的推荐准确性,而且SMCR模型能够向用户推荐既适合其学习又与其已学课程可以进行搭配的课程.  相似文献   

秦燕 《互联网周刊》2023,(13):84-86
在线课程作为在线教育的一种形式,在我国高校已经得到了广泛应用,它具有开放性、交互性和个性化等特点,给学生提供了更加广阔的学习空间。在线课程的搭建需要借助大数据技术进行辅助支持,以实现对用户信息和教学过程的有效管理。这就要求教师在使用线上资源时必须具备一定的数据分析能力和处理手段,收集并分析学生学习行为数据,建立适合学生特点的个性化教学模式。本文从个体学习者视角研究在线课程的设计与评价问题,通过分析在线课程设计过程中涉及的学习资源、学习活动和学习效果等要素及其相互关系,构建完整的在线课程设计框架体系。  相似文献   

陈晋音  方航  林翔  郑海斌  杨东勇  周晓 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z11):422-426, 452
随着在线课程和线上学习的普及,大量的在线学习行为数据被积累。如何利用数据挖掘技术分析积累的大数据,从而为教学决策和学习优化提供服务,已经成为新的研究重点。文中分析了在线学习的行为特征,挖掘学习者的性格特征与学习效率的关系,实现个性化学习方法推荐。首先,提取在线学习行为特征,并提出了一种基于BP神经网络的学习成绩预测方法,通过分析在线学习行为特征,预测其相应的线下学习成绩;其次,为了进一步分析学习者的在线学习行为与成绩的关系,提出了基于实际熵的在线学习行为规律性分析,通过分析学习者的在线学习行为,定义并计算相应的实际熵值来评估个体的学习行为规律性,从而分析规律性与最终成绩的关系;再次,基于Felder-Silverman性格分类法获得学习者的性格特征,对学习者实现基于K-means的聚类分析获得相似学习者的类别,将学习成绩较优的学习者的在线学习习惯推荐给同一类别的其他学习者,从而提高学习者的在线学习效率;最终,以某在线课程平台的实际数据为实验对象,分别实现在线学习行为特征提取、线下成绩预测、学习规律性分析和个性化学习推荐,从而验证了所提方法的有效性和应用价值。  相似文献   

建筑课程是一门应用性较强的课程,成人培训中在线建筑课程建设仍旧处于起步阶段,本研究以建筑课程在线开放课程建设作为抓手,试图打造出优质在线成人培训品牌性课程,构建出在线平台的建筑课程框架。首先对成人培训学习者对建筑课程在线开放课程建设的想法进行了调研,其次依据调研结果进行了在线课程模块的设计,最后通过具体的应用,验证了在线开放课程所取得的效果。  相似文献   

Technologies bring a new era of content presentation for online teaching and learning. With more instructors adopting new tools to design online teaching materials, students are often put into learning contexts with certain new design components. Assessing learner experience and outcome in these contexts is challenging because of the complexity involved, as social and individual factors and behavioural impacts of using the new components have to be considered. Few studies have been reported in the literature identifying behavioural factors of learners' online learning experience when they interact with the content. Factors that affect learners' online learning experience, especially the affect factors, are less understood. This study therefore proposed and tested a model that explains the relationships among the affect factors and outcome behaviours of participants' online learning experience, taking into account individual difference, and employing a comparison based on a difference in content presentation. The data were collected from a professional training course offered by a university in the United States. The results support the assumption that time spent in study affects learning outcome and other outcome related behaviours. Also, positive relations between perceived quality of content design and outcome behaviour were found, indicating the effects of sense of presence and feeling of enjoyment on performance of creative tasks. The study intends to foster a deeper understanding of motivation and behaviours of online learning under innovative content design.  相似文献   

教育信息化促进了高职院校精品资源在线开放课的建设研究与实践,为学生个性化、自主化和协同学习提供了 网络平台和空间,以基站运行与维护课程建设为例,从课程建设总体目标、课程架构、课程内容建设的方式、各单元教学设计、 三种类别教学资源建设、教学资源平台选择等方面阐述了在线开放课程建设的思路和实施方案。  相似文献   

在提倡信息化教学及泛在学习背景之下,该研究对Moodle平台、网络课程建设的“核心要素”进行了优势点剖析。在两者特征分析基础上,找到两者的耦合点,试图以Moodle为网络课程建设平台载体,以“学习活动为中心”为理念,兼顾学习的效果及交互性现实体验,从而提出基于Moodle平台网络课程建设的设计方案,优化远程教学效果。  相似文献   

A massive, open, online course (MOOC) is a form of computer‐based learning that offers open access, internet‐based education for unlimited numbers of participants. However, the general quality and utility of MOOCs has been criticized. Most MOOCs have been structured with minimal consideration of relevant aspects of human cognitive architecture and instructional design principles. This paper suggests cognitive load theory, with its roots embedded in our knowledge of human cognitive architecture and evolutionary educational psychology, is ideally placed to provide instructional design principles for all forms of computer‐based learning, including MOOCs. The paper outlines the theory and indicates instructional design principles that could be used to structure online learning and to provide an appropriate base for instructional design when using computer‐based learning.  相似文献   

This study, based on an online instruction via the web conferencing system, explores extraneous cognitive load and its influence on the learning process. Sixty-two sophomore students who enrolled in an online introductory programming course participated in the study. An observation form was used to analyse the course records in video format. Interviews with selected participants were conducted in order to clarify the students’ behaviours during the instructional process. The results indicated that the extraneous cognitive load elements (coherence, redundancy, modality, signalling, and temporal-spatial contiguity) influenced the instructional process. The results suggested that, in web conferencing systems extraneous cognitive load appeared not only from design features of multimedia materials but also the delivery settings. Future work is needed to put forward the influences of the load elements caused in various platforms. The implications and suggestions for instructors who plan to design and teach online courses via web conferencing were also provided.  相似文献   

陈卓艳  仇丽青 《软件》2020,(4):282-285
为提高高校学生程序设计能力,构建了基于在线开放课程+OJ的程序设计类课程教学模式。以网络平台资源建设、课堂和课下教学活动设计、教学评价方法和实践教学方法为主要内容,并探讨该模式在程序设计类课程教学中的应用效果。实践结果证明,该模式激发了学生的学习兴趣和热情,改善了课堂教学质量,很大程度的提高了学生的编程能力。  相似文献   

With the increased affordances of synchronous communication tools, more opportunities for online learning to resemble face‐to‐face settings have recently become available. However, synchronous communication does not afford as much time for reflection as asynchronous communication. Therefore, a combination of synchronous and asynchronous communication in e‐learning would seem desirable to optimally support learner engagement and the quality of student learning. It is still an open question though, how to best design online learning with a blend of synchronous and asynchronous communication opportunities over time. Few studies have investigated the relationship between learners' actual use of synchronous and asynchronous communication over time. Therefore, this study addressed that relationship in an online course (N = 110), taking into account student motivation, and employing a dynamic inter‐temporal perspective. In line with our assumptions, we found some support for the expected association between autonomous motivation and engagement in asynchronous and synchronous communication, be it restricted primarily to the first course period. Also, positive relations between engagement in synchronous and asynchronous communication were found, with the strongest influence from using asynchronous to synchronous communication. This study adds to the knowledge base needed to develop guidelines on how synchronous communication can be combined with asynchronous learning.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展,网络课程逐渐趋于成熟和实用,它具有交互性、共享性、开放性、协作性和自主性等基本特征。网络课程的交互性与学习者的学习质量有着因果联系。建构主义理论强调学习环境的四大要素包括情境、协作、交互、意义建构,对网络课程的交互研究有很大帮助。  相似文献   

This study focused on the use of reflective learning e-journals in a university web-based English as a foreign language (EFL) course. In the study, a multimedia-based English programme comprising fifteen different units was delivered online as a one-semester instructional course. Ninety-eight undergraduate students participated, and they were divided into two groups: the treatment group used reflective learning e-journals, while the control group completed content-related exercises. The study investigated the effects of reflective learning e-journals and how students used them to aid learning. Results show that when learning from web-based instruction, students who used reflective learning e-journals outperformed students who did not do so in terms of reading comprehension. Using reflective e-journals improved the academic performance of learners in the online course. In addition, journal writing students claimed that they also improved their organisational skills and writing abilities through their reflective learning e-journal writing and found the journal writing to be a very helpful tool in reviewing the course and preparing for the exam.  相似文献   

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